Symbol of Faith by Hoku Lani – Non-Fiction

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Symbol of Faith

Link: MEWE / 02.07.2022

Symbol of Faith

The xtian crucifix actually represents a condemnation of human rights and morality. After all, this religion’s imaginary gawd boasts about drowning nearly the entire population of humans on Earth — including innocent babies, children and loving parents — for being, “Wicked and evil”. Rather curious, since all of these, “Evil” people were created, “In the perfect image,” of their gawd. 

Drowning us aside, this wrathful gawd also feels quite entitled to burn us alive for all eternity, if we dare to not love and adore Him! But I think it is most appropriate that a crucifix — a violent means of execution — is the universal avatar chosen by xtians to symbolize their notion of,  “Love and mercy”. I shudder to think what xtians would be wearing around their necks if their false son of a gawd had been executed some other way, say a guillotine, perhaps.

2 thoughts on “Symbol of Faith by Hoku Lani – Non-Fiction”

  1. I accept the way that you take the bastard christ out of christian and replace it with the x as xtian.

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