Thank The Gods by ThrashKink-Coven

Writer: ThrashKink-Coven

Subject: Thank The Gods

Link: Tumblr / 15.03.2025

Thank The Gods

Paganism has given me such an immense appreciation for the fact that I am a human being and i don’t even know how to explain it — Thank the Gods — that I was born as a human being. Thank the Gods — that I was born into a human body.

Thank the Gods — that I was born with eyes that can see light, but only a specific section of light that can allow me to understand matter. Light that has travelled for billions of years only to interact with me here, at this point in space and time.

Thank the Gods —  that I was born with ears that can hear sound and interpret it as music. That I my face and bones were formed to create a mouth that can create complex sounds, so that someone that I love can know that I love them. So they can know anything that I could ever tell them.

Thank the Gods — I was born as a creature with the power to create language, to communicate information through words. That I have tiny electric signals that connect my skin to my brain, so I can feel touch. So I can smell. So I can understand that I am here, that this is here, that this happened.

Thank the Gods — that I am human, and I can look into the sky with absolute aw, not knowing whether it is looking back at me. Thank the Gods — that I can have these thoughts, that I can feel some sort of love and significance in these millions of complex frequencies. That it isn’t just information, that it isn’t just static.

Thank the Gods — that I am large enough that the movement of my atoms doesn’t make me feel like I am being torn apart. Thank the Gods — I am small enough that my rotation around the Earth doesn’t make me motion sick.

Thank the Gods — that my ancestors and their ancestors and those before them had so many experiences that their memories are written into my biological code as symbols. So that when I see the moon, the sun, the mother, the hero, the fool and the poet, my mind understands them as significant.

Thank the Gods — that I see red as passion and love because it is the color of my blood. And blue is serenity and melancholy and peace, because the sky and sea are blue.

Thank the Gods —  that I am human, and I was born into a species that cared enough about itself to record what it did. To expand upon their theories and continue their pursuits. To be infinitely wiser than those who came before.

Thank the Gods — that I have a body, that I have a mind and a soul too. That my body carries me, cradles me though this experience with absolute care. Protecting me, telling me, far faster than I can even perceive, that I am here, that the universe is here. That this is all around me.

Thank the Gods — that I am human, and I know the canine well. And he recognizes me from a multi century long acknowledgment of ancient companionship.

Thank the Gods — I am human, and I am so interested in the lady bug, because no one else would count her spots. Because no one else would study the way the spider spins her web. Because no one else would be so curious as to count the carvings made over millions of years on the ocean floor. Because no one else thinks to wonder how a penny tastes.

Thank the Gods — that I am human and my mother’s mother told her stories. That I believed in ideas that were fabricated in my nursery. Thank the Gods — that I read the tales of fantasy and historical fiction that have lead to my ability to imagine a dragon, a fairy, a Erdrich horror which exceeds all words for which I could describe it. 

Thank the Gods — that I am human, and I can pray. Thank the Gods — that I can find Gods in high and low places, on massive and minimum scales. Thank the Gods — that I can traverse the entire universe in this mind that contains me. That I can explore distant worlds, alternate realities, with the assurance that I can always come home. To this body, to this world.

Thank the Gods — that I am trapped within this body for now and that God can use this body to speak to me. That I can observe God propagating through the world, that I can ask God endless questions. Thank the Gods — that I have endless questions. Why why why must I know, why must I understand this thing that is living. Why why why must I stub my toe and get eyelashes in my eye and hiccups and random vibrations in my stomach

Thank the Gods — that I am so reactionary, that I get frustrated and embarrassed and inspired and enraged. Thank the Gods that I can feel pain. Thank the Gods — that I can feel ecstasy.

Thank the Gods — that I see that woman that works at the grocery store every other day. Thank the Gods — I noticed she changed her hair. Thank the Gods — that I thought about changing my hair, and changing my gender, and changing my name.

Thank the Gods — that I grow at a rate that is not too fast, but not too slow. Thank the Gods — that I am changing, that I am not the same as I was before. Thank the Gods — that I can look up at the moon and love her. I think it makes it all worth it, even if I cannot ever truly know if she loves me. I can believe it to be so. Thank the Gods — that I can believe it to be so.

Thank the Gods — that I am human. Thank the Gods — that I am here in this body living on this Earth in this year, in this moment. Thank the Gods — that I am human. For as long as I am human, and I may not be human forever. Thank the Gods — that at least right now, I am human.

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