Feature Writer: Quixerotic1

Feature Title: THE CRIMSON MILK 1

Published: 28.10.2019

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

Synopsis: A insidious change begins with a drink of crimson milk.

Author’s Note: Here is the original Crimson Milk story. The reason it went away originally is uninteresting and convoluted. The reason it took so long to bring it back is two things. First, the file itself where I kept the text of the story became a mess and I was reluctant to sort it out. Second, and more importantly, I was never happy with what I wrote and wanted to go back and sort it into something better. I think I’m doing that now with the Reborn series, so I’m more comfortable getting this back out. Lots of people have asked for it over the years and I’ve always appreciated that feedback. Enjoy!


The Crimson Milk 1

A paper ball whizzed past Amanda’s head, causing a mild squeal from the pack of girls beside her. Mr. Nelson glared back at the students from his rear view mirror while the young men in the back of the bus giggled and pointed fingers at one another. Amanda pushed her ear buds in a bit more firmly and tried to ignore the rampant flirting going on around her.

She focused her attention on the woods outside of the window. The road back to Cloverdale was pitch black, with only the shadow branches of the forest waving back at her. Amanda had joined the local junior college’s debate team in hopes of expanding her social circle. For a while she had actually believed that life would be different after high school, that cliques would dissolve in favor of true, honest friendships, and that boy’s heads wouldn’t be turned so easily by big breasts or a round ass.

She had tried. Thoughtful conversations, expressing interest, doing all the things she’d read about really reaching past a boy’s libido to find the romantic young man underneath. It had not worked. Most of the boys she met were the same enough blood for one brain slobs that she had known in high school. In the back of the bus, Ethan, a muscular senior with neatly groomed blonde hair and smooth face, led the pack in whispering lewd jokes to one another while passing back and forth a shared bottle of water. Amanda didn’t know if Mr. Nelson ignored the smell on his team’s breath or simply didn’t care. Luckily, the popular girls stayed away from the drinking so she wasn’t pressured into it either.

Their sobriety didn’t stop them from absorbing all the attention though. Erica, a twenty year old blonde girl kept pushing up her cleavage any time one of the boys talked to some other girl. But she made sure to get very close to Ethan at every opportunity. The team gossiped most of the year that they were sleeping together, despite rules against that kind of thing. Amanda didn’t particularly understand the rule, but still jealously wanted it to be enforced.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the dingy window. Her dry brown hair framed a very plain face. Her eye shadow, which had given her so much confidence that morning, had been dulled and smeared by sweat brought on from hot stage lights. She took such pride in her makeup because Erica looked more or less like a clown. In some small way for Amanda, it made up for her flat chest and butt.

As the bus flashed past the Welcome to Cloverdale sign, the bus shook violently for a moment, but Amanda barely noticed. It wasn’t until she heard loud, airy pops and the bus began to swerve that she was roused from her envious thoughts. The other students began shouting and Mr. Nelson bellowed as he desperately tried to maintain control of the vehicle. With a final lurch, the bus crashed into the ditch and everyone bounced back into their seats.

“Is everyone ok?” Mr. Nelson asked, rubbing his own forehead. He quickly walked back through the bus, checking on his students. He grabbed Amanda by the shoulder and pulled her upright. She saw him mouth something to her, but couldn’t hear him over the scrambled static from her ear buds. Nevertheless, she nodded and he moved on. She pulled the ear buds out of her head and looked down at her phone. It had cracked somehow, right down the middle. More confused than distraught, she turned to look out the window again. She had seen something, she remembered. Red eyes, right before they crashed.

“My phone!” Erica screamed, holding up the device. It had cracked as well. “How the hell are we supposed to call for help?” The road outside was deserted and a sense of panic rose quickly as others discovered similar damage to their phones. “What the fuck is going on?”

“Erica,” Mr. Nelson said swooping past her. “Don’t start a panic, I’m sure they just got damaged in the crash, maybe if you all didn’t have them in your hands all the time.” His eyes lingered on her upthrust chest for a bit too long as he passed her, causing another small flame of resentment to well up in Amanda. “Now, listen everyone, I’m going to go out and see what we hit. Stay on the bus, someone will be along in a minute and I’ll flag them down for help. Just be glad no one got hurt.”

Mr. Nelson vanished outside closing the door behind him, and the others broke into a series of whines and laments. “This thing cost $500,” Josh, another freshman, said. “What the hell do you think we hit?”

“Blew out the tires whatever it was,” Ethan answered. “We’re sitting lower to the ground.”

“I heard the pops when the tires went out,” Tiffany piped up. She sounded worried and Amanda immediately sympathized with her. Tiffany had been the kindest to her, taking her under her wing as a senior mentoring a freshman. Tiffany was mousy and plain as well, and a bit overweight. Everyone liked her though and even Erica didn’t bother to throw around jealous glare or rub herself on the nearest boy when she spoke up. “Amanda was looking out the window,” she said and the group all turned to Amanda. “Did you see anything before the crash?”

Amanda shook her head. Eyes, she wanted to say, red eyes. She started to speak, but the door opened and everyone turned expecting to see Mr. Nelson.

Instead, a woman rose up the steps into the bus. Everyone went silent and those who could, backed away from her. Amanda did not understand why, but her face felt very hot and her clothes began to itch. The woman was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Tall and tanned skin, her red dress glittered as her heel clicked through the bus towards the center. Her breasts were huge and her ass swayed from side to side with a distinct jiggle as she walked, causing all the boys and some of the girls to stare blankly at her ample endowment. Luscious red hair cascaded down her back and her large eyes stayed focused on the object in her hands. Cherry red lips smiled deviously at no one.

In the woman’s hands was a bottle of red liquid. “Crimson,” she said in a melodious voice as she held up the bottle, her eyes following it. A sudden wave of euphoria rippled through the twelve young people causing them all to sigh and move slightly toward the woman. “One drop is all it takes,” she continued. “One drop and you become like me. All you ever want to become, all you could possible imagine, bottled up and brought to your feet.” Her eyes flashed quickly to Amanda. No more than an instant, but Amanda saw them, red violent eyes. “Drink it and all your cares will wash away. You will become a god of ecstasy. What could you give up for that? What wouldn’t you give up? The Crimson wants everything from you and it will give you everything in return. Your body, your mind, your soul such trivial things for just a drop of this.” Amanda realized that the woman was not speaking to them, she was reciting something. With tremendous, almost loving, care the woman placed the bottle on the ground in the very center of the bus. She started to walk away and added finally, “Careful, results may vary.”

The woman exited the bus and immediately everyone focused on the bottle. Amanda felt an intense urge to rush and grab it, even if she had to fight off the others. Something held her back. She managed to steal glances at the others and they all seemed to be fighting off a similar trance. Reason started to win her over and she moved to shake some of the others out of it, to try to explain the red woman, but then she heard a moan. Looking out the window, she saw the red woman riding Mr. Nelson slowly. The two writhed in a passioned embrace as her red dress vanished and a barbed tail snaked up to grab Mr. Nelson’s throat. He thrust harder and harder into the changing woman. The red eyes flashed again at Amanda and she turned away.

The others were coming to their senses, but Amanda had already moved to the vial and was cradling it in her hands. It felt warm. “You shouldn’t,” someone said, but she didn’t care, it only urged her forward. She uncorked the bottle and put it to her lips, somewhere deep within her a voice cried out to stop, but she turned up the bottle and it flowed quickly down her throat.

Immediately, she felt the warmth spread out through her body, but other than that nothing happened. The others had pulled as far back from her as possible, also expecting some violent reaction. She pondered the liquid while looking at the two ends of the bus. She wondered why they looked so small and sad, why they didn’t simply try to run. Her skin kept getting hotter. “Uhhhhngggg”

She collapsed to her knees and shoved her hand down her pants. She dipped two fingers into her pussy and it felt amazingly molten. She ignored the cries of alarm from the others as she ripped open her jeans and pushed them down. Standing up in a hurry she pulled off her shirt and tried to get her bra off, but another wave of heat hit her and she fell back on a seat. Again her hand pushed down to her pussy, was that the word she normally used?, she plunged in her fingers and began massaging her clit. Her other hand followed the burning sensation to her breasts. They were swelling. “Titties. Big fucking titties,” she moaned. “Uhhhnggg! More!” Orgasm racked her body as her tits started to swell and she clawed at the clasp of her bra as she writhed on the seat, her arousal starting to drip down the side. The titflesh spilled over her bra as the flimsy fabric ripped and her glorious new jugs poured into freedom.

She got to her feet, bringing her hand up to lick off her sweet tasting juices. She looked again at the others. Several of the girls were massaging their boobs and the guys had noticeable bulges in their pants. Josh had pulled his dick over the edge of his shorts and was shamelessly stroking it as he watched. Another wave of heat pulsed through Amanda, she fell forward to her knees as her skin darkened. She reached back and grabbed her drenched underwear, ripping them off, letting her ass out into the cool air. She arched her back as another orgasm wracked her body, one hand went down to her crotch again and another massaged her still tingling breasts. “Ohhhh, I want big bouncy ass cheeks. Lots to hold on to while they fuck me, lots to spank.” Her ass flesh pulsed and grew, getting rounder and starting to jiggle as she moaned on the floor. She jerked her head up to look forward at the girls. Erica was pulling off her shirt absent mindedly. Brendi and Melody, a pair of brunettes, were locked in a deep kiss.

“Uhhnnnggg, yes! Yes!” Amanda screamed. “Like what you see girls? It feels amazing! I could fuck each and every one of you till you screamed for it, until you begged me to have this ass. Ahhh!” Amanda felt a wave of pain as something inside her mind tried to resist. Little Amanda, the scrawny girl that no one paid attention to. The Crimson traveled to her mind and the voice grew quieter, warm laughter drowning it out. Amanda was gone. Mandi was born.

Mandi stood up. She looked down at her new body. Her skin was bronze and her body was toned. She seemed to glimmer with a sheen of sweat, but she was dry and smooth to the touch. Teardrop breasts jutted out from her chest. She noticed they were swollen and felt full. Bringing up a hand she tweaked her nipple and red fluid dripped out into the hand. “So that’s where it comes from,” she thought with delight. She ran her hands over her lush ass, pulling apart her cheeks slightly. Running her hand down to her pussy, she frowned at the stubble. “That’s no good.” Another wave of warmth flowed to the region and in an instant she was stroking her hairless mons. She heard a grunt behind her.

Josh had lost his pants entirely and was furiously masturbating. His five inch dick was almost raw and his eyes were filled with lust and desperation. “Oh, what’s the matter Joshy,” Amanda cooed at him. “Has my new bald pussy got you all hot and bothered?” He grunted again, wincing in pain as he continued jerking himself off. Mandi ran her hands up her body and through her new silky black hair. “I could really use a good fuck right now after all, but that little twig won’t do me much good. I need a special kind of buck to mount me. Is that what you want? To mount me and fuck me till I cum all over your big fat dick?”

Josh moaned, “Yesssss, please.”

With a wicked smile, she pulled him in to her chest. He immediately latched on to her nipple and began to suck down the warm red fluid seeping from her breast. The feeling was exquisite and Mandi felt another orgasm flitter through her body. “That’s a good boy, we’ll make you big and strong, built like an ox. With a big ol’ fat dick for me to suck and fuck and do what I want with. Don’t worry girls, he’ll fuck each and every one of you with his new toy, I just get to go first!”

Josh pulled back from her as the heat started to spread into his body. He felt muscles moving and bones cracking, but felt no pain. His chest broadened and his arms swelled with muscle. His hand went back to his dick and started stroking again. “Oh, you’re going to cum buckets,” Mandi whispered and with a roar Josh shot his first load onto the bus floor. His dick didn’t soften, but swelled even more. “Let me help you baby.” Mandi went to her knees in front of him and began to lick and suck his growing shaft. Each time she took it into her mouth, it came out a little bit longer. She tugged on his balls as they swelled to the size of tennis balls. Hair began to thicken and spread down his thighs. The bones in his feet began to crack and meld. In moments, he came again, spraying thick streams of cum into the back of Mandi’s mouth. She came up licking her lips and kissed him but kept stroking the now twelve inch penis. “Bounce me on that fat cock.” She climbed into Josh’s arms as his new hooves stomped on the bus floor. Her hairless pussy slipped over his fourteen inch member and the women in the bus all moaned together as Josh began to saw into his new mate.

“More! More cock!” Mandi howled and Josh moaned as his penis grew its sixteenth inch. He felt a tingle at the base of his spine followed by the new sensation of a tail. “Is this the best you can fuck?” Mandi taunted him, “Can you make me cum like the little school girl I am or not?”

Josh growled and threw her off of him, pushing her to all fours on the seat level with his waist. For the first time, the spectators saw Josh fully for what he had become. Above the waist, he was a more fit, chiseled version of the young man they had known. Below the waist, his legs had transformed into hairy cloven legs of a minotaur. His tremendous appendage oozed pink cum from its flat headed tip as he ran it up across Mandi’s plump ass. She grinned back at him as his tail swished from side to side. With a single thrust, he was hilt deep in her and he roughly began to fuck into her with all his new strength. Crimson milk sprayed from her tits as she reached underneath them to squeeze his smooth balls. She reveled in the feel of them slapping into her labia. She squealed again as another orgasm tore through her body. His powerful hands gripped her ass, sinking into the luscious flesh as he roared through another orgasm. Rope after rope of gooey cum sprayed into her and she drenched his cock with her own.

With a wet pop, he pulled his new dick out of his mistress and stepped back from her to admire his new body. Mandi stood and looked at the girls huddled at the front of the bus. They could barely contain themselves, most were completely naked and the two brunettes were eating each other out as furiously as they could. Erica was topless and could not keep her hands away from her perky breasts, but she was still entranced by the spectacle before her. Mandi, the mingled cum running down her thigh, raised her hand and pointed at the bubbly blonde. “Your turn.”

The bus was warm and comfortable. Erica felt so sleepy and calm. She wasn’t particularly aware of what her hands were doing, nor did she realize what was happening around her. The faintest thoughts crossed her mind as she stood there, stroking her breasts. What had happened to the beautiful woman who smelled of cinnamon? Amanda had gone with her, of course, Erica knew that. She saw them walk into the woods together, but someone else had stayed behind. A different woman, Mandi. Erica loved her, of course, she always had, but then again, she couldn’t remember a time before Mandi and her calm shuddered briefly at the thought of one.

In front of her, the goddess was licking Josh’s new dick clean of the pink cum. The half man, half bull moaned and ran his rough hands through Mandi’s hair. She took the throbbing tool out of her mouth with a pop, it continued to ooze as she rubbed it across her enormous chest while leering at the other young men still entranced at the rear of the bus. All but Ethan had their dicks in their hands, absentmindedly stroking. Ethan remained in a daze, but fully clothed.

“Now then,” Mandi said standing up. “You take a rest while I play with the girls. Erica dear, come here.” The warm cloud around Erica dissipated. Her senses came rushing back to her. Revulsion and horror gripped her and she backed towards the door. Mandi frowned. “Now now, don’t be silly. Why would you go? What would you do? Run for the police and beg them for help? Isn’t this what you always wanted? Big plump lips for sucking a big fat cock?” She grabbed Josh’s penis and dragged him towards her, stroking him back to massive erection. “Hmm, maybe you’ve had enough cock already. You know, Erica, you do have a reputation of being an old fashioned cum guzzling slut. It’s one of your better qualities. We’re going to need some play room dear.”

Josh nodded and grabbed on of the seats. With a deft and effortless motion, he wrenched the metal from the bus floor and shoved against the side of the bus. With a groan, the windows and emergency door gave way. The seat went spiraling out of the gaping hole and Mandi calmly took a seat in the new clear area. Erica noticed that the usually grimy and uncomfortable bus had also begun a small transformation. The hard leather cushions had become soft and downy. The floor was seemingly growing a carpet, emanating out from the place where Mandi’s original transformation had occurred. The lights had turned from gritty fluorescent to a warm red glow. Even the metal tears where Josh had ripped apart the bus had smoothed and rounded, creating a small stage opening for whatever resided in the dark woods to watch the lurid display.

Erica watched as Mandi reclined, spreading her pussy lips apart and lightly tracing her fingers across her folds. Josh looked on with a small whimper. He edged forward and Mandi gripped the base of his cock, running her hand along the shaft slowly while staring back at Erica. “Come on, which one do you want more? This big veiny dick or my sopping wet pussy?”

Erica walked forward towards the pair of sexual monsters. She could walk past them. She knew they wouldn’t stop her. But she had always wondered what it would be like to bury her face in a gushing pussy. To lap up mingled cum while still wet from watching strangers fuck. She imagined Mandi’s creamy thighs pressing against her head while screaming in orgasm and drenching the face of the woman who gave it to her. “No, just run, get out of here and never come back,” a voice in Erica’s mind said. It sounded so familiar and yet so distant. She felt the cool night air on her naked skin, she reached her left hand up to grip the edge of the opening so she could climb out. Her right hand was inches away from the voluptuous woman. Erica felt the heat coming from the woman’s crotch, she could smell a sweet cinnamon and knew it was Josh’s cum. She decided. Instantly the voice vanished.

She dropped to her knees and dove her face into the warm wetness before her. Josh growled a slight disappointment, but Mandi laughed in devilish delight as Erica slowly ran her flattened tongue the full length of the dripping slit. Both women began moaning and Mandi’s toes curled as she felt an intense heat traveling down between her legs. Erica’s former self was gone and she lapped greedily at the slit in front of her. Her hands groped underneath Mandi, squeezing her ass cheeks and pulling her into the eager strokes of Erica’s tongue.

“Ohhhhh, yes, that’s my girl,” Mandi cooed, stroking her new acquisition’s hair. “You eat pussy like you’ve been practicing for years, just like I knew you would. Don’t worry Joshy, you’ll have a turn in a few minutes. I bet those perky tits look nice from this angle though, too bad she hasn’t got any hips on her. What would you hold on to while you fuck? How disappointing it would be to spray your load all over bony little butt. Don’t you agree, Erica?”

“Mmmph, mmph”

“Careful my little honeypot,” Mandi teased. “You know what they say, you are what you eat.”

Heat racked through Erica’s body. She continued licking and slurping at her mistress’s slit, but her own drenched pussy started to spasm in orgasm. The heat began to linger in her already sizable breasts and they began to swell to ludicrous size just like Mandi’s. Her hips rounded as her rear swelled to a bubble butt. She began to purr as she licked. She felt warmer and her skin began to itch. She ran her hand down to her own vagina, but found it even more hairless than she usually kept it. Blindly, she kept searching over changing body with her hands. A thick fuzz had started growing along her side and back. It encircled her new breasts, leaving perky nipples poking out. She reached back and pulled at her plump new ass, feeling the furry hair coating her buttocks. With a quick gasp she felt her new tail growing out from the base of her spine. Her fingernails grew curved and thick. Mandi’s stroking of her pet’s hair slowly revealed pointy cat ears, which twitched to the touch. This last revelation made Erica stop her fervent licking and look up at Mandi. “What the fuck have you done to m—m—meowwwwwww!”

“What was that deary?”

“Meow! Meeeeeoooooooooowww!” Josh had moved behind the new cat-woman and was dragging the full length of his member across the girl’s furry back. She purred and rubbed her ass back against him, causing him to grunt from the feel of soft fuzz against his balls.

“That’s right my blonde little bimbo,” Mandi said. “You’re just a cat in heat, begging to be fucked. And you’re going to get it, every last inch of that fat cock.” Josh pushed Erica back to all fours and she shoved her ass in the air, arching her back and letting out a long slow purr. Josh pulled aside her tail as the tip twitched in his face. With one hand pushing into the soft ass in front of him, his dickhead nudged its way between Erica’s drenched folds. “Feel it? He wants to put it in. He wants you to buck and scratch while he impales you on his fuckstick. Is that what you want, pussy girl?”

“Meow, rrrrrrrrrrrrrr, pwease!” Erica was gone. Kitty was all that remained. She leaned back trying to force herself onto the hot pole behind her, but Josh did the same holding the head barely in her outer folds.

“What’s that Joshy, is she not good enough yet? Her pussy not as tight as mine? Ooo! I know Kitty sure does like milk doesn’t she. Suck on my tits so he has something else to watch while he pounds your ass. Then he can watch it grow even more!”

Kitty crawled up her mistress and latched on to the swollen nipple, warm red milk flowed into her mouth causing a new wave of warm to spread over her body. With a loud grunt, Josh drove into Kitty’s pussy, sending the pair of women rocking forward on the seat. His balls slapped into Mandi’s slit as he fucked the cat girl. He kneaded her ass with his rough hands. It grew before his eyes, swelling and rounding like rising bread. It spurred him on and he fucked even hardened, starting to grunt and moan. Mandi pulled the girl up into a kiss, sharing the sweet tasting milk between them. “There’s still just a little left, you know,” Mandi whispered into Kitty’s new ears. “A little of that girl Erica, she wants you to stop. She knows that when that beast behind you drenches your ass in sticky cum, that she’ll vanish. Do you have anything to say to her?”

Kitty smiled and turned back to Josh, “Fuck my ass with that big horse cock, meoooowww!” She felt the first burst of cum coat her insides. Josh pulled out of her and slapped his dick onto her ass, sending two more ropes across her back. He wedged himself between her ass cheeks and pushed her furry cleft together, continuing to fuck and spew cum from his tip.

“Now then, a good kitty cleans herself up,” Mandi said as she stood up and took hold of Josh’s dick. “I’ll take care of this.” She dove down and began cleaning the pink cum off his cock. Kitty began licking herself everywhere she could reach, scooping his cum off her back and rubbing it on her breasts, causing them to swell with the transformative milk which had already begun leaking from her new teats.

The bus no longer resembled a bus at all. The other entranced watchers had not noticed as the vehicle had grown into the ground. The windowed sides of the bus had become walls. The metal railings and seat bars had changed into tall silver poles. The seats themselves had become booths. Where there was once an aisle, large cushioned pedestals had popped up. The drivers seat had transformed into a bar stool and then divided itself several times to create a full row for the newly formed bar, which vaguely resembled an engine block. Where Josh had thrown a seat out of a torn bus, a door had formed. Ethan’s mind, though clouded, did notice the neon glow of the new “Crimson Club” sign on the front of the building.

Kitty and Josh had started rutting again. She had him pinned in a booth, riding his cock as she purred and tweaked her nipple to squirt red milk into his lapping mouth. Mandi crawled onto the center pedestal, presenting her voluptuous ass to the remaining boys as her tits dribbled more Crimson on the cushions as they swung forward. She eyed the remaining innocents, trying to contain her excitement long enough to pick who would be next.


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