Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Amandablonde


Published: 19.01.2024

Story Codes: NC, Abuse, Rape, Young Ones, Snuff

Synopsis: A place where every pedophile’s dreams come true

The Abduction Of Karen


Amanda MacDonald was the warden and chief parole officer at the notoriously corrupt Evergreen State Penitentiary for unrepentant sex offenders. She loved her work, as it gave her unlimited opportunities for great sex with the inmates. Amanda adored having sex with sex offenders, and she made sure that they were kept well primed with regular porn, child porn, with a smattering of violent child rape porn, preferably both at the same time.

Amanda kept the male inmates itching for sex until she was ready for them, and then she called one or two to her office, or she would visit one of the cells. The prisoners were fit to explode with lust when their time came, and they always gave Amanda the solid dose of hard, rough sex she craved.

The prisoners did not complain. They got all the rape porn they could watch and sex with the gorgeous blonde Amanda MacDonald or one of the all-female guards in her squad. A few of the most vicious rapists were singled out for special treatment and favor, destined in the short term to become Amanda’s favorites. There was to be no long-term.

Those privileges often included day release on errands for Amanda, and for the lucky few, the opportunity to rape a child at a private gathering, for the pleasure of Amanda and her clientele of rich, perverted, and corrupt men and women. Amanda knew on which side the bread was buttered, and made a point to keep her associates pleased.

The business of producing these grossly obscene shows was a very profitable one. Amanda had set up a private rape sex club in an isolated, soundproofed section of the basement of the prison, and for her top shows, charged one thousand five hundred dollars a visit for the local rich and famous, for the privilege of witnessing an abducted little girl being gang-raped by Amanda’s favorite prisoners for their pleasure.

Local sex workers also paid her three hundred dollars. Each for the opportunity to ply their trade in the sex club to relieve the pent-up tensions of the patrons as they watched the violent and abusive child-rape. The girl was almost always physically damaged, and that got the testosterone in both the men and women pumping, elevating their sexual stimulation.

This business she had established was sufficiently destructive that it needed a regular supply of fresh young meat. Amanda and her favorite prisoner, Frank McCoy, who was doing life for the rape and murder of over a hundred pre-teen girls, would go out periodically to hunt down a new girl to be brutalized in the club dungeon.

Once the first show was over, there was a second show that cost her patrons the same. The spectators who chose to remain to see it, and that usually included all of them, went to a specially protected viewing area to watch when the little girl was handed over to the prisoners in the exercise yard. This was more exciting, as the children so used would be gang raped to death


Frank drove the prison’s plain white van as they scoured the city for girls to abduct. Today they were lucky and did not have to travel far from the prison. They saw a young red-headed girl wandering alone with no one else in sight. Amanda tossed her blonde hair in delight and laughed a delighted laugh.

She squeezed Frank’s leg as she pointed at the girl. She looked quite young, which was exactly what they needed, and she a school uniform. Amanda caressed Frank’s cock through his pants, pumping it until he ejaculated in his pants, and whispered in his ear.

“Stop the van Frank, I think we have our prey.”

Karen clutched her school books to her chest as she walked along the street alone. Her mind was lost in thoughts of things girls think about. Pink dolls. Puppy dogs. Ice cream cones. Karen liked reading picture books and always tried to be as smart as she thought she should be. Karen always worked hard. She was already in grade two and believed she was the prettiest and smartest girl in her class.

As she walked, thinking, and gazing down, Karen did not see the white van parked a short distance ahead of her. She paid no attention as she walked by the side of it. She had no time to react as the side door suddenly slid open. Something was quickly pulled over her head, blocking her sight. She felt herself being pulled roughly into the van.

“Got her! Hurry!”

Karen heard a commanding woman’s voice saying.

Karen tried to struggle, but strong hands held her tightly. She felt herself being pushed onto her face as her hands were drawn behind her back. She felt them being bound by something that felt like plastic rope. Karen could feel the van moving as she tried to comprehend what was going on. She felt something like fabric being pushed under the cover of her head.

It turned out to be a piece of cloth. It smelled odd. Karen felt it pressed against her face. She tried, unsuccessfully not to breathe. Karen fell into a deep, trance-like state. She wasn’t asleep but felt oddly warm. She could still hear everything, yet she could not respond. She felt her thoughts slipping away from her.

She recalled later that if not for the cover over her head, she probably could have also seen what these malicious people were doing to her. Instead, she had to rely on her other senses to understand what this evil pair was doing, and it was all the things her mom and dad had taught her only nasty people ever did.

She could hear the woman’s sultry voice again and again.

It was saying things like, “Oh, she is so perfect! You’re going to be one good little rape slut!”

It seemed like they drove forever. Karen felt her school skirt pulled up. A hand squeezed her bottom.

“Oh, so precious!” she heard the woman lustfully say.

Karen was pulled over what seemed to be a lap. She felt her white cotton panties drawn down, and left to hang on her right ankle. She felt the cool air on her now bare bottom. The hand continued to caress and squeeze.

“Oh, Frank,” the woman said again, “You are going to love raping this one! And our audience is going to love watching you rape her!”

Then, slap! Karen felt the sting of the hand on her right cheek.

Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap …

Each one seemed harder in succession. Each sting sent shivers through Karen’s little body. She felt tears streaming down her face under the cover.

The spanking continued.

Karen heard the woman saying, ”You are a very, very bad girl for being on the street alone, where strangers could pick you up, but you are very lucky because your new mommy and daddy are going to show you what it takes for you to be a good girl!”

The spanking ceased. A gasp left Karen’s throat as she felt something she never imagined. Words would not come as she felt the woman’s finger press firmly into her tiny rectum, and then begin to wiggle around inside her bum. Karen felt herself tensing. Her tiny anus hole helplessly trying to resist.

“Oh my God, Frank,” the woman said.,”This is the tightest asshole I’ve ever had the pleasure to get a finger into!”

Karen groaned from under the cover as she felt the finger delve deeper than she ever dreamed possible. Karen felt the palm of the woman’s hand slap her ass cheeks as the finger pressed, pulled and twisted quickly.

Another groan slipped from Karen’s throat as the woman pummelled her most private of places, the slit mound that was what she called her peepee. Karen could feel her tiny opening trying to resist, but it was impossible under the rain of hurtful, stinging blows. Her cuntlips opened, and now even the inside was stung by the slapping hand.

“Frank. I think she likes this!” hearing Karen’s groan, the woman added, “Do you like Mommy’s long finger fucking your pretty little asshole, you fucking little slut?”

The effect of the drug was causing Karen to be compliant.

“Nooooo!” she groaned softly through her hood.

“I think you do like it bitch,” the woman said, “Tell Mommy, you like it. Tell Mommy, you like her fucking your asshole with her finger!”

Locked in the drug’s influence Karen could not help but reply.

“I … I like you finger-fucking my … my asshole, mommy!”

Karen could not believe what she was saying. Her tears were now soaking the cover over her head. It clung to her face. Karen felt the fingers pressing on her “little girl” peepee place. The woman’s hand was now toying with the hidden folds. The invasive finger was still wiggling inside her little anal cavity.

“You have a nice little cunt don’t you slut?”

Karen did not know how to reply. Suddenly she felt the finger being yanked out of her asshole.

Slap. Slap.Slap. Slap. Slap …

“Say it … Tell mommy you have a nice little cunt!”

Sobbing helplessly, Karen uttered the words, ”I … I have an n-n-nice … nice little … c-c-cunt … Mommy …”

Karen realized that if she had spoken sooner when told that there may not be any spankings. She writhed a little on the lap as she felt the woman’s fingers return to her “special” peepee place.

“You want Daddy to rape your nice, cunt, don’t you sweetheart?”

This time Karen replied quickly.

“Yes, Mommy. I want Daddy to rape my nice little cunt!”

What a terrible name bad people had to describe a girl’s private peepee.

“That’s better, you fucking little slut!” the sultry woman’s voice replied, and Karen felt fingers pinching her clitoris.

The woman was showing her no mercy in her unconstrained sexual probing. She was doing all the things Karen knew to be very naughty because her teacher and her mom and dad said so.

“Let’s get her back to the prison quickly, Frank” the woman added, “We need to set up before our audience arrives, and I can’t wait to see that big, child-rapist cock of yours ramming into this cute little pink slit!”

The woman and the man both laughed with an evil and lustful edge to their voices.



The next several hours were full of preparation. The word quickly went out to Amanda’s circle of clients that tonight’s show would feature another live rape and eager clients started arriving at the prison a full hour early. They were shown down to the underground dungeon by the female guards and made comfortable in the luxurious furnishings.

Rows of thickly padded armchairs surrounded a slightly raised stage, on which were placed a cage and a pole with manacles. Luxurious chaise lounges were placed further back for clients to have sex with their partners or hookers while they watched the show. At intervals around the front seating area, there were several clear Perspex booths with manacles hanging inside.

At show time teenage prostitutes would be manacled naked by hand and foot in these booths, and clients could pay to “rape” them as they watched the real rape on stage. Fixed cameras covered all corners of the stage. When Frank raped Karen it would be broadcast to Amanda’s special online paysite, as well as to the prison inmates to prep them for their mass gang rape of the lovely little girl.

They would all get their chance after Frank was finished with her. Members of the audience who paid for the second show could accompany Amanda and her guards to watch within a one-way glass room looking out over the prison exercise yard where Karen would live out her final minutes of life.

Amanda spent some time preparing the girl. She was given a high dose of a cocktail consisting of ecstasy, opium, and a muscle relaxant, and strapped down on a table with a television screen over her head showing incredibly violent child gang rape scenes. The girl had been undressed and guards put clamps on her nipples and clit.

Wires went to a control board, and if Karen answered a question incorrectly she got a sharp jolt of electricity. A vibrator about half the size of Frank’s cock was well lubricated and carefully inserted into the girl’s vagina. Amanda was not surprised the little girl was not a virgin. The dildo too was connected by wires to the same control board. If Karen answered a question correctly, she was given a pleasurable buzz through the vibrator.

Over several hours by this means Karen was taught to call Amanda mommy and Frank daddy. She was taught to call herself a slut, a cunt, a whore and a bitch. She was taught to beg her abusers to rape her like an animal. She was taught to say that she loved rape and that all little girls deserved to be raped.

She was taught to say that she enjoyed watching the images of sadistic child rape on the screen above her head. Finally satisfied, Amanda ordered that Karen be released and bathed, and her cunt lubricated before being dressed again in her school uniform. Amanda then went down to the dungeon to welcome her guests.

The dungeon room was already half full. There were some single men and a few single women present, but the majority of the guests were couples. The elderly mayor and his new thirteen-year-old bride were there. He was overweight and well past his prime, and she was a stunningly beautiful youngster.

The chief of police was there with his slutty twin twelve-year-old Latina mistresses, each with fully-developed breasts, a skimpy figure-hugging dress that barely covered their bare buttocks, as neither wore panties or a bra and spike-heeled open sandal-type stiletto heels. The Cuban twins were a total knockout.

One of the state senators was there with his daughter, spoilt but pretty. The Senator explained that he wanted his daughter to learn about a girl’s role in sex before she started dating boys, and he planned to fuck her himself while they watched the rape. The daughter smiled and showed off the revealing tight-fitting dress her daddy had bought her for the occasion.

There were several judges, congressmen, and law enforcement officers in attendance, all eager to watch the fruits of their “tough on crime” policy that brought together all of the worst sex offenders in the state to perform for them. There was also, as Amanda’s guest, because she could never afford admission, a female junior high school teacher with one of her early-teen male students. They were already making out on a chaise lounge.

Amanda greeted them all warmly and made sure that they had plenty to eat and drink. She had trained naked little eight-year-old girls to serve them drinks and finger food. Then she dimmed the lights as the room filled up and Amanda pointed to the screen which encircled the walls of the room. Amanda snapped her fingers and images came to life on the screen. At first, her audience saw still shots of nude teen girls in erotic poses.

Then moving images came, of adult men masturbating and being masturbated by naked little girls. This was followed by a few short video clips of naked adults intimately engaged in various sex acts with each other. In one a mother fed her husband’s hard cock to her eight-year-old daughter, who sucked eagerly on the head of the cock, and was rewarded by a geyser of gushing cum.

In another, a mom and dad held their naked ten-year-old daughter while a big dog mounted her from behind. This was the only clip featuring inter-species sex. It proved to be compellingly attention-grabbing. When the daughter’s tight cunt was fully grasping the hound’s penis, the father moved behind the beast, lifted its tail, and thrust his erection up the large dog’s ass. Murmurs of approval came from the audience.

Gradually the images and sounds became more violent. There were images of girls being abducted off the street. Included were images and sounds of girls being abused by their parents and strangers. The audience watched videos of teen girls being raped hard by their fathers while their mothers held them down.

Other videos depicted mothers raping their daughters with a strap-on while their daddies raped their daughter’s mouths and throats. Amanda had it all. Some videos featured home invasions, where gangs of men and women brutally rape girls while their parents were forced to watch, and the bound parents masturbated and are made to cum.

Finally, a highly edited sequence of rapid images lasting several minutes with the soundtrack increasing in volume and tempo, featuring the girl’s harsh screams and visuals of spurting cocks with the word “rape” repeatedly flashed on the screen. The audience erupted in cheers as the climax was reached and the screen went black.

There were more cheers after several moments when a single spotlight illuminated the stage, with Amanda MacDonald, the stunning blonde looking gorgeous in her chief warden’s uniform, running her fingers through her golden hair cascading over her shoulders. Amanda spoke into a mic to address her audience.

“Welcum sex fans!” she said.

The crowd roared.

“What do you want to see?” Amanda shouted at the crowd.

“Rape,” they roared back.

“When do you want to see it?” Amanda shouted at the crowd.

“Now,” the crowd roared back.

“And you are going to get a fantastic brutal child-rape to watch, right now!” Amanda roared back.

The crowd cheered and stamped their feet. A second spotlight came on, illuminating the terrified naked figure of little red-headed Karen with her hands tied above her head to the central post on the stage.


As the crowd continued to cheer and stamp Amanda picked up a whip and began to whip Karen’s body, drawing large welts with each vicious blow. Karen twisted and turned in her bondage, but Amanda expertly rained blow after blow on the screaming girl, paying particular attention to her nipples and clit.

The crowd roared their approval and began to chant.

“We want Frank! We want to see Frank and his monster cock!”

Amanda waved the whip theatrically over her head and then delivered a last powerful blow to the naked screaming child as Frank entered from stage right and was illuminated by a second spotlight.

Frank was buck naked and moved along the front row of the audience so that the women seated there could touch, caress, and kiss his hard, throbbing cock. Every woman took the opportunity to do so, and his rigid cock became slick with their saliva. One woman was so excited as she raised slightly out of her seat to suck him, she took a shit in her panties.

Nobody was surprised, as this woman always did this, and had prepared herself by eating a roll of Tums before coming, knowing the carminative antacid would greatly reduce the odor by neutralizing the gas her body naturally produced during digestion, the main cause of the disturbing smell of human shit.

As he reached the end of the row of front seats, he turned away from the excited, attentive women and advanced on Karen, with his huge erect cock swaying in the bright light of the spotlight that follows him, until he was standing right in front of the screaming, terrified girl. It became so quiet in the room you could hear a pin drop.

Karen’s arms were tied to the post above her head, but her legs were hanging free, with her tiptoes just touching the floor of the stage. Frank grabbed the child’s ass and lifted her up, and startled everyone by, without preparation, driving his huge cock with a single powerful thrust up into her small but lubricated cunt.

He achieved full entry in one savage fluid motion. She screamed at the top of her voice, and her body spasmed in pain at the unannounced vaginal invasion.

“Rape her! Rape her! Rape her!” the crowd chanted in unison.


Frank is in seventh heaven as he rams his cock into the sobbing girl. Amanda lifts a hand to silence the chanting crowd. She stands next to Frank.

“Who am I, Karen?” Amanda asked.

She raises her whip for effect.

“Mother,” came the halting reply.

“And who is the man fucking you Karen?”

Karen just manages to get out, “Father,” through her sobs.

“Do you like being raped by your father, Karen?” Asked Amanda.

“Nooooooo!” squeals the child.

Her response draws a slashing snap of the whip on her body from Amanda. Amanda repeats the question.

“Yes,” comes the reply.

“Beg your Father to rape you, slut,” snarls Amanda and raises the whip again.

Karen sobs but replies as if she has been taught.

“Please Father, please rape me like the slut I am ….”

“Then feel the power of his cock!” shouts Amanda.

Frank snarls and begins to ram into Karen’s cunt harder and faster in brutal, ruthless thrusts. The audience shows its appreciation with loud applause. They are also entertained by the half dozen prostitutes who ply their trade, sucking off clients as they watch the rape of Karen.

Others are riding on the laps of their clients, bouncing to provide the fucking action. Many of the women in the audience are openly masturbating themselves, or manually pumping the cocks of their male companions. Several couples are fucking or sucking each other in wild abandon, such is the lust created by the scene of rape on stage.

Amanda is swept up in the building scene of depravity. She kneels next to Frank with her face inches from his pounding cock and caresses his balls as he redoubles the force and savagery of the rape. He throws himself into his work with such force he drives his cock right up into the helpless little bound girl’s cervix.

Karen is transfixed in pain and horror. Her body shudders with each new thrust. Her eyes roll back in her head and she utters guttural grunts each time Frank rams his cock even deeper into her

“Ughhhh! Ughhhh! Ughhhh!”

Amanda looks up at Frank’s face, which is a mask of lust, passion, and concentration.

“Go boy, go,” says Amanda quietly, “Rip the slut open with that powerful cock of yours! You’re doing great Frank.”

Frank feels his orgasm building and begins snarling like an animal as he rips into Karen’s abused cunt again and again. The audience is cheering and stamping as they too feel the climax approaching. Finally Frank throws back his head and roars as his cock pumps his seed into the inner depths of the naked little girl.

Her only escape is for Karen to lapse into unconsciousness, which she eventually does. Amanda stood and raised her arms in triumph. “How about that, sports fans?” she calls to the crowd. Cheers and roars of approval were the affirmative response she was looking for, and every time she had done this, she had gotten it.


Amanda had Frank unbind and throw the naked unconscious little girl to the audience. Her tiny body disappeared under a sea of hands and faces. It would not take long for her to be gang raped to death by the vicious mob as dozens of cocks invaded all of her holes, and the women eagerly encourage their men to brutalize her still further.

Ordinarily, Amanda would have taken the girl up to the exercise yard and released the prisoners from their cells to destroy he as a second show, but this crowd of perverts was so turned on Amanda wanted to push them over the edge into a wanton orgy of rape in which they were participants and not merely spectators.

The substantial fee they had paid would now be for active participation rather than in observing the child’s demise and death. Amanda raised her arms in triumph as the howls of pleasure from the audience told her that the girl was being torn apart in their lust.

She knelt in front of Frank and said, “Good job, big boy!”

She took the naked stud’s huge cock into her mouth and gave him a long, slow, and controlled blow job as a reward for his efforts.


12 thoughts on “THE ABDUCTION OF KAREN by Amandablonde”

  1. I hear baby Karen now. “Uncle Frank, please hate-fuck me and rape me hard while calling me a dirty little slut? Pound my used pussy hard into the mattress, while choking me and calling me all type of nasty names? Please Uncle Frank? After, can we go out for burgers and milkshakes, and be sure to command me to jack you off into my delicious shake? Once back home, while tucking me in bed, slap me hard and piss on me while you check for monsters under my bed? Now, that’s real romance for a filthy young cunt like me.”

    ANOTHER masterpiece by the one and only Goddess, Amanda. The most beautiful, sexy, evil, sassy, smart, sultry, salacious and slutty writer of extreme porn on the web. The perfect girlfriend, and hell on wheels.

    1. Hi, loved your delightful comment I love hearing about them like this
      Email me if you’d like.
      I love to praise pedophile men and worship their glorious cocks.

  2. There are just a few writers on this site who’s stories i do look forward to reading , Amanda is one of them . Love your wicked imagination

  3. Hoffentlich nur für den Moment. Das ist sie unsere herrliche Amanda. Ein Klick auf die richtige Stelle in ihrem Gehirn – Lust, Geilheit und Snuff – und es beginnt zu Arbeiten. Und ihre eigene herrliche Lust dabei – das hofft und wünscht man ihr dabei jedenfalls – hilft ihr dann beim Schreiben. Wie man kleine und auch kleinste, schönste Mädchen für höchste Lust und Geilheit am grausamsten und qualvollsten langsam völlig zerstören und Vernichten kann, hat sie ja mit vielerlei Ideen schon bewiesen. Eine so herrlich Geil wie die Andere. Und oft nicht nur ein Mädchen. Man wünschte ihr von Herzen, dass sie beim exakten Beschreiben ihrer Vernichtung bis ins kleinste Detail, selber hoch genießt. Aber dazu muss immer erst eine passende Geschichte erdacht werden und das leichte besorgen von immer neuen, kleinen Mädchen zum lustvollen Vernichten. Und da ist dann ihr gutes Gehirn gefragt und ihre Fantasie. Aber beides hat sie zum Glück für uns alle Genießer. Amandablonde, bleib uns erhalten, Du bist herrlich.

  4. Hooked from the first 100 words.
    It’s so good of you to inspire men and women with your depraved sadistic perverted mind.
    Thank you?

  5. Muss noch was Sagen. Auch in dieser super fantastischen, erdachten Geschichte heißt die Veranstalterin Amanda. Und garantiert nicht ohne Grund. Und auch hier – wie in allen Geschichten, Wo kleinen und auch kleinsten Mädchen ihre süßen Fotzen, Gebärmütter und Unterleiber super brutal kaputt gefickt werden, – Vor einem begeisterten Publikum – sind es immer ganz besonders schöne Mädchen. Unsere sehr geliebte, dem Satan super dienende, wunderbare, herrliche Amanda weiß warum. Auch hier war es ein besonders schönes Mädchen, deren schöner, reizvoller Leib und ihre schönsten Stellen sie selber noch zusätzlich unbedingt Auspeitschen wollte um ihre Fotze noch mehr genießen zu können. Das super geile, völlige Zerstören ihrer Drei schönen Lustlöcher, ihre Schreie beim Sterben und ihr Tod – alles wie von der Chefin Amanda geplant, war nicht nur ein totaler Hochgenuss Für die Männer, Frauen und auch Kinder, sondern auch aller herrlichste Geilheit der Fotze von Der Chefin hier. Und für mich als Leser. Oh, Amanda, Du bist einfach nur herrlich.

  6. Hail Amanda! Once again she goes to the place where little sluts be sacrificed with brutality and screams to Satan and His pleasure and once again she doesn’t disappoint… huge pedo cocks and ripped little girl hymens and sphincters are worshiped….pedo anthems and sang by kids while being snuffed…. kid’s piss and blood being drinked….pure hellish bliss. Keep the pedo rape writings flow Amanda!
    Keep in contact Amanda. This girl loves your stories.

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