The Fallen One by Herhappiness966

Writer: Herhappiness966

Subject: The Fallen One

Link: LS666 Email / 21.07.2024

The Fallen One

“Music and supplements gonna help pass the time. Some of her favorite music and grabbing a pencil and pad for sketching her art is what gonna ease her mind.”

Hi, my name is not important, I’m not from here I’m imported. And it’s a cold truth that burns like hell. When you learn you’re neither from here nor there. The above I couldn’t reach it, do you remember my fall from grace, or did I land, in grace?

It doesn’t matter, just like all things I had to feel. That’s right, I remember everything. I wish I didn’t and you believe I forgot it. But that’s just me, I carry that shit like a badge of honor … Damn I remember when a cross brought a tear to my eye, but it’s okay because I’m not a man and they say grown men don’t cry!

Well, I’m here now with my middle finger just for you. Remember how you gave me the cold shoulder when I looked for you? Let me hold this finger up higher so all you up there in paradise get my message! It’s a lonely feeling when you call out, “Dear My Lord!” Not heard anything back.

Well, knowing there is a God up in heaven on the throne and The One who got him on earth. I already mentioned above didn’t want me! Fuck them! Had to learn to communicate, that when you talk, you speak in how the only way you learn is to listen. Know we got a pact.

These can be strange words to a slave’s mind, but we don’t mind because truth comes out when devils speak. And now it’s cold shoulder for heaven, I’ll be here all alone all night. Waiting for the morning to come. The shine of his star brings a tear to my eye! but don’t say it or even think it! because devils don’t cry! Don’t even try it!

“Girl don’t you ever doubt me!, just look me in my eyes, My love is in the air, ever since I took that fucking skydive! Baby live for now, today! And I promise that when death comes take you away! A real child of mine you’ll die!” — Words spoken to her by Lucifer. Courtesy of Carly on sharing adding to this entry, “Cold Shoulder!”


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