The Biggest Misconception by Renegaderider

Writer: Renegaderider

Subject: The Biggest Misconception

Link: Tumblr / 19.09.2024

The Biggest Misconception

The biggest misconception I’ve encountered on Tumblr about Satanism is the idea that Satanism is the anti-religion religion. That shallow, lame and plain ignorant.

Satanism is not a religion. Unless you fall into the above-mentioned category like the church of Satan. Anton Lavey started that as a joke. The idea of “a church” was for the protection of the law and the tax benefits. But, I digress.

True Satanism is its own way. Neophytes are super focused on the theatrics of it but lack in-depth understanding.

The entity known as Satan is real and powerful. You cannot trade, barter, or dictate terms. He doesn’t give a damn about your politics; he isn’t here to do your bidding unless it happens to align with his. If you choose to be a Satanist, understand that you can request things, but you may or may not get what you want. Some may ask; why not? Because there is a bigger picture at play.

Like a soldier, you will play the role that the Master sees fit for you. Your loyalty will be tested. I pity anyone who swore loyalty to Satan and betrayed his word. The consequences are never anything less than the most severe! If you are loyal, he will see you get rewarded beyond your greatest expectations.

In closing, Satanism is loyalty to the Master. He always knows what you want/need. He knows if you are a true follower or a leech. You cannot “summon a demon” and make it do your bidding. Be wise in what you choose and be honest.


Sometimes, I am not sure. Are we saying that Satan exists as a supernatural being (be it religious or not), or is Satan a concept?

As a supernatural being, is he or she, defined only by the equal and opposite of the Abrahimic God, or does Satan exist in a separate and completely unrelated way? Renegaderider suggests that Satan is not to be bargained with. So is the “devil-pack” is a myth? If he’s a supernatural “Master”, then what’s his agenda? 

As a concept, does Satan, go against the concept of a supernatural god, be it Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or others? I mean, the Chinese have a “God of Money” … so does this Satanic concept, say, “believe in yourself” and not some airy-fairy notion of the supernatural?

As a child, I was terrified by the prospect of going to Hell for being naughty. Was the concept of Satan, Hell, and punishment created in my mind by others, to simply modify my behavior? If so, could Satan, in my adult life, re-modify behavior to reject the concept of punishment for doing things that are considered not acceptable by the Christian faith — Like being gay?

Why would a supernatural being care if you’re gay, bi, or straight? I just don’t get it. Maybe it’s beyond my comprehension — after all, I’m just a writer — not a philosopher or a theologian

Anyway, here’s something you might find interesting as a follow-up to this. This is the story of a pious cenobitic priest, who over time has become disillusioned with the whole ‘Heaven and Hell’ thing. And in this delicate time, as his faith falters, he is visited via his dreams (or nightmares) by five demons. 

It was kind of based on “A Christmas Carol”. A ghost story of Christmas. This novella by Charles Dickens was first published in London in 1843. It recounts the story of Scrooge, who is visited by the spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come. After their visits, Scrooge is pleasantly transformed and everyone lives happily ever after … Well, this ain’t that story.

Let me know what you think … Satan won’t mind.


3 thoughts on “The Biggest Misconception by Renegaderider”

  1. This comes very close to a question I’ve pondered for quite a while, but no one else seems to have addressed: “What does Satan want (with us)?”

    I am an agnostic Satanist; I don’t know if He actually exists, but I truly hope He does. So I look at the question as someone who wants to align with those wants.

    Does He view us as pets? Entertainment? Lab experiments? Pests?

    Is He a single entity or a persona taken up by multiple, different entities (like a shared login)? If multiple, do all those entities share a common purpose and approach?

    I don’t particularly trust ancient texts to a great extent, given that they are inevitably colored heavily by the culture of their writers; further, they attempt to express concepts outside their knowledge base, and perhaps even actually inexpressible (i.e., literally occult).

    I would very much like to see how others have approached this question, and where their thinking lies.

    1. Hail Satan’s Sodomite — a thoughtful answer — and yes, I too would like to see what others’ think. It’s one of the most pondered questions and there is no real litmus test for this.

      1. Is it really pondered by many Satanists? I’d like to believe so, but the lack of the question appearing in forums, books, articles, etc., makes me wonder.

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