Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 29.08.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

The Incredible Saga Of Slaver Zoda 11

Chapter Eleven — Testing The Bird Costume 

Finished with their lecherous and refreshing sexual diversion at the bath, creatively claiming the lives of two naked children and a dancer, Zoda and the Senator summoned the harness maker, the blacksmith and the goldsmith. The three men were all burly and nearly muscle-bound, and they looked the part.

Four neutered male slaves, lacking their penises and scrotums, with just a dimple in which their urethra was housed from which they could piss, the four black male slaves carried two large boxes, supported on long poles that were harnessed together with cross-braces to form a pair of litters. One appeared to be heavier than the other.

They placed the large litter on the floor, and the goldsmith opened one of the boxes. As the lid came off, it was revealed that curled tightly in the red velvet-lined box was a beautiful young Nubian woman, stark naked. Zoda guessed her to be no more than fourteen or fifteen years old. She was a spectacular specimen, with velvety smooth skin and an incredible figure, with large well-formed breasts.

The Senator told Zoda that he had personally selected this young cunt to stand in for the Princess slave. She was in his opinion a perfect match for both size and stature. Her measurements were identical to those of the captive princess, which made her a perfect stand-in for the practicality and usefulness of the bizarre bird costume.

Her name was Liana, although that mattered little, and she was one of a new shipment of gorgeous harem slaves that had been procured to stock Caesar’s private harem. The keeper of the harem had rejected her because, through over-use, her vagina muscles had prolapsed, and the inner fuck muscle had stretched so severely that she could grip nothing in it, not even a melon. She was useless to fuck.

From the exterior her sex organ appeared to be perfectly normal, a pretty tight cunt, so she was useful at least to try out the leather armor designed for the Princess. She uncurled her lithe body as she stood, and when she stepped gracefully out of the box and stood up to her full height, she revealed and beautifully displayed her tall slender body with large firm breasts.

Zoda noted with approval that she was exactly the size and build as his prize slave, the Royal Princess Uterissa. She would do well to model and test the outfit designed for the Royal Princess, without the danger of damaging the real subject, should the remarkable outfit require being taken off for adjustment.

The beautiful fair-skinned young Negroid girl was naked and wore stout steel cuffs on her wrists and ankles. These coarse cuffs had a pair of steel loops bolted onto each of them, to allow for attachment of large-linked restraining chains. These were of the cheap single-use manufacture type that could not be removed.

Their advantage was that they were thin and unobtrusive while being sturdy. They were usually used on domestic or labor slaves, and when no longer needed, often before they were killed, the slave’s hands and feet were cut off to salvage the metal. The blacksmith attached heavy chains to her cuffs, and she was stretched out spread-eagled.

Her wrist cuffs were chained to wide-spread ceiling hooks and her ankle cuffs to equally wide-spread steel loops bolted to the marble floor, designed to restrain and properly display the body of slaves. This hyper-extension of her gorgeous body exposed her magnificent young form so that she could be worked on by the three burly craftsmen.

The other box was now opened, and the harness maker lifted out of it a remarkable costume. He began with a beautiful molded leather back plate. It was designed to wrap around the sides of the wearer and included large half-cups for the girl’s breasts, which, when installed, severely lifted and squeezed the full mammaries from the sides.

They pressed the breasts of the wearer unnaturally together without coving her erotic tips with the long erect brown nipples. Zoda’s penis grew and stiffened at the highly erotic sight of her. He stood in front of her, and without preparation, thrust his penis up into her vulva to give her a fuck that was to satisfy him, not her.

The hardened and polished brown leather had been skillfully crafted, so that it outlined in clear relief the shape of the female wearer’s back, realistically shaped in detail with the spine, shoulder blades, and complete musculature development of a woman’s back. It created an ideal and sexually stimulating presentation of the upper female form.

The leather corset had a flared-in waist, which would squeeze even the narrow-wasted Princess Uterissa and this stand-in model. As it was put onto the spread-eagled Liana, Zoda powerfully ejaculated into her and then withdrew his erection from her. This remarkably crafted girdle was designed to squeeze the girl’s sides while leaving her big tits, tummy and groin properly exposed.

When it was in place, it squeezed her sides so tightly that her internal organs were pressed forward, forcing her tummy into a sexy gently curved girlie bulge. Round leather armor plates were strapped onto her upper legs, with buckles that ran up the outside edges, and these were bound so tightly that her leg flesh bulged out at the openings.

They were an incredibly tight fit, and greatly enhanced the beauty of her long legs. The artfully shaped leather fittings for the shins were extended downward to include rounded boot-like covers for the tops of her feet, which compelled the foot forward into a severe arch, so that once they were in place, Liana was forced to stand up high on the tips of her toes. Zoda spurted semen again as he examined her.

This was exactly as Princess Uterissa had done in those strange shoes with the curved soles that had come from Egypt. When tightly buckled into place, with a second curved panel forming a calf guard, the shin guards effectively formed a high-cut boot, with the girl’s heel and soles of her feet left uncovered.

Now the blacksmith hammered a pointed rod through holes in the lower rear part of the shin guards, brutally driving the heavy pointed metal shaft tight through Liana’s slender lower leg just behind the ankle and in front of her Achilles tendon. This was favorite piercing point of the attachment of ankle rings for hobbling slave girls.

Zoda was delighted at the way the dusky girl stand-in screamed at this outrage at her beauty. After repeating the barbarous deep piercing on her other leg, he attached a set of heavy iron rings through the fresh punctures and clamped them permanently closed with a huge long-handled tool. She was in these foot-arching devices to stay.

In Zoda’s powerful hands, this clamping tool made the seal of the rings as clean and permanent as a weld. The harness maker produced from the box a curiously shaped fitted section which was placed over Liana’s buttocks. It curves down around her shapely ass, gripping the fleshy cheeks, and was held in place by a long thick shaft which was thrust up deep into her colon.

The end of the shaft that stuck out between her covered hard leather buttocks plates contained a fan of feathers, giving the girl an erect bird tail, much like that of a peacock. Two of the naked attending women now brought forth sheers and razors, and removed Liana’s hair, shaving her head smooth.

A full leather helmet was placed over her shorn head, leaving only her lower face and throat uncovered. Attached to it in front, over her nose, was a support that looked like it would hold in place a large raptor beak. With the hood in place, if a mask were attached, she would now have the appearance of a large bird!

She had been shaved bald because that was the only way the tightly molded helmet would fit her head. Small chains were attached to steel rings on the full leather costume as decoration. Her petite ears were pulled out through small holes in the helmet, and then they were pierced top and bottom.

These rings were threaded with fine gold chains, which added to the decorations, but which also made it impossible for her delicate ears to ever be retracted. Like the leg and foot guards, the hood was on her to stay. When the Royal Princess Uterissa was fitted with this bizarre costume, she too would wear it permanently.

The only way the helmet could be taken off Liana now would be if both her ears were first cut off! This was likely because nothing would be lost; she was nothing but a slave, and not to be the prime wearer of the specially designed costume. It was designed to be used on the Royal Princess Uterissa in her performance in the Coliseum in Rome.

The arrangement of leather armor plating on her gorgeous body left her, although fully dressed in the licentious costume, completely bare down the front so that her beautiful throat, tits, belly and vagina remained uncovered, totally accessible and vulnerable. Uterissa would be equally exposed while wearing it.

For the first time, both the slave girl Liana and the group of naked slave women watching the amazing transformation of the beautiful bitch with the incredible figure realized there was no way for her to survive this bizarre modeling assignment. Liana was, under the circumstances, giving her life to this project.

Now a pair of strangely shaped steel blades were brought from the carrying case. They had a curved metal plate attached at an unusual angle rather than a handle. The special plates were fitted against the soles of Liana’s feet, with the top end hooked onto the rings through her heels. Then they were buckled into place with straps attached to her leather leg harness.

If she were able to bring any weight to bear on her heels, the blades would dig into the ground. The blades now formed bizarre spurs, and if she mastered standing with her feet severely bent into the bizarre position on tiptoe, as was required by her tightly strapped leg harness, she would become a formidable foe.

Zoda was confident that with the experience Princess Uterissa had with the strange Egyptian shoes, she would have little trouble when she wore these. In this costume, the marvelous Princess his men had captured would look and act the part designed for her.  She would be a bird and a formidable fighter, an amazing raptor.

Next, a magnificent headpiece was added to her helmet, with a broad fan of feathers standing up in a ridge across the top, and a curtain of baubles that hung down her back. In front of her eyes, attached to the brace over her nose jutted a large upper beak of an enormous carnivorous bird.

The feather arrangement on her headgear was similar to that attached to the post in her anus, which gave her a bird’s tail. Finally, the dusky-skinned stand-in was given leather gauntlets fitted on the end of each finger with gleaming steel talons, completing her outfit. When the costume was fully installed she was unchained.

The Nubian slave Liane now stood with her marvelous legs spread, a huge armored female bird, with her lower face, long neck and throat, beautifully squeezed firm round breasts, rounded belly and hairless vagina all naked and fully exposed to the world. Zoda’s erection jerked at the hugely invigorating sight of her.

The well-built young woman was an imposing and sexually stimulating figure. Zoda raised one elbow, giving her his full attention, and displayed to her a gleaming knife. He ordered the beautiful bitch in her bizarre costume to attack him. She looked for consent from her master, and the Senator nodded.

She parted her full painted lips, wet them nervously with her pink tongue, and then, doing precisely as she was bid, lunged with full commitment at the big and muscular reclining slaver. Zoda measured the angle of her raised arms with those long vicious talons. He had little time, nor did he need it.

She was close enough that she didn’t have to make too many steps in the bizarre foot gear, which forced her to move on the tips of her toes, ideal for running. She was directly above him and raised her slender arms with the vicious talons attached to her leather gloves, ready to strike down, rip the face and slash the throat of the Master Slaver.

Zoda was ready for her. With astounding accuracy and power, the blade in his fist suddenly flashed upward between her gorgeous thighs on a course that ripped open her engorged vagina, split through her pelvic bone and sliced up through her tight belly. The blade’s razor-sharpness in the hand of this powerful slaver easily parted her breast and collar bones.

It continued its devastating trajectory, slashing up through Liana’s pretty exposed throat and splitting in two her jaw bone, her lips, her tongue and nose, dissecting her face, coming to rest lodged firmly between her amazed bulging eyes, under the large beak on her half mask. The Senator loved the way this remarkable Greek ex-slave Zoda played so rough.

The ending of the life of this splendid young woman meant absolutely nothing to the Senator, but he was pleased that she had died so beautifully and with such an important purpose. She fell to her knees, and the force of her landing on the marble floor jarred her tightly packed full load of viscera out of her freshly opened belly, tumbling out onto the marble floor in a heap onto which her gutted carcass crashed.

The only unforgivable sin in Rome was to waste a good slave for no useful purpose, or without receiving full gratification in the act of killing her. This precious feminine creature had served her master well, in proving the practicality of the bizarre revealing costume the lovely Princess Uterissa would wear to her death in the Coliseum.

Zoda grabbed the dusky girl’s body as she fell forward, and flipped her around so that her back was toward him. He grasped her full breasts in his big hands and pulled them wide apart, and by pressing his knee deep into the small of her back, he peeled her open like a lobster, so that her vital organs and remaining viscera sloughed out of her.

“Yes, this outfit will do handsomely,” he said.

The carcass of Liana was still quivering, and he watched with interest as the naked women removed the gorgeous costumed body and cleaned up the human offal with their bare hands. Their next task was to cut up the body so that they could retrieve app parts of the intricate bird costume for the Royal Princess to wear.

Naked female slaves were so interesting when they appeared to be unaffected by the horror and gore that were now a part of both private and public entertainment. The Senator’s slaves were well used to this kind of assignment, probably performing similar duties at least a few times per week.

These were particularly well-trained slaves, and he looked forward to enjoying them all more fully after the entertainments of tomorrow afternoon in the Coliseum. Today he could not afford to be distracted, and certainly not produce too much semen, for he was responsible for the success of tomorrow’s events.


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