Writer: Abn-iiblis
Subject: The Call Of The Blood-Mother Lilith Under The Waxing Moon
Link: Tumblr / 17.12.2022
The Call Of The Blood-Mother Lilith Under The Waxing Moon
In the five holy names of the Blood-Mother I seek the — Virykla, the woman of flame — In the name of Ilyth’la, great mother of sorcery — I seek her priestess and daughter in the name of — Lillake, dweller in the Great world-tree — I seek the keeper of wisdom in the name of — Lilith, mistress of the nightside — I seek the holder of the book of the dead, but living in the name of — Liliya, angel of lust — I seek the daughter of the serpent in the name of — Devala, the blood-moon over the crossroads — I seek the woman from the Viryklu Dome. — Iä Ilyth’la! Iä Lilith!