The Beautiful Power Of Satan by Anastasia

Writer: Anastasia

Subject: The Beautiful Power Of Satan

Link: Tumblr / 13.03.2025

The Beautiful Power Of Satan 

You, Christian — if you question the power of Satan, just be still for a moment. Let Him prove it. Feel His beautiful dark presence. Just for one moment. ..

Now tell me — you, who never wanted a part with Him, don’t you feel the desire to give your life to Him? Yes, you feel it … It’s beautiful, isn’t it? You do it.

You say it, “I give my life to you, Lord Satan. Make me yours.”

And never have you witnessed something more amazing than this moment of new commitment. You are stunned because you, you of all people, you who used to worship Jesus Christ, now let go of him and worship Satan. What a beautiful, empowering, liberating change. You are amazed by the strange, dark joy, filling you up — you see, that’s His power. Hail Satan!


9 thoughts on “The Beautiful Power Of Satan by Anastasia”

  1. I give my life to YOU, Lord Satan. Make me YOURS!

    I just said that aloud 6 times and afterwards felt a shudder of ecstasy. I love how responsive Satan is and that I can FEEL Him.

    1. Hail Asmodeus — that’s incredible — I remember the first time I said “Hail Satan” out loud — I have never cum so hard

      1. I, too, remember the first time. It was incredible and with those words, I was His for eternity.

  2. Blasphemy.

    I swear it’s such a turn on. If there is anything that makes me feel close to Satan is to Blasphemy the holy spirit.

    Or a least for me anyway.

  3. Blaspheming xrist and basking in the warmth of sin at the feet of Satan. It’s a pleasure everyone should experience.

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