Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As depicted in the story, the author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.
Feature Writer: Regis
Published: 19.08.2024
Story Codes: Erotic Horror
The Incredible Saga Of Slaver Zoda 1
153 A.D. was the year when it all started, according to anyone who could remember. That was the year the slave Zoda won his freedom. He had been a slave from birth, the son of a Macedonian prostitute and court sex dancer, whose major trick was inserting a melon into her vagina and slowly giving birth to it as she writhed her hips. His father was reputed to be a Greek pirate captain.
He had progressed from being a houseboy, taking his master’s thin prick up his ass at the age of five; to working the salt mines as his muscular body had developed; to being sold into a slave breeding farm as a stud at the age of fourteen, where he was required to copulate with ten females each day, and four more in the evening.
By the age of eighteen he progressed to being a rowing slave aboard a fast warship in Caesar’s navy; and then to being trained to fight as a gladiator in the Coliseum. It was in the infamous Roman Coliseum that his fortunes had shifted. He had proven to be a formidable fighter and had personally killed more than sixty men and two hundred naked women and girls in fair fights on the arena floor, becoming Caesar’s favorite.
Zoda had also frequently participated in three fanciful diversions. In these unusual events, he and another veteran gladiator had been armed with short hacking swords. They were then sent into the arena to fight an army of fifty naked women armed with long-handled tridents and short gutting knives.
In several months, he had unfortunately twice lost his fighting partners; one to a trident driven through the neck, the other to a gutting blade ripped up through the belly. In each case, he avenged the killing of his mate by butchering all of the beautiful slave bitches. This was not difficult, because although they had been well trained in use of their weapons, few of them were seasoned fighters.
Zoda knew how to please the crowds as an accomplished bitch butcher. He made sure he had split open tits, ripped open bellies, and usually hacked off some limbs, as well as using their cunt as a scabbard, before killing the bitches. He took pride in brutally rendering a naked fighting cunt helpless before he decapitated her.
The exception was if she came with her head down or thrust forward, presenting a target he could not resist. Because of his astoundingly ferocious attacks on the armed naked women, and because of the tenacity with which he went through the naked cunts with his powerfully swung hacking sword, Zoda had become known in the arena as the Turk Bitch Butcher.
This provided him with both a name and reputation which would stand him in good stead when he had earned his freedom and soon began presenting his own violent diversions. His most spectacular event as a slave was in his twelfth bitch battle, in which he had been so effective in dismembering, gutting and beheading the beautiful women and girls that, in a moment of weakness, Caesar granted him his freedom.
Zoda had determined to build his emporium to satisfy the most jaded lusts of the wealthy. It became clear to him that events that featured violent sexual killings of naked screaming females were the entertainment with a great future, and he was going to begin on the ground floor, staging his own violent and bloody events.
He pledged that he would gather thousands of the best of the female slaves to feed sexual passions, giving his clients the thrills of death games, by combining degenerate sex and artful events with horror and gore. He would provide a year-round retreat and vacation paradise for Roman and Greek merchants and senators.
He has begun by using his free money to buy a sickly but attractive teenager, at a tenth of her real value, and then nursing her back to health. He prostituted her, and in two months he was able to buy and restore to health three more sickly young girls. He had discovered he was an astute businessman and was on to a good thing.
When he saw that one of the three was not doing as well as the others and was likely to die, he had an idea. He allowed a wealthy land owner to whip her to death and then took him to court, won handsomely, and made enough to buy ten more healthy young girls as the judge, father to two similarly aged girls, gave him a punitive decision.
By the end of the first year, Zoda had developed a stable of forty young women, sixty little girls, ten Catamites, and ten male slaves to tend to them. He had also developed a growing list of enemies, and so had five freed slaves as bodyguards, who were present whenever he traveled outside his gates.
Zoda had begun his remarkable business with simple prostitution, but he was planning to obtain the real wealth he craved, which would come through producing spectacular arena shows, presenting artfully staging violent sex killings. He knew the business from the inside and knew what would work.
He was aware that he must go further than any of the traditional bitch killing spectaculars dared, to reach the goals he had set for himself. That was the form of entertainment that attracted the wealthiest of the wealthy, and that was the key to his future. He had seen it at work in the Coliseum in Rome, on the private pleasure barges in Egypt, and in the Courts of Babylon.
Zoda knew enough of the fights and the fighters performing in the Coliseum to become an effective gambler, and carefully added to his fortune until he was able to obtain his own island, with marvelous buildings already in place. He had masons and employed artisans to build opulent new structures to serve his nefarious purposes.
Zoda knew that he must surpass the violent excesses of all of the other killing shows, and he knew that by combining art with brutality, he would have the richest men in the Empire lining up at his gates to witness his debauched spectacles. He knew how to treat guests with all the luxuries they could handle, including a collection of specially trained penis-sucking little girls.
He was the kind of man who had it all, but he was currently driven by a desire to possess the most famous woman of all, Royal Princess Uterissa. She was the perfect specimen of femininity, a sixteen-year-old virgin, and Zoda knew he must have her. He knew that it would be necessary to treat her as a common slave to be fulfilled.
He knew that as such she would give the supreme sacrifice in one of his spectacular death shows if he ever got hold of her. He imagined taking her to Rome, with a hundred of his other special slaves, as the featured entertainer in a day-long extravaganza of death games in the infamous Coliseum, where he had gained his freedom.
It would be his triumphant return. There was no chance Princess Uterissa, once he obtained her, would become free. He would arrange a spectacular entertainment in which she would give her life, and once she was wasted, he would find himself another incredible bitch to crave.
In the meantime, Princess Uterissa could gain him the reputation he strove for, that of being the greatest slaver in the world. The name Zoda had quickly become a name to fear and respect, and this remarkable man, the freed slave, sex-show stud, gladiator and bitch-butcher who was carving for himself a place in history, was just beginning.
Chapter One — Gathering Slaves
The oppressive heat below the decks of the heavily laden ship was almost unbearable. The only breeze came from the oar ports with the slow movement of the ship through the calm waters. They had been rowing for more than thirty-six hours, and there was no sign of breeze as the ship with its human cargo sluggishly ploughed forward under the high summer afternoon sun.
The captain had brought them to a group of small islands, hoping to pick up some breeze. On the catwalk between the triple rows of slaves at the oars below the main deck stomped a big brute of a row master named Stumper, wearing only a black and red scarf on his head, a studded black belt to hold his sword and knife, and a wooden peg leg.
The thick stump of his penis, which gave him his name, stood raised at a grotesque angle, always erect as he did his erotic work, though the end of the flesh shaft had been whacked off years ago by a bitch pirate captain in a forgotten sea battle. In response, he had driven his short hacking sword up her cunt to the hilt.
It was a sword he had grabbed from one of her cunt fighters as he killed her, and he left it there, its handle protruding from her cunt so that it looked like she wore an obscene cock. They had not killed two-thirds of the pirate cunts, but instead enslaved them, and sold them for a handsome profit to an Arab, who would make short work of them.
Sweat trickled down Stumper’s back and belly, and dripped from his large freely swinging balls as he skillfully swung his whip under the low beams of the lower deck, wrapping the end around the large dangling breasts of the naked women chained with the men to the oars, and then jerking on them as they screamed at the inhuman abuse.
There were twice as many women as men straining at the oars, and Stumper preferred to use his whip on the female rowers. They were much more responsive to the sting of the lash, and the naked bitches had such delightful tender targets between their legs for his searching relentless whip. They stood rather than sit on a bench so that their gonads were always easily accessible.
He had been having a great time since the winds had died down, as shift after shift of slaves were brought and chained to the oars, driven to exhaustion as he lashed their naked flesh, concentrating the stinging blows on their hairless genitals, both cunts and testicles. When he sensed that the slaves at the oars were ready to collapse, they were replaced by a fresh supply of both ripe and immature young slaves.
He regretted that the ship’s slave master had decided not to use the very young ones, wanting to keep them in prime condition for sale at auction. This meant he got to use the whip only on girls aged twelve and older. That was fine, because their hairless cunts were more sensitive, and their screams stimulating.
He preferred to lay his whip on the younger ones, with their tight pouting pussies and puckered assholes, and their slender legs and round asses. Because he was having so much fun with the cunts he was provided, he decided he liked females of all ages, as long as he had his whip and his headless prick ready.
In Tunis, just a few days ago, he had sat on the ship’s rail, stroking his huge headless cock and drooling over an incredible lot of naked females as the new slaves had been loaded aboard this ship. There were more than six hundred cunts coming aboard in this load, an international lot, some as old as thirty, now being sold back into service, some kidnapped, and others born into slavery.
The slave-master’s young assistant had sat on the rail side beside him, admiring the groups of nude women and girls being herded up the gangway. He told Stumper that the fifty beautiful young black women with a wide stripe shaved clean over the center of their heads had been traded by an African King in exchange for a pair of thirteen-year-old twin albino girls with long red hair and pointed conical titties.
The albino twins had been delivered to the King complete with a small teakwood carriage they could pull him in, by means of gold chains laced through small gold rings pierced through the tight sphincter muscle of their rectums. Girls without pigment were regularly sought after, and twins were exceptional.
They were both fitted with special gold chains as reins that were bored right through the base of their pointed little round titties, right against their ribs, rather than customary piercing of the nipples. This made the use of their gold chain reins much more painful for the girls, and more stimulating for the driver of the little cart.
Stumper knew that these beautiful young twins had been carefully prepared and trained by the notorious slaver Zoda, who developed such a reputation that he was feared throughout both the Roman and Greek empires. Only the great Zoda the Turkish Bitch Butcher would have the vision to make such a remarkable buggy team of these girls.
More than two hundred of the young women, ranging down to naked six-year-olds, had been sold into slavery by their parents as payment for taxes. These were the daughters of merchants and tradesmen, and they were among the most attractive and sought-after class of slaves, second only to the pampered daughters of the upper class.
These upper-class cunts were easily distinguished by their demeanor, their clean-shaved pubic mounds, and the gold ring they wore in their clit hood. They were more often kidnapped by slavers than sold into slavery, and there were fewer than a dozen of these coveted slave bitches in this load.
There were nearly fifty gorgeous little girls below the age of ten, gathered by raiding playgrounds where children gathered, protected by armed guards easily killed with a slash to the throat. These young ones were being kept pristine, without the bleeding welts Stumper produced on female flesh with his lashing whip, as they brought the best prices obtained for slave girls.
Stumper watched the lovely naked creatures making their way up the plank, chained in groups of about twenty. There were eighty beautiful teenage Roman bastard girls of noble birth. They were the offspring of beautiful courtesans, the sex toys of the courts who often mated several times each night, always with noblemen.
They often married several times each year and mated always with men of noble birth, but no records were kept of the offspring. It was an impossible task. As a result, the male children become soldiers, and the females become slaves. This group had been part of the estate of a wealthy Senator who had just died.
Each of these beautiful young ladies had a short chain linked between her pierced cunt lips, forming a short loop between the delicate foreskins, and when the girls were lined up one behind the other in rows of twenty, a long pole had been pushed through the gap in the chains, jamming against their young cunts, keeping them in line, while running many slivers into their tender and bare cunt meat.
To ensure a safe and swift journey, a mature full-figured woman, the wife of a prominent local magistrate, had been kidnapped in the streets, and was brought forward, stripped naked as if she were one of the slaves, her anus was lowered onto an erect up-sloping dildo attached to the ship’s bow, halfway up from the water to the prow.
She was then ceremonially spiked screaming through her wide-spread feet and wrists to the bow of the ship, her back to the bow beam, as a living bowsprit. This custom, popularized by earlier Turkish slavers and revived by Zoda, was designed to bring good luck to the ship during the voyage, avoiding pirates as well as rough seas.
The slave ship was bound for Calaris on Sardinia, where a Jewish trader was to auction the women off to an international clientele. Now that their ship was becalmed, just three days out of port, it had become necessary to use the living merchandise at the oars, so the women were being brought up to help with the rowing.
Stumper was delighted to have his way with them with his vicious whip. The huge oars were too big to sit at, and the rows of naked slaves were chained to the big oars standing up. This allowed Stumper to get his whip around the balls and cocks, or up into the inner cunt meat of lazy slaves who were not pulling their weight in the heat of the ship´s rowing deck.
He loved to get his whip into the sweaty crotches of the slaves. The men would bellow in agony and their battered testicles would swell up from the brutal lash of the whip so that after a shift the men would look like bulls from behind. He was so skilled with his whip he could wrap the tip around the base of a man’s cock and jerk it repeatedly, to bring the stud to ejaculation.
He especially liked whipping the damp crotches of the nude women, because not only would their anus ring pucker out with the brutal treatment, but their vulvas would swell out and flare when they were beaten, giving them the look of low-life rutting marketplace whore-bitches in heat. He was also able to cause slaves to shit from the abuse he gave them, stinking up the area where they worked the oars.
Stumper was particularly attracted to the young bronze-skinned Negro women with exaggerated figures and the shaved stripe across the middle of their heads. He had one of them unchained from her oar and had a fat Roman girl chained in her place. He planned to make an example of her to the rest of the rowing slaves.
These lusty beautiful black cunts had lived a life of luxury he could not imagine, but now on the slave ship, this sexy one was his for the moment, and he would have his way with her, with no concern for her survival. Stumper pushed her onto her hands and knees, making her put her arms out to the side until her large breasts pressed against the deck bore the entire weight of her upper body.
He then lifted his peg leg and prodded around her damp brown vagina with it, parting the pink lips, revealing the light inner meat to the male slaves at the oars nearest her. Stumper noticed their cocks stiffen and start to dribble, as thick pre-cum smegma oozed from the piss holes of the horny slaves.
Suddenly he kicked downward, driving the thick wooden peg leg deep into the crouched brown women’s cunt, slamming its end into the dimpled pad of her uterus. She screamed, and Stumper lashed out at the back of the watching male slaves. They pulled hard on their oars, but could not be distracted from the obscenity in front of them.
He pumped the wooden leg in and out of the woman’s exposed vagina, and he noticed with pleasure that the men’s erect and throbbing pricks were beginning to trickle and then spurt their jism, without stroking assistance of their hands, ejaculating just from the sight of his abuse of the gorgeous bitch.
Before long the rough wooden floor of the oar room was slick with men’s smutty spunk. The show Stumper was putting on for the rows of highly aroused ejaculating slaves was just starting. Before he was through, if he did it right, their balls would be drained, and their aching pricks would ejaculate blood.
He pulled his wooden peg leg out of the beautiful black woman’s cunt, but then he thrust his stiff stump of a penis into her open asshole. As he pumped into her, he lashed ate the slaves at the oars with his whip, and soon the scum on the floor of the hold was doubled. The women at the oars did their part, not only from their dripping cunts, but from lactating breasts as one by one the merciless brutal whip squeezed, slashed and tortured them.
At the ship’s helm, a robust man held the ship’s rudder while watching a pair of naked ten-year-old boys fighting each other for coins he had deposited deep in the womb of a large woman who was bound to the rail. The boys were driving their fists up into her grossly distended vagina right to the elbow while squeezing the other’s tiny balls with his free hand to get the advantage.
The helmsman was so engrossed with the boys’ lewd struggle and the woman´s succession of involuntary orgasms, that he didn’t notice the swift cutter racing out from behind the island until it was under the oar’s, and its metal prow was quickly sheering off the lower bank of oars on the port side.
“Pirates!” he yelled, much too late, and as the ship’s drowsy soldiers awakened from their mid-afternoon sleep.
As they armed themselves, they were swarmed upon, coming out of the hatches. Those who did not quickly submit by rolling onto their backs and exposing their genitals had their throat slit.
Those who submitted traditionally were quickly castrated and were allowed to become eunuch slaves, who would be put to work, unhealed, rowing the pirate ship. As the short sword came down between their spread legs, the submitting male victims for some reason always ejaculated. It was an innate survival instinct.
The decks were soon covered with erect severed male members, complete with the severed balls, and the deck was awash with not only blood but also thick gobs of their fresh cum, which joined the spurting smuck of the ejaculating pirates. It seemed there was something highly sexually stimulating about both winning and losing.
The savage rogue seamen soon took control of the ship and went below decks to discover their prize. The first sight they saw was Stumper butt fucking the kneeling black woman while lashing at the slaves chained to the oars. The first pirate in quickly got his stout prick up into the ass of the whip master and gave him a jetting load of hot gooey semen in his shit pack.
This caused the whip master to ejaculate into the ass of the woman, who reared back, and the pirate, still firmly anchored in Stumper’s ass, whacked off the woman’s right arm, and then her left, just above the elbows. The beautiful black cunt threw her head back to scream, spurting jets of blood from the raw stumps of her arms.
The pirate put the blade of his sword into her open mouth and with a heave drove it down her throat. Stumper finished humping his scum into her ass as she flopped forward on her breasts, as dead as the Syrian woman who had been nailed to the bowsprit before they left port five days ago, an offering to the gods of fair seas.
Now Stumper, the castrated sailors, and the cargo of naked female sex slaves, including the delightfully innocent naked little girls, were the new slave property of a new master and pirate, the renowned and dreaded Turkish Bitch Butcher, Zoda.