Writer: Voice from the Shadows
Subject: The Dark Lord, Sex and Porn
Link: Tumblr / 10.11.2021
The Dark Lord, Sex and Porn: Plowing another Furrow
Thou dost protest too much” is a response found in literature, used often when someone keeps bringing up a topic that has been “talked to death,” and, in some (or many) situations, continues because the person who can’t stop talking about it may or does have doubts about the position they keep advocating as if they are trying to convince themselves of the validity of their position. It’s like a person who is guilty can’t stop professing their innocence when no one wants to know or cares if they are guilty or not. This article arises because I have received yet another message from the same person who keeps telling me that he doesn’t need to believe in the Dark Lord or any god for him to be a satanist. Why? Because he states that a satanist is simply an “adversary” of God which means he doesn’t believe in any god and he has the right to believe or not believe in any supreme being if he doesn’t want to.
I am being confronted by an idiot who is looking to pick a fight over nothing because no one, especially me, is trying to change his mind about anything, especially whether or not he has to believe in a supreme being. There is no fight to be fought because the author of this yet another message is seeking to fight his own doubts within himself and he is welcome to do so but not on my forum. Why does one continue to advocate for a position that has been conceded (that he can believe in what he wishes when it comes to a supreme being) unless he has doubts about where he stands? I’ve long ago shared that I’m not criticizing anyone when it comes to their personal position and am only sharing where I stand, and then I am doing so in response to questions or requests I receive. He “Protests too much.”
In this last message the author tells me emphatically that he can enjoy porn and engage in casual sex without the Dark Lord. Whoever advanced the idea that one had to do so. I can understand the xian position that if you are engaging in sinning against the xian God then you are on the other side, an adversary of his. But that has nothing to do with following the Dark Lord. From the xian perspective, sinning is certainly acting as an adversary to the xian God but that doesn’t make him a satanist. Far from it, redemption and forgiveness is available still because by saying he believes in nothing, he leaves the door open to saying he believed in the xian God all along. For you see, I believe the author says he believes in nothing to justify his saying he can think and act as he wishes and be able to justify whatever he wants to do without being responsible to anyone or anything while he worries or is looking over his shoulder because he does not truly hold to the position he is advocating.
I am reminded of the tale of the two men who were friends. One told the other that he didn’t believe in God and the other told him he did. The former asked him to prove it. The latter said he looked at the universe and at the human race and that was enough for him. The former came back with the usual arguments to which the latter said, “Joe, shut up. You don’t know what’s going to happen and I’m not going to take the chance.” Now, my belief is more than my simply “taking the chance there is a life beyond death.” But, in my humble opinion, Joe’s friend’s statement is a starting point for one who wonders about such things.
And it seems to me like my non-protagonist is trying to arrive at an absolute response to the question of the existence of the “beyond” when he can’t. He wants to believe there is nothing but doesn’t really know that so he is constantly, in the back of his mind, worried and can’t stop considering that he might be wrong and need to constantly convince himself of his absolute position when that is not what he believes at all. He is, in truth, lying to himself.
His constant argument offers him an opportunity to continually assure himself of the correctness of his position because he has doubts he can’t overcome.
His argument that faith proves nothing shows his lack of common sense because we see faith in action everyday … in the actions we take every second of every minute of every hour of every day. How? When you go to sleep you have faith you will wake up. You flip the light switch and you’ve paid the bill, that the lights will come on. When you get in your car, that you will arrive safely at work. I can go on and on. We have calendars and datebooks, etc. Planning a date, event or project, all of these require faith that they will happen, we will go, and the project will be accomplished. Even if we say we live or try to live just for each day, faith plays a part all the time because we have faith we will get from one place to another. Our lives embrace faith as a fact because it is a fundamental part of who we are and how we live. Faith is because faith has to be.
I have said I am plowing the same field and this is just another furrow in the work. Why? Because I have shared what I believe and how I arrived at where I am in my journey more than once. It wasn’t an easy journey on this left hand path I walk on and it still isn’t but faith gives peace of mind and that I have in abundance when it comes to the Dark Lord because I see why he wants me to follow him. Why is that? Read my articles about me and my journey and you will see the “why”.
What I don’t see is why the author of this last message and those he wrote before can say he is a satanist and not believe in a real Satan. Is it because he knows the fallacy and what I call the dishonesty that is evident. That is like a communist saying he is socialist when in truth, as you talk to him, you discover he is really a lazy capitalist or sees a way to take advantage of the system by changing the semantics.
I don’t play games when it comes to the supernatural or the spiritual. Most folks do or don’t give it much thought saying they can wait til they are older or some other excuse. Each of us make our own choices in this regard and maybe my tumblr is a reminder that we need to take some time and give serious attention to the topic.
I won’t be responding to this specific author because it doesn’t appear he is listening anyway. He knows what I believe and his disagreeing with me is fine and have have said so both in the articles and in my messages to him. If his mind was “sure” about his atheism why the constant attempts to engage in an argument that is unnecessary because I don’t care if he believes in the Dark Lord or not. There is no reward or star in my crown if he decides to follow the Dark Lord or not. So be it.
One thing is sure. He has no peace of mind or he wouldn’t be constantly messaging me with his long missals over matters that shouldn’t matter to him because he says they don’t matter because he doesn’t believe in anything but himself in the first place.
Ave Dominum Tenebris.
Thank You Voice from The Shadows
Thank You My Brother Xpanther
For all your Great Work
Keep up the FAITH!…my man!
The short video clip of the slut masturbating with a crucifix is sooo fucking sexy
Worshipping Satan FOREVER,