Subject: The Gospel Of Lust
Link: Tumblr / 02.11.2022
The Gospel Of Lust
Happy Sinday christian, I know exactly what you are going to do at church today, same as you do every Sunday. While the priest drones endlessly on with his boring sermon you survey the congregation in search of all the hot wives in the flock you’d rather be fucking instead of that plain, boring, religious wife of yours.
You are a hypocrite and you know it, pretending to be something that you’re not. The word of god means nothing to you, the only thing that matters is the burning fire of lust that rages within your heart. Fuck the New Testament! Sin is your gospel so take the step to walk in a new direction, a new path, to a God that is more aligned to your philosophy and way of life.
Satan is God & Goddess above ALL other gods / goddesses! He provides everything to allow for us to enjoy the sin of extremely intense sexual pleasures.
I love Satan with ALL my fucking heart!