Writer: SatanWorshipper
Subject: The Desecration of Joel Burns’ Bible
Link: Email / LS666
The Desecration of Joel Burns’ Bible
Joel Burns was a good Christian his entire life. He loved Jesus with all his heart and went to church every Sunday to praise him. He would always bring his personal Bible to read scripture from during the services. When Joel died in 2020 at age seven-nine from complications from Covid-19, his family donated his Bible to the local Salvation Army store. They figured that rather than gather dust at Joel’s home, which was now on the real estate market, his Bible could help bring someone else close to Christ.
Satan first came to me after I mildly desecrated a Bible I had bought for that very reason. It had sat on a shelf for months before I finally took it, opened it up and gently spit on it once. It felt so wrong — LOL. From there, with the Dark Lord’s possession and direction, the desecration quickly became more and more wicked, more depraved. I bought a collection of Bibles and covered them nightly in every bodily substance I had while masturbating in Satan’s honor — spit, piss, shit and of course cum.
Such blasphemous actions brought me closer and closer to Satan my savior and God. Still, I felt I could somehow become even closer to Him. That’s when I read the piece of advice.
He went by the name Bile and wrote regularly for an online Satanic journal I read regularly.
He said that to make the desecration of a Bible even more blasphemous and thus more pleasing to our Dark Lord, I should find a used one that had actually belonged to a Christian and had been holy and dear to him. That would crush the Christian’s soul and help deliver it to Satan for eternal torment. So much more delicious than desecrating one which had never belonged to anymore, Bile wrote.
Full of Demonic Lust, I went to the local Salvation Army later that day in search of one. And guess whose I found? That’s right. Joel Burns name was emblazoned in gold on the cover.
It was pure coincidence. I hadn’t known Burns in the slightest.
I paid for it — lying to the clerk that I was new to Christianity and wanted to get closer to Jesus (as if) – and brought it home to my Satanic Worship space. I couldn’t wait to get to work.
I immediately covered Burns’ bible with various blasphemous stickers: inverted crosses, 666s, pentagrams and of course, Hail Satan. It looked so hot. I then spit on jesus’ greatest hit, John 16:4, where he allegedly (doubtful) says “I am the way and the truth and the life.” Finally, I masturbated out a huge load all over the John 16:4 page. It looked so unholy, so impure, so fiendish.
End of night one. I could already sense the great pain I had inflicted on Burns. I was so happy.
In the months that have gone by since, I’ve desecrated it regularly with load after load after load of Satan Seed, plus, of course, spit, piss and shit. I’ve wiped my ass with it, blew my noise in it and even eaten some of its pages. By now, it looks gang-raped in Lord Satan’s honor. Burns’ soul is in a constant state of suffering and shock. His beloved Jesus is nowhere to be found.
Joel Burns just knew in his heart and soul that he would eternity with Jesus. But Joel Burns was wrong. Because his Bible is so thoroughly desecrated by a true disciple of Lord Satan, Burns is now spending eternity as a plaything for the Dark Lord, his soul being tortured for the “End of Days”. Poor Joel Burns. He should have rejected the false prophet Christ and embraced the true God, Satan, while he still had a chance. But it’s too late now. As for me, it’s time to further desecrate Joel Burns’ beloved Bible.
Hail Satan.
This is sacred and noble. Hail Lilith!