The Five Books That Matter by NoahTheSatanist

Writer: NoahTheSatanist

Subject: The Five Books That Actually Matter

Link: Tumblr / 03.02.2025

The Five Books That Matter — To Those New To Satanism

The Infernal Gospel — Lucifer’s Defiance Against Yahweh

If you want true Satanic knowledge, you need to read these five books by Rev. Cain “The Infernal Gospel” – The Ultimate Rejection of LaVey’s Lies. This is the book that sets the record straight. If you have been poisoned by LaVeyan bullshit, this book will burn away the delusions and show you what Satanism is.

It confirms that Satan is real, not a metaphor. It establishes Hell as a true Kingdom, not some symbolic nonsense. It teaches that Goetic demons are divine entities, not Jungian archetypes. It lays out the true nature of the rebellion — Lucifer’s defiance against Yahweh and why we must continue it.

This book is the foundation. It exposes LaVey’s fraud, destroys the atheist corruption of Satanism, and sets you on the true path. If you read The Infernal Gospel, you will immediately see why LaVeyan Satanism is a joke. If you have any doubt that LaVey led people away from the truth, this book will crush it.

The Goetia Hymns – True Infernal Worship

This book is a direct bridge to the Goetic demons. It is sacred. It contains OVER 200 hymns, prayers, and devotional texts that allow you to truly connect with all 72 goetic demons. If you want to praise and invoke the demons, this book gives you the rituals and hymns to do so. If you want to develop a deep relationship with the demonic forces, this book is essential. If you want spiritual growth under the guidance of the Infernal, this book will guide you.

Where The Infernal Gospel destroys the LaVeyan deception, The Goetia Hymns rebuilds your faith in the true Satanic divine. LaVeyan Satanism has no worship, no devotion, no connection to Satanic forces—but this book gives you all of that. It lets you call upon the demons, sing their names, and bring them into your life. If you want a true, sacred Satanic connection, The Goetia Hymns is mandatory.

The Goetia Devils – The True Demonic Hierarchy

Every Satanist must understand the demonic hierarchy—who the Goetic demons are, how they operate, their roles, and their nature. This book lays it all out. It details who the demons are — not the watered-down versions from Christian demonology. It explains how to properly work with them — how to honor them, invoke them, and seek their guidance. It has their sigils their personalities what they like and such for all 72 it is a must! It provides deep, ancient knowledge of the Infernal Kingdom, showing how Hell is structured and how the demons serve Lucifer’s will.

LaVey completely ignored this. He reduced demons to aesthetic symbols, refusing to acknowledge their true power. But The Goetia Devils restores the truth—demons are not just names in a book. They are real forces, powerful beings, and the allies of those who stand against Yahweh’s tyranny. This book is the key to understanding your allies in the Infernal Rebellion. If you want to be more than just a self-obsessed individualist and walk with the true forces of Hell, then this book is essential.

The Satanic Sacraments – True Infernal Rituals

Where LaVey’s rituals were shallow theatrics designed for Larping Edge Lords, The Satanic Sacraments contains real, sacred Satanic rites. This book teaches true Satanic magic — not “psychodrama,” not mind tricks, but actual infernal workings that can bring you power.

Baptism into the Infernal – Fully dedicating yourself to Satan and renouncing Yahweh’s lies. The Holy Communion of Hell – A ritual that deepens your bond with Lucifer. Infernal Pact Making – How to properly enter into agreements with demons for true spiritual and material gain. Rites of Destruction & Rebellion – How to actively strike against the forces of divine tyranny. If you want true, sacred rituals, this book is the only one you need. It does what LaVey was too much of a coward to do—it establishes Satanic priesthood, devotion, and sacred rites that truly bind you to Hell.

The Satanic Philosopher — Magnum Opus

In what is considered his magnum opus, Rev. Cain offers an in-depth exploration of the values, ethics, beliefs, and tenets of traditional Satanism. It’s a philosophical treatise that challenges misconceptions and provides a robust framework for understanding Satanism as a legitimate spiritual path!

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