Feature Writer:
Feature Title: The Devil Sang a Whiskey Lullaby
Published: 24.10.2024
Story Codes: Erotic Horror
Synopsis: Fleeing a Halloween party, a man finds release in a cemetery
Author’s note: Please be warned that this fantasy deals with darkness and suicide. I sometimes wish that I had less personal experience of that realm without light and without hope, but the midnight magic of depression and despair still comes knocking on certain days. Halloween is one of those days. Oh how wonderful it would be to forget and feel once again. But, I know that amongst all that darkness there can still be life and rebirth, and oh so much wonderful sex. Life is absolutely worth living, but the ultimate climax might be worth dying for … Also, kindly note that although it doesn’t seem like it could be real, it is actually common for people to feel warmth and take off their clothes before freezing to death.
The Devil Sang a Whiskey Lullaby
“He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger. And finally drank away her memory … And when we buried him beneath the willow The angels sang a whiskey lullaby.” (Whiskey Lullaby, song by Bill Anderson and Jon Randall, first performed by Brad Paisley and Allison Krauss)
Adam could almost feel the old oak boards reverberating from the bass of the electric beat. The stench of cheap whiskey and stale beer attempted to assault his nostrils. He was at a party, or at least his body was. A Halloween party. A dark party. And, Adam was all alone, outside, and apart from the crowd.
When out of the corner of his eye, Adam spotted Kelly swaying to some beat on the dance floor. She was dressed as a princess, because of course she was. She appeared to have over half a dozen suitors, perhaps she was trying to be snow white?
Adam saw his teammate Mike, adorned in armor, behind Kelly with his hands on her firm behind beneath her skirt. It looked like John, another one of Adam’s teammates, was groping her chest. Adam’s dark eyes darkened further, and he did not want to see any more.
Repulsed more by the scene in the living room than the bottles of cheap whiskey in the kitchen, Adam nonetheless found himself with an increasingly empty bottle of whiskey in his hand. Not. Fucking. Fair.
Adam had loved Kelly. Adam still loved Kelly. And, they were going to get married and live happily ever after. But, that was before the incident. Before her betrayal.
His world had come crashing down, and he no longer wanted to live. He did not want anything. He certainly did not want any more whiskey, but still the bottle kept getting lighter in his hand.
There were lots of other people in the kitchen, but still Adam was alone and increasingly drunk. Then he was running out the door into the comforting embrace of darkness.
Adam’s roommate Jeff had dragged him into the Uber and off to the party at the secluded old Victorian mansion outside of town. Adam actually hadn’t gotten out of bed in days since the incident, but now, still in his boxers, he found himself on foot taking the shortcut back to town through the old cemetery.
Even though it was still October for another couple minutes, the night air was likely down in the single digits. The thin and not-so-white sheet that Jeff had said was Adam’s “costume” as had dragged him out of bed did little to protect him from the biting wind. As another gust rushed by his blanket was gone, and Adam and his boxers were alone by themselves.
Suddenly, Adam was laughing and started to feel warmer. Fuck it all, he though as he took off his boxers, twirled them around his head, and then sent them off on the wind as well.
Without realizing it, Adam was sitting down on a tombstone. He might have seen a shadow and a glimmer of life or death.
Apart from a bit of warmth, Adam still couldn’t feel anything, but somehow his little friend was starting to wake up from his sleep. Seriously, he was getting an erection. And, he was getting harder and harder, and then he was very hard.
Then in the darkness he sensed a feminine presence, and he was no longer alone as he felt spectral lips on his engorged member.
The ghost seemed to think his penis was a popsicle, and he happily let her lick and lick and lick.
“What does it feel like a voice articulated into his ear?” And Adam’s drunken and freezing mind feebly grasped for words to describe his growing ecstasy.
He hadn’t felt anything in days and days, and suddenly he was alive again. He was a river flowing towards a waterfall, and the urge to irrevocably commit to the plunge was undeniable. A champagne supernova of colors exploded from the darkness around him.
He knew that the birds that were not really out in the cold were singing. He knew that the animals safe in their burrows were playing.
And the pressure in his loins kept growing. He would have sworn that he felt a hand slap his rear, as a petite icy hand grasped his penis tighter, and the wet lips of the wind began to pummel his glans.
And suddenly the pressure was released and the volcano exploded and the bittersweet symphony became muted as his mind was no more.
The next morning, after the sun had thawed the frozen cum on Adam’s lifeless body, the worms began their feast, and the early birds did actually begin to sing with their easy breakfast.