Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: THE BOILER ROOM 9

Published: 20.09.2024

Story Codes: WS, Scat

Synopsis: Jill is a thrill-seeker, looking for anything naughty and unacceptable in normal society, and she’s found it in Arthur, a Potty Pro. He found her with a discrete ad that mentioned water sports, which could only mean using human elimination of body waste as play. Little did she suspect how far he intended to take her, in a defecation club called the Boiler Room, where people met to share their unusual kink.

The Boiler Room 9

Chapter Nine

The attendant moved forward and used his poop scoop to slide the offal off the man’s belly and chest. He loaded each piece into a plastic bag, being careful not to break them. Then he placed his scoop against Jill’s turd, and as he pulled it he applied just enough downward pressure with the scoop to ensure that a brown smudge was left on the man’s upper lip.

He picked up the hard lump that had dropped to the floor and put it in a bag, but kept it separate from the other shit collected, as the man who had produced it had been disqualified. The attendant took the plastic bags over to a small table, on which there was a chemist’s scale. These people took this competition seriously.

He placed the bags one by one onto the scale, and Jill was thrilled to see that in the weight category, hers was second. She had missed first place only because of the thickness of the fat log produced by the large anus of the first man. It was unfair pitting women against men, she thought with a chuckle.

Men were bigger assholes, but she realized this was only a game, and its purpose was titillation, not serious competition. It was the indecent act of public defecation that she found so exciting, baring her entire groin area and pissing and shitting, while the others cheered her on. Everyone was watching, which she found to be so cool.

Arthur had introduced her to the one thing in life she would have never guessed she would enjoy, certainly not to this extent, and the beautiful young nineteen-year-old woman was an instant convert. She proved herself to be a scat queen, and the people at the Boiler Room Club appreciated everything about the stunning cunt’s cunning stunt.

She smiled at Arthur in appreciation for introducing her to such a fun group activity. His cock leapt in his pants as he saw her gorgeous smile, and on impulse, he pulled his pants and shorts off. His penis stood at full erection, a gleam of his essence on the tip as he lusted to do that incredible smile that the executive officer had done.

He began by moving in front of her and grabbed her sides at the base of her rib cage. Moving his hips forward, he found her open vagina with the head of his cock, and suddenly thrust it up into her, wet-decking the beautiful young bitch with a cunt full of the semen of the other two men who had just fucked her.

Their white slime was warmed by her body and gave him easy full access to her depths, which he took full advantage of. She was a cunt, his cunt, as he had found her with his ad, and the bitch had told him who she was simply by having the audacity to respond to it. She was nothing but a cunt, and deserved to be treated as such.

He grabbed her by the throat and pushed her head back, then slapped her face with the back of his other hand, hard enough to cause her head to fly to the side. Before she could respond, his hand came back and his palm struck the other cheek equally hard. She did not scream, but tears welled in her eyes.

His hands moved down to grasp her bare buttocks, and she finally screamed as he pumped her body up and down violently on his raging prick, her feet off the floor, hammering the head into the pad of her uterus. She had never been fucked so hard in her life, and she could feel her inner gonads being jerked around.

To Jill, it felt like they were being torn loose as Arthur’s extra-large cock fucked its way inside her. She had never been held by her buttocks while being fucked before, and the driving force of his raging penis inside her made Jill’s anus open again, and she once more shit for the people watching to enjoy.

She saw several of them had paired up, and some of the men were fucking their Doms, and two pair of men were also engaged in sex, one standing particularly close behind the other, with both having removed their pants and undershorts. The group was engaged in a bacchanal, the men by the back channel.

After several minutes of passionate thrusting, Arthur felt himself arrive at the brink of ejaculation, and instead of shooting his seed into her, he held still for several seconds and then slid his erection out of her. As his passion had raged, another idea had come to him on how he should proceed. This would be much better.

He pulled her down onto the kitty litter, flipped her onto her back with her head between his legs as he knelt, and pressed his thumbs into the corners of her jaw, forcing her mouth wide open. He plunged his big cock into her face and thrust it into her mouth as deep as it would go, jamming it to fill her throat.

Jill was ready for this but had no way to extract his penis when she needed air. That did not take long, after the exercise she had been getting since she and Arthur had arrived. At the Boiler Room Club. The others, sensing Arthur was going to take this the whole way, moved in so that they would miss nothing of the action.

Most of them were still coupled, and three of the men and their sex partners reached orgasm watching, as Arthur began a deep thrusting fucking action in Jill’s beautiful face. She was giving him head in a way few other women could. Her piss-soaked hair spread on the kitty litter as he violently pumped his cock into the depths of her throat.

Jill’s face began to turn red, and her throat swelled as he continued to pump into her, blocking her air passage completely. Her lungs began to burn from the lack of air, and now her limbs began to thrash with as much passion as Arthur showed in his continuous face fuck. He was having a ball, with his balls slapping her nose and eyes with every stroke of his raging cock.

She brought her legs up, as if she could kick him, but quickly realized he was out of reach. Instead, she was presenting her cunt and puckered anus between her spread buttocks. The starfish ring opened again, and once more the pointed nose of a brown thick lump of her shit emerged, this one driven by her rising sense of panic.

Panic shit is something to laugh about if you’re not the one in a panic. She was, and with her desperate kicking and pounding of her fists, she saw she was making no headway and sent out a long arch of fear piss into the air. Arthur was confident she had more in her bladder for her final goodbye when dying people regularly both piss and shit as their control is gone and they lose continence.

He grabbed her big bare breasts, squeezing them to milk them as if she were producing, but she was not. He used his grip to pull her face further onto his thrusting cock, and realized he would do better by gripping her chin with his hands, and that’s what he did. Her choking action pumped on his cock in the most stimulating way.

The feeling of her throat contracting was so invigorating that his rapidly swinging testicles took action, his prostate threw the switch, and great gobs of semen raced the length of his ramming cock, and he began to ejaculate. She began to fade, and within a few seconds slumped, as her anus again opened, this time to release her final death shit.

She was also pissed but was dead before the last trickle emerged. Arthur continued to ejaculate down her throat, spewing a continuous flow of his primal essence into Jill’s stomach. She had no use for it, as she was now reduced to being nothing more than a naked, stockinged corpse. Being a teen, she had fallen short of her twentieth birthday by nearly a month. Nobody in the room knew that.

They were now so excited that they all reached orgasm quickly and with more passion than usual. They had got far more than the usual piss-drinking and shit-eating show they were used to. The evening had been a success, and as they dressed to depart, two of the men picked up the naked carcass of Jill and took it out to a car.

They would wait a few hours, and then dump it off a bridge into the river. The tide was going out, and it would end up washed far out to sea, to be consumed by fish. The skeleton would sink to the bottom, hundreds of yards down, to never be retrieved. Some things were better if left to be forgotten.



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