The Black Flag by Lucy Az

Writer: Lucy Az

Subject: The Black Flag

Link: MEWE / 26.01.2024

The Black Flag

For too long, you have seen the so-called white flag of truth raised high, yet void of healing. Instead, of only poisoning you and deceiving you. But now there is another path. Look to the one raising high the Black Flag and note the authenticity of every member behind that flag, note the veracity of its Lycans, the wisdom and power of its Elders, the synchronization of its priestesses. Note the tremendous dark power of its war priestess. When you see such raw power, you will know your path. You will know your calling.

1 thought on “The Black Flag by Lucy Az”

  1. I Follow The Way!

    The Way of The AZ

    My Dark Queen
    Lucy Az
    The Supreme High Priestess of Lilith

    The Portal to Lilith

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