False Alarm by XP

Writer: XP

Subject: False Alarm

Date: 01.09.2024

False Alarm

Haha! It was a false alarm. I used the wrong email address to log in — one that had me deleted previously. I was upset about it — but now I just feel stupid! Never mind, Satan’s work must continue … have a dark day!

Here’s my address, if you’d like to stay in touch through Tumblr …

Terminated Yet Again By Tumblr

Today, I thought I’d check on my Tumblr, which I have been painstakingly rebuilding for months, collecting over 400 new connections, and uploading some 600 individual posts (none of which involved porn images or sex scenes). To my surprise, I have been terminated yet again. No reason was given. Just terminated. I fucking hate those bastards in the admin. What the fuck? Terminated for what?

The loss to me, is all the friends’ connections I have nurtured. It drives me nuts! I put a lot of effort into this, and it’s not the first time that I’ve been terminated from Tumblr. You fuckers! It’s happened a few times on MEWE, as well … almost every day I get emails saying that they have removed content for violations on my Pinterest account (I’m not even posting anything new) … and over the years, I have been deleted, unsubscribed, and terminated from many sites.

This was one of the motivating factors for creating LS666 …

Of course, I appreciate that I am not the only one. Hoku has been deleted dozens of times — mostly from malicious complaints — from folks who shouldn’t be looking at her stuff in the first place. And my “hate mail” list just gets longer too. They always end with “your site, deleted” … like I’m going to cry about them no longer visiting. Well, fuck you! That’s all I can say.

Then there’s the hackers. LS666 gets many malicious attacks, and more recently, there have been several attempts to hack my Proton mail account. Luckily this is not easy with double passwords and other security measures.

It used to be that the internet was such a fun place.

You could find almost anything. I loved it! It was, to me, “the best invention” ever. But more and more, little by little, it seems like our freedom of information is being limited, removed, reduced, restricted, and controlled … even the porn sites, like Pornhub, Xhamster, and Xvideo seem to delete content that they “deem” to be inappropriate. For fuck sake, it’s porn!

Well, I’m still ducking and weaving, trying to avoid the attention of the five eyes. Apologies for my rant. I am just really pissed that 6 months worth of posting has just gone down the toilet — again. I will take a break from Tumblr and return maybe in a few month’s time … when I have the heart and opportunity to repost again.

Feel free to comment. Or just to let me know you understand. XP

12 thoughts on “False Alarm by XP”

  1. It happened me too as i was talking to a female satanist hoping to meet her and her 2 daughters to worship Satan they said it was too sexual and they blocked me so i went to MEWE

  2. so sorry to hear. I understand it happens to many who post “Satanic” or “Satanic like” material. I think there are people, who dislike material on a blog, and purposely look at the material just to file a compliant. And it seems just one compliant is enough to get your blog terminated.

  3. Hola : mucha gente mira contenido pornográfico y se creen humildes les falta criterio son personas MOJIGATAS

  4. Tumblr used to allow porn, but then went porn free like five years ago.
    Don’t post any porn – even nipples are verboten – or you’ll get shut down.
    MeWe allows basically everything, while Instagram, where I’m most active these days, is very prudish.
    I had a great account on Twitter – thousands of posts – but got shut down a few years ago after several complaints from Christians.

        1. You make your brother hard … Kim … my slut sis … I love it when you’re wet and eager to do filthy, perverted shit with me

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