Feature Writer: Hoku Lani
Feature Title: The Archangel Samael Foretells the Birth of Jesus
Link: MEWE / 17.12.2020 / Posted by Hoku Lani
The Archangel Samael Foretells the Birth of Jesus
Samael, the partner of Lilith, was known as the The Venom of God; The Poison of God; The Blindness of God; and The Destroyer. He formulated a plan to assist his beloved Lilith obtain retribution for their failed plan in the Garden of Eden.
Recognized and accused of being a Fallen Angel by many; others still believed him to be member of the Heavenly Host — with grim and destructive duties, he eagerly agreed to assist with Lilith’s plan — after all, whom better to assist with this deception than Israel’s Archenemy; and Rome’s Guardian Angel and Prince?
To pull off such a scheme, Lilith searched out the perfect young girl residing in the village of Nazareth. Although she was engaged to a young Jewish carpenter named Joseph, Lilith filled her with the Lusting Spirit, every night.
Lilith observed how this young betrothed girl, would rub herself underneath her obstructing garments with a great pleasure. Lilith was always in her ear, as she encountered men, women, and livestock. Lilith’s voice would say, “look how big that donkey’s member is; imagine how it feels.” Other times the girl would catch a glimpse of the Roman soldiers relieving themselves, exposing their genitalia and this would make Mary wet. However Lilith’s favorite suggestive influences were when Mary was at home with her sisters. Always watching as they would wash themselves and eager to assist with wiping them dry.
One day, an angel appeared to Mary.
Samael initiated the plan that he and Lilith had conceived. Posing as the Archangel Gabriel, Samael told her not to fear that he brought news of great tidings; that she had been choosen to conceive a Son by the power of the Lusting Spirit. Mary was afraid and troubled by the Archangel’s words and asked, “How can this happen?”
Though she was afraid, Samael calmed Mary, telling her not to fear. This was a time of great joy and happiness. He said by the Grace of God that everything was possible. He explained that the child would be perceived, by many, as the Son of God.
Although Mary heard the words which Samael uttered, her lustful eyes were firmly fixed on the angelic member between Samael’s legs. Mary heard the voice in her head, “… I should touch it? … No, I should taste it? … No, I need to feel it inside of me! …”
Mary determined that she was truly blessed to enjoy Samael’s emissions, while preserving her own virginity. Humbled and in awe, Mary believed the Archangel and followed the instructions Lilith had whispered in her ear.
The Angel Visits Joseph
Just as the Archangel had said, while Mary was engaged to Joseph, she miraculously became pregnant. When she told Joseph of how the Archangel delivered to her the message — she omitted to say that the Lusting Spirit had come upon her; causing her to take advantage of her virginity immunity; and how she conceived only after multiple … no numerous orgasms … at Samael’s blessings. She thought he most likely would feel disgraced of he knew the child was not his own; and disgusted at Mary’s apparent unfaithfulness that would carry a grave social stigma — under Jewish law, Joseph not only had the right to divorce Mary, but he could have her stoned to death.
However Joseph was very gullible. Although his initial reaction was to break the engagement, the appropriate thing for a righteous man to do, he treated Mary with extreme kindness. He did not want to cause her further shame and decided to act quietly.
And then in a dream, Lilith appeared to Joseph as a beautiful Angel, confirming that Mary’s story was the truth. The Angel told him that Mary had indeed conceived a child by the power of the Lustful Spirit. The Angel reassured Joseph, telling him to take Mary as his wife, raise the boy as his own son, and name him Jesus. The Angel foretold that Jesus would be a “Savior” to his people and a source of great oppression and fear for thousands of years.
To guarantee that the memory would be strong, she reached between his legs and masterfully stroked and tugged on his eager tool. Feeding on his emissions, she would look up and seductively smile.
“Remember Joseph, Mary remains a virgin. And I will visit often, as long as you take good care of her —”
When Joseph woke from his vivid dream, he discovered his legs and belly were wet. He gleefully listened to the Lusting Spirit and indeed married Mary in spite of the public humiliation he would face. Joseph’s noble character was one reason Samael and Lilith chose him to be the earthly father.
The Birth of Jesus
Ceaser Augustus decreed that a census would be taken and that every person in the empire would return home to register. Joseph, being descended from King David, was required to go to Bethlehem to register with Mary.
The village of Bethlehem was a small and about five miles outside of Jerusalem. While in Bethlehem, the baby was born. Due to the census, the inn was overcrowded, and Mary gave birth in a crude stable.
She preferred it actually as the voice continued in her ear, “Look how large and how low it hangs. Imagine how it would feel up against the swollen womb or perhaps how the massive emissions may flush out the baby.”
While Joseph was out, Mary decided to flush out the baby in her womb. Although she was dripping the animal’s emissions, she had the sense to wrap the baby snugly in strips of cloth and placed him in a manger.
Shepherds Worship the Savior
That night in a nearby field, Archangel Samael appeared to shepherds who were tending their desires and urges with their flocks of sheep. The radiance of glory surrounded the Archangel as he announced that the perceived “Savior” of the world had been born in the town of David.
The men were terrified, but the Archangel reassured them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11).
Suddenly a great crowd of heavenly beings appeared with the Archangel and began singing praises. As the angelic beings departed, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go to Bethlehem!”
They hurried to the village and found Mary, Joseph, and the baby. The shepherds shared with everyone what the Archangel had said about the newborn Messiah. Then they went on their way praising and glorifying God.
But Mary kept quiet, as she was no fool. The Lusting Spirit remained with her as she pondered when would Samael visit again. She longed to be used by him again and treasured the voices in her head, and the feelings between her legs.