Feature Writer: Phil Phantom /
Feature Title: The Corruption of Mother Theresa /
Copyright: © 1997 ALL Rights Reserved
Story Codes: Religious, Pedo, Perverts, Reluctant /
Synopsis: This story is a must read for single mothers raising sexy young daughters, with a horny neighbor, in a school district full of perverts, run by a pedophile /


The Corruption of Mother Theresa

Theresa Andrews did everything she thought was right in raising her two daughters: Connie, fourteen; and Becky, eight. For years she fretted over her Connie falling victim to a child molester, and with young Becky in her molesting prime, her fears should be doubled. Now, thanks to her new friend and neighbor, Pam, far from fretting, she was afraid it would never happen.

It all started a few weeks after they met and became friends. It was right after Pam got hired as an administrative assistant at the high school, the same school Connie attends as a freshman. The two women loved to talk, and their conversations grew progressively more intimate over time. Pam’s favorite topic is sex, anyway. With her new job, she had new juicy items to talk about each time they met. Sex was going on everywhere at the high school, and Pam got right in the middle of it without getting involved in any of it. Still, she told great stories, and told them well.

Pam always left Theresa with a burning and soaked crotch. Pam would no sooner be out the door than Theresa would be at her cunt with one of her dildos. She was so excited and in need that she was very often careless. In her thirty-two years, she’d never been caught masturbating, but in the six months she knew Pam, Connie caught her half a dozen times, and Becky caught her more than that. To be caught stuffing a giant imitation cock up her twat with her legs wide is bad enough, but when she couldn’t stop and continued with a child or two looking on, she knew she was losing control.

Pam had that effect on her. Pam knew all her buttons and pressed them frequently, just for kicks. Theresa knew Pam was playing games with her, deriving pleasure from driving her to the brink of sensual insanity, but the game was so deliciously wicked, Theresa couldn’t get enough. She welcomed each new visit, knowing full well that Pam was poisoning her mind with dirty sex ideas.

If she’d had a man in her life, it might be different. She was attractive enough; in fact, she was down right gorgeous. No man would kick Theresa Andrews out of bed under any circumstances. She avoided men out of fear, fear of exposing her innocent daughters to potential harm. It was her mother’s dates that molested her when she was growing up. Theresa wanted her daughters to be safe. She was content with her dildos until Pam surfaced and lit fires in her loins that plastic and rubber couldn’t quench.

The stories Pam told about Jim Groves and his punishment chair, of nude, public strappings; of raping young girls, impregnating them and screwing their mothers; stories about Richard Wright and his stable of little whores; and the stories of Hal Peterson and the way he and Jim trapped mothers into surrendering to their wicked lust, making virtual sex slaves of them and their daughters. These stories drove Theresa wild. They made her think the unthinkable, and made her think the unthinkable constantly.

Theresa could hardly look at Connie without imagining her getting raped by an adult male. She pictured Connie, bound naked before her classmates, teased and strapped, fondled lewdly, then taken off to be gang banged while she was forced to watch. She’d been caught staring at Connie’s crotch so often, that Connie thought she was queer for her. Connie asked Pam if she was her mother’s lover. Pam thought that was funny and couldn’t wait to tell Theresa. Theresa was mortified, but knowing Pam, she said, “What did you tell her.”

To her further chagrin, Pam’s said, “I told her I wasn’t queer, but I thought you were. I told her you keep trying to look down my blouse, and you are forever trying to get a peek up my skirt. I told her you were fascinated with my vagina.”

“Pam, how could you? Why would you tell her that?”

“It’s true. You are always trying to look where you shouldn’t be looking, stealing peeks at my intimate anatomy. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind. If I did, I’d wear panties and a bra over here and I certainly would never sit like this. I think your obsession with my pussy is flattering.”

Theresa hung her head in her hands. It was true. She couldn’t help herself. She knew Pam had to be aware, but coming right out with it was so embarrassing, and to expose this fact to her daughter, no less. She lifted her blushing face and said, “I’m not queer, Pam. I know I look. I can’t help it. You’re so … so … careless.”

“Not careless, Theresa. It’s practice. I practice shooting beavers on you. I figured there’d be no harm. You can’t rape me, and I certainly won’t get involved in a lesbian relationship with you. I figured, what the hell.”

“So you think I’m queer for you, huh?”

“I think you like what you see. Why else would you keep looking. You’re looking at my cunt right now.”

Theresa jerked her eyes from the provocative display Pam was giving in her slumped posture with her knees out wide. The short skirt hid nothing, especially as Pam sat with her legs aimed right at Theresa. Theresa said, “Damn it, Pam, you sit like that, with your twat out for all to see, and expect me not to look. I mean, shit, I can see it all.”

“Really. What exactly can you see, Theresa?”

Theresa eyed Pam suspiciously. She noticed how Pam widened her knees. Her eyes drifted low on their own accord and settled on the vision of Pam’s naked vagina. She gulped and said, “I see your entire vagina, Pam.”

“Describe it to me.”

Their eyes met for a moment. A wicked thrill coursed up Theresa’s spine. For the first time, she looked directly, openly, and long at Pam’s pussy. It was a beautiful pussy. The words didn’t come easy, but she finally said, “You have light brown pubic hair that hides little. You shave the labia lips. Your clit pokes up at the top like a little soldier guarding the gates. Your inner lips are pink and thin and you have a deep crack.”

“That’s my pussy, all right. So why, if you’ve seen it so often, do you still have trouble prying your eyes off it. Like now.”

Theresa forced her eyes up, her face a deep blush, saying, “I don’t know why. It’s just something you don’t see everyday.”

“Bullshit! I make it a point to show it to you every day, and still you look.”

“You tell me, then.”

“I think you love my pussy. I know you love looking at it.”

“I think we’d better drop this.”

“Why, was I right? Do you love my pussy, Theresa? We’re friends; you can tell me. I won’t think less of you. Hell, I grew up with lesbian parents. I’ve been around bi and lesbian women all my life. I’m used to women falling in love with my pussy. It doesn’t bother me any.”

“Look, Pam, I am not lesbian or bisexual. I have never done anything with another woman, nor will I ever. I don’t know why I look, but if you’re going to keep flashing your beaver in my face, I’ll probably keep looking.”

“That’s fine with me, but I could do much better than that. Hell, I’ll take off all my clothes and shoot some real beavers for you if you’d like. We’re all girls here, after all. Besides, Connie and Becky already know how crazy you are for my pussy.”

“I don’t believe this. How did we ever get this screwed up?”

Pam stood and dropped her skirt. In a flash, she whipped her blouse over her head. Theresa sat open-mouthed, stunned at Pam’s brash behavior. Pam kicked the skirt away and sat before Theresa could voice an objection. When Theresa found her voice, she managed to get two words out when Connie rounded the corner and froze in place on seeing Pam sitting, naked, with her legs wide apart, aimed right at her mother. Her eyes went wide and she blushed before marching through to the kitchen. Theresa didn’t know what to say to her, so she said nothing. Connie left quietly, but she wasn’t gone a minute before Becky appeared.

Becky was all smiles and not at all shy. She said, “How come you got no clothes on?”

Before Theresa could stop her, Pam said, “Because, your mom likes to see naked women. She likes looking at my pussy, and since I don’t mind, and we’re friends, I let her look all she wants.”

Becky said, “Oh. Okay. Mom, can I have a Pepsi? Connie got one.”

“Yes dear, please have a Pepsi.”

When Becky left, Theresa looked to Pam and said, “Did you see that kid? Okay! She just said, ‘okay.’ Mom wants to look at naked women, it’s okay.”

“Kids are more resilient and accepting than we think. Now, I can be naked every time I visit and your kids won’t think anything of it. Great, huh.”

Theresa thought about asking Pam to dress, but after thinking it over, after weighing the benefits of having Pam naked for her stories, she thought twice about it. Seeing her exciting neighbor totally nude had a strange and powerful effect on Theresa. Everything was right out where she could see it. What’s more, Pam cocked her left leg, setting her foot on the seat, offering a deliciously vulgar crotch shot.

Theresa watched the woman’s cunt hole open and close with each sway of her knee. The sight was impossible not to look at, and Pam made it more difficult to tear her eyes away by spreading wider, moving her right leg out to its extreme and fanning her left knee to a ridiculous extreme. The effect was mesmerizing and obscene.

Theresa was so engrossed with it that Connie’s approach went unnoticed until she stood beside her mother, gawking at the same thing her mother was gawking at–Pam’s open cunt. Pam never flinched, but Theresa jumped. Connie said, while keeping her eyes on the pussy, “Becky put her pop on my homework and ruined it. I have to start all over.”

“You tell her she’s in trouble, now run along.”

“Want me to send her in here?”

“No, you two stay in the living room.” Connie took one last look at Pam’s pussy, then left.

Pam said, “Like mother, like daughter.”

Theresa said, “Pam, you are corrupting us all. God, how could you sit there like that with my kid looking on?”

“It was easy. It doesn’t bother me in the least. Did it bother you?”

“Yes, it bothered me.”

“Would you rather I got dressed?”

“I didn’t say that.”

Pam smiled. “I have good news. I spoke with Richard about Connie.”

“Shush, she might be eaves dropping.”

“Let’s go into your bedroom.”

“I don’t dare … do I?”

“Why not. That’s what a lesbian does.”

“But I’m not … oh screw it. I’ll never convince them of that. Yeah, let’s do go in my bedroom. In fact, I’m tempted to get naked as well. Wouldn’t that set them off?”

“Oh, let’s do, Theresa. I’ll ham it up. I’ll even let you put your arm around my waist and hold me close. I might even kiss you when I leave. Come on. It’ll be a kick. If you can’t do this little thing, you’ll never do the other.”

“All right, damn it. I’ll do it.” With that, Theresa stood and began undressing. Pam watched closely, admiring her friend’s trim, firm figure. When she was totally naked, they stood up together. Theresa took a deep breath, and awkwardly placed an arm around Pam’s waist. Pam tugged her in tight and said, “Act like you love me. Squeeze me tight and get your hand on my ass. That’s it. Okay, here we go. Lead away.”

Together, they emerged into the living room. Connie and Becky both looked up and froze. Connie gulped; Becky smiled. Theresa nervously said, “We are going into the bedroom, and we don’t wish to be disturbed. No phone, no questions, and no fighting, understand?” Both girls nodded. The two women moved on and into the master bedroom.

Once inside, they broke apart and giggled like naughty school girls. They collapsed on the bed, sitting side by side with their naked thighs touching. Both women were acutely aware of the touch and the exchange of body warmth, but neither moved to end it. Pam said, “I am impressed, Theresa.”

“It was easier than I thought. God, I feel so wicked and nasty. Can you imagine what they think we’re doing in here. Do you think they know what two women do?”

“Connie does, and you can bet she’s giving Becky her first lesson. Right now, Connie is telling her that you are licking my pussy.”

“Or that you are licking mine.”

“No, she knows I’m not queer. I told her so. Besides, I have a husband.”

“Oh, Jesus. You’re right. I can almost feel their thoughts.”

“That’s my thigh you’re feeling, but it’s okay.”

“Okay, so you spoke with Richard. Will he rape Connie?”

“Yes, tomorrow, but there is a condition.”


“When you come down to lodge your protest, he wants you to bring both girls with you.”

“Why, Becky is too young.”

“Yes, but not too young to watch her mother get the shit fucked out of her and watch her sister being forced into whoredom.”

“Oh, that’s kinky. You know, I like it. Yes, Becky should see this. Oh, Pam, this will be so bizarre. I hope I can go through with this like I planned. It’s all I think about.”

“Well, you’ll soon get your wish. Connie will make a nice addition to the stable. I can see that she gets a good workout. She’ll be the youngest, you know, not to mention one of the sexiest.”

“I know she will. I can’t wait until men begin stopping by here wanting to fuck her.”

“That’s another factor. We don’t have many like that. Pam, I hope you won’t freak out if someone lays a hand on Becky. She is awfully cute, and Richard did specify that she wear a dress.”

“That sounds ominous. You don’t suppose …”

“Who knows where horny men are concerned. I doubt Richard will.”

“Well, I won’t freak unless someone hurts her.”

“No one will hurt her, I assure you.”

“Suppose they try to fuck her.”

“They might. I can’t promise they won’t try.”

“I hope they don’t try. That would spoil everything. They can strip her and feel her up. Hell, she’ll probably enjoy that.”

“I’m sure that’s all they’ll do. Don’t worry. Look, I have to be running along. I’m expecting Richard and his wonder cock.”

“God how I envy you, a handsome husband, and a big-dicked lover in the open besides. You must be in heaven.”

Pam stood and fondled her pussy in front of Theresa’s face, saying, “My hot, creamy pussy is in heaven, that’s for sure. Say, you know, you can’t go out with a dry face. You’re supposed to be in here eating my pussy.”

“I’ll splash some water on, maybe rub some facial cream on.”

“No, that won’t fool them. You know damn well they’ll want to get close for a sniff, just to satisfy their curiosity. They both know what pussy smells like.”

“What are you suggesting, Pam?”

Pam stood squarely before Theresa and straddled her friend’s knees. She thrust her pussy forward and said, “Here, just rub your face around in it and get all juicy.”

“Pam! Are you crazy? Are you going to rub our faces in each other’s pussy?”

“Of course not. They know I’m no lesbian. You’re the one who is cunt crazy. They don’t think I am in here eating your pussy. They think you’re eating mine.”

“But I thought we were trying to come across as lesbian lovers. This is awfully one-sided and makes me look like the sicko.”

“So what. It’s what they expect. It’s just pussy, Theresa. It won’t hurt you. Hurry, I don’t have much time.”

Pam raised her right foot and placed it on the mattress beside Theresa’s left hip. At the same time, she used her left hand to forcefully pull Theresa’s face into her crotch. Before Theresa could object, her face melded with Pam’s cunt. Wet, musky, pulpy, pussy flesh covered her nose and mouth. Pam took hold of Theresa’s head and held it steady while she rubbed her cunt on it.

Theresa was stiff at first, but relaxed quickly and soon lent herself willingly to the vulgar treatment. After only a few seconds, Pam let go. Theresa continued to move her face in the maw before her, wetting her face from forehead to chin, ear to ear. Pam climbed onto the bed and stood over Theresa’s face in a standing half-squat to aid Theresa, saying, “They’ll expect to smell pussy on your breath, so you better use your tongue in my hole. Yeah, that’s it. You’re doing good, Theresa. You may have to suck on my clit to get my juices flowing. That’s it. Good girl. You’re doing it like a real cunt sucking lesbian. Yes, I can feel those juices flowing already. You suck a mean pussy, girl.”

Theresa was soon lost in her first venture into cunt-sucking. Pam made the act even more vulgar by humping Theresa’s mouth. Theresa loved it and sucked harder, gripping her friend tightly by the hips, pulling her face in tight. Pam said, “You know, it’s a shame your daughters can’t see you doing this to me. They’d be impressed; I know I am.”

“Ummm, I’m tempted to call them in here. I’m beginning to like this,”

“Hey, we could do a number at the door, you know, a parting scene. Instead of a kiss, you could kiss your way to my cunt and give me a parting pussy suck. I don’t need to get dressed to cross the hall. What do you think, Theresa? Are you game?”

“Fuck it. Why not? I’ve gone this far. I may as well sink all the way. After tomorrow afternoon, they’ll think I’m sick anyway. Do you want me to stop, now?”

Pam stood and climbed down. Theresa followed. They stood face to face. Pam smiled and said, “You look like a true lezzie slut. You shine.”

“I feel like one. I can’t believe we’re going to do this. They are going to shit gummy bears.”

“Good. I like gummy bears. Come on. Let’s go. It’s show time.”

They emerged arm in arm. Both girls watched attentively. Pam broke away to get her things and the two met at the door with the girls sitting on the floor behind their mother. Theresa rolled her eyes up, then leaned in to plant a kiss on Pam’s unresponsive lips. Pam turned her head to offer Theresa her neck. Theresa kissed her way down the neck and on toward Pam’s right breast.

Pam watched the kids who were watching their mother avidly. She turned each breast into the sucking mouth, then placed a hand on Theresa’s head. Theresa went lower, planting kisses as she went. As she neared Pam’s lower abdomen, Pam planted her feet wide and used her hand to guide the head to her pussy. Theresa dropped to her knees and settled back on her heels. The two girls had a clear view of both pussy and mouth as their mother planted kisses all over Pam’s pubic mound and clit.

Pam inched forward until she stood directly over Theresa’s upturned face. She placed her hands on her hips and gently rocked her cunt to and fro on Theresa’s mouth. The girls strained to see. Both had risen to their knees just a few feet away and were peering down on the scene, watching their mother’s tongue lapping the neighbor’s slit and seeing it dip deeply into the center. As lewd and bizarre as this scene was, Pam wasn’t satisfied. She wanted those girls to see the full plane of her sex from clit to asshole. She especially wanted them to see how their mother was using her tongue in her hole.

She looked around and her eyes settled on the back of the sofa. It was just within her foot’s reach, and stretching up that high and out that far would do perfectly. Furthermore it would swing them even closer to the girls, giving them a view from the rear. In a deft move, Pam launched her left foot out and caught the top edge of the sofa. Theresa, a bit puzzled, remained in contact, fully realizing that her daughters now saw everything. She could reach out and touch them, they were so close. Pam bent low to further expose her cuntal plane, and doing so allowed her to see how the girls reacted.

Both girls could see everything their mother did. With her head tilted far back, she couldn’t see them, but they saw her tongue delving inside Pam’s pussy hole. They saw the tongue lap the furrow and pause to suck on the clit from time to time. Theresa could not get enough degradation. She put on a show for her girls, lapping her neighbor from asshole to clit in broad flat passes with her fully extended tongue. She stiffened her tongue and face-fucked the hole, sucked the clit, then lapped the slit. Pam cried out, “Oh, yes, Theresa. You are a wonderful cunt-lapper. Make me cum, baby. Make my pussy juices pour down.”

Theresa sucked long and hard on Pam’s clit and drove Pam over the edge. She came explosively, sending down a gusher of pussy cream that oozed out from her open hole. Theresa began lapping at this flow, then sucked on the hole. Pam brought her foot down and stood erect, allowing Theresa to finish. She swayed sensuously in place, moaning and cooing, voicing her pleasure and contentment. Theresa sucked her cunt for another five minutes in this position before Pam stepped away leaving Theresa to face her bewildered kids.

They exchanged looks for a second before Theresa got up and saw Pam to the door. Pam kissed her on the forehead, then slipped out carrying her clothes. When the door closed, Theresa slowly turned to face two very confused young girls. She said, “I’m sorry you saw that. That shouldn’t have happened, but it did.”

Becky said, “You sure seemed to like doing that to her. Didn’t it taste yuckie?”

“No, it didn’t taste yuckie. The vagina is not yuckie, at least, not to me.”

Becky said, “Yeah, but you had your mouth where she pees.”

Connie said, “Becky, stop asking questions. It’s embarrassing.”

Theresa came over and sat on the sofa, saying, “No, she can ask any question she likes. You, too, Connie. I’m sure you must have a few.”

“Well, I don’t understand, but in a way, I do. You like her and she likes that. Is that why you do it?”

“Well, that’s part of it. I get something out of it, too. It’s hard to explain, but doing nasty things with another person, male or female, feels … well, it feels neat, fun, wicked. While it’s happening, it feels great. It’s hard to explain.”

Becky said, “Doing nasty things makes me get all tingly inside. Is it like that?”

“Yes, exactly. I got all tingly doing that for Pam, knowing that you girls were watching.”

“Yeah, but she got super tingly, didn’t she?”

“Yes, she had an orgasm. That’s different. I give myself orgasms sometimes. You’ve both seen me do that.”

“Yeah, that’s neat watching you fuck yourself. Don’t you want one, now?”

Theresa did, desperately. Their openness inspired her to say, “Yes, I do. I plan to very soon. Would you girls like to watch Mommy fuck herself with a dildo?”

Becky eagerly said, “Yeah! Want me to go get it for you. I know where you keep it.”

“Connie, do you want to watch? Be honest.”

“I guess. If it won’t embarrass you.”

“It might, but we shouldn’t be embarrassed about something as natural as masturbation. I’m sure you know about that, don’t you?”

Connie went red and hung her head. Becky said, “She knows, all right. She does it a lot. She uses a hair brush handle.”


“It’s all right, Connie. All girls do it. I did when I was younger than Becky. I used a candle. We could do it together.”

“Uh, no thanks, Mom. I’ll watch you, though.”

Becky said, “I’ll do it with you, Mom. I use my own brush.”

“Okay, go get it and my dildo. We’ll perform for Connie.”

Becky dashed from the room. Theresa turned to Connie and said, “You might at least consider getting naked with us. You’ll be the only one dressed, you know.”

“Well, I suppose. I don’t want to do anything nasty, though. I just want to watch, okay?”

“Suit yourself, but you’ll be missing out.”

Becky flounced into the room, naked, holding two hair brushes and a ten-inch dildo. She tossed a hair brush to Connie and the dildo to her mother. She sat next to Theresa and spread her legs. Theresa followed suit, laying her right knee over Becky’s left. Connie removed her clothes and sat on the floor at their feet. Her eyes went from one pussy to the other as each cunt took an invader.

Theresa was hot starting out. Her eyes watched the brush handle slip easily into Becky’s tight, hairless quim. It was Connie’s developing cunt that fascinated Theresa. She hadn’t had a good look at the object of her fantasies in years. She caught glimpses of it as Connie sat, but with her hands in her lap, she had it covered. Warmed by the wicked feel of the cock in her cunt and the bizarre circumstances, she said, “Connie, please move your hands away from your vagina.”

Connie looked with questioning eyes, but slowly let her hands fall out to the sides. Theresa saw her pussy, but only the top part. She wanted desperately to see where the cocks would be entering her daughter. She worked the dildo for several minutes, then said, “Connie, show us your pussy. We’d like to see it, all. Wouldn’t we, Becky?”

“Yeah, I guess. Come on, Connie. You do it, too. It feels great.”

Connie blushingly leaned back and planted her feet out wide, saying, “Is this good enough?”

Theresa could see the full crack, but wanted a nice, pink-meat spread. She said, “Lie on your back and draw your knees back.”

“Mom, that’s disgusting.”

“Come on, Connie. Please, for me!” Surprisingly, Connie laid back and drew her knees up and out. Encouraged, Theresa said, “Wider, move your knees out as wide as you can.”

“Oh, Mom, this is so embarrassing.” Nonetheless, she complied. As she did, her tiny, unused hole came into view within the pink oval of her inner meat. The pink sheen shone back into Theresa’s eyes. Theresa pounded away at her cunt with the dildo. Becky matched her pace, mimicking her actions and style.

Despite Connie’s protests, her pussy was juicing fast. The wetness spread and leaked from her hole. Wracked with passion, Theresa said, “Connie, reach down with your fingertips and pull your cunt open for us.”

Connie moved to comply while saying, “Mom, this is sick.” She placed the tips of her fingers at the edges of her slit and pulled hard. Her hole gaped open.

Theresa imagined Richard Wright’s cock going into that hole and she nearly came. She slowed her fucking, wanting to drag out her first climax. Becky said, “Boy, Mom, you sure like looking at Connie’s pussy. Are you wishing you could lick it?”

Connie raised her head and cried out, “Becky, shut up!”

Theresa said, “She does have the prettiest pussy I ever saw, that’s for sure.”

“What about mine? You can lick it if you want. I don’t mind.”

Theresa smiled, looked at Becky’s pussy and said, “Yours is lovely, but it needs to develop more. Connie has a nicely developed pussy, a perfect pussy.”

Connie said, “Mom, you’re embarrassing me.”

“Well, it’s true. Any man would die to fuck your pussy. Any lesbian would die to lick it.”

Becky said, “Would you die to lick her pussy, Mom?”

“Becky! Stop it.”

Theresa could tell that Connie was enjoying this conversation and her vulgar display. She said, “I’d gladly lick Connie’s pussy if she’d let me.”

“Ask her, Connie. I wanna see her do it. You saw how good she is at it. Don’t you want an orgasm. Mom can make you have an orgasm with her mouth; can’t you, Mom?”

“I’m sure I could, but let’s not pressure her, okay. Let’s just enjoy the view she’s giving us.”

They silently fucked their respective pussies. At one point, Becky reached over and worked the dildo for her mother. Theresa returned the favor. Before they switched back, Theresa withdrew the hair brush handle and sucked it, making Becky giggle. Connie watched with her head raised. Theresa reached her orgasm a few seconds before Becky. They convulsed together, then collapsed together. Connie sat up, but kept her knees wide. She said, “Are you all done?”

Theresa said, “Not yet. Just taking a breather. Honey, why don’t you roll over and get on your hands and knees. I’d like to see your vagina from the rear.”

Connie made a reluctant moan, but assumed the position with her ass high and shoulders low. Her sex was beautifully displayed in this position and Theresa was tempted to reach out with her toe and touch it. When she resumed masturbating, she did just that, startling Connie when her toe split the cunt lips. She stiffened, but did not cry out or voice an objection. Theresa took this as a go signal to begin her toe explorations. Her toe explored every nook and cranny, spending a great deal of time imbedded in Connie’s hole as deeply as it would go. Theresa had the girl’s cunt dripping juice. Theresa enjoyed another cum while toe-fucking her daughter.

Theresa kept her toe deep in Connie’s hole while she caught her breath. Connie felt strange with her mother’s toe up her cunt, but it felt so good, she remained steady until Theresa pulled it out a few minutes later. Connie stood this time and said, “Are we done, now?”

“I just want one more good one, Connie. This time, I want a real good look at your beautiful pussy. Will you do that for me, sweetheart.”

“I guess. How do you want me this time?”

“Do a head stand between my knees with your back to me. When you get up, do the splits.”

“God, Mom. You sure ask a lot.” Connie placed her head on the floor between her mother’s feet and jumped into the head stand with her mother’s hands steadying her hips. Once up and balanced, her legs fell out to either side. Theresa and Becky leaned forward to peer into the well of Connie’s sex. They both used their fingers to explore, pull, pry, and poke. Connie voiced no objection, even when Theresa fingered her with two fingers.

After several long minutes of this lewd play, Theresa said, “I think I’d like to lie on the floor on my back while you do the splits over my face.”

“Oh, God, Mom, that’s so nasty.”


“Oh, all right. If that’s what you really want.”

Theresa quickly got on the floor. Connie stood with her feet out wide on either side of her mother’s head. Under Theresa’s encouragement, and with Becky’s assistance, she slid her feet out further and further, bringing her wide open crotch lower and lower. Theresa didn’t stop her until the cunt touched her nose. When Connie felt the nose hit her cunt, her immediate reaction was to try to go up, but that was impossible.

Being stretched out that far, Connie kept sinking after a short time. Soon, her cunt covered her mother’s face. Theresa took the liberty of using her tongue while Becky took control of the dildo and pounded her mother’s cunt. Connie remained in place, driven to distraction by the powerful sensations her mother induced. Theresa sucked and licked her daughter freely, and quickly brought her to orgasm. Becky’s fevered assault on her pussy brought on Theresa’s own.

Connie fell to her knees in a post orgasmic slump, but remained in place while her mother licked lovingly at the juices still flowing from her hole. Theresa licked and savored her daughter’s vaginal nectar while Connie rocked over the mouth between her legs. Theresa could feel the dildo being extracted. Becky shifted position between Theresa’s wide apart legs. Theresa couldn’t see anything but Connie’s pussy, but she felt warm wisps of breath on the sensitive inner tissues of her vagina. Seconds later, the flick of a tiny tongue, then a kiss to her clit.

Shivers went up and down her spine as she realized what her little darling was up to. She moaned into Connie’s cunt under a barrage of maddening little kisses that evolved into a full-fledged lapping of her slit. The delightful sensations inspired Theresa to intensify her mouthing of Connie’s twat. In response, Connie adjusted her position so as to assist her mother’s efforts, making her pussy more accessible and allowing her mother greater freedom of movement. She was instantly rewarded with a real cunt suck like Pam had received.

After her second climax nearly took the top of her head off, Connie rolled away exhausted and spent. Theresa remained captive to Becky’s talented little mouth. She moaned, groaned, and writhed until a final orgasm laid her out, panting and spent. She thought the session was all over, but opened her eyes to see a prepubescent vagina descending on her face. Just beyond it, the grinning wet face of Becky, saying, “It’s my turn, now.” Little Becky’s twat muffled her mother’s response.

The following morning, Theresa awoke to that same prepubescent vagina closing over her face. She serviced the girl, then went to start the breakfast. The breakfast conversation was stiff, thanks to Connie. Becky would not stop talking about the previous night or her early morning suck. Connie wanted to pretend it never happened. Theresa saw both girls off to school. As Connie left, Theresa said, “You have a great day, dear.” She then went to her room and fucked herself to three great orgasms.

* * *
Connie was in her second period class when the school nurse, Emily, came for her. Puzzled, she gathered her books and followed her to her aid room. Emily closed and locked the door, then turning to Connie said, “Take your clothes off, dear. You are scheduled for a full pelvic exam. It’s mandatory.”

“But why just me?”

“Don’t sass me, young lady. Do as you’re told, then get up on that table.”

Connie nervously began undoing buttons and zips. When she was down to socks and panties, she said, “Don’t I get a gown, at least?”

“No, hurry. I haven’t got all day.”

Connie set her jaw, then pulled off the socks and shucked her panties. She hopped up on the table and sat stiffly. Emily pushed on her shoulder until Connie was fully reclined. She swung Connie’s legs up and adjusted her to lie centered. While Connie watched with growing concern, Emily attached stirrup posts. She positioned them out wide to each side, then took Connie’s right foot and set it in the right stirrup. She attached an ankle strap then did the same with the left. When her left foot went out and her crotch opened wide, Connie groaned and cried, “Please don’t.”

“You hush.” Emily took the girl’s right wrist and secured it to a rail running along the right side.

“Why are you tying me down?”

Ignoring the anxious girl, Emily did the same with the left. Connie was secured. She nervously watched Emily draw out a strip of broad medical tape. The nurse advanced to her face, saying, “Close your mouth.” The tape was pressed tightly over her mouth and sealed to her cheeks. Connie’s muffled complaint was all Emily heard.

Emily went to the business end of the table and pulled Connie’s body lower, drawing the girl’s knees up, widening the spread. She reached under the table, tripped a latch, and the end dropped away, leaving Connie’s ass at the edge. The woman stood back to survey her work, and said, “There, now you’re ready. My, but you are a pretty thing.” Her hand went to Connie’s crotch. Two fingers entered the distressed teen, causing the girl to panic and go stiff all over.

Emily smiled and said, “A virgin, great. Richard likes virgins. Okay, Miss Andrews. I am going to wheel you into Mr. Wright’s office. You won’t be coming out a virgin, I can promise you that. If you take my advice, you’ll relax and try to enjoy this experience. Whether you relax or struggle will make no difference, you’ll be just as screwed. Accept your fate. You’ve been chosen.”

Connie’s mind reeled under the outrageous message. Panic went through her as Emily opened a side door into the inner office area. Connie heard Emily say, “All clear?” Another female voice replied, “Yeah, bring her out. Richard’s ready.” The table began moving, bumping the door frame as it passed through. Connie’s head whipped from side to side, her eyes wide and frightened. Margie and Stephanie were looking at her. Pam came out from Richard’s office and took the table from Emily, saying, “I’ll take that. Thanks, Emily. She looks great, doesn’t she?”

“She’s beautiful. Sometimes I envy Richard. Enjoy.”

Pam’s face appeared over Connie. Pam stroked her forehead, saying, “I’m sorry, Connie. I tried to prevent this, but once Richard picks a girl and sets his mind, there’s nothing I can do. Please, don’t fight. Try to relax. I’ll be with you the whole time. Don’t worry. He won’t hurt you.”

Connie did struggle and strain. Her muffled words of protests were expected. Pam opened the door and pulled the table along and inside. Once inside, she closed and locked the door. Connie looked around frantically and spotted Mr. Wright as he stood from behind his desk. When he stood, she saw that he had no pants on and sported a growing erection, the first real cock she’d ever seen. He came up on her right side, stroking that cock in her face. Her eyes, wide and pleading, examined the thick and growing organ intended for her young vagina.

Richard looked her over and smiled. His hands roamed her body at will, teasing the sensitive flesh. She also felt delicate female hands in her crotch. The female hands were applying a creamy lotion and working the tight vaginal ring of tissue. Pam’s soothing voice calmed her a bit. She said, “Sweetheart, I am just putting some special cream in you and stretching you a little. It will make the penetration easier. This feels good, doesn’t it?”

When Connie stopped to focus on the sensations in her crotch, she had to admit, it did feel good. The sensation relaxed her. Pam stepped up her massage, going deeper and using another finger inside. She also used her free hand to massage Connie’s clit. This really got the girl’s attention. The feeling was reminiscent of the previous evening when her mother sucked her pussy. The deliciously wicked sensation brought those exciting memories into sharp focus. She closed her eyes and tried to picture her mother’s face framed by her inner thighs. The image was a pleasant one to go with the pleasant sensation. Her nerves calmed. Her mind clicked into sensual mode. She opened her eyes and looked for the cock.

She found the cock rubbing against her right nipple, the bulbous head sliding in a glistening smear of precum as the weeping eye ran over the turgid nipple. Richard caught her staring at his dick and brought the head to her face, saying, “You like my cock, huh? Ain’t he a beauty?”

Richard rubbed the rubbery, silky-smooth head of his cock over Connie’s cheeks, chin, nose, and eye lids. Connie watched the cock closely, admiring its soft feel and exciting musky scent. She decided a real cock was much nicer than the cold, lifeless handle of her hair brush. Her pussy ached and swelled with need. The cock looked to be just the thing her pussy wanted. All anxiety left her, and if they had removed the tape she would have begged him to stick his cock in her pussy. She would have begged for a fuck.

Richard smiled, seemingly able to read her mind. He got between her legs. Pam came up along her left side. She stroked Connie’s head while peering between her legs. She looked to Connie while placing a hand under the girl’s head, saying, “Here, I’ll bet you’d like to see this, too.”

Her head came up until her chin rested on her chest. She could see the cock poised at her opening. Richard stroked the instrument through her well-lubricated cunt lips before centering on the hole and pushing gently. The head pried the hole open as it passed through the relaxed ring of muscle tissue. He moaned, and Connie swooned into her gag. He pushed in by fractions of an inch until encountering the membrane barrier. He paused.

Pam said, “Okay, dear. Here we go. There will be one sharp pain, but that goes away quickly, then pure pleasure. Are you ready?” Connie nodded. Richard lunged.

The pain hit her and made her stiffen and groan, but the sharpness immediately dissipated, leaving her wonderfully stretched and filled with a warm presence where that presence was needed, deep in her cunt. After a moment, the cock began moving, sending new sensations, sensations that made her eyes cross and her head swing from side to side. Pam said, “Nice, huh?”

Connie nodded. Pam reached for the tape, saying, “Here, let me get this off. I don’t know why Emily did this. I told her you were a good girl and wouldn’t give Richard a difficult time.” The tape peeled away. Connie stretched her mouth and jaw. “There, that’s better, isn’t it?”

“Yes, thanks, Pam.” Richard was fucking her with long, easy, deep strokes that had Connie moaning with pleasure.

Pam said, “You like fucking, I see.”

“It feels good, now. I never knew it would feel this good.”

“Let’s give some credit to Richard. He is one of the best rapists there is.”

“This is rape?”

“You wouldn’t do this of your own free will, would you?”

“No, I suppose not.”

Richard stepped up his efforts and had Connie moaning in delirium. Pam massaged and tweaked Connie’s nipples, bending occasionally to nip and suck one, then the other. Connie came while Pam was sucking a nipple. She came again when Pam rubbed her clit. She came a third time when Pam reached under her and inserted a finger up her ass. She came a fourth time when Richard emptied his balls deep in her womb. The hot jets of baby-making fluid filled her with sensual warmth. Her whole body went limp.

Right after Richard pulled out, Pam wheeled her exhausted body back to the aid room. Connie barely remembered the trip, though she was wheeled through a dozen smiling faces. She remained limp while Pam and Emily swabbed her twat and cleaned her loins. The warm douche felt wonderful, and the warm, soapy enema was a delightful first for her. After the enema, they shaved her pussy, then used a vibrator to induce several orgasms. Afterward, she wanted to sleep. Instead, she was released. Pam aided her in getting down, then guided her to a chair beside Emily’s desk. Pam sat behind the desk, and smiled.

“Well, it’s all over. You’re a woman, now. How do you feel?”

“Okay, I guess. Pam, how can they do this? He raped me.”

“Rape is an ugly word, Pam. You enjoyed it, right?”

“That doesn’t matter. I was forced. I’m under age. Everybody involved could go to jail; don’t you guys realize that.”

“Connie, hold your voice down. Look, nobody is going to jail. It’s your word against dozens of witnesses that saw you having sex with a fellow student. At least, that’s what everyone will swear, including me. I have to, Connie. It’s done, accept it, and forget it. From now on, you’ll submit voluntarily.”

“No I won’t.”

“Connie. Listen to me. You’ve been selected. It’s done, final. You are now one of Richard’s whores.”

“I am no such thing. I’ll never be a whore, especially not here, in school. I know about his whores. They’re a laughing stock.”

“Well, get used to it; you’re one now. Don’t make my job difficult, Connie. It’s my job to manage the whores. You are now my responsibility. If you cause trouble, I get in trouble. If you cause me to get in trouble, I’ll cut your mother off. She loves my pussy, Connie. You saw for yourself. If I don’t let her suck my pussy, she’ll be real pissed at you.”

Connie hung her head and moaned, “I can’t believe this shit is happening to me. Mom would never go along with this. I know she wouldn’t, not even for your … your.”

“Cunt, pussy, twat … vagina if you prefer.”

“Yes, not even for that.”

“Well, I think you’re wrong, but if she has a problem, she’ll have to march down here and take it up with the school administration. She might be able to get you off, but I doubt it. Right now, though, we have business to conduct. First off, you need to sign this confession.”

Pam shoved a one-page typed confession in front of Connie. While Connie read it, Pam said, “It just says that you were caught having sex with another student on school property during school hours, that you were inseminated, and that you’ve been disciplined and are on probation. It’s just a formality to keep the whores in line. Sign it, there.”

“I’m not signing this. It’s a lie.”

“Sign it, Connie. You have to sign it, or you’ll be publicly stripped and beaten. Do you want that?”

Connie grabbed the pen and roughly signed her name. Pam smiled and said, “Good, now the rules. Your wardrobe must change. Your skirts can not go three inches below your vagina. The easy way to test that is to wedge a playing card in your cunt lips, the short way. Stand straight and see if the card is visible below your hem. If it is, shorten the hem.”

“Oh, God. That’s disgusting.”

“You may never wear anything under your skirts. Your pussy must always be accessible and kept clean shaven. You may not wear a bra or any under garment, and your nipples must be visible through any top covering.”

“No way!”

“Let me finish. Blouses that button must show cleavage to below the base of the breasts, and your midriff must be bare. You will also wear three-inch heels. I will take you home after this so that you can get suitably dressed.”

“Good, Mom will put an end to this madness in a hurry. Can we go, now?”

“Wait … about your duties. As a whore, your primary function is to serve as a sexual plaything for Richard Wright and anyone he designates. You must be available and ready to perform in any manner requested, day or night, in school or out. You may refuse no request or deny a client any act, regardless of how revolting or disgusting you may find it. I suggest you begin working out your anus, because your cute ass will be a popular place with many of your clients. You have a lovely, tight ass, Connie.”

“Gee, thanks, Pam. You would know.”

“Connie, I’m just doing my job. Don’t take it out on me. Your mother gave you your good looks and sexy figure. Blame her. That’s what got you in this mess. You’re just too damned desirable for your own good.”

Pam’s sincere flattering words made Connie blush. She softened and said, “Thanks, Pam. You’re right. It isn’t your fault. It would be worse if you weren’t here. I should be thankful.”

“That’s right. I can make your life much easier by steering the bad ones clear. I’ll set you up with only the best.”

“Pam, I’m not going to be a whore. There’s no way. Forget it. Mom won’t stand for that, I guarantee it. We’ll move from here first.”

“Well, we’ll see, but I have to proceed as if you are one of my charges. As far as I am concerned, you are a whore right now. I hope you can get out of it. I really do, but you do understand my position, don’t you?”

“Yes, let’s just get home as quickly as possible, okay. I want this settled right away.”

“All right, but I can’t take you home naked, and you can’t wear illegal attire. We’ll have to make alterations on your old clothes. That should be easy, we’ll just trim the hem of your skirt and you can tie the blouse under your tits without buttoning it. I’ll put your undergarments in my purse.”

“Pam is this really necessary? Someone might see me.”

“Connie, you’d better get used to it. You are not getting off. Come.”

Minutes later, Connie stood wearing the ridiculously brief attire. She looked and felt nastier than if she were naked. Emily and Pam stood back to survey their work and smiled. Emily said, “You look adorable, dear. Sweet, and very fuckable. Turn in place.”

Connie made a face, but turned about as requested. Pam said, “Beautiful, simply beautiful. That will pass.”

The bell rang, signaling class change. Pam took Connie’s elbow as to lead her into the hallway. Connie shrank back in panic, saying, “No, not now. The halls are full of kids. Everyone will see me.”

“Oh, don’t be so shy and silly. They should see you. You should proudly show your body. Your body is merchandise, now. Get used to it. Come.” Pam pulled the struggling girl into the busy hall. Once in the crowd, Connie hugged close to Pam and shuffled along. Everyone stopped to gawk and snicker. Some boys looked under her skirt or pinched her tits and ass in passing. Connie was beet red and near panic, fighting off the rude hands that assaulted her modesty. Pam took the long way to the exit, stopping off at the office to sign out, then going to deliver papers to a teacher. She managed to drag out the departure until the halls were once again empty. As they made for the exit, Pam said, “My, but you were a big hit. The kids loved you.”

“I want to crawl in a hole and die, Pam. Everybody I know saw me. They all think I’m a whore, now.”

“You are a whore, Pam. Get used to it and live a little. Whores have the most fun in this school. You’ll see.”

* * *
When Theresa got the call from Pam that the rape was going down, she went to get Becky out of school. On the drive back to the apartment, she told Becky that Connie had been raped but was fine. She said they want her to be a whore for the administration. Becky was not upset by the news but fired off a steady stream of questions. Theresa’s carefully-phrased, well-rehearsed answers had Becky thinking that turning Connie into a whore was exciting. Theresa was pleased with Becky’s attitude, but after their encounter the previous evening, she wasn’t too surprised.

Once home, Theresa wanted Becky to get dolled up, explaining, “We need to impress the men that are controlling Connie. We want to influence them to let her go so she won’t have to be a school whore.”

“I’m not sure I want to. I kinda like having a whore for a sister. Will I ever get to see a man fuck her?”

“I’m sure you will, dear, if she has to be a whore. The men will be able to come to our apartment to fuck her.”

“Make her use our room, and tell her she can’t kick me out of my own room.”

“Well, if we fail, I’ll do that. So, you really want to see your sister getting fucked, huh?”

“Yeah, especially by a grownup man with a big peter.”

“You may get your wish in a few hours. They just might fuck her in front of us, just to show us they can get away with it.”

“That’ll be neat.”

“You’re a little vamp, you are. To be honest with you, Becky, I don’t think we’ll be successful, but we must try. Connie must see us trying to win her freedom. You understand that, don’t you.”

“Yeah, but I hope we fail, don’t you, Mom? You like seeing naked men, too, don’t you?”

“I love seeing naked men, yes. Just between you and me, I think your sister will make an excellent whore, and she’d be fun to watch in action.”

Becky giggled and said, “I’ll bet you’re hoping you’ll get to lick her pussy some more, maybe while a man is fucking it, huh?”

Theresa smiled devilishly and ruffled Becky’s hair, saying, “I love your dirty little mind, Becky. I wish Connie was like you. Yes, I would love to do that. Who knows, I might get to lick yours while a man is fucking it.”

“Do you think it might happen? I think it would hurt.”

“Honestly, I hope not. You’re still too young, but when you’re ready, I’ll be there.”

“I’ll let you, too. I love getting my pussy licked by you. I think I’ll love fucking, too.”

“Well, we’ll see. When we get there, you just be super friendly and cooperative. Don’t be shy. I don’t want you to wear panties, okay?”

“Sure. That will be neat. I like not wearing panties.”

“Well, be sure the men know you don’t have any on. Let them see your pussy, okay?”

“Sure. What about you?”

“I plan to fuck somebody, so you’ll probably see me in action, at least.”

“Oh, that would be super neat. I can’t wait.”

The door to the apartment opened just then. Theresa and Becky left the bathroom and met Connie and Pam in the living room. Connie threw herself into her Mom’s arms and burst out crying. Theresa comforted her, holding her to her bosom while exchanging smiles and winks with Pam. Connie sobbed, “Mom, I was raped by Mr. Wright. They made me wear this all over school. They say I have to be a school whore. I can’t, Mom. You have to stop them. Call the police.”

Pam said, “I wouldn’t advise that, Theresa. You’ll just end up in jail, and Connie will still have to serve as their whore. I’m just telling you what happens in these cases.”

“What can we do, then?”

“Plead, beg, cry, appeal to their sympathy. That might work, but I doubt it. They want Connie badly, and I’m afraid they have her. I made an appointment for you at two. My advice is that you go there, all dressed up and looking sexy, all three of you. Be nice. Give them whatever they want; then afterward, beg.”

“When you say, be nice, what exactly do you mean?”

“Come, now, Theresa. I know you haven’t been with a man in ages, but you know how to be nice to a man as well as I do. You know what they want.”

“Are you suggesting I have sex with them to win Connie’s release?”

“No, I am telling you to fuck them, suck them, offer your daughters to them, get down on your hands and knees and fuck a dog for them if that’s what they want, but give them anything they want. If you do that, they might, just might, let her off. Look at her, though. She’s just too damned fuckable in my opinion. If I were a man, I wouldn’t let her loose, not for anything.”

“Well, we must try, whatever the cost.” Theresa stood back to talk to both girls saying, “You heard Pam. We have to be nice to these men. It’s our only hope.”

“Mom, what if it fails? I can’t be a whore, I just can’t.”

“Honey, I see no way out. If we fail, they have you. We’ll just have to live with it, and you’ll just have to make the adjustment. Honey, in all honesty, you do look lovely dressed like that. You look very sexy.”

“Mom, please, not now. The last thing I want to think about is how lovely and sexy I look. I hope you don’t expect me to put out to these perverts when we go there. I can’t.”

“Honey, you must. You will anyway, if that’s what they want. I don’t want to have to see you getting raped, and especially not in front of little Becky.”

“Are you kidding? That brat would love to see me get raped.”

Becky shot back, “Yeah, well you’re going to get fucked whether you like it or not, and I get to watch, so there.”

“Becky, don’t torment Connie now. Connie, resolve yourself to cooperating with these men. You are no longer a virgin. It’s just another fuck, that’s all. Try to enjoy it. Don’t make this any more difficult than it is. You think sexy thoughts going into that room, and try to act like you like what they do. I’m going to do the same thing, and so will Becky. Pam, will you be there?”

“Sure. I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I’ll be honest, watching Connie take a big cock in her precious little pussy is a rare treat. I’m happy to have her as one of my whores. I should let my husband have a crack at her. You know, if this fails, and it will, I think I’ll drop by with Phil this evening. You can all watch.” Pam came up to Connie and chucked her chin, adding, “You’ll like fucking Phil. He has a tiny pecker, but he fucks like a rabbit.”

Connie shrugged loose and fired back, “I’m not going to be a whore, Pam. No way, never. You’ll have to rape me every time, and Mom won’t let you, will you, Mom?”

“Honey, if this fails, I’m afraid I would have to go along with Pam. If we fail, you will be a whore. The best thing I could do for you would be to try and help you adjust. I’m afraid I’d help hold you down if Pam brings Phil or any other man over.”

Becky added, “Yeah, and I’ll help, too.”

Connie collapsed on the sofa with her face in her hands, sobbing. Becky came over and lifted Connie’s skirt. She squeezed in between Connie’s knees forcing them out and said, “Look at her pussy, Mom. It’s all swollen and red from her fucking. It looks neat, huh?”

Connie was beyond caring and offered no resistance. She allowed her sister to push her upper body back to rest against the sofa back, letting her knees fall out limply and letting Becky fold what was left of her skirt back. Pam and Theresa came forward and stared at the distraught girl’s inflamed pussy. The two woman were amused by the way Connie permitted her sister to obscenely expose her; and further, she allowed the young girl to toy and pry at her cunt lips and clit.

Becky was also surprised at her sister’s passivity. To test that passivity, she placed each of Connie’s feet on the cushion edges, then went to untie the knot of her blouse, laying the flaps open to bare her sister’s tits. Connie had stopped her sobbing and watched along with the women as Becky resumed playing with her pussy, saying, “She sure looks like a whore, now, huh, Mom?”

Pam and Theresa exchanged smiles, and Theresa said, “Yes, she does.”

“Look, Mom, I can get four fingers in her. He must have put a big cock in her pussy.”

Pam said, “He’s not huge, by any means, but he does have a respectable hunk of meat between his legs. It sure looked good sawing in and out of Connie’s tight snatch.”

Becky said, “You know, Mom, even if we get her off this whore thing, you should at least let Phil fuck her. You owe Pam that much; after all, she lets you suck on her pussy.”

Pam smiled. Theresa said, “You are absolutely right, dear. I do owe her for letting me do that. I suppose it’s the least I can do. Pam, from now on, as long as you allow me to eat your pussy, you can share Connie’s cunt with your husband.”

Connie said, “Don’t I have a say so?”

“No, dear, not while you’re living under my roof. Consider it rent. You may not end up whoring at school, but you’ll whore for me if that’s my wish.”

“Then I’ll end up being a whore regardless.”

“I suppose you will.”

“Then why are we even going down there? Why don’t you just call and thank Richard Wright for turning me into a whore. That’s what you want, isn’t it? You like the idea, don’t you?”

“No, I don’t like the idea, but seeing how much you enjoy playing the martyred whore, lying there spread out like a fucking lab frog, letting your sister amuse herself with your cunt in front of me and Pam, pretending you don’t look forward to a life of fucking and sucking with dozens of different partners with your school and your mother’s blessing, I’m starting to like it a lot.”

During this exchange, Becky managed to work her hand inside her sister’s cunt clear to the wrist. She balled her fist inside and began moving her arm like a fucking cock. She looked up from her task and said, “Don’t listen to her, Mom. She can’t wait to start fucking a bunch of men. Look how easy it was to get my whole hand inside, and see how wet her cunt is just thinking about it. Her pussy needs lots of big cocks.”

Despite herself, Connie responded to the lewd words of both her mother and her sister. Furthermore, her sister’s hand felt fantastic, almost as good as a real cock. Her pelvis began a slow rocking and she widened her spread, lifting slightly to facilitate the screwing her sister was giving her. With her orgasm building fast, she knew she was lost and that they knew her secret longings. The rape, the scene in the nurse’s office, the rules, and the walk through the school were the most exciting things that ever happened in her life or her imagination. Parading her body around school was especially exciting, and she secretly prayed they’d fail.

Though it appeared her secret was out, and she was exposed, body and soul, Connie was not about to openly admit her desires. If her body wanted to betray her, so be it, but she could not stop Becky for all the beans in Beantown. Connie’s face was a mask of abandoned passion as she screwed back on the invading arm. Becky’s taunting words thrilled her further when she said, “We should go down there, but I don’t think we should even ask to get her off. Connie would be so disappointed if we won.”

Connie telegraphed her agreement with pelvic humps on the arm. This inspired Theresa to say, “You know, Becky, I think you’re right. I think I may simply let things go.” Theresa watched Connie’s reaction to each statement carefully. Each one brought on a reflexive hump from the aroused teen. She went on, “I may just offer my support and assure them that I will cooperate with them in the fullest.”

At this, Connie lifted her ass and gyrated her impaled loins on her sister’s arm, inspiring Theresa to add, “I suppose I could offer the use of the apartment so that they can feel free to stop by here and use her when they wish.”

Connie was going for her climax, but Becky pinched her hard on the clit to bring her back down. It worked, but did not cool her passions in the least. She still fucked herself on the arm. Theresa turned to Pam and said, “Pam, I’ve made up my mind. There will be no begging at that meeting. I won’t even ask them to free her. In fact, I am going to thank them for accepting her as a whore and offer them my full support. The girl is a natural whore with a cunt made for fucking. It would be a crime to deny men the use of her pussy, and I’m sure she can learn to please women as well.”

Connie went berserk, even the pinching of her clit could not stay her explosive climax. She came loudly and long, then slumped back to the sofa. Pam said, “I think you made the right decision. As for her learning to please women, there’s no time like the present. Would you like the honor, or shall I initiate her?”

“Please, be my guest.”

Connie watched Pam undress while trying to catch her breath. Excitement welled up in her despite her recent climax. Becky pulled her hand out with a sucking plop, leaving her empty and still in need. At the first sight of Pam’s familiar cunt, Connie felt like licking her lips. She remained passive, however, even as that pussy advanced on her.

Pam climbed on the sofa and stood straddling Connie’s hips. She squatted to bring her cunt to Connie’s mouth level, then said, “Lick my cunt, Connie. Lick it good like your mother does.”

Connie only had to move her head forward by three inches to make contact. Her first taste of pussy came with a lick at the clit. The taste wasn’t unpleasant, so she took a longer lick, then a long lick up the slit, ending with a clitty suck. Theresa and Becky came to either side to watch from close-up as Connie’s mouth and tongue serviced the lusty neighbor. Pam patted the sucking head and said, “Yes, Theresa, this little girl will make us a fine little whore.” Connie pressed her face in tightly to the woman’s cunt and rubbed her face in it. “I think she agrees with me. You do, don’t you, Connie.”

Connie broke the intimate contact to say, “Yes, I’ll be a good whore, Pam. I promise.”

Theresa got down between Connie’s legs and attacked her daughter’s pussy with her mouth. Connie ground her horny cunt into the mouth and moaned her pleasure. Connie and Pam came almost together.

Just before two, during another class change, Pam, Theresa, Becky, and Connie made the walk to Hal’s office through a crowded hall. The kids made way for them, gawking at the way Connie was dressed, or more accurately, not dressed. Theresa had cut another strip off her skirt, making the hem so short that Connie’s naked cunt lips peeked out from the bottom. Her mother also selected another blouse that was practically transparent. She wore a pair of Theresa’s four-inch heels which put an exaggerated sway in her step. The kids and teachers they passed were in awe.

They entered the office and discovered a packed crowd. There was Hal, of course, and Richard. In addition, there was Jim Groves, Dick Spivy, Ben, and the office staff, making a total of ten. They brought the total to fourteen. Three chairs were set before Hal’s desk. Theresa, Connie, and Becky sat in those chairs. Richard Wright stood beside Hal’s desk. The others lined the walls with four sitting on the sofa. Hal smiled as he looked over the three female victims.

The others moved to get a look at Connie’s pussy which was out in the open. The men eyed the nervous girl’s pussy unabashedly and hungrily. Theresa was nervous but excited. Connie was just plain nervous, like a lamb in a lion’s den. Becky was excited and sat shooting her beaver while smiling at everyone. Hal said, “So, Mrs. Andrews. What brings you here?”

Theresa gulped, cleared her throat, and said, “Well, my daughter tells me she was raped in Richard Wright’s office by Richard Wright. She further stated that she was required to serve as his whore.”

“And you disapprove?”

“I didn’t say that.” Smiles broke out among the spectators.

“Do you approve or not?”

“I don’t know, I was hoping to get an explanation.”

“The explanation is simple. We need a new whore for our stable. We chose Connie. Pam, read the rules to Miss Andrews.”

Pam took up the sheet of rules and read the outrageous requirements. When she finished, Hal said, “Do you have any questions?”

“No, it’s all spelled out. So, how do we seal this? Do I sign something, or do I need to prove my willingness to go along?”

“That seems reasonable, but first, why don’t we get to know each other better, get comfortable, relax a bit. Why don’t you begin by removing your and your daughters’ clothes. I’m sure that will relax the rest of us, anyway, and you’ll be more comfortable. Go ahead, start with Connie.”

Theresa looked around the room then took Connie’s hand and drew her to her feet before her. Stripping her was easy. She was nude in seconds. She then turned to Becky. Becky jumped up and raised her hands. Theresa drew her dress overhead, leaving her naked. Theresa stood and stripped, then sat stiffly. Hal said, “There, that’s better. Now the rest of you can remove your clothes. Everyone strip down.”

The three Andrews girls watched the bodies around them become unveiled. Theresa made a quick survey of cocks and settled on Richard Wright’s as the most desirable. She also studied the females and liked Stephanie’s trim bush and big, firm tits. Pam was the best, but her beauty was familiar. There were so many new things to look at. Becky was an avid looker as well. Hal had her attention as he came around to the front of the desk and stood before her with his erection bobbing in her face. Becky smiled up at him, then studied his cock.

Richard came over and stood before Connie, pressing his cock to her lips. Connie took him in her mouth and sucked. Hal said, “A fondness for cock seems to run in your family, Theresa.”

“Yes, it would seem so.”

Hal inched forward until his cock touched Becky’s lips. Becky took his shaft in hand and sucked on the head. Theresa felt ridiculous sitting between her two daughters as they sucked on two big cocks. Wanting to make a good impression, she reached out with both hands and stroked the cocks while the girls sucked. This brought smiles on every face. Hal said, “This is a pleasant surprise, Theresa. Most mothers prove difficult at first. I can see you won’t be a problem.”

“I don’t want to be a problem. I want to work with you. I’m honored you selected my daughter. I think she’ll make you a fine whore.”

“I’m sure she will. We’ve started a list, and it is already quite sizable. She’ll be kept quite busy.”

“My apartment is available.”

“Yes, that’s understood, but she’ll need help. She may need help with the overflow, so to speak.”

“I can help, as can Becky.”

“Good, then we have a good understanding. Let’s get this show on the road. Theresa, get up on my desk on your back.”

Theresa did so. Hal laid Becky over her on her back so that their pussies were one over the other. He spread their legs wide and scooted Theresa’s ass to the edge. Richard had Connie climb over the two in reverse on her hands and knees with her crotch directly over her mother’s face. He then entered Connie from the rear while Theresa watched the exciting penetration. Seconds later, a cock entered her pussy. It pumped a few strokes and withdrew. She felt Becky being jostled as the cock tried to enter her tiny cunt. Becky moaned. Theresa could feel the pressure being transmitted through Becky’s body to hers. Since she didn’t cry out, Theresa said nothing. She soon felt short strokes as the cock fucked her little girl.

Theresa’s passions grew steadily. Occasionally, the man drew his cock from Becky’s tight cunt and slipped it into hers. These were most exciting moments, but when the cock drew out, she could feel it screwing Becky and that excited her more. She used her hands to blindly feel the point of entry, allowing the moving cock to pass through her grasping fingers into Becky. Overhead, she had the delicious vision of Connie’s cunt taking a stiff cock with ease. Theresa licked at the juncture of their genitals while faces peered in from every angle.

The men took turns fucking the trio. Theresa lost track of the count. Her face was covered in the fuck that ran out of Connie’s cunt, and her own pussy was sopping from the cum that ran out of Becky. Her ass was in a puddle of semen, and she could not have been happier. When the men were drained several times over, it was the women they serviced. The three disengaged, got off the desk, and went to the cunt that selected them.

For the grand finale, Hal sat in his big leather chair and brought Becky onto his lap, laying her back to his chest with her legs outside his. His cock stuck up from between her legs and Theresa was invited to kneel and suck.

Theresa eagerly set to work as everyone gathered around to watch. She sucked, licked, and fondled Hal’s cock, making passes clear up to Becky’s slit, which was high on his belly. She frequently pressed his cock down to run it through her daughter’s little slit, then sucked the two together. After this long preparation, she got the head in the little cunt hole and pulled her daughter down until five inches were inside and her cunt lips were tightly stretched around the shaft. She rocked Becky’s body to provide the fucking motion while servicing both with her tongue.

When Hal came, Theresa was there to lick up the white cream that oozed from her daughter’s slit. As he softened and fell out, she devoured his slime-coated cock. She then ate Becky’s messy twat. Richard and Connie replaced Hal and Becky. Theresa performed the same service for them while taking Jim Groves’ dick in her ass. Connie officially became a whore that day; but then again, so did her mother and sister.



  1. Delightful story. Only suggestion would vivid descriptions of the young titties and womanly breasts.

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