Writer: Inscribed by Brother Arn under Decree from the Devil.
Published: ©2018 Brother Arn
Subject: Our Lord Satan ~ The Devil Who Is King Of This World
Link: Tumblr / 17.08.2023 / thedevilshandbook
About the Author: I am Brother Arn and this is my Manuscript THE DEVIL’S HANDBOOK ~ NOTES FROM HELL. I am a Traditional Satanic Devil Worshiper, I operate with no other Spiritual Entities other than Satan Himself. I am the Inversion of the Nazarene here to bring forth the Word of the Devil — to bring knowledge of His Black Arts to the World and reveal Mysteries of the true Way of Revelation, the Beast, and the Ritual Blasphemy of the Church of the Pale Lord. Also to gather the Twelve Daughters Of The Devil who shall rise above the Disciples of Christ! Depictions shared on this Blog are not my own!
The Devil’s Handbook 3
The Rise Of Devil Worship And Traditional Satanism
The THIRD Text Of The Devil’s Handbook
Cycles transition … Aeons rise … Epochs fall … it is the way of things, the constant flux of the physical morphed by the forces beyond the physical.
Such movements happen at this time, such transitions, Gates open and Seals break, the forces of unformed chaos cause discord and fluctuation and in the lower realms of the physical worlds the effects are felt and eventually the harvest of such movements will endure. It is time for the rise of the Dark Aeon.
he Kingdom of Satan — the Empire of the Devil to rise from the stygian spheres of Hell and enter into the Earthly Dominion. The sway of power changes and the foundations of the Old Kingdom crumble to give way to the rise of that which will usurp it, and that which will usurp it is more ancient and more primal than this Old Kingdom could ever imagine.
The Churches lie empty, the chapels decay and the foul Altars of Christ are abandoned – only the White Citadel of the Lamb of God and the foul Temples of Allah remain with fortitude, but these too shall fall, crumble, and be destroyed under the poisonous tenets of their beliefs.
The Physical World grows restless, hate abounds, division is rampant, and liberation is sort as the governing forces that rule seek to squeeze the last drops of creativity and libertine beauty out of those who hear the Unholy Call. But the Regimes of Repression shall fall as they have always fallen— the Nazarene will fail as he has always failed — the pious shall be vanquished as they have always been vanquished.
It is time for the Temples of Darkness to rise, the Shrines of the Unholy … the hidden Sanctums forged by those who are the Sons and Daughters of the Devil — the portents echo across the World that the time of the Black Messiah beckons. The raging wars, the famine, the uprising, the dissatisfaction, the apathy, and the hatred — the rise of the power of women who since the first acts of sedition have been true Disciples of the Ram, this too is a sign for from their rise shall they seek liberation and the truth of their own Power which lies latent and yet begins to simmer beneath the surface of their beauty.
The cry of Devilry and Satanic Witches shall be heard from the screeching voices of the pious once more, Preachers of the Lamb shall gather and warn again of the threat of Witches and the Demons of the Shadows, and once again shall they seek to put the Children of Eternal Night to the flame. But this time the outcome shall be altered.
This time the Warlocks of the Dark Faith, the Priest Warriors shall undo their machinations and deliver unto the Daughters of the Devil the Keys to unlock their Power — and the World will shake at the rage of that Power and cower at the arrival of the one known as ‘The Unhallowed’ who shall upon Her skin holds the Mark of the Devil.
Across the planes where Demon Seeds were once sewn, sewn within the earth of the physical domain there now walks a new species between the forces of Light and Darkness, they deny all faith, deny all Spiritual existence. They hold not the Soul of Light nor the Soul of Darkness, their Soul sleeps and daily those Souls are devoured by a Darkness that has arisen anew. Not the Darkness of the Kingdom of Hell but a Darkness that is infinite oblivion, an energy force of Spiritual death. As the God of Light and the pale Prophets of the Religions of Apathy are enemies of the Lord of Hell so too is this engulfing shade of nothingness.
But it shall be defeated, those who feed it are already defeated. Only their pallid flesh-covered vessels remain to be slaughtered like butchered meat at the time of Armageddon — torn asunder by the emissaries of God, exterminated by the denizens of the Devil within the War born of many Realms. Rise now Dark Witches and Warlocks.
Awaken with Power you who claim the name of Traditional Satanist. Come forth Worshipers of the He you Hail as the Devil … Gomorrah is resurrected … Megiddo shall run Red … and from the Sea of Division shall the Devil’s Herald arrive to unlock the Gates of Hell.
This is speaking to me. So powerful. So beautiful and eloquent. Makes me long for those days. mighty things will come to pass then. I don’t even know if I am speaking correctly or saying the right things. I just know I feel the need to comment on this. And just say that I want to wear the mark of the beast. And dance and rejoice, as this is saw taking place. I know that times will be hard. But that does not matter what matters is my love and devotion to the one I worship! Hail Satan