Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: THE BOILER ROOM 8

Published: 19.09.2024

Story Codes: WS, Scat

Synopsis: Jill is a thrill-seeker, looking for anything naughty and unacceptable in normal society, and she’s found it in Arthur, a Potty Pro. He found her with a discrete ad that mentioned water sports, which could only mean using human elimination of body waste as play. Little did she suspect how far he intended to take her, in a defecation club called the Boiler Room, where people met to share their unusual kink.

The Boiler Room 8

Chapter Eight

Another Dom instructed her male slave to get out of his clothing and to mount Jill. The man showed no hesitation, being stimulated having watched the executive face fucking her and chewing on her cunt lips. He got in position kneeling between her spread legs and brought his ready erection down to make contact with her vestibule.

Without preparation, he thrust several times, quickly gaining access to her fuck shaft, and drove his long erection in to ram its head against the dimpled pad of her uterus. His urethra promptly kissed her cervix, and as he pumped into her, he brought his penis to a full state of readiness to ejaculate but knew he would require permission.

Arthur spoke to another Dom, and she had her man disrobe and move over to the copulating couple. Arthur instructed Jill to roll onto her side, and this allowed the other man to move onto his side behind her. Without prompting, the man pressed his now firm erection between her buttocks and found the ring of her anus.

He made several heavy thrusts, driving his penis into her rectum and colon. The grip she gave him from the shock of being occupied in both parallel fuck shafts made him pause, enjoying the grasp of her tight anal ring on his raging cock. Both men established a rhythm, fucking her in perfect sync, thrusting their penises in unison.

The man in her ass was instructed to join the other in her vagina, and he immediately pulled out of her rectum, moving his powerful penis to the base of her cunt, and with further matching thrusts, inserted his cock in beside the other man’s erection. Now the two cocks were in direct penis contact, and the men could feel the pulsing of the other’s heart as they fucked the lady with their erections pressed together inside her vulva.

“Shoot!” shouted one of the Doms.

“Ejaculate, NOW!” shouted the other, and the men complied, firing great jets of their hot semen into her cervix and on into her uterus.

Their combined seed flooded into Jill’s ovaries, where a microscopic battle took place. The sperm of one man will automatically fight that of another, each programmed by aeons of genetics to dominate in the womb, not allowing fertilization by the other. Only a few run to her eggs, should they be present, the remainder guard those successful.

Both men continued to pump vigorously into her jammed cunt, fucking her with all their might until both were exhausted and were permitted by their Doms to withdraw. Jill sagged as they withdrew, as she was equally exhausted, her ovaries now filled with their semen. Their cum dribbled from her cunt, she had taken in so much of it.

Jill was instructed to get to her feet, and right away Arthur commanded her to shit on the prone man next. She was instructed to position herself with her spread bare ass over his face. Because she had no skirt or panties, her knees were unrestricted, so she straddled the man, her back to his head, facing his groin.

She crouched, positioning her ready anus directly above his face. She watched his penis, which was now both firmer and longer than it had been when he had first laid on the floor. She looked between her legs to verify her aim and saw the look of distress on the man’s face. The paradox was that his enjoyment came from his understandable dislike for excrement.

What he thrived on was the punishment that it represented, and his total subservience to his mistress in taking shit directly from the anus gland of participants in the party. The masochistic man was the kind of wimp she thought deserved to be a toilet, so she had no compunction in emptying her bowels directly onto his face.

From his groveling behavior, she knew he was a deserving recipient of the brown muck she was about to eject from her rectum. Having learned from those who went before her, she leaned well forward to present to those watching her from behind a clear view of her highly controlled defecation.

When the woman timing the contestants gave her the signal, she strained carefully, not wanting to shoot out a long turd in a single rapid shot. She felt the firm offal meat move in her colon, and she backed off, knowing that the slightest pressure would start it on its way out. She took a breath, then gently squeezed again.

It felt as if her sphincter muscle was opening, but without being able to see her anus she was not certain. She squeezed again, exerting as light a pressure as possible, and this time she knew that the nose of the beast was out. She could feel the course surface of the stool sliding through her stretched rectum as if there were undigested seeds mixed with the transformed food.

Just like when she sat on the toilet, it was a persistent movement that she was not able to control. It was as if the flexible stool had a life of its own. She had never tried to control the discharge rate when she sat on the toilet, and she found that now, performing the act in public, she couldn’t exercise restraint.

This was steady but difficult to measure the gradual expulsion of the moist processed food through her anal sphincter. She knew that if she attempted to slow down the discharge, the tight anal muscle would likely squeeze off the emerging turd, breaking it short of its full potential length.

She had regularly looked into the bowl to see the size and shape of what she had deposited and was often startled at the length of the fat brown snake floating in the water. She knew that they often came out faster than the sensor nerves in her rectum told her and that if she wanted to place this one properly, she would have to move quickly.

Jill leaned slightly back looking down as she did, and when the end of the stool lay across the man’s cheek, she bent forward, and her aim was perfect. Her anus released the other end of the stool, and it flopped down across the man’s face, lying across his upper lip, forcing him to keep his mouth closed and to breathe through his nose.

This perfect placement meant that he would get the full benefit of the aroma of her freshly produced offal. He could only draw air by sucking it past her lump of moist doo doo, which lay right against his nostrils. The tums had done their job, drastically reducing the output of sulphur, but at the close range she had given him, he would get an intimate sense of the scent of her lower digestive tract. Extremely intimate.

Jill was not the pig tonight, but the human toilet on the floor was getting full value for his time in the lowly role he had willingly assumed. The man was playing a martyr and revelled in the low esteem he was richly earning. As the recipient of human offal, he was demonstrating his value to be less than that of a piece of shit.

This was a view that Jill, even in the role of a submissive, took of most men, and this one was proving her thesis. Her fondest fantasy was that if she married, her husband would agree to act as her personal toilet, just as this man was now. The people loved what she was doing, just as she did. This was amazingly fun.

The others applauded the novice’s performance as Jill got to her feet. She was proving to be a worthy member of their private group and had made a good impression so far. She looked at the man, lying with a new rolled brown moustache, which lay across his upper lip from cheek to cheek. Jill was surprised at the length of it.

Her perfectly placed shit log lying across the man’s face was more than a foot long, and the tapered ends dangled across his ears. She felt an embarrassment as she looked down on him, surprised at herself for having been able to do that to him. Her behavior this evening had been quite outrageous, but she had never been to a club like this, and it seemed that this was quite a normal event to the others.


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