Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: THE BOILER ROOM 6

Published: 16.09.2024

Story Codes: WS, Scat

Synopsis: Jill is a thrill-seeker, looking for anything naughty and unacceptable in normal society, and she’s found it in Arthur, a Potty Pro. He found her with a discrete ad that mentioned water sports, which could only mean using human elimination of body waste as play. Little did she suspect how far he intended to take her, in a defecation club called the Boiler Room, where people met to share their unusual kink.

The Boiler Room 6

Chapter Six

Jill guessed the cock itself must be at least eight inches long. She thought about it reaching full erection and realized it would be an impressive cock to see, and something else to deal with. She’d never had an over-sized cock inside her, but she’d seen some at male strip joints, where she and girlfriends went when they were in school.

“Since we have a new participant,” Arthur said, looking at Jill, “I’ll review the rules. First of all, there is the wagering.”

He passed around sheets and pencils.

“Now it is quite complicated because tonight’s contestants are to be judged on so many different rules. First of all, there is the matter of production on demand. Contestants will take turns. From the time the signal is given, each will have ten seconds for their anus to open and to display the offering they will produce. That first ten seconds is free, but we need to see the beginning of a protrusion, the nose of a firm turd, before the time is up, with no exceptions.”

He put on a very official voice.

“A stool is defined as the mass of matter passed from the colon in a single movement. It is an intact unit of crap, and any partition will not be taken into account. The length of time it takes to drop a single stool will be measured. The longer the evacuation event, the higher the score. The time will commence when the brown darling appears and will be complete when partition or splitting occurs. This is not a speed contest, the longer it takes, the better the result.”

Jill was surprised he spoke of such a repugnant act with such relish. This was amazing. These people thought crapping in public was going to be fun?

“The next item,” he continued, “Is to compare the ability to do a partial suck-back, drawing the stool back in during the expulsion. Retraction will count for double points once the tip of the stool has touched the body of the human toilet. Any backward movement of the stool into the rectum will be credited. Complete withdrawal counts as triple points, and so long as your offering is not completely withdrawn but remains visible, that’s double points. Complete retraction will also restart the clock. Isn’t this fun?”

Jill was starting to get the idea. It would be interesting to see if she had what it took to outperform some of these more experienced shitters.

“On your sheets, you will see the line factor, which is to determine how straight a line the stool can be dropped across the belly or chest of the human toilet. You will also want to guess, before the contest begins, of course, which one of these contestants is the stinker. As you know, there is a pig in every crowd!”

Everyone laughed, but Jill was not sure why. They were laughing at more than a casual off-the-cuff comment. There was a joke somewhere in there she did not understand. That was reasonable, as this was a group that likely met regularly to take part in these brazen excrement sports.

“Now,” Arthur continued, “We come to the brown meat itself. It will be judged for thickness, consistency, length, weight, color and freedom from offensive odor. That’s when we get to see if the contestants took their tums.”

Now Jill realized the reason she had been instructed by Arthur to eat all those tums.

She had heard of them reducing the sulphur smell when you had gas and realized with a grin that it was the stools that produced the gas when you farted. She wondered what qualities of consistency and color were valued. Did they prefer dense dark turds, thin long stringy stools that often curled beneath her in the toilet, or light-colored poop?

She got quite excited when she realized she was going to be asked to shit on this man lying on the floor. He was a prick if he had done what that woman had said. Jill hated bankers! She wondered if he would get off on people shitting on him. He was lying there willingly. One way to tell would be the Peter Meter.

Would he get a full erection as they shit on him? She could hardly wait to see. Arthur slapped her tender buttocks sharply with the riding crop, and she obediently joined the others in the center of the room. The slap had stung severely, and she knew he had not given her a full swat. That riding crop was a potent weapon. She was not sure she wanted to find out how much he could hurt her with it.

The other people in the room sized up the contestants marked their sheets, and then handed them back to Arthur. He looked through them, then summarized the betting.

“It looks like the men are favored for most categories, except for anal control and neatness. The time it takes to make their deposit, their ability to retract a stool, and the straightest line all go to the girls. All the rest of the categories go to the boys. Let’s see how it comes out. Jack, take your position!”

One of the men moved beside the man on the floor and squatted over him, positioning his buttocks over the man’s belly. He stayed there motionless, awaiting the signal. One of the women held forward a stopwatch, her thumb poised above the starting button.

“Go!” the woman shouted as her thumb snapped down on the watch.

The man strained, then waited, counting. He didn’t want to get his offering moving too early, because the first ten seconds counted toward his time to drop the stool. Just before the ten seconds was up, he pressed, and only a fart came.

In a panic, the man strained hard, and the turd burst into view, much quicker than he would have liked. When she shit, Jill always checked to see what she had dropped into the toilet before she covered it with soiled toilet paper. She had never managed to produce anything as thick as what this man was showing.

A light colored, knotted and very dense stool stood out more than six inches from his stretched anus. It was at least an inch and a half thick and was rigid. She was surprised as she watched him retract it nearly an inch before it paused, and came forward again. When it was out another two inches, he retracted it again.

It appeared he could easily draw it back an inch for every two inches forward. That was, in her eye, outstanding. When the firm fat stool was out eight inches, the man bent his knees so that the end of it touched the man on the floor briefly, and then he retracted it again, this time nearly by three inches.

Jill was amazed at the control the man displayed. This kind of anal and colon control could only come with a great deal of practice. She had never dreamed of this exciting sport but was sure she could learn and master it. She was surprised that she could not smell the stool that now hung far out of the rectum of the squatting man.

The air movement must be very good in here, she thought and realized that the antacid action of the tums must be a bigger factor than she had guessed as well. At last, the stool dropped, lying in a gentle curve across the naked man’s belly.

“One forty-three!” proclaimed the woman keeping time.

As the man who had deposited it, shitting directly onto a naked man’s chest, stood up, and Jill noticed for the first time that the nude man’s penis looked firmer than it had when he had lain down. He was still sobbing quietly, and tears formed puddles in the corner of his eyes.

Jill knew what it was to enjoy humiliation, and understood that this man, the merciless banker, was in his glory. She watched the attendant slide a piece of paper with the number 1 marked with a felt marker on it under one end of the steaming stool. This was so exciting she could hardly await her turn.

The other woman was instructed to move into position. She was wearing a pleated knee-length skirt and no panties. As she squatted in position, she pulled the back hem of the garment up and tucked it into her belt, so that the act she was about to commit would have no privacy whatsoever. She had a beautiful ass, and her clean-shaven cunt was in full flare.

She leaned well forward, her knees together, so that her buttocks spread wide, revealing the tiny puckered starfish of her anus, and below it the full folds of her vagina lips from the ample bulge of her bulging pubic mound. Like Jill, the beautiful young woman, looking studious in her horn-rimmed glasses, wore five-inch spike heels over tight-fitting dark nylons, held up by a garter belt.

Jill examined with interest the tight pucker of the young woman’s slowly opening anus ring. There were no signs of hemorrhoid swelling, and it was as neatly trimmed as her vulva. She looked so well-groomed and clean that Jill thought she looked good enough to eat. Then she realized the significance of her fleeting thought.

What she was thinking of was what lesbians did when making love. She was straight, and never even contemplated making intimate love to another woman with her mouth. She also realized that as these thoughts went through her head, the attractive young woman looked no less appetising.

“Go!” the woman with the stopwatch said.

She watched the young woman, who was likely her age, so a teen, tighten her tummy to thrust. For the first time, Jill noticed the impressive size of the girl’s breasts, hanging forward in her loose blouse, worn for this special occasion, as she strained to let everybody see her take a shit.

Jill’s attention was immediately drawn back to the gap between the spread buttocks, and she watched with pleasure the tight rectum being pressed open by the pointed nose of a firm but moist-looking stool. As it slowly slid into view, the others could see that it was dark, firm, and unlike the shit of most people, quite narrow.

It was also being sucked right back in, after emerging repeatedly to greater and greater extension. This young girl was very good and had done this often before. Jill wondered if the beautiful teenager had done this with these people watching, or like herself, had been a closet exhibitionist, regularly trying it out at home in private.



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