Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: THE BOILER ROOM 1

Published: 11.09.2024

Story Codes: WS, Scat.

Synopsis: Jill is a thrill-seeker, looking for anything naughty and unacceptable in normal society, and she’s found it in Arthur, a Potty Pro. He found her with a discrete ad that mentioned water sports, which could only mean using human elimination of body waste as play. Little did she suspect how far he intended to take her, in a defecation club called the Boiler Room, where people met to share their unusual kink.

The Boiler Room 1

Chapter One

Jill was surprised at how handsome Arthur was. She had in her mind an image of men who would use a kink magazine to advertise that was hard to shake. She had expected he would be a bespectacled mouse, small in stature, and either under or overweight. She also imagined his fly would be in tatters from being opened to masturbate so often.

She thought it would be fun to answer an ad asking for a woman interested in water sports, and she was willing to stretch her personal boundaries. She was always so inhibited with other people, although in private she loved to do what she secretly thought of as “playing dirty.”

She had naturally been curious about her body and its functions since she was a little girl. She had explored her genitals and her rectum, poking her fingers into both holes and then licking them clean. That tasted weird, but was fun. She had even used her father’s shaving mug to pee into when she was alone in the bathroom.

Her play had always been alone, but as soon as she was old enough, she had started buying the Kink magazines. She liked to see women and men doing outrageous, abnormal things, sometimes alone, but often with each other. It was exciting to think about doing such things herself. After all this time, now that she was an adult at almost twenty, she had finally got up the nerve to answer an ad.

She was not sure what to expect of the man who wrote so well. He had not only a command of the language but also of the subject. He had told her to buy two rolls of Tums and to eat one roll after lunch and the other after dinner on the day of their date. His explanation was simply that he wanted her to do it, and to trust him.

He seemed too good to be true and was probably going to turn out to be a wimp. She was sure he would not have much to offer that she had not thought of, or even tried, but of course, she had previously always done such things while alone. It was thrilling to think of the possibility of actually baring herself in front of a stranger.

It was even more thrilling to think of doing some of the things she liked with someone else watching, and she approached orgasm as she thought he might have her do something more outrageous than she had thought of herself. It was also scary, and she had thought more than once about cancelling.

She had not cancelled, and now here she was, riding in his BMW sedan through late evening traffic, and she was impressed at his assertive driving. The rain always brought a magical quality to the streets, with all of the lights being reflected, and the glimpses of the world outside the car measured by the rhythm of the wipers.

She felt somehow secure seated beside this man and knew she would refuse him nothing. Arthur turned down a street that was not noted for its after-hour clubs, and she was surprised when he pulled into a lane and then used a card in a machine on an entrance to admit them to an underground parking lot.

The building was only three stories high, with a large main-floor print shop as the major tenant, so it was surprising that it would warrant underground parking. She was equally surprised that there were so many cars parked there on a Saturday night. It was after midnight, and this part of town was usually deserted by this time on a weekend.

She had never heard of a nightspot around here. It was probably a private club. This fellow was such a gentleman to take her out before they got down to playing. She decided she would make it worth his while. Why not, she had nothing to lose, and he was such a gentleman about everything, so deserved that she put out.

They did not take an elevator or stairs up, as she would have expected: the club was at the basement level. The plain steel door was marked “Boiler Room”. Behind the large furnace was a second door, which took them into the club. Jill was impressed. She also felt a strange twinge of excitement. This was so different from anything she had imagined.

The only reason to hide a club so thoroughly was if it were up to doing something not normally accepted in society. This evening was already proving to be more exciting than she had anticipated. There was a large barrel full of peanuts beside the entrance, and they were used, as the floor was covered with peanut shells.

It was not a new idea, but it quickly set up a relaxed atmosphere. The club was not too big and was dominated by a big mahogany bar. There were probably thirty people there, Jill guessed, and there were as many standing as sitting, enjoying relaxed conversation. She and Arthur were noticed as they entered, but conversations continued uninterrupted.

They found a space at the bar. Jill sat up on a tall stool and Arthur stood beside her. They both ordered twenty-ounce mugs of dark beer and when they were served, they took time to absorb and adjust to the place. There was a piano player in the corner playing familiar old songs, and the tempos were smooth and not rushed.

Jill began to feel quite at ease with her blind date. She also wondered why the club was so well hidden. She knew that if it were in the right district, it would attract a large clientele. The bartender slid a small bowl of what looked like colored mints onto the table.

“Chew several of these,” Arthur suggested and popped a few into his mouth.

“What are they?” asked Jill.

They looked familiar, but she couldn’t quite identify them.

“Tums,” he said, “Didn’t you eat them as I instructed you to?”

“Oh yes,” she said, embarrassed, “I did just as you asked. It’s just that I’m not used to seeing them in a bowl like candies. I don’t have a stomach ache. Why do you want me to eat them?”

“They’re quite good for the system,” he answered mysteriously, “And later, I assure you, you’ll be glad you ate them.”

She took some as well, knowing that each little mystery added to the suspense. All she knew of them was that they were a carminative antacid, and contained digestible calcium. Beyond that, she had no idea what they did.

She didn’t want to start the evening off being disagreeable, so she continued to chew and swallow as many as he did. The beer was effective in washing the lingering mint taste out of her mouth. When the first and second mugs were empty, Arthur ordered a third round. She had matched him in drinking, too.

Jill’s eyes were adjusting to the low lighting levels in the room, and for the first time, she noticed a brass cage swinging from the ceiling just past the next table. In it sat a small male monkey. Its maleness was on full display, and she was shocked and then fascinated to see that the little creature was preoccupied, sucking on the head of its organ.

Then as it raised its head slightly, she realized that it was not just sucking on its long penis; it was actually drinking its own pee. She had seen this once before at a circus, when as a child she had wandered through the area where the animals were kept between acts. She had thought it was sexy that an animal drank its own pee.

Her father had explained to her that this act was not uncommon for both large and small primates who were kept caged for most of their lives. She had often thought of that cute little monkey, but what she was seeing now seemed somehow far more obscene, as if it were a little man sitting and watching them as it refreshed itself with warm acrid fluid from its bladder.

As they chatted and got to know each other a bit better, Jill noticed that from time to time people came or went through a door at the back of the room. Straining her eyes, she was finally able to read the sign that read “toilets and showers”. In most places, those rooms were usually called washrooms or restrooms.

What caught her attention was that it was couples that came and went, not individuals, and that they seemed to stay there for quite a while. None she had seen go in had yet come back out. When they finished their beer, Arthur asked her if she was ready to visit the toilets. That was the most unusual question she had ever heard from a date.

However, they were both aware of a shared personal preference, so she answered that she was ready. What harm could it do, sharing a toilet and seeing each other evacuate body waste?

“These are public facilities,” Arthur said as they approached the door.

She saw the truth of his statement when he opened the door. There was a baffle that forced them to turn to the right, and the first thing she noticed was a slightly sweet aroma. She immediately identified it as Nil-Odor, a powerful aerosol that numbed the sense of smell.

It also produced a pleasant aroma that dominated all other smells. She used it when she had left the garbage bag under the sink too long. It took very little to do in a normal room, and she usually used too much. She also noticed that the floor was not covered with crunchy peanut shells, but with something that looked like vermiculite insulation.

“Kitty Litter,” Arthur said when he saw her staring down, “They keep at least ten inches of it on the floor all the time, and change it daily. Quite a practical solution.”

Practical for what, she thought. There were a couple of dozen people in this new room, but no sign of toilets or showers. Jill wondered why he said they were going to the toilets.

The room was furnished like a sitting room, with the kind of expensive furniture usually seen only in the showroom of better furniture stores, or in elegant old houses. Jill quickly realized that this was the playroom and that the floor was the toilet, for humans instead of cats. Everyone looked to see who had entered, and they were all watching Jill.

Arthur smiled and said hello to several of the people present. He was among friends. Four of the dozen men had their penises sticking out of their pants, with one of them in full erection. Otherwise, everyone was properly dressed. Jill tried not to stare at the male genitals on display, but her eyes were continually drawn back to the unusual sight.

She was particularly impressed with the size of the organ that was in rutt. It was at least eight inches long, uncut, and it curved upward like a sabre. She guessed that it must be at least five inches in circumference. She knew that oversized male organs were not that uncommon, but she had never seen one in person. She blushed as she realized that she was staring.

“This is Jill, a new recruit, but she’s just come along tonight to watch, to see if this is the kind of place she’ll enjoy,” Arthur said to the others.

He turned to Jill.

“Nobody does anything here that they don’t want to, although there are some B&D fans that belong, and even some S&M people. Personal boundaries are respected, but all members are encouraged to let it all hang out, so to speak.”

“That sounds reasonable,” Jill said, “But don’t treat me as special. I want to participate. I’m here for a good time.”

“I know that,” Arthur responded, “But I wanted to give you the option to stand back. Those are the rules. It’s easier to say yes when you have the option to say no.”

Arthur became more serious.

“I want you to be submissive this evening, at least to start with. If you want, we can switch roles later on.”

She promptly lowered her head and nodded.

With that simple movement, she had slipped into her role. Arthur was now confident this was going to be a satisfying relationship. This was a gorgeous young cunt he had found, and she was ripe fruit for picking. He was ready to pluck any humility she might possess, and treat her publicly like the piece of stinking shit he knew she was.

“Listen carefully,” he advised her, “You must speak only when spoken to. You will keep your eyes lowered and will be submissive even to other slaves. You will do exactly as instructed, and nothing more. Otherwise, I will be obliged to discipline you. You may not like the punishments I provide, but once you disobey, you are required to endure all the consequences. Do you understand? ”

Everyone was standing quietly watching her as she received her strict instructions. Jill felt completely humiliated, which was thrilling to her. She was, for the evening, the property of this man, no more than a slave, and was willing him the right to dominate her. This was more than she could have imagined possible so early in their relationship.


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