Writer: Inscribed by Brother Arn under Decree from the Devil.
Published: ©2018 Brother Arn
Subject: Our Lord Satan ~ The Devil Who Is King Of This World
Link: Tumblr / 17.08.2023 / thedevilshandbook
About the Author: I am Brother Arn and this is my Manuscript THE DEVIL’S HANDBOOK ~ NOTES FROM HELL. I am a Traditional Satanic Devil Worshiper, I operate with no other Spiritual Entities other than Satan Himself. I am the Inversion of the Nazarene here to bring forth the Word of the Devil — to bring knowledge of His Black Arts to the World and reveal Mysteries of the true Way of Revelation, the Beast, and the Ritual Blasphemy of the Church of the Pale Lord. Also to gather the Twelve Daughters Of The Devil who shall rise above the Disciples of Christ! Depictions shared on this Blog are not my own!
The Devil’s Handbook 1 &2
Preface & Disclaimer
The First Text Of The Devil’s Handbook
Welcome to THE DEVIL’S HANDBOOK ~ NOTES FROM HELL, a book founded upon the Old Ways of Devil Worship and Traditional Satanism, the Old Paths of Diabolism, and Satanic Witchcraft. This is but a brief Preface to the Book to explain the variations in the Texts within it, certain writings have been composed directly by myself, others however have been channeled while holding Communion with the Devil Himself.
A form of Automatic Writing where the mind is left open to the will and words of Our Lord Satan. I was intent from the start to allow this process to take hold whenever it sorts to do so and also intended to speak of it within the brief introduction to this Book to explain the variation in styles of writing at times.
The Dark Ritual and Magickal elements of THE DEVIL’S HANDBOOK too are at times directly put forth by my hand and from my knowledge, although I confess to the intervention of Our Lord on many occasions, particularly regarding the entries of speech during the Workings and at times the complete Working.
To ensure no confusion on this matter the Writings within this Book are either attributed directly to me or — on the occasions I have given over the process to Our Lord Satan — they are noted as ‘Inscribed by Brother Arn under the Decree of the Devil’.
Such a stipulation I feel is necessary to the understanding of the writings within THE DEVIL’S HANDBOOK. As said this Tome is founded upon the ancient paths of Devil Worship and Traditional Satanism and due to this is of very dark content, I make no apology for this but mention it only in warning to those who may be of a sensitive nature and more use to the socially friendly types of Satanism which has developed in recent decades.
This is not Rational/Atheistic Satanism, it is not Luciferianism nor is it the form of socially acceptable Theistic Satanism that seeks to integrate itself with the common herd and coexist with Orthodox Religions.
This is Old School Diabolism and the Darkest form of Traditional Satanic Magick, it challenges those aforementioned paths, seeks to be a blasphemous and unholy corrective to them and beyond this openly reconstructs the true meanings of Revelation in the Bible, the concept of a male Anti-Christ and the true path forward to the time when Our Lord, the Devil shall claim this World as His own.
This Book also elevates the importance of woman upon the Infernal Path, examining the hidden truth that the Anti-Christ shall manifest as a female, that the true Dark Seed of Our Lord Satan’s Magickal Power resides in the female and unveils the Mystery of the Twelve Daughters Of Satan on a similar note it reveals in full the true nature of ancient Diabolic Covens and the roles of the Male (Warlocks) and Female (Witches) within it!
Enter into this Tome seeking true liberation from the shackles of Conformist Religious and Governmental Hierarchies, enter into the depths of its Evil Texts with an open mind and a heart that desires true inversion and Unholy exaltation, peruse the Mysteries within THE DEVIL’S HANDBOOK with a desire for knowledge of the most sinister of Black Arts and you shall become exalted as a true Apostle of the Devil — a true Satanic Disciple! Rise in the Name of the Devil!
The SECOND Text Of The Devil’s Handbook
Disclaimers, to be honest, leave a nasty taste in the mouth, as a Devil Worshiper and Traditional Satanic Warlock I see no need to justify myself to those who oversee the regimes and laws of an orthodox socially corrupt order which I would love to see crushed under the cloven hooves of the Devil.
But as this Book is being published over social media in a social structure of moralistic grasping oppression one must, for now, abide by its tepid and suffocating laws. I make no claim to have practiced all of the Dark Workings in this Book but I make no claim not to have practiced them either. Many I have, some I have not. I make to no claim to have met others who have practiced the more insidious Workings within THE DEVIL’S HANDBOOK, but then again I do not make any claims to the contrary either.
I put forth this Book for those who seek knowledge of the darkest Black Arts of Devil Worship and Classical Traditional Satanism, I do not put forth this Book to condone or condemn the Workings within it or those who may Practice them. Each Satanic Apostle must answer to themselves and to the Will of Our Dark Father, the Devil, and Our Lord Satan and must hold responsibility for their actions personally.
I am not instructing anyone to carry out any of the Workings within THE DEVIL’S HANDBOOK nor am I forbidding them to, it is not my place to do either. I am a Prophet of Satan and Apostle of the Devil and it is my task in life to unveil the power that lies within the Black Arts of Traditional Satanism – not to order or forbid anyone of my Kindred to do anything. As Apostles of the Devil and Initiates of Satanism, each individual within this Kindred will know what they must or must not do by the Will of Our Dark Father. Decisions will be made based upon this only for it is He that we ultimately Serve and Honor!