Writer: Dark Destiny
Subject: Take Me into the Darkness
Link: Email / 12.08.2021
Take Me into the Darkness
I have to confess my inner spirit has been feeding off you and your stories.
Now my spirit even said if we ever had the opportunity we would thank you personally but that’s another story. And speaking of which I had another one of those little visions and if you wanna post it fine. Let me set it up with the synopsis or back story then the dream.
First of lately have been lost in who, or even what I am. I have been using a Tarot app and even one with a Ouija board as well. I take it all with a grain of sand, though I have even been using little rituals. I may not have an altar and all but have found that at times have felt like a presence in the room. I am starting to become one with my shadow self the more I realize that what may be hidden, may be what I truly want, or need?
I have been warned not to try to contact too many demons as it may confuse or open up something. Have also been warned not to use any drugs or poppers or anything as it may weaken my way of protection for a parasite spirit to join me. But time and time again as I start to let my mind and spirit guide me I find myself starting out to summon or evoke certain demons, when my inner spirit calls upon Satan himself. I have even found myself asking if he wants my body or soul.
So here is what I have experienced and seen. It’s another dark morning and the wife has left for work. I get on my horoscope to see what is going on today, then my Tarot app and try to feel the spirits. I then go into my bathroom as it has many mirrors and I have read about scrying and even mirrors being doorways. I look in the mirror as I have done many times before with a candle lit.
The figure in the mirror goes from being me, as I call upon the spirits ,to my face blurring out and the light making me look like I have bigger tits and more feminine. I have called for my shadow self to appear and even for Baphomet to become one with me. I remember when I first made contact, or thought I did , my face went from blank to dark eyes and body with breasts.
As I looked downward, out of the corner of my eyes my face became distorted and then I had horns and it was Baphomet looking back. I have been in touch with someone who can truly read the Tarot and has access to the other side. He told me the cards said I, in fact, made contact. Since then I have calling many for clarity and to find if I have made a pact without knowing. I remember times of being drunk and high and telling Satan I would be his if he allowed me to feel what a horny woman feels.
I keep finding myself doing what I am warned about and one morning as I was doing a satanic popper hypnosis video I saw something in my room. I was seeing things and faces approach me and could take them in my hands. I was unsure what to do as the poppers had me. There was a face of a lion, one looked like a dog, another I cannot remember, but I looked and in the corner or my eye was a cat on my bed looking at me. I thought it was one of mine but it vanished as I got close.
Then a floating head of some sort of cartoon frog, which then grew a body and it stared at me. I started seeing balls and at one point took them and acted as if pressing them into my body where my soul is and even as if eating them. I was warned by some not to, as it could be a parasite spirit I let through. And yet the next time it happened my instinct did the same thing. I have found myself calling out and again each time something inside calls to Satan and more and more wanting to serve sexually.
But the more my fallen Christian background gives way to the lust and thought of using my body as a tool for blasphemy and lust I do not know who or what I am. So again I go and ask for clarity and ask if I belong to Satan and if I am a boy or girl, or something in between. I have dreams of serving big cocks as fag, a sissy, a transvestite and even a female. I have read where some say that Lucifer, Satan and even Lilith are transgender so have been confused there.
So do my little ritual as call out for clarity again and ask to be filled with lust and all sorts of stuff that seem to be rambling and actually unsure of what I am asking for. So I find myself following my inner spirit again which leads me to the poppers and watching a hypnosis video called Satan is waiting for sissies. Then one that has to do with “true self”.
I feel myself calling out, not only to the ones I summoned, but seems and telling the parasite to join me in my bed. I feel something as I get naked ,as if to not have anything between me and the spirits, or demons, if trying to enter me. I am scared and yet my spirit has taken over.I ask for a succubus to help me and Baphomet and so on. The room gets dark and my vision a slight blurry as I take another hit of poppers to open myself up.
I was warned and yet have thrown caution to the wind. I see a vision of big beautiful breasts and feel something sitting on my legs. I cannot stop looking at the breasts as they seem to be leaking fluid and then feel something slithering around my now erect penis. I look down to see the hairy goat legs and a cock with two serpents around it. I know this and slide my head up to see the goat head with horns and wonder. Is it, can it be, and I hear a voice though no words are spoken.
“This is what you wanted,” it says followed by, “Careful what you wish for.”
I see and feel the serpents lick and stroke my penis with their tongues as I am asked if this pleases me. I nod as it is like I cannot move. It looks me in the eyes and asks if it is the true lust I want and as I nod it tells me I must surrender to it. It says it will do as IT sees fit and I nod, though it is not me. It puts his hand on my chest ,where my soul and spirit reside and I feel myself getting woozy, like being high.
The room spins as my body falls limp and I feel the snake tongues wrap around my penis and squeeze my balls. I whimper though I cannot fight it as I look down. It squeezes and I swear my testicles are sliding up into my shaft. The two serpents become one with its cock and it is like some sort of cock snake as the head hole opens as a tongue slides out and down the opening of my penis and wraps around my testicles.
The hole opens like a mouth and it slides down my shaft til my penis is engulfed and I feel suction like a vacuum. It feels like passing two large kidney stones as they are extracted and I see them slide down its shaft into the creature. I feel like I am going to explode as it strokes me until I cum. I feel it sucking all my semen from me as I moan. It is licking its lips with its snake like tongue as if it tastes it til I am about to pass out. I feel the snake cock slide back off of my penis, leaving a small limp muscle and empty ball sack.
I lay for a minute as if to wonder if it’s real, yet the pain sure is as I hear it again tell me it will make me new. I feel the slithering snake cock growing and sliding up my body as it gets to my mouth. I look at it almost in a trance and open my mouth, it slides in and down my throat as it gets thicker. I gag slightly but then not as if it took that away. I feel it in my belly as it begins to unload hot sticky fluid inside me like a hot drug. I am now laying there as this thing looks with a smirk as it fills me.
My belly is filled and it slides back from my mouth as its hands grab my little sissy breasts. As it makes known they need work the hole of its cock opens again in a snake head manner wide enough to fit over both breasts. I watch as fangs grow and go into my nipples before the mouth latches onto me. I can only watch in pain as my breasts stretch to full grown tits. It looks down at me again.
“This is only the beginning,” it says as it lets go. I now have sore, but full tits. Another look as I sink into its eyes,”So you have wonder,” it says and before I can think about what it means its cock gets thicker and is pressing against my limp penis and empty sack.
I feel the pain as it pushes hard until I feel what seems to be my own penis pushed inside me. It goes a little at a time as it even starts to grow and get thicker and is moving around inside me, slithering. It is like it is looking for something as I slightly moan when it gets deep. I’m happy feeling the pain and then it slowly backs out and as it looks me in the eyes it shoves as deep as possible and I feel my hole stretching.
I look down as it pulls out and shoves in and am being turned out, the skin being pulled out forming pussy lips. It leans over and grabs my head and pulls it to itz breasts so I can suck on them. I am drinking from them as I am getting drunker and drunker til it shoves as deep as it can and like it hits a button. As I lay there I hear garbled words like in a hypnosis file and go into some sort of trance.
I feel it start to fill me inside as my belly puffs and then visions as if watching a hypnosis video. Am I being programmed I think as I see sex scenes that flash like a video, but I am the one being fucked. I have one,two and more fucking my face and ass and even a pussy. I see myself with a pussy and with a limp dick at times, I am both. I watch as I take cum in my holes and play with it and am pissed on and am starting to look like a two dollar whore.
I find myself going from being scared to being filled with lust. The more I see myself taking cum, the more I want it to be real. I am being fucked as I see it and it is being programmed into me. My body now limp as if surrendering as a toy I lay there. After I have been filled to oozing and almost drowning from its breast milk it backs off and slowly slides its now swollen cock from my pussy.
It slides a hand up inside me and yet while it hurts I want it. It pulls back out my small penis and empty sack and says it hasn’t forgotten. But I forgot what I was wondering. It takes its snake cock in its hand and guides it as it spits semen all over my body and face and then it starts to get bigger and thicker again. It drops it into my body and it slithers up under me and looks at me as if to ask if I want it.
I look with a lustful look as it tells me it is pleased and I feel the head spit on my opening.I feel a slight burn and tingle as my holes start to relax and I feel the huge head pressing against it. The snake cock teases my hole as it watches and then pushes into me. I feel the opening start to rip and stretch a d yet through the pain my legs lift as if to present my hole. It grabs me by the waist and starts to pound in and out as I have a sissygasm.
It keeps hitting my inner opening and backing off as it sees me cringe. After some hard fucking it leans over me and as its body is pressed against mine it is like I feel something being taken from my chest, it moans as if it is eating it, is it my soul?
Once finished I have no thoughts of good or bad, or really any thoughts except sex and semen. I feel its spirit as it says I am ready and shoves til I feel that inner door being forced open and it inside me. My legs wrap as if to say give me what you got and then one big shove and I feel the heat enter me as it fills me. It stands up and looks down at me and tells me I have my answer and to now live it, but who will be my first to take me into the darkness?
My Satan! What a lovely story.