The Devil’s Whore by Saint Chloe

Writer: Saint Chloe / saint–

Subject: The Devil’s Whore

Link: MEWE / 26.08.2024

Art: Waganetka

About Saint Chloe: The Devil’s Witches — Creating a religion from scratch I’m into Satanism, Judaism, Traditional Witchcraft, Neutral Evil, Poker Pro

The Devil’s Whore

We played a game the Devil and I, and both parties were thoroughly entertained. Well I wasn’t amused initially, I learned to be. One thing that can be said is he enjoys toying with us. Before getting into Satanism, three years ago, I was at my lowest. Financially broke, completely lost, aimless, depressed. I’ve been plagued by depression and dark thoughts most of my life. One month before I initially contacted the Devil, I made a suicide attempt — thankfully it failed.

During that first ritual, I told the Devil I was down bad, obliterated. The mountain is too high to climb, there is too much work to do, too much to come back from, and too much to repair. I do not want to live my life defeated, as a shadow, until I one day die wondering what the hell was the point of it all. I want to be empowered, confident, and successful, to see the world. I want to resurrect from my ashes & crush my inner demons.

Despite having no experience in magick at that point, this ritual has been the most effective of them all. It had a profound impact on my psyche and my life.

Over time I became financially stable, and happier, developed a larger range of interests, and lost eighty pounds. I was given a structure, a philosophy and a vibe that perfectly fit with my personality and higher spiritual purpose. I’m so much better now that it’s really difficult to list everything, and it just kept improving. It’s not perfect I still have horrible days and problems but it’s infinitely better.

I had that spiritual internal struggle last autumn where I was infatuated with Judaism. I decided to drop Satanism for the time being and become religiously homeless. I’ve talked about it before, one thing I did not mention however is how miserable I was during that period. My mood soured, I stopped working out, lost money, and gained ten pounds. It’s like I was not able to function anymore.

It did not take me long to link my decline with my change of religious status given its very obvious synchronicity. I was resolved to pursue that path however as I figured that down was temporary. This whole time I knew that all I had to do to stop the misery was refresh my allegiance to the Devil so to speak, to reignite the black flame.

However, If I did that, that would be a direct admittance that I fully depend on the Devil to live and that in some way, he owns me. I’ve made edgy posts in the past about the Devil owning me, however, it’s an entirely different thing to realize and understand that you are the Devil’s whore. It initially made me very uncomfortable and frankly a bit scared.

Upon understanding this a thought came to mind, I began to wonder if that whole Judaism phase of mine was not the Devil fucking with me to teach me a lesson. He messed with me many times before, but that one takes the cake. I’m not at all convinced of heaven and hell, and I’m not keen on blindly following rules in exchange for empty promises. As such I’m a big believer that you need to take advantage of that life to the maximum and hope for the best afterwards.

It slowly fed sympathies for my new, or I should say, more honest relationship with the Devil. I slowly saw empowerment in it, the potential of that type of relation, the usefulness of the concept of fear of the divine, and how it would positively impact my practice and open so many new doors. This was where the first spark of the religion I was working on was born.


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