Writer: GarySix
Subject: The Christian Thrill of Sexual Blasphemy
Link: Email LS666 / 16.09.2022
Author’s Notes: XP, here is a post to consider. If you can, please find a truly blasphemous and disgraceful image of the crucifix to accompany the post. And as always, when you do get around to posting it please let me know. Thanks so much for your efforts.
The Christian Thrill of Sexual Blasphemy
I have mentioned this briefly in another post, but worth repeating. XP has provided us all a free and open forum for ideas and opinions, as well as his writing skills to bring us sensual satanic lust. As you know, if you’ve read any of my posts and viewed my graphic blasphemy altars, I adore and honor Satan’s glorious, disgraceful, defiling blasphemy filth while remaining a Christian.
Therefore my posts generally apply to other Christians who are like-minded. My views are mine and if they are the opposite of yours, I would expect common courtesy between us. Keep in mind, we can, if open-minded, learn from each other. I am happy to say I have picked up many wonderful blasphemy prayers, images, ideas and words from many of you former Christians for which I thank you.
Satanists, at least judging from the many posts I read, apparently hold a hatred for Christ, but in my opinion, they are missing a wealth of deep level divine fucking whore filth doing that. Using the fucking whore cross as a sexual pleasure is thrilling and stunning at the very least. Worshiping Satan and all his glorious filth without Christ and the fucking whore bitch crucifix as well, is a one dimensional sexual experience. Loving Christ and using him for filthy fucking whore sex pleasure is the ultimate high, my Christian friends!
As a fucking whoring Christian, I enjoy the fullness of satanic filth blended with Christian icons and items. It’s simply unsurpassed, at least for me and a few of the Christians here that have emailed me.
I am certain that what I’ve stated can only be truly understood by Christians who have, like me, a foot in each camp. For a Christian, looking at the fucking whore crucifix and degrading it, swearing at it, and calling it the filthiest of names, while masturbating is a physical, mental, spiritual experience beyond description.
When I insult, degrade and blaspheme the fucking cross, I don’t do it in hate–I do it in sexual, perverted filthy love for my selfish fulfillment in emotional, mental and physical joy. I love the cross more when I see it as a fucking whore, cock sucking bitch. If you’re a Christian what I just said made your cock throb and your pussy lips quiver.
Besides, we enjoy the acts of doing satanic filth blasphemy more than having conversations trying to explain it — however that does help us learn more. So I hope to hear any opinions you might have. If you care to respond, send me an email.
Loving this quote ….
“I am certain that what I’ve stated can only be truly understood by Christians who have, like me, a foot in each camp. For a Christian, looking at the fucking whore crucifix and degrading it, swearing at it, and calling it the filthiest of names, while masturbating is a physical, mental, spiritual experience beyond description.” !
Mick sorry for the late reply
Thanks for your support
I would love to connect with you
I bring Jesus into my sexual praise of Satan.
I fantasize that Jesus and I have filthy faggot queer sex with each other with SATAN telling us what to do and whipping us into a frenzy!!
We both submit completely to HIS Satanic power!!
Then after I receive Jesus’s holy and miraculous cum inside my body, I am able to cure all people of whatever ailments by simply cumming inside their bodies! This pleases SATAN and Jesus is pleased too as he screams filth to God!! Then in honor of his now Master SATAN, Jesus goes about fucking anybody and any animal he comes to. Wouldn’t that be the greatest offering of CUM to the DARK LORDS!! Heal all so all can sin sexually no matter their age! Even the dead could be raised by those infected with Jesus’s healing virus. All ya gotta do is fuck and cum in that dead body. Necrophilia would soon be legalized and if someone dies…fuck them!! This way I could have sex with my mother and father as I used to fantasize about!
We could fuck babies as they are being born even before the cord is cut and heal the mom too!!
Oh my Christians let’s praise the Lord of our corruption!!
Praise to SATAN, LILITH, LUCIFER, and all other Demons!!!
We should really thank God,Jesus, and the Holy Spirit because if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t have are fetish blasphemies..
You really get it. Indulging in all this filth also feels better when you were vehemently anti-Porn, homophobic, scared of Hell etc.
Thinking back to the initial “struggle” feels good too, the overwhelming guilt, despair etc. I genuinely saw porn addiction as a war against SATAN, who I now kowtow to daily.
Forsake yaweh like the Israelites at shittim, reject eternal life to eat feces for SATAN and his cock demons