Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: THE BOILER ROOM 7

Published: 18.09.2024

Story Codes: WS, Scat

Synopsis: Jill is a thrill-seeker, looking for anything naughty and unacceptable in normal society, and she’s found it in Arthur, a Potty Pro. He found her with a discrete ad that mentioned water sports, which could only mean using human elimination of body waste as play. Little did she suspect how far he intended to take her, in a defecation club called the Boiler Room, where people met to share their unusual kink.

The Boiler Room 7

Chapter Seven

When the teenage girl had pushed her shit log out of her anus six inches, she could no longer suck it entirely back in, but she was still in control and doing very well when the timer announced two minutes. At this point the end of the slender turd began to droop, pointing toward its human target, lower than the turd already deposited on him.

When her stool made contact with the pale flesh of the man’s belly, the girl wagged her ass in a big arc, tracing a faint brown line on his skin with her faecal log. Still maintaining control of it, she backed so that it lay with the end dangling over the nude man’s side, then she moved forward, laying down a straight line with the slender dark slug.

Jill saw that she was getting near the end of making her deposit. That was when the odor reached the audience. It was clear that the girl had not eaten her tums, likely on purpose, and the result was outstanding. Fortunately, the deodorant quality of the nil-odor in the room and the efficient air management system did their job.

It did not allow the strong aroma of the dark meat she passed to overwhelm the participants, although it continually reminded them of what a pig she was. Jill wondered how such a clean-looking young woman could deliver such an obnoxious smell. It was much stronger than her stools ever smelled.

“Well, it looks like we’ve found our Miss Piggy here for tonight, haven’t we!” Arthur laughed.

The man who had gone first had pulled his pants up and was standing beside Jill. He explained to her what was going on.

“The day before a pooping contest like tonight’s, one of the contestants, who volunteers, is flushed with an enema and has a rancid week-old pork sausage that’s been sitting out thrust deep up into his or her butt. Then a couple of rotten eggs are broken, the contents loaded into a turkey baster, and the smelly mess is injected into the volunteer’s rectum to surround the sausage. Then they eat two cans of baked beans. In twenty-four hours in the host’s warm moist environment, the colon starts to digest it all.

“While mixing it with the regular bowel movements of beans that move down into the colon, which is the holding area, it moderates into a festering mess beautifully. That person is the piggie of the night! Sandi is a hot little cunt, only participating for a couple of years, and this is only her second piggie assignment.

“This nasty trick produces for us the smelliest result possible from the human gut, which you have just experienced. The pig is predetermined by the handlers, then the others try to guess which one it is. They were pretty sure it would not be you because this is your first time here. I think Arthur chose well.”

“What’s the significance of being called the pig?” Jill asked.

“You’ll see in a few moments. This guy on the floor is a seasoned fan of what we refer to as the chocolate lunch. He will perform immaculate body service on her, eating the next shit offering she produces directly from her shit chute. It’s quite disgusting, really, but of course, that is what this intimate sport is all about.”

“Have you ever done it?” Jill asked, “Eaten somebody else’s shit?”

“Not directly from the anus of a doner, and never from the piggy,” the man answered, “From my point of view, that takes numbed taste buds. I’ve only eaten fresh stools, served on a plate, and they were my own. My controller Mistress covered them with honey, to make them more palatable. It was not at all as bad as I had feared.”

Jill grimaced and knew she would never try anything like that. She did have her limits, and eating shit, even her own, was well across the line for her. The young woman squatting over the man shitting on his tummy was finished. The attendant gave her some tissue to wipe herself clean and took it when she was finished.

She stood back, and another man was told by his Mistress to take his turn. He looked more nervous than the others. Jill guessed that this was his first time as a participant in such a contest. He slid his pants and boxer shorts down, and moving forward, he moved into position and squatted over the man’s chest.

He had a look of anguish on his face that spelt out to Jill how humiliating he found his role. He also displayed a raging erection, revealing how this act excited him. As he strained to produce his shit, his penis throbbed and produced a quick burst of semen. There was no doubt the man was excited, to the point of ejaculation.

Jill knew he was a true masochist as he strained, putting all his effort into producing his solid offal. Nothing happened. He had held his bowel movement back for too long, and had been too anxious, and the result was that he was in hard knots inside. Jill learned that the experience of constipation is an exhibitionist’s worst enemy.

After nearly two minutes of red-faced straining, his anus at last opened, jammed with the broad end of a large hard dry looking stool.

Arthur went to work with his riding crop, slapping the man hard across the buttocks, producing more effort but little in the way of results. Everyone was thoroughly enjoying the man’s plight. He was taking a thrashing and was responding with ever-increasing effort until at last the hard block of shit burst out of his strained anus.

The solid turd bounced off the prone man’s chest. They left it lying in the Kitty Litter where it landed. Although it was nearly two inches across, it was only three inches long. For several reasons, including a late start, receiving assistance in production, and shamefully missing the target, the unfortunate man was disqualified.

Now it was Jill’s turn. Arthur instructed her to lie down on her back on the kitty litter, spread her thighs, and raise her butt in the air, presenting her cunt to the audience. She immediately did as she was told, and wearing only her garter belt, black hose and spike heels, she looked incredibly sexy, her groin fully exposed, ready to take a fuck.

That proved to be exactly what Arthur had in mind for her., but not in the way she imagined. He signaled to a Dom, who instructed her male slave to strip naked and mount her. The man, a senior executive at a large resource company and an obedient slave, showed no hesitation. When his trousers came off, he displayed a ready and eager erection.

“Fuck the cunt’s throat!” the Dom commanded.

He obediently moved around and climbed over her head. Without hesitation, he thrust his large penis into her open mouth and thrust deep into her throat. Jill felt the blockage of her air passage but did not panic, as she trusted Arthur to ensure her safety.

This was not a new experience for the executive, who with his clothes off looked had lost his look of superiority, as he had twice daily required his executive assistant, a striking redhead with a great figure and huge breasts, to kneel in his office and give him head. The man was an accomplished face fucker.

Twice he had got his assistant to remove her panties, and he had given her a vigorous fuck each time. A couple of months after the second fuck he had found it necessary to kill the inconsiderate cunt, as she had the bad taste to become pregnant. There was no way he was going to let her come to terms and present him with a child.

The man stayed at the office very late that night, had personally rolled the body into a garbage cart and taken it down to his vehicle in the underground parkade, and had dropped her alive into a fresh concrete pour of the deep foundation for a new skyscraper, and as he knew it would, the concrete acted like quicksand as she’d struggled.

Cunts always struggled when they didn’t like what you were doing to them, and this Jill cunt, stretched out in front of him on the floor face up, basically naked, attempted to get him to stop fucking her throat by biting down hard on the base of his cock. Thank God the bitch’s jaw wasn’t strong enough to do damage, but she hurt him.

Without his clothes, the powerful executive looked like anyone else, and like any man, he screamed when Jill sunk her teeth into his cock. He lifted his right fist and punched her hard in the belly. Her bite and his punch were both unauthorized movements, and both of them knew they would have to pay for their indiscretion.

“Eat her cunt!” came the next command from his Dom, and he lowered his head to Jill’s groin, enthusiastically taking her engorged cuntlips into his mouth. He then began a thrusting action with his penis, plunging it as deep as possible into her gullet. This was a female face well worth fucking, and he loved the feel of her gripping throat.

The highly excited man proved to be too ready, and within a minute began ejaculating gobs of semen down into her stomach. She was unable to breathe with her throat jammed full of pulsing penis, but breathing was the last thing on her mind as she began a swallowing action, which pumped vigorously on the shaft blocking her windpipe.

The executive bellowed as he fucked her beautiful face, and his semen jetted in regular spurts down her throat, then, remembering his Dom’s instructions, he began chewing on her flared rubbery cunt lips. He used extra pressure, in retaliation for having her bite his cock so painfully that he’d creamed. This would teach the cunt!

Jill was unable to scream at the pain to her sex organ in the grip of his teeth, due to his rapidly plunging penis thrusting into her throat as he fucked her gorgeous face. The others cheered him on, seeing that he was cumming down her throat, and he produced a surprising quantity of his sperm-loaded semen into her.

Unfortunately for her, by ejaculating directly into her stomach, the man prevented her from tasting his offering, so that all she tasted was the deodorant he had applied to his groin and balls, spraying it even onto his stomach and into his ass crack. It tasted vile, as in had never been designed for human consumption but was for external use only.

The swimming little male cells would find no human eggs in her tummy to fertilize but instead would have to face her digestive acids, with enzymes that would consume them and process their protein as food. At last, his ejaculation was complete, and with permission from his Dom, he pulled his penis from her mouth, the tip still dribbling his cum.


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