Writer: Inscribed by Brother Arn under Decree from the Devil.
Published: ©2018 Brother Arn
Subject: Our Lord Satan ~ The Devil Who Is King Of This World
Link: Tumblr / 17.08.2023 / thedevilshandbook
About the Author: I am Brother Arn and this is my Manuscript THE DEVIL’S HANDBOOK ~ NOTES FROM HELL. I am a Traditional Satanic Devil Worshiper, I operate with no other Spiritual Entities other than Satan Himself. I am the Inversion of the Nazarene here to bring forth the Word of the Devil — to bring knowledge of His Black Arts to the World and reveal Mysteries of the true Way of Revelation, the Beast, and the Ritual Blasphemy of the Church of the Pale Lord. Also to gather the Twelve Daughters Of The Devil who shall rise above the Disciples of Christ! Depictions shared on this Blog are not my own!
The Devil’s Handbook 4
Our Lord Satan ~ The Devil Who Is King Of This World
The FOURTH Text Of The Devil’s Handbook
Dark Father. King of Hel. Black Goat Of The Witches. The Devil. The Adversary. Master of the Demonic Legion. Lord of the Creatures of Night — He who has been called the Desolate One, the Nail, the Bloodied Thorn, Black Man of the Witches Sabbat, Satan, Satanas, the Tempter, the Trickster, the Seducer, Diavol.
His Names are truly Legion. The Demons of Hell number in their thousands, some known to us by Name, others not, but all lie under the Command of the Goat-Headed Lord. They are His Inner Initiates and His Servitors to Call upon the Name of Satan.
The Devil is to Call upon the Power of all Demons for all Demons are flames of His true Darkened Fire. He who was Worshiped in the wooded glade of the Witches. He was summoned in the Ceremonial Chambers of Guibourg and Boullan. He infuses the Poet, the Artist, and the Composer. He who ignites the rage of bloodlust and the passion of desire.
Satan, True King of this World, for He is of the Spirit and the Flesh and has knowledge of both For did He not offer all the lands of the World to Christ if He would serve Him. Then left the foolish Nazarene to his fate after rebuking His offer to serve the pale God Yahweh — did He not gift humanity with the knowledge of themselves — and liberate Woman from the dominance of Man.
He is the Seducer of the mind, the Teacher of the Black Arts, the Spark which ignites the Fires of Creation and Invention. He is the blade that slays in battle, and the hand that heals by touch. He is the Father of the Unhallowed, and of the Dark Souls forged in Hell and sent forth to carry out His Work upon Earth.
He is the Holder of the Oath, the Presenter of the Pact, the One who wields The Black Flame which is the Primal Fire of Creation — renounce your pale Gods for they are as the slaughtered Lamb to the Wolf when held against the Majesty of Satan.
Prayers to the God of the Heavens are futile. Honor is given to the putrid Deity known as Jehova is a disgrace for he is an oppressor and corrupts the true nature of humankind. Only the Ram-Headed Lord, Satan, Diabolous. Only He knows of and understands the true inner nature of we who walk in bodies of flesh and deny the tenets of the God-fearing. Come forth before the Black Altar of the King of Hell, the Devil, for only through Him may the Path to exaltation be found.