The Extreme Power Of Blasphemy Possession by GarySix

Writer: GarySix

Subject: Open Confession To All Here

Link: LS666 Emails / 17.03.2024 / March 16 Graphic Altar

The Extreme Power Of Blasphemy Possession

When I began to move closer to the darkness, filth, depravity, and all of the deep sexual sin delights that Lucifer offers, I had no idea of just how tremendously powerful he would be in my life. I dedicated myself to pursuing Lucifer himself, not some lower-level demon. I wanted the “God of this world.” … “The prince of the power of the air.” … “The whole world is in the power of Satan.”

Note that these are all Bible verses. Keep in mind that although some deny the Bible, without it no one would even know there was a real Lucifer. My point — I heartily pursued Lucifer. I prayed and prayed — I designed graphic altars of every blasphemy kind. Some, were so deeply sinful, and blasphemous, that it scared me, but I persisted.

I begged on my knees. I bowed deeply before him like a plantation nigger to his master and I was happy to do so. I begged like a worthless fucking pig to be Lucifer’s blasphemy sin whore. I was unrelenting in my pursuit of his great filth. I offered pacts. I asked to be bonded to him personally. I honored Lucifer in prayer and blasphemy offerings.

I prayed and prayed for Lucifer to possess me in the worst, defaming, disgraceful, God fucking name blasphemy. I fucking pleaded for him to personally train me in the deepest kind of sin for filth and blasphemy. I pleaded for him to use me as his dog. Finally, but very methodical, Lucifer came to me. It was and is the absolute honor and privilege of my entire life, and I mean this so deeply.

As a warning Christian, the intense thrill and the sense of being deeply horny for him and all his sins is now an addiction. I need it, I must have it, and he makes me create God-fucking blasphemy to honor him and to completely enjoy myself with him.

Having Lucifer’s filth, satanic, demonic actual energy flow through my cock in masturbation, with blasphemy of God’s fucking whore name is indescribable. I realize now that Lucifer answered every request to be his dog, sin whore and fucking whore pig, and trainee in blasphemy of God.

This kind of filth blasphemy cannot be expressed as a mere human, especially as a Christian. It requires the flow of Lucifer’s power and energy (possession) to achieve orgasms so intense, that you find yourself living for more. It’s all you live for. Everything and everyone else in your life is second to this. I now understand there are many forms of possession.

What Lucifer has so generously given me is this form of blasphemy possession with him as Master and Slave. The strange thing that astounds me is that I am unimportant to Lucifer in the sense I am not well known. I hold no powerful position. I influence no one on a broad media scale.

And yet, I believe because Lucifer saw my unrelenting desire to be his possessed slave and sin whore, he must have decided to use me. I don’t have any other explanation when you understand that he and his demons are busy transforming the entire planet of people, many of whom are major players.

There is more that Lucifer has not allowed me to share, at least right now. He has shared with me insights about himself that I hope to share with those of you who have interest. The Bible provides the only factual background on Lucifer. It’s simply intellectually dishonest not to know that. I can tell you there is much more to Lucifer than most people know and that includes Satanists.

You will find that he will gift you with the kind of filthy sinning that truly appeals to you and builds on that. Lucifer will deal with you as an individual and enslave you that way. It’s marvelous!

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