Writer: The Horned Witch
Subject: Magick With A “K”
Link: Tumblr / 15.12.2024
The Devil Is In The Details: Compelling Depictions Of Lucifer In Media 2
Let’s all go to the movies, let’s all go to the movies — I haven’t been to the theater in a very, very long time. I do love film, but I will not just see any trash on the big screen. It has to be something I am very intrigued or pulled in by. I’m not sure if it’s just that I am aging and I finally understand what my mom and grandparents were so frustrated with, but movies are not what they used to be.
So I do not go to the theater very often, which sometimes means I miss ones I wish I saw after the fact. There is something about the experience of seeing film on the large screen in a room with others that just has a type of community I think is lost nowadays. One film I am glad I did go and see was Constantine. Yes, I know they are making a second one; no, I’m not sure if I want to see it. I have my reasons.
Eighteen-year-old me loved Constantine. Eighteen-year-old me loved Keanu Reeves (Adult me loves Keanu). That opening scene is fantastic; still, when I watch it I’m impressed by the graphics that still hold up. The mirror thing is fun and tense. The rest of the movie is riddled with fun allegory and symbolism that one day I might go into more deeply. (The psychic stuff hits home/Angela’s life hits home.)
Now I have watched this movie in various stages of my spiritual journey. Each time, I noticed something I hadn’t before. One that sticks with me and has helped with my journey is this: “It’s not always like the books.” — It’s not, but sometimes film can show some rather interesting truths.
Constantine-Lucifer: Peter Stormare
John Constantine, the one soul Lucifer Himself would come and collect. Which He does, in only the way Lucifer can. Stormare steals the entire movie in his whole ten minutes of screen time. From the moment you hear that drip and hiss of tar (Oil?) as He descends, to the “You will live, John Constantine,” we experience the cold cosmic authority, dark humor, and dominance of an aspect of Lucifer whom most of us that adhere to the Left Hand Path know all too well. An aspect that can make or break you in those lessons and points He so loves to make.
Eighteen-year-old me did not notice this at the first initial viewing; I simply thought it a rather good performance as well as interesting choice of actor. Current me, however, after a recent rewatch, is having a very interesting moment of clarity and realization. It was this scene on this particular rewatch that had me raising an eyebrow at the screen. Hold up a damn minute. Am I seeing You in the depiction, or the depiction in you?
Perhaps both. Go ahead and write about it. I’m sure there are others you can think of — Angels with their triple meanings and backwards speaking. Oh, yes. Angels.
The way Stormare enters the scene is rather intriguing. He doesn’t rise from a crack in the floor engulfed in flames, wearing horns and massive bat wings. No. He descends to the ground barefoot, wearing a white suit, and takes a seat in a steel chair. Of course, why not? Lucifer does whatever Lucifer wants to do. Yep. He shows up exactly how He wants to even if you are the one who requested His presence. It’s not like the books.
Stormare continues his interpretation efficiently, exuding all the Big Dick energy of a Divine being that knows What and Who it is. I specifically love the little things: The snarled growl after “I need a vacation.” The way He snarls and invades John’s space when He asks if this is one of his cons.
As well as John’s reaction. (If you aren’t a little terrified of Lucifer are you sure it’s Lucifer you’re dealing with?) As well as the quips of dark humor, subtly dropped here and there. The final look He gives Gabriel before grounding Mammon and Hellfiring her wings off is rather impressive. Even His back and forth with John is fun to watch. Not enemies, but not friends. It is professional and to the point; pleasantries have their place.
John, much like a child bargaining with his parents, strategically kills at least four birds with one stone. He knows Lu is going to do what Lu does best: handle the situation accordingly. (He knew he had a win/win. Die go to heaven/Live get my cancer healed. Come on, it’s John Constantine, and Lu knows this.)
One of the most profound, and somewhat difficult lessons I have learned this past year is: that Lucifer is efficient, strategic, creative, and dominant in the way He can and will intervene in the lives of those who devote to/work with/venerate Him. It is almost like playing chess with someone who can see all your moves beforehand. Who allows you to make those mistakes without any sort of control or judgment? He simply watches, waits, and responds. Strategically.
Not once does Stormare raise his voice; instead he maintains a low and steady cadence that drops here and there. He casually scoops Mammon/Angela up with little effort and allows Gabriel her rambles all while holding his demon son in a headlock. Just another day at the office, hold on Johnny. My son needs to be reminded who the right fuck I am. One second, be right back.
We witness not only The CEO of Hell show up to His often rescheduled meeting with a client He can’t wait to get His claws into. We witness a Father and Older Brother handle a hostile takeover by His own family. Just another day at the office. Between all that, plus His main responsibilities, as well as ‘brat taming’ John, no wonder He needs a vacation.
There have been events in my life over the past few years, that initially I viewed as part of my life. It is what it is, things just happen. Yet the synchronicities, that followed or coincided with the event, again had me raising an eyebrow at my altars, wondering: “Is that You? Or am I overthinking it?”
Great game we play, He often wins. He always wins, like with John. How much of that was John being steps ahead? How much of that did Lucifer already know? No, He isn’t Omnipresent or whatever, but He does know how things can and will unfold. Sometimes, He gives you a heads-up in that fun triple backwards way of speaking.
Which you don’t always understand until your entire life breaks down. Physically, mentally, financially, emotionally and spiritually. Even then, you like the cosmic child throw a fit and become angry that you are losing everything, not understanding that new can not come in if the old is still there. It’s not like the books.