Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Warning: This story could be conceivably viewed as sexually violent. It also involves young girls, non-consensual punishment, what the killing fans call “snuff” and all that good stuff. If for you the aforementioned is not good stuff (all to their own taste), please do not read on).

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: Suzanne And The Gymnasts

Published: 27.06.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young Ones, Torture, Abuse, Snuff

Author’s Notes: The following story is pure fantasy (or as pure as the author could make it) – some of the names, but none of the people or situations, are real. What you will find described herein is not recommended to be tried at home, and anyone doing so does so without the blessing or encouragement of the story’s author. Enough said. Hoping you find something of interest in the following work.

Suzanne And The Gymnasts

Suzanne, the daughter of a wealthy American manufacturer of a popular line of sports clothing, had been vacationing during college Spring Break with girlfriends on the island of Barbados, when she and her girlfriends, along with several other young female guests at their hotel, were kidnapped by white slavers.

There were girls representing several ethnicities and races among the more than fifty girls kidnapped. ‘White slavers’ was a just figure of speech. They simply chose the best-looking, most fit, and attractive young females they could get their hands on, and they got their hands on many beauties.

Even though she had studied Taekwondo, and was on the college women’s kickboxing team, Suzanne was helpless to defend herself, as the girls had been drugged at a late-night beach party, and then had their wrists cuffed behind their backs. The entire shipment of bound captive girls was shipped in vertical containers aboard a jet freighter to Djakarta.

When they awoke from the drug during the flight, they found themselves naked, except for spike-heeled shoes, which told them the slavers must be either foot fetish freaks or like their girls to have the striking posture they automatically assume when they wear five-inch heels.

They also were shocked that large steel rings had been pierced through their breasts behind the nipples, and their pubic mounds, behind their clitoris. These were embedded deeply into their flesh, where they would wear them for the rest of their lives.

They also wore stout steel collars with invisible joins, which they knew they could not remove. A chain attached to the collar was attached to the low ceiling of their container, which forced them to squat and would not allow them to lie on the container’s floor.

This was just as well because the floor was soon fouled by the young women, who could not contain their bladders and bowels indefinitely but succumbed to the need to relieve themselves. That meant, unfortunately, they had to breathe their own stench for the remainder of the journey.

When their flight landed, customs officials were paid off, and their containers were unloaded and hauled to a nearby cargo warehouse. They were removed from their containers, hosed down with cold water, and a crew of makeup and hair artisans spun their magic, making them appear gorgeous.

They were transported to another warehouse, this one set up as an auction hall, and they waited, standing and chained together by their collars as they watched a couple of dozen naked little girls. They were in groups of five or six, being auctioned off to buyers who would ensure they completed their young lives screaming under terminal torture.

Half of the naked young ladies in stilettos were sold at the slave auction to a buyer for a Brazilian bordello. When they arrived at the establishment, they discovered it was no common whore house, but instead was a secret and highly secure snuff show bordello, which catered to very wealthy people who had a sadistic streak.

The bordello’s guests did not participate directly, keeping their hands clean of guilt, but all of them had developed a jaded taste for observing sexually oriented torture and killing of naked beautiful young women. It was a fetish that could only be understood by others sharing their fantasies.

Every night two or more captive young women were snuffed for the entertainment of the guests. Before a girl’s time came to star in a snuff show, she was forced to work in the establishment as a servant, to be sexually abused as a naked waitress, or entertainer in the dining room.

After their meal, she was required to sit with clients in one of the small theaters, chained naked to her seat, to watch another less fortunate slave girl being murdered in a terminal torture session, either by a staff sadist or by one of the rich guests, practicing his or her specialty on the girl selected for the killing.

The most feared of all the guests was a man known as The Fire Beast, an American who liked to watch the effects of flame or red-hot iron on the flesh of his victims. He had shown a special liking for Suzanne, sitting beside the naked beauty at one of the shows, and taking her to his suite for some private fire torture following the show.

Her greatest fear, and the driving force that got her to cooperate, was that she would be punished by becoming a victim on stage. That was how she could be made to endure the terrible treatment she received and to participate as a waitress in the large dining room.

This was no ordinary waitress job. Here the nude slave girls in their spike heels were whipped with stiff riding crops as they worked and were often interrupted to endure painful genital torture. She was always on her guard, and ready to leap to their pleasure.

She had even seen Raoul, the macho male slave master, kill a girl for a small disobedience. The girl had simply been unable to fill the glass with a shot of whisky to the brim with her urine, a common way waitresses were expected to serve drinks to their clients. She had simply run out of piss!

Raoul had grabbed her by the waist, squatted, and thrust the handle of his riding crop into her cunt. Without pause, he rammed it repeatedly against her cervix until her uterus failed to withhold it, and he drove the stiff crop more than two feet into her so that her blood gushed out around his fist as he withdrew it. He had within a minute sufficiently impaled her to kill her.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” a strong female voice announced on a hidden public address system, “For those of you interested, we have just imported, for your pleasure, the entire second and third levels of the Romanian Gymnastics School. These pretty young ladies will be performing nude for you in the gymnasium, starting in ten minutes.

“Long buggy whips will be issued at the entrance to those interested in giving the beautiful young naked athletic ladies some encouragement. When their performance is complete, two of these fair-skinned maidens will be ripped, eviscerated, impaled, and roasted alive for your dining pleasure.”

Suzanne gasped in shock at what she heard.

“The two selected girls will be roasted alive,” the smooth female voice said in a conversational tone, “By putting them on the spit to be cooked before the diners in the dining room, where you can enjoy their suffering and imminent deaths as you begin your meal.”

Her clit quivered nervously.

“The tender, succulent meat of these lovely young ladies, who are all in prime condition, should be of particular interest to those of you attempting to stick to low-fat diets.”

There was a chuckle from among the crowd, and many of the pedophiles left to get a good seat in the dining room.

These people wanted to enjoy the entire show, among them were the two, a man and a woman, who had been violently battering Suzanne’s internal sex organs with powerful dildo thrusts and uterus-pounding fist-fucks. These were regulars, and she was a favorite for such punishment.

Suzanne struggled to her feet, with a large studded spike-lined steel dildo still firmly planted in her cunt. She struggled to remove it, and threw her head back to scream as if that might help to bring it free, but her cunt was contracting, and the bloodied studded shaft remained jammed fast inside her.

Had the couple stayed to complete their rough work on her instead of running off to sexually abuse younger girls, she was convinced they would have killed her. ‘My God!’ she thought, ‘The voice on the PA said Dining Pleasure! These people are fucking cannibals! — They’re going to spit and roast two of the young Romanian gymnasts — who likely don’t understand English! This is fucking insane!’ she thought, “How in the world had she got herself kidnapped by these people who had no regard for the life of beautiful young women like herself, with most of our lives ahead of us!’

The pig woman Bertha, so called because the fat naked bitch had a rare natural pig’s tail, and had somehow had a pig’s snout attached to her face, was amazingly agile in her heels, as she wore them all the time. To get her attention, she slapped her whip across Suzanne’s buttocks.

“Move, cunt,” Bertha commanded, “They need a tough bitch like you who can fight and kill one bad gymnast girl, and make others pay attention.”

Suzanne’s face dropped, and she felt faint. After all she had endured, how did they expect her to do such a thing? The rules of kickboxing and karate both clearly state you don’t fight anyone without the same training and ability. And in exhibition bouts, you must never intentionally hurt another fighter, ever.

The whip found her dildo-stuffed cunt, and it felt as if her organ had exploded. She leaped forward and moved after the people leaving the hall. There was no respite for her simply because she cooperated; She could hear the clack of the advancing Bertha’s heels as the naked woman’s whip continued to slash at her legs and cunt, driving her forward.

She wondered what she would see when they reached the gym. The Romanian Gymnastics School had produced Nadia Comaneci, the world’s best female gymnast ever. She had watched on television replays of Nadia’s incredible performance of several perfect tens.

Her parents, wanting her to become a gymnast, had shown her the old television shows from the Summer Olympics in Montreal up in Canada when she was a little girl, years after the 1976 unbelievable demonstration of perfection by the well-built girl in her early teens.

Since then, the Romanians have constantly placed young girls in the medals year after year. She wondered what the second and third levels were. Were those the girls just starting? She knew gymnasts started training at the age of six. Or were these the girls just below the top level, who competed internationally?

She bounced down the hallway with rapid tiny steps, forced to walk that way in the incredibly unfamiliar glued-on shoes. The studded dildo cramming deep into her cunt made the movement so difficult she wondered how she could ever be expected to fight.

Word must have come with her shipment that she had been stupid enough to tackle those armed guards at the airport in Djakarta. Surely they knew how badly she had done. She had not been able to land a single blow, although she was a championship kickboxer, and had taken more than two years of karate lessons.

Her breathing was tight as if she were having an anxiety attack. They did not just want her to fight, they wanted her to kill a girl, a trained athlete who was sure to be in top physical shape. The movement she produced by walking so briskly was causing the spikes on the dildo inside her to give her vagina a painful internal workout.

It was like having a large blister burst inside rough shoes with no socks. The punishment to her internal sex organ was considerable, causing a burning sensation all through her cunt. She felt relief when she saw the people ahead of her turning into a large double doorway.

The room was one she had never seen before. It was a theater with a round raised stage in the middle of the room and space for the audience to stand all around. This was a theater where the audience was expected to participate, so there was no seating.

As promised, long slender buggy whips were issued to the guests at the door, and most people took them. They were beautifully crafted weapons, made of tightly woven leather thongs with sharp cut edges. Suzanne had seen whips like these used in the whipping shows in the other theaters and knew how much welting power they had.

The whips were long enough to reach twenty feet, and the slender striking part of them, the three-foot section nearest the tip, was capable of raising hard ridged welts on a nude woman’s bare flesh in just a few seconds, and likely split her flesh. The young gymnasts were in for a rude surprise they would certainly not enjoy.

There was room in this unusual theater for many more people than had shown up, so everyone had plenty of space. There was gymnastics equipment set against the back wall, and beside it were huddled thirty young girls, most of them in their early teens, the others younger, and they were all stark naked.

Suzanne guessed they ranged in age from eight to sixteen, judging by their height and the varied state of their physical development. Most of the older girls had substantial breast development, although a few of the taller girls were less developed physically.

These beautiful young girls, all stark naked, were shaking with fear, not cold, as the room was warmer than necessary for comfort. The terrified girls stared with wide eyes at Suzanne. She realized how bizarre she looked in her slave costume. She was probably the first slave girl they had seen since their arrival.

Suzanne noticed that none of the girls wore the terrible rings she had pierced through her breasts and pubic mound. Hers had been put on as soon as she had been kidnapped before she had been sold at auction. These girls must have been obtained through different channels.

She noticed that even those who had well-developed breasts had no pubic hair. Their little cunnies were as bald as a baby’s immature fuck slot. She guessed that those old enough to grow pubic fuzz had their tiny curls trimmed and shaved or else plucked clean for competition.

The thought occurred to her that perhaps during training their coach had required them to perform naked. Some of the colorful outfits that growing young gymnasts wore for competitions were not a perfect fit, and the inch-wide strip in the groin often covered little between their legs.

When they did high kicks or wide spreads, there was an enticing risk that their little sex mounds would be partly uncovered, giving television viewers a brief but compelling view of their virgin fuck slots. The Romanian television producers liked to plant subliminal shots of kiddie cunts.

It always happened so fast that it was only by recording broadcasts of gymnastics competitions and playing back the program in slow motion that Suzanne had discovered how common it was that their naked little pussies were exposed to the light of day. By recording many such broadcasts, She noticed that the fleeting crotch shots appeared regularly.

Although the tapes were always edited before broadcast, she guessed it was a policy of the networks to include the subliminal cunt shots because believed they were too brief to notice without a freeze frame, they would certainly leave a subconscious impression on the viewers, which was what kept them watching and got the ratings.

One of the naked girls, a very pretty young gymnast, a fifteen-year-old who was no more than five foot tall with a solid build, was pulled from the group and moved onto the stage. Bertha ripped off Suzanne’s tutu and cuffs and grasping her around the waist, the powerful pig-woman lifted her onto the stage.

She stood facing the girl, who had a look of mistrust that was well-placed. She looked to be petite for her age, as most gymnasts were. Suzanne guessed her to be fourteen or fifteen. Her breasts were round and well-developed, which was unusual for girls of her age, particularly gymnasts.

She slowly straightened her posture until she stood tall, considering her short stature and a look of overt defiance crossed her face. She looked stronger than Suzanne had at first thought and was more likely to kill her as a form of self-protection. The task given her appeared to be impossible.

“This young lady refuses to perform and demonstrate her gymnastic skills in the nude,” Raoul announced, “So we have decided to make an example of her in front of her friends.”

“We all not do!” the insolent young girl replied in stilted English, “It’s disgusting!”

“That’s right,” Raoul continued, “Her friends have followed her example, which makes her the ideal subject. We are going to teach the others a lesson by showing them what happens to young girls who are so insolent they will disobey orders from their rightful masters and owners.”

“We not do gymnastics bare naked!”

The girl, whose response to her growing fear was to show open rebellion, stood facing Raoul, her legs braced, her hands on her hips. This posture perfectly displayed her bare cunt, which held the attention of everyone.

“It is amazing how a sport can become so distorted from its original intent.” Raoul said, “By covering and concealing the performer’s genitals. In its pure form, the ancient Greeks, who founded this marvelous sport, always performed in the stadium stark naked.

“How else is it possible to celebrate the human form and its outstanding abilities? Disguising the female form with a costume, and hiding its most interesting parts, her pretty genitals, is obscene! We won’t stand for that in our special demonstration of young cunts performing.”

“You can’t make us perform bare naked!” she shouted.

Raoul ignored her.

“To show this young lady that we mean business, we have found among our collection of adult cunts a young woman who excelled at kickboxing,” he turned to Suzanne, “You might find it hard to believe, but this shapely wonderful sensuous creature was once a college champion kickboxer!”

Bertha’s whip lashed out and found the crease at the base of Suzanne’s buttocks, forcing her to stride around the stage, taking the longest steps she could manage in the heelless high arch shoes. She managed quite well and looked incredibly provocative.

Her size, full figure, and physical development made a stark contrast to the sturdy but petite figure of the girl in her early teens. Suzanne was, standing naked in her heelless foot-arching shoes, nearly a foot taller than the naked young gymnast she faced.

“We did our homework,” Raoul continued, “And discovered this marvelous college girl is a highly trained fighter. We managed to rescue her before an enormous explosion wiped out an entire beach. She was believed to have been blown to smithereens, and her hometown newspaper carried a touching eulogy.

“In it, they included the information she was a championship kickboxer, capable of snapping her opponent’s neck with a single kick.”

The audience was suitably impressed.

“Unlike this pack of little ladies, she has learned that she uses her skills whenever we command it. Let me demonstrate for you how well she has learned to obey me.”

His whip caught Suzanne’s cunt with a sharp moist “crack!”. The shock of the blow ran right up through her dildo-loaded cunt, and upward through her gonads into resonate in her guts.

“Fight her!” he commanded. “We need you to demonstrate to us the newspaper report was true, that you are capable of killing your opponent!”

Her cunt stung and her gut ached inside her. A second heavy blow crossed her breasts, bouncing them severely.

She was not going to be able to avoid fighting this perky little East European gymnast cunt. ‘What the hell,’ she thought, ‘I can remember the first time I faced an experienced kickboxer. She hurt me pretty well, but I survived it. We were taught how to do a death-kick, and I know I can do it.

‘Even though she bruised me and made me scream, it was mostly my pride that was hurt, long term.’ She realized that the hardest part would be fighting in these incredible shoes. At least she had worn them long enough to have adjusted to the severe bending of the foot.

They might even make an effective pounding weapon. At least this little cunt she was supposed to fight wasn’t going to make her hurt. Although she was in terrific shape, the young bitch was a gymnast, not a fighter. Suzanne squared off in the traditional pose of a boxer and made several short jabs to get the girl to take a defensive posture.

The stupid kid just stood her ground, her hands on her hips, giving her that same look of total disdain. This angered Suzanne, and let her know that she was going to have to inspire the young girl to get involved. It would take a well-placed kick to the head or cunt to bring the bitch to life.

Balancing on one leg, she lifted her right foot high and threatened with it, waving it in front of the girl’s face. The girl did not budge. Suzanne found it difficult to balance on the toes of her left foot, with growing stiffness in her foot and leg, and a cramp forming in her calf.

Suddenly Raoul’s whip caught her cunt again and caused her to strike out, much harder than she otherwise would have done. The solid steel-lined toe of her shoe caught the smaller girl in the mouth, crushing her lip, cracking her two front teeth, and splitting the end of her nose.

The spectators were both stunned and delighted at the stark violence of the brutal attack on the oldest of the young Romanian Gymnasts. Suzanne used her college fight training to her advantage. Blood sprayed from the face wound, and the girl, her hips bent, braced herself as she reacted to the sudden violence.

Involuntarily the struck girl shit out a fat turd from the startling power of the blow to her face. The girl screamed, and Suzanne quickly got in another shot, this time kicking one of the fourteen-year-old’s round titties against the other. The kid played her role well, screaming at the top of her lungs at the vicious beating.

Suzanne felt disgusted as they used her to gain control of the young gymnasts. It was dehumanizing to the beautiful young girl and her. More than that, she realized there was not going to be an early end to this senselessness. They would never let her stop short of the worst thing possible: she had to kill this kid!

Suzanne tried to pull a punch to the smaller girl’s belly, and seeing her hesitation, Raoul’s whip quickly found her cunt again. She hated being an instrument of their cruelty but was herself entirely under their control. The blow to her cunt caught her off guard, and for an instant, she lost her balance on the precarious shoes.

The young gymnast saw the opening and grabbed at Suzanne’s large tit rings. She swung herself up and planted a foot in the big cunt ring, using it to boost herself up. The kid was good and put her advanced gymnastics training to good purpose.

The small fourteen-year-old got herself quickly into a standing position, supported entirely by Suzanne’s genital rings, with one foot in the cunt ring and her hands grasping the tit rings. It was incredible to see the naked girl mounting the nude woman as if she were no more than a gymnastics apparatus.

She then startled everyone by grasping Suzanne’s hair and bringing her feet up one at a time into the tit rings, then she stood up so that the larger woman’s big breasts were stretched severely downward as they supported the now aggressive girl’s entire weight.

The six-year age difference made a big difference in their physical development. At twenty, Suzanne had the fully developed body of a woman, and at one hundred twenty pounds was light, but much heavier than the sixty-pound girl riding her.

The youngster was mature for her tender years, but small in stature. Her weight was mostly accounted for by muscle development, Suzanne guessed, as the girl’s feet in her breast rings pulled the large firm mammaries severely downward, and caused a Suzanne great deal of pain.

The small athletic girl worked the large rings with her feet, jerking them back and forward as she worked to keep her balance, and in the process gave Suzanne painful torture to her large pierced mammaries. Her busy hands grasped Suzanne’s hair, jerking her head around at will.

The audience loved to see the naked young girl who was intended to be the victim of a monstrous beating, giving a full-grown athletic woman such distress. None had guessed that such a small girl could get the advantage, even momentarily, of a trained championship kickboxer.

But that was exactly what they were witnessing. Suzanne grabbed at her ankles but had no leverage to remove her. The girl jumped up and down in the rings, tugging the rings pierced deep into the tit-meat of the big-breasted woman severely, and producing the kind of screams of pain they not only expected but required of the female entertainers.

They did not particularly care which of the cunts took abuse, as long as were seeing women being hurt, and the more so the better. Suzanne suddenly realized the girl’s little cuntlet was directly in front of her face, and with her jaws wide open, she bit into the offered bare pubic mound.

The young girl screamed, and bent forward in agony, pulling her cunt from the grip of Suzanne’s teeth. Suzanne grabbed blindly upward in desperation, and as the gymnast leaned forward to keep her balance, managed to get her hands around the throat of the young girl.

She was surprised at how well she could feel the young girl’s larynx, and in desperation, she suddenly squeezed on the gullet, which was completely vulnerable. She drove her thumbs deep into the slender neck in her grasp, hurting the young girl’s throat.

She squeezed the tough swallowing tube closed with all her might to cut off the young gymnast’s air. The girl kicked her legs, jerking painfully at the big breasts with their rings being used as stirrups. This caused Suzanne incredible breast pain, and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

The kid spread her highly muscled legs with more power than appeared possible, and with that action pulled Suzanne’s big tits wide apart, causing the human mount to scream even louder in her agony. This was war. Suzanne responded with matching violence.

She used her death grip on the young girl’s neck to pull the girl’s hairless cunt again toward her face, and when she could reach it, she dug her teeth into the split human oyster. She could not believe how sweet and tender the naked sex organ of a young girl tasted.

She thrust with her tongue, parting the lips of the lower private mouth, and spread them wide as she drove the strong tongue into the struggling girl’s cuntlet. She was not surprised to find she easily gained full entry: the girl was no virgin. The highly attractive young gymnast had likely been frequently fucked by coaches.

The young vagina muscle gripped her tongue, squeezing with remarkable strength as the invading mouth organ probed her depths. What Suzanne was not prepared for was the girl’s involuntary response to the oral violence to her well-experienced, clean-shaved little cunnie, and the stranglehold on her throat.

She pissed into the offending mouth, and her urine sprayed out around the biting teeth, giving the audience a full view of the outrage the insolent child was committing on the woman, six years her senior. Suzanne was so startled at the young girl pissing in her mouth that she almost let go.

She managed to maintain her grip with her teeth on the tasty genital meat, and she clamped her teeth with more resolve than ever, quickly swallowing the tangy urine to avoid inhaling it into her lungs. She also tightened her grip on the girl’s imprisoned gullet.

The result was one every executioner would expect, but for Suzanne, it was an added surprise. The child lost bowel control. Her anus opened wide as another fat turd extended out of her fully displayed rear portal. Suzanne leaned back to support the weight of the girl in front of her.

She maintained the grip with her teeth on the hairless sex organ, producing screams from the youngster. The moist stool made contact with her neck, then slid down between Suzanne’s large breasts, and slowly across her sloped tummy, leaving an insolent brown moist streak in its wake.

By the time it reached her pubic mound a second turd was on its way, following a course slightly to the right of the first. They both completed their trip by catching in the large cunt-ring, and formed a “V” that caught the third bright brown stool that slid down the well-lubricated path.

This was a thoroughly disgusting turn of events. Suzanne did not recognize the girl was in her death throes, and she tightened her stranglehold on the slender neck. The smaller girl bucked as much as possible with both her neck and cunt locked in vice-like grips.

This time a long string of thinner, partially processed shit slewed out of her little rectum, moist and light enough that it stuck to Suzanne’s chest and belly. The young girl arched her back, her legs and body strained and quivered, she pissed once more, then totally relaxed.

The insolent little gymnast cunt was dead. The spectators cheered the spectacular kill. Suzanne’s head spun as she realized that she had murdered the naked young Romanian gymnast, and had done it just for the amusement of the jaded audience.

She had also provided the other young gymnasts a lesson in how far their captors would take punishment if they were not obeyed to the letter. It was an incredibly stern lesson, and well applied. She felt dehumanized. It was filthy work, but supposed somebody had to do it.

The girl’s feces fell to the floor, but Suzanne’s bare front was still stained, and she felt as filthy as she appeared.

Raoul began to effectively apply his whip to the naked Suzanne, and the shock of the blows caused her to scream again, forcing her to retract her tongue from the firm grip of the dead girl’s cunt and release the grip of her teeth on the hairless pubic mound.

She also released her hand-hold on the dead girl’s throat. Although with death the grip of the young gymnast’s cunt increased on her tongue, her mouth organ slipped out of the girl’s little fuck shaft, and the naked body, still jerking in contorting spasms, dropped to the floor of the elevated stage.

Suzanne stood back, trembling with shock at what she had just done. She could not believe she had murdered the beautiful young girl, a total stranger, and had done it just for the momentary amusement of the jaded people she involuntarily served.

She had been reduced by them, through gross intimidation, to acting like a wild animal, with no moral resolve or strength of character left in her. Now she was not just a cunt; she had been essentially transformed into a willing killer-cunt, a fucking cunt-killer.

The naked body of the dead young girl lay as an obscene symbol of this transformation, legs spread, the hairless cunt gaping, red and tooth-marked from her bite and wet with her saliva; and the face and lips swollen and strangely blue from the slow strangulation.

Suzanne had taken the life of the skilled young gymnast because she had been required to do so by her merciless masters. The shock was more than her system could take: she lost bladder control, and pissed on the floor where she stood, traumatized with horror at the rampant debauchery.

What numbed her was that she knew there was much worse to follow, and no hope things might ever improve. Raoul’s skillfully wielded whip once more found her cunt with a blow so hard that her big ringed breasts bounced, and she leaped to obey his command and moved to the side of the room, out of the way.

Two of the Indian men with their testicles pierced with rings moved a pair of the four-inch by sixteen-foot gymnastic beams out into the middle of the floor and arranged them to stand side by side, twenty feet apart. Eight guests were selected and positioned, two on either side of each beam, armed with their buggy whips.

When they were ready, four nude eleven-year-old gymnasts were told to mount the beams, two on each, and assume a position with their legs in the air and spread. There were two whips per gymnast, and the object of the sport was to whip them until they fell from the beam.

As an incentive to the pretty young girls to do their best, they were told by Raoul, the only man who spoke Romanian, that the last to fall would be spared moving on to another contest, and that the two ultimate losers when the games were finished would be impaled and roasted as the main course for a special banquet.

That proved to be incentive enough; they believed him. The girls balanced on their flat chests, spreading their slender but well-muscled legs and arms and arching their backs as they had been told to do. This posture, attainable only by a trained gymnast, perfectly presented their well-sculptured bodies and their dainty genitalia, the neat vertical slit in their puffy bare pubic mounds.

Raoul fired a starter’s pistol, and the whips sailed forward, aimed at the tender flesh of the nude young girls performing on the beams. The people watching, all of them true fans of the violent abuse of naked little ladies, cheered on the young contestants, urging the nude children to hang on.

The cheers were also exhorting those with the whips to strike out at the screaming terrified nude children with all their strength. They wanted to see the show extended as long as possible and to see the horror the young nudes were experiencing extended to maximize the brutality they had to endure.

Suzanne was surprised to find that the whipping of these young athletes was turning her on. She had seen so many horrors since her arrival in the bordello that she was becoming immune to the repulsion to the violence and was now capable of becoming sexually aroused by it.

The sight of the strained forms of the struggling young naked Romanian gymnasts, who were holding their inverted positions in precarious balance, and were clearly in severe distress, excited her. She wondered what she would do if she had one of those whips, and she flushed as she realized she would use it on any of those cocky young naked girls.

That was it! Suddenly Suzanne realized what triggered enjoyment for these people in the destructive abuse of naked females. It was seeing the holier-than-thou look on the pretty faces of these little athletic performers, who did their sport nearly nude in front of crowds of admirers.

They maintained their aloof look of superiority even though the audience knew they were quivering with fright inside. That was the attraction! It was the suffering of the superior little cunts that made the sport work! That was what people came to this club to witness.

The whole objective of the obscene exercise was to provide a sense of total power over the young naked females as punishment for their haughtiness! Her attitude of gratification at seeing these aloof little naked ladies being humiliated by whipping was no different from the rest of the audience.

Was this a basic instinct, or an acquired taste? Whatever the case, Suzanne knew she had acquired it, judging from the heat in her loins and the knot of excitement in her chest. Her flared, sexually stimulated cunt openly dripped, itching with sexual arousal.

She was highly turned on as she watched the whips lashing at the dainty cuntlets of the naked young girls balanced on the beam, screaming at the top of their lungs, but daring not to move in case they should fall. They had seen what that terrible woman Suzanne had done.

The vivacious bitch with the rings through her boobs and pussy had killed to the oldest girl, and they believed the threat that the losers would roast and be eaten by the guests. The girls were, after all, from Romania, where such horrors were not unheard of for beautiful and talented children such as themselves.

At last one of the girls slipped as her body bucked under the landing of all three whips simultaneously, and she crashed to the floor. Suzanne expected those with the whips to assail the fallen girl, but they kept their attention on the three girls still astride the beams.

The two guests who had been successful in dislodging their petite human target now assisted the others in their efforts, and the added blows they delivered quickly caused a second girl to fall. Now there were two of the nude girls on the floor, sprawled in exhaustion, their arms and legs spread, their pretty genitalia on obscene display.

One of these fallen young naked athletes was on her back, with one knee raised, the other lay on her chest with her buttocks elevated, and both were covered with angry white welts, some of them bleeding. The two still on the beams were no better off.

Now there were four whips attacking each of them, and although they tried desperately to remain in position, the winner fell only several seconds behind the third to crash to the floor. The people with the whips reluctantly put them aside, as their role was complete.

They had done well, marking the girls with rigid welts that stood high on their tender white meat. Now it was time for others to take their turn. Suzanne watched the Indians take the first girl to fall out of the room, probably for some kind of preparation.

She shivered as she thought of what was in store for the beautiful young Romanian gymnast girl, a physically fit young athlete who had moved one step closer to becoming barbecued meat. The other three were collared and chained together by the neck.

The naked male Indians quickly set up the uneven bars, securing them to a broad framework base. A springboard was set on the floor more than ten feet away from it, and then heavy rubber matting was laid on the floor under and all around the device.

This was not ordinary rubber matting, because it was loaded with spikes that stood up six inches from its surface, serving as an effective deterrent to girls who might want to get off the apparatus. Three fresh young nude gymnasts were forced to take a run at the springboard to launch themselves to the high bar.

The sight of the pads below them with those sharp spikes sticking up frightened the twelve-year-old girls, but they were all successful in getting mounted. One was told to move to the low bar, and with encouragement from Raoul’s whip, she did as she was told. She was a small girl but had to maintain a difficult position with her legs raised and spread to avoid contact with the monstrous spikes.

Eight more spectators were given the whips to use on these three fresh human targets. The nude girls were commanded to begin a freestyle routine, using both bars and to continue until told they may stop. They were assured they would not be too severely whipped unless they stopped moving, or failed to change bars at least every ten seconds.

To make the point, Raoul picked up a new, incredibly vicious whip lined with tacks. He showed it to the girls, and let them know he would love to use it, but promised them that if they did as they were told, only the standard whips held by guests would be used on them as they performed.

This was enough to convince them. They had seen the whipping of the four girls on the beam and knew that this whip with the tacks could do far more serious damage to their naked flesh. Raoul cracked his new whip and they all started their impromptu routines.

The three little ladies were spectacular. Their swinging movements with spread legs made them interesting moving targets, and the overcrowding on the device designed for a single contestant made it even more interesting, as they frequently crashed into each other.

The whips lashed mercilessly at the naked young ladies’ flying forms, and their movements reflected the sting of the whips as they would buck in mid-swing from a telling blow.
One of the girls paused for a few seconds when she saw a collision was imminent,

In a split second, Raoul’s barbed whip slashed across her buttocks. The guests were startled to see the resulting rip in her flesh. The blow forced her hips forward, which luckily for her got her moving again. Another girl moved and crashed into her, and swung by one arm, precariously poised above the spiked rubber carpet.

Raoul brought his long murderous whip into action. The tack-laden tightly twisted leather snake whistled through the air and made a smacking contact with the meat of the nude young Romanian girl. It caught her in a blow across her tightly stretched and arched tummy, puncturing her flesh.

Raoul rapidly jerked it away, leaving a pattern of small rips in the flesh from the sharp tacks embedded in the whip. The beautiful child gasped in astonishment at the brutal violent treatment she was receiving and threw her legs up. Her knees were wide apart

This position revealed the perfect slot of her cunt along the ridge of her pubic mound, in front of the also visible tight starfish of her anus. Neither exposed organ was yet capable of growing a hair, and their nakedness was accentuated by her desperate plight.

The whip violently lashed up between her spread legs and mercilessly sliced at her tender sex meat. She screamed, and grabbed the overhead bar with her free hand, but lost the grip of the other hand. This made the naked child highly vulnerable to a telling whipping.

In a flash the whip struck again, this time catching her across the small of her back. She reflexively arched her back with the painful ripping contact. Her knee innocently swung up into the belly of another girl, knocking the wind out of her. The other girl screamed at her in Rumanian.

It was clear to the audience she thought the accident was intentional, and in retaliation, she drove her knee viciously into the precariously swinging girl’s cunt. The hammer blow was too much for her, and the naked young gymnast fell from the bars and landed on her back on the vicious bed of sharp steel spikes.

The six-inch spikes nailed her, and when she was pulled off the spiked mat she was a mess. Blood trickled from deep puncture wounds all over her back, buttocks, legs, and arms. Fortunately, her skull was thick enough to block penetration to her brain.

Two of the spikes that entered the back of her neck were well off-center, missing her spine, so she was alert, mobile, and still of interest to the crowd of eager spectators. She was led away by the testicle-pierced Indians to join the loser of the balance beam competition.

The child was sobbing as she was led away, knowing that much more was in store for her, including the possibility of death. She was a beautiful sight, totally subdued, and the guests watched with pleasure her graceful yet powerful legs and buttocks move erotically as she walked away from them.

They could already imagine the impaling shaft making its way up between those legs and into her little quim or up through her tight anus. Both images were equally pleasing to the imaginative audience. Meanwhile, all eight spectators armed with whips had the two remaining on the bars to use as targets, and they did.

The two lovely young ladies had lost all semblance of form as they swung on the bars, bumping into and bruising each other as they tried desperately to keep in action under the violence of the flailing whips, but fearing more the barbed whip in Raoul’s hand.

The eight members of the audience honored who possessed the whips were gaining experience quickly, and two of the women appeared to be experts as they learned to snap the tips of their whips as they came into contact with the naked little cunts of the screaming girls.

With each pop of leather against nude cuntlet there was a bolt of pain that flashed up through the torsos of the girls and brought delightfully sharp screams that filled the gymnasium. The results of these efficient blows were so attractive that soon all eight guests were snapping their whips like professionals.

Once they got the hang of it, the whippers all concentrated on whipping the swelling female genitals. Their sport was becoming much more interesting to the audience, and the suffering of the two nude young girls swinging on the uneven bars quickly multiplied.

When one of the young Romanians attempted to close her knees to protect her battered sex organ, Raoul quickly brought his barbed whip across the soles of her feet. Then he ripped fresh groves across her ass with a second blow. There was no escaping the torture of Raoul’s whip.

Screaming hysterically, she quickly got her legs apart again to provide the guests access to their most favored target. In just a few moments the two young girls’ cuntlets and rectums took over a hundred snapping blows, and their fuck portals had swollen out grotesquely.

Unable to resist the temptation, Raoul lifted the girls down off the bars and placed them on their hands and knees, facing away from each other. He took a long strand of thin wire and tied one end around the swelled-out anal sphincter of one of the young ladies, pulling it so tight that the anus turned purple and bulged out like a dimpled fig.

He tied the other end of the thin wire to the other girl’s swollen anal ring, pulling the knot extremely tight so that it produced similar results. The girls were in opposition, five feet apart and connected by their painfully trapped anuses. Raoul had set up an exciting new competition for them.

He signaled the guests with their whips to begin laying their weapons on the unprotected hides of the two young girls, and they did so, with gusto. The audience was delighted to see the objective was to disembowel each other by tugging out the other’s intestines through her anus!

The girls jerked forward, and the wire bit into their captured bulging anal rings. They screamed, but the whips kept them jerking forward, and they each strained forward so hard under the merciless assault that they began to pull out their rectums and colons.

It was an incredible sight, watching the two innocent little gymnasts, both stark naked, being whipped like beasts of burden, tugging their assholes out. The men not armed with whips had pulled out their penises and were masturbating wildly as the straining children were beaten.

The wire loops tied around their protruding anus rings continued to cut into their rectal meat, but the girls had done all the damage they could do crawling on the floor. Raoul stepped in, having in mind the solution to the bizarre puzzle of his design.

He picked the girls up, one under each arm, and returned to the parallel bars apparatus. With incredible strength, he lifted one girl over the high bar with one hand, then released the other and stood back. Now they hung squealing like a pair of little piglets, their entire weight supported by their tied-off assholes.

This frail support appeared to be insufficient. How long it would last was the object of the bizarre new game. The nude Romanian girls hung face to face, swinging by their wired anuses. Each move either made brought excruciating pain to the other’s groin.

It was not unreasonable for each to soon hold the other responsible for her rectal agony. In minutes the little vixens were viciously fighting each other; punching, scratching, and gouging as they swung upside down, and the movement they generated increased their agony.

Suzanne stood back in the corner, leaning against the wall, shamelessly masturbating at the uninhibited grotesque sexual violence taking place before her. Her face was flushed with excitement. She could not believe she was taking pleasure in the violent sexual abuse these innocent young girls were affecting each other.

She screamed encouragement as they scratched each other’s belly, back, and face. This was more exciting than anything she had ever experienced before. The naked girls, squealing like a pair of stuck pigs, were now embraced in intimate battle.

Their legs entwined as they gouged and scraped bleeding furrows with their sharp nails in each other’s back, sides, and buttocks. The presentation of cruel force had persuaded the captive young girls that combat was their only choice, and they both bought into it.

The highly competitive twelve-year-old gymnasts were hard at it as if they were professional sex show fighters. Their efforts brought about increased activity from the whips, and by the incessant lashing, the little darlings were encouraged to the greater desperate effort.

The result of the violent activity was the tight ball of their rectums were pulled out from between their buttocks nearly four inches, but the tough girl-hide held in the grip of the fine wire. The slave girl Suzanne, the beloved daughter of a wealthy American industrialist, was engrossed in the battle.

She had now reached the level of debauchment Raoul had wished for her, and he brought Suzanne forward and put her to work. Standing carefully between the spikes on the rubber carpet, he took one girl by the waist and lifted her as Suzanne lifted the other.

They lifted them only a few inches and then dropped them. This grotesquely cruel treatment had an immediate and evident effect. The wire jerked on the tortured rectums, stretching them out an extra inch from their seating, but still, the screaming girls’ tortured and distended rectums held.

The pretty little ladies were in shock at the sexual brutality they were experiencing. When they hit the end of the wire, the impact was like a shot, jarring their internal organs with the incredibly heinous jerk at their bound rectums. Raoul and Suzanne lifted the girls a second time, this time nearly a foot.

Suzanne felt the warm torso of the slender young gymnast tighten with stressful anticipation as she lifted her. The small girl’s hairless little cunnie was right in front of her face, and she watched the perfectly formed little pink lips of the child-cuntlet quiver as they opened gently.

The girl’s pretty female organ began to tinkle, releasing a small vertical fountain that splashed back onto her pubic mound, then trickled down across her tummy and chest, and down across her face as she hung suspended, supported by Suzanne’s grip on her waist.

Raoul signaled her, and together they dropped the girls again. Once more the captive sphincters were stretched past the limit, bringing screams of agony from the two tortured Romanian girls, and echoing screams of horror from the other naked girls clustered against the far wall, watching as they awaited their turn.

Again, somehow the resilient rectal muscles of the two victims held. The next time the two were lifted as high as Suzanne could reach, so that they had to drop nearly two feet before hitting the end of the wire, stretched over the high bar. Although the girl was no more than sixty pounds, it was all Suzanne could do to keep the naked little athlete elevated high over her head.

Her arms were shaking from the strain, and the struggle of the terrified girl made it even more difficult to keep control. Suddenly Raoul gave her the signal. She stepped back as she let the girl slip out of her grasp. That extra drop proved to be too much for the tortured rectums.

The grossly extended and tested anuses both ripped free, and the girls fell to the carpet, their colons, and large intestines slewing out through the torn holes between their buttocks, attached to their torn-off little assholes, still captive by the wire.

Both girls hit the upright spikes on the carpet with their heads back, their arms spread and their mouths open in horrific screams. The incredibly harsh punishment was not enough to kill them but had equipped them both with pink gleaming six-foot tails of their intestines, which could be lengthened with a tug.

The wire was cut, and then they were pulled to their feet and led away to lie under the healing lights. As incredible as it seemed, they would be required to perform yet again in this brothel of sexual horrors. Now they held special interest because they had been given the remarkable tails.

Their pinkish entrails proved to be quite unlike the real curled tail of the Indian pig-woman, but were instead made of their inner flesh. Blood spurted from the many holes in their backs. The spiked mat was moved and the uneven bars were pulled aside.

Suzanne was made to stand on a box beneath the moved gymnastics equipment, which placed her beneath the upper bar, just below her shoulder height. Her big tit-rings were twisted so that they were vertical, and the upper bar on that apparatus was removed and pushed through them.

The thick bar was then re-attached to the apparatus so that she was now linked to it by her breast rings, which would keep her out of the way. The rough tape and caked resin on the bar scraped painfully against her nipples as the bar was run through her rings.

She knew better than to cry out. She was fastened to the gymnastics apparatus by her twisted breasts, in a position that forced her to stand fully erect. She was now up on her tiptoes, with her large breasts stretched upward. At least they were not punishing her cunt.

As uncomfortable as she was, her position gave her an excellent view of the sexually violent proceedings with the young captive gymnastic girls. This group of sadistic pedophiles, enthusiastic fans of violent child abuse, proved to be truly degenerate.

Eight of the little darlings were lined up along the far end of the large room and were forced to do a handstand, their legs spread wide. Eight guests lined up behind them, armed with whips. The athletic young girls were required to race to the far end of the room on their hands.

Each girl was pursued by a guest wielding a whip, who lashed furiously at her buttocks and exposed little cuntlet. The race was desperate, and the flailing whips brutal. The highly trained gymnasts found it exceedingly difficult to hold a handstand, let alone run on their hands.

They had to accomplish this while the whips viciously lashed between their wide-spread legs at their naked genitals. The large gym was filled with their screams as they struggled to run with the flailing whips biting at their pouting pussies and bouncing buttocks.

Only two of the frantically screaming Romanian girls reached the far end without falling. The other six were sadistically whipped where they fell, with the two whose charges had completed the race coming back to help out with the whipping of the others.

The eight guests lucky enough to have a whip were sweating from the exertion as they smacked the bare flesh of the Fallen girls. At last, Raoul signaled the end of the contest, and the six hysterically screaming losers were carried and dragged out of the gym, to move forward into the next round.

Six of the remaining girls, all of them eleven- and twelve-year-old athletes with fair hair, were splashed in light vegetable oil that made their naked bodies glisten. They were told to wrestle each other while slicked with the oil in the middle of the room.

He reminded them that their naked little cuntlets would make great holds for their fingers to flip their opponent. The guests who had come to witness the sexual abuse of these succulent minors laughed with glee when Raoul spoke to the nude girls through the interpreter.

He informed them that the objective of the fight was to bite each other as hard as they could, forcing their opponents to bleed. The girls blanched at the news. They were even more shocked at the rest of it because their cuntlets would also be the target of the whips.

They would receive what the other girls had, and taste the lash of the whip, stinging their puffy bare sex organs when they were not attempting to bite an opponent. None of the girls would be allowed to leave the fight until she had bitten off another girl’s nipple.

The girls were stunned at the news, but Suzanne was pointed out to them, and they were promised that any girl who did not succeed would be kicked to death by the big naked bitch with the rings through her genitals, mercilessly killed by her as their friend had been.

The glistening children took one look at Suzanne and were convinced. They had seen how skilled the grown-up slave woman was with those weird shoes, kicking the life out of the senior girl in their group. None of them wanted to be subjected to such a fierce, terminal attack by that big-ringed killer woman.

The kick-killer looked old enough to be a university student. Everybody knew that you couldn’t trust a university student, or know what she would do next. It was also common knowledge that university students were so determined that they would complete whatever it was they were going to do, no matter what.

The whips slashed at the oiled flesh of the nude girls, and the six leaped onto the big floor mat and braced themselves to wrestle. None of them was trained in fighting, but they had all seen the Greco-Roman style sport, in which young men performed naked in Romanian gyms.

They would stand within a circle painted on a large mat, their rigid erections gleaming on the tip with moisture from within, grasp each other’s shoulders, their heads together, and attempt to throw each other out of the ring, with a fist around the opponent’s firm penis.

At least that was what the girls thought was the objective, but they were not that interested in a stupid boys’ sport, knew little about it, and cared less. The only thing they liked was to see the young men ejaculate from the attention of the other man’s fist gripping his cock.

Angry welts had been raised across the asses of the nude girls, and they began to wrestle in a desperate attempt to avoid more violent contact from the stinging leather. They forgot to bite, and the whips found them again, this time slashing up between their legs.

The lashing leather found the delicate inner lips of their immature genitals. The customers who had come to the gym to see this show of severe sexual abuse of the young Romanian gymnasts were all seasoned cunt people, more interested in the bare hairless slit pubic mounds of young girls than anything else.

They liked and were more interested in the rim of tender lips teasingly parting them from the clit-hood downward, than they were in the full-bloomed cunts of mature women. The action of the whips enhanced their visual enjoyment, smashing into or across the puckered vulvas.

The flailing smacks of tightly braided leather flattened the little sex organs, then caused them to redden and swell, forcing the inner lips to peak out further, and to begin to part, revealing the light moist pinkness of their insides. Child cuntlets were a thing of beauty, to be praised and adored.

Experienced cunt whippers were able to produce the desired results on the young ladies’ little organs while forcing the weeping girls, screaming with each stinging blow to their vaginas, to perform at a level far beyond what they would ever do otherwise.

The trick was in alternating slapping blows, in which the end of the whip was laid hard across the target flesh, with snapping jolts, and then the end of the whip was cracked within an inch of the girl’s bare little pussy, so that the flat end would hit the delicate cunt-meat like a gunshot.

The whip slap set them up, then the explosive whip snap was as if they had been gut-shot, with the focus of the pain directly between their legs. The resulting sting would shoot up through the torso of the nude little girl who was hit, jerking her whole body in a reflexive reaction.

Her intense response to the whip was more beautiful than the most erotic dance and was very exciting to watch. This brutal attack on their genitals also spurred the girls on to action, as it was more terrifying and unbearable to them than anything they were asked to do.

Their oil-slicked bodies made the girls struggle to hold on to each other, and it also made their teeth slip as they tried to bite into each other. Soon the large padded floor mat was stained with oil, and as the three pairs of girls fought, drops of blood also stained the mat.

The girls used their fists to the heads of their opponents to ward off bites, and they also punched bellies and ribs, doubling their opponent over in pain, and soon added the sound of ribs cracking to the screaming of the contestants and shouts of encouragement from the spectators.
The girls were merciless with their biting, digging their teeth into each other’s shoulders, sides, buttocks, and cunnies while punching and kneeing each other in self-defense. It was a remarkable demonstration of how quickly sweet little girls could be transformed into hate-filled cunt fighters.

Their gnashing teeth broke through the skin of opponents, and soon streaks of blood joined the oil and sweat that covered the struggling girls. Some of them heeded the advice they had been given and used their fingers in the cunt of their opponent to lift and flip her over.

The girls suffered stinging blows to their swollen little cunts whenever their teeth were inactive. They all successfully defended their tiny nipples for nearly ten minutes. It ended when at last one girl who lost her balance and fell onto her back had one little pre-titty button bitten off.

Her opponent had fallen quickly on top of her, her ass raised in the air presenting her badly swollen and now gaping little cunt to the audience as she attacked a tiny pink bud on the chest of her eleven-year-old opponent. The girl who had lost the nipple sat up, her large brown eyes open wide in shock.

She looked down at the small torn wound on her flat chest where her nipple had been, and then she screamed in horror. Her reaction was so shrill and striking that even the other fighters spun their heads to see what had happened to make her scream like that.

That provided the small opening necessary for the violent girlie sport to be completed. Two other girls quickly took advantage of the brief distraction the first loser had produced for their opponents and dug their teeth in around the nipple of the girl she had been fighting. They jerked their heads back, pulled with all their might, and one by one they jerked off the hard little flesh buds locked between their teeth.

They were so shocked by what they had just done that they swallowed the prize nipples. Now that there were clear winners, the struggle came to an end, and the three who had successfully bitten off a nipple from their opponent were taken to join the winners of the earlier contests.

The three losers, marked with a missing nipple, were moved to the room where those others who had lost in the competition were prepared for the next level. The nude young Romanian athletes were in shock, and with the terror of anticipation of what might follow, they began to piss on the floor.

Although the final contest for these captive young gymnasts would have only losers as participants, those forced to compete again would likely put up a much more rigorous battle, knowing that the final pair of losers were to be impaled and roasted.

Even naked little girls do not want to be used as meat, although, as they were beginning to understand, that is their only true value of females. In this brothel, that fact was the driving force in the design of sexual abuse all of the slave females were forced to endure.

Suzanne’s legs were cramping as she stood as high on her toes as the incredible shoes permanently glued onto her feet would allow, and her back was also starting to feel the strain as she attempted to keep her weight off her breasts, bound by their rings to the upper bar of the uneven bars.

The twist of the rings to align with the bar put extra strain on her elevated mammaries, and they burned along the base from the unnatural stress. The large studded plug inside her fuck chute hurt incredibly as she stretched upward, and the action forced the device further into her.

She moved her legs as if that might resolve some of the distress she was experiencing, and that worked the studded dildo even further into her, until the mouth of her cunt closed over it, keeping the heavy oversized metal penis pressing incredibly hard against her uterus.

She was in great physical discomfort, exactly as Raoul wanted her. Her distress was evident to anyone seeing her, an appropriate condition for a slave girl, but the customers were much more interested at the moment in observing the events with the naked little girls as they were being abused in the progressive contests.

Half of the remaining young girls were taken to the beam, where they were brutally whipped as they each went through the difficult exercises on the narrow device. Two girls at a time mounted the beam, and they postured and flipped as the whips flailed mercilessly at their well-displayed fully exposed nakedness.

Their hairless little cuntlets remained the favorite targets. Many of the athletic children had yet to grow curly hair, and all of them were too young to have developed titties, Those with some minor early mammary development experienced the pain that tittie whipping can bring.

When those who failed to complete their routine while being whipped on the beam were sorted out, the girls who had yet to take part in the violent games were lined up one behind the other at one end of the gym, and the spectators lined up in two rows, twenty feet apart, facing each other.

They were all given buggy whips, and at the far end of the row between the spectators, a springboard was set up, and beyond it the vault. Raoul positioned himself beyond the vault, ready to receive the naked young ladies who were able to survive, not falling as they ran the gauntlet of whips, and to spring onto the vault.

One by one the delicious little cuntlets were forced to run the gauntlet of whips to the vault. Awaiting them on the other side as they flew over it was Raoul, waiting for them with his deadly accurate razor whip. Those who were able to make it through the gauntlet and spring and flip over the vault felt the explosive crack of his whip on their little cunts as they spun through the air.

It was an inspired event, as all of the spectators got to play, and they lashed with a vengeance at the pretty little Romanian athletes, shouting insults the girls could not understand, flailing the flesh of the pre-pubescent nudes as they ran for their lives down the murderous gauntlet toward the springboard.

The third girl to run the gauntlet fell, and as she lay writhing on the mat the whips assailed her, causing her to cower rather than get up and continue her run to apparent safety. She lay on her back with her knees pulled up to her chest, grasping them with her arms as if this would protect her from the slashing leather whips.

One of the women slammed her whip into the spread crack of the young girl’s buttocks and snapped the tip against the tiny anus, forcing the child to spread her legs. Three more whips found her exposed cuntlet before she rolled over onto her tummy and closed her legs.

Her back and buttocks took the heat for a while, and her dancing and wriggling in agony caused her from time to time to again involuntarily open her legs, allowing another well-aimed stinging blow to her brutally battered cuntlet. She was not doing well.

At last, Raoul had one of the assistants drag her away, screaming hysterically, and he signaled the next girl to run between the rows of whip-armed spectators. This girl, the tallest of the youngsters, was so traumatized by the inhuman whipping of the girl who had preceded her that she also stumbled, and went through the same incredible abuse.

When Raoul at last allowed the pretty girl to be dragged away, she was screaming hysterically. She would not stop, and it was clear that her mind had snapped. She was of no value to the brothel in this condition, so he had her brought and laid on her back face up along the length of the vault.

While an assistant held her in place, Raoul drew his long gutting knife with the curled tip. He waited for the excited spectators to gather around, and then he plunged the blade into the stretched girl’s lower belly, just above the pelvic bone and pubic mound.

The spectators cheered the belly-stabbing of the screaming slender twelve-year-old girl. They were getting to witness an additional snuff, at no extra charge. Raoul gripped the blade in his large fist and slowly pulled it toward her navel, slanting it so that it would properly slice the well-conditioned muscle.

The inch-thick muscle of the slender young female athlete’s belly opened cleanly, as the sharp gutting blade performed admirably. It ripped evenly through the yielding bitch bacon, through her navel, and on up to her sternum, revealing glimpses of the girl’s internal pack of intestines.

The blade was remarkably sharp, and Raoul was much stronger than the guests would have imagined. He demonstrated this by continuing the cut right up across the young girl’s rib cage to the union of her collarbones at the base of her throat, powerfully cutting through fresh bone.

The audience was silent with amazement. He wiped the blade off on her cheeks, then tucked it back in its sheath on his belt. He amazed the audience further when he slid his big hands into the opening he had created. Spreading his elbows, he pulled her sliced flesh apart, fully revealing the undisturbed tightly packed pale intestines in her belly.

Then he moved his hands upward and with the force of an automobile jack he pulled open her rib cage, until her lungs and pounding heart became visible. It was a rare sight, and one the spectators crowded in close to witness. With the skill of a butcher, he began pulling out the tangle of her guts.

The insanely screaming young cunt raised her head, and her eyes bulged as she saw herself being eviscerated alive for the entertainment of these bizarre people. So this was what North America was all about! She had heard stories, but this capped them all.

They were crazy. They were without souls. They were butchering her like a piece of meat, the way her uncle had butchered his pigs. She watched, astounded that women could watch men doing such horrible things to her. This was not about sex, it was about raw sadism.

She felt her pulse pounding in her brain as the big Latin man with no shirt on reached into her chest and lifted her pounding heart out of her, stretching the thick arteries connected to it. She felt one last incredible pain as he dug his teeth into it, and her heart was broken.

One of the young women moved between the girl’s legs and, bending over her, dug her teeth into the girl’s vagina. She thrust her tongue into the child’s fuck slot and encountered the hymen, ensuring that the girl was a virgin. She dug her teeth into the tender meat of the naked pubic mound, and with passionate determination, bit it off.

She had now achieved her greatest dream, which was to eat the raw cunt of a young girl. She pissed in her panties with ecstasy, the child’s blood dripping from her chin. The cleanly-gutted carcass of the pretty tall girl was cast aside, the whip gauntlet reformed, and the remainder of the naked young girls did their thing.

They all experienced the lashing whips as they ran the length of the gym, hit the springboard, spun through the air, bounced their hands off the vault as the flipped high in the air, and then felt the explosive sting of Raoul’s whip smashing against their little cuntlet before they dropped to a landing. Most of them failed to make a perfect landing, distracted by the explosive pain to their cuntlets Raoul’s whip brought them.

To most of these innocent athletes, their vagina was nothing more than a little slit to be wiped when they pee’d, and that their mothers had taught them to cover when boys were around. Now it had become the focus of their misery, and the locus of their pain.

They knew that their daddies liked to kiss it and that uncles liked to reach into their panties to tickle it. Now they saw that it was to their advantage to display it, but the terrible price was that it was to be violently beaten. This was the craziness they faced.

For a surprise final event, the losers were divided into two teams, each armed with a long pole. To distinguish them, each girl was given a colored scarf to tie around her ankle, one team having blue and the other red. Their task was onerous.

They were to capture a girl from the other team and impale her for roasting. The nude young girls watched in horror as they saw what awaited the team to finish their task last. A large cage filled with snarling Dobermans was wheeled into the gymnasium.

When the trained fuck hounds saw the pack of naked girls their long penises grew to full erection. To further motivate the naked girls, they were told the dogs had not been fed for three days, and were likely to rip them open and eat them alive if given the opportunity.

The entire losing team would be viciously raped by the vicious guard dogs. Suzanne quivered with terror as she realized how devious and heinous this contest and its outcome would be. These were vicious dogs, and their snarling fangs gleamed the threat that was sure to be realized.

She watched with both horror and fascination the gangs of naked little girls beginning their fight, battling desperately to take their captives, racing to be first to capture and impale their victim, a member of the famous Romanian National gymnastics team.

The fighting was incredible, extremely ferocious from the beginning because the naked young girls knew they would have a terrible time facing those vicious lusting hounds if they lost the terrible competition. The dogs would not only rape them but potentially eat them.

They kicked, punched, gouged, bit, wrestled, and kneed each other with a vengeance, becoming increasingly brutal as they were driven not only by their desperation but also by their reaction to the incredible violence being done to them by other members of their own gymnastics team.

These were girls they had trained with for several hours a day since they were very young, and all of them were highly competitive. Now the only thing in the world that mattered to them was winning, even when to do so they had to fight among themselves and kill one of their own.

All of the naked young gymnasts were caught up in the pitched battle, waged in chaotic style on the big floor exercise mat. The highly motivated young female athletes, fearing for their lives, were viciously doing real damage to each other.

They were all gouging, bruising, scraping, and popping ribs on each other in the desperate battle to take a victim captive and run her through with the long impaling shaft. Failing would mean they were going to have to face the hounds, and possibly be killed as well as bestially raped.

Both teams at last got their hands on a smaller ten-year-old girl, and both gave up on defense, concentrating all of their energy on completing their gruesome task. They were brutal as they held the child’s small legs wide apart, and fitted the sharpened end of the shaft into her little pussy.

Then, with four girls holding her, the others heaved on the shaft, ramming it repeatedly further and further into the tiny cuntlet of their screaming captive. They used the shaft as a ramrod, heaving on it in a rhythmic pounding forcing its sharp point to split the child’s immature uterus.

They continued hammering it deep through her intestines, forcing it up through her diaphragm, then up between her lungs, sliding it past her heart and up through her little throat. At last, both teams managed to run the steel poles right through their team-mate victims.

The contest was close, but one team completed their girl impalement a few seconds ahead of the other, the bloodied tip of the shaft emerging from the impaled child’s mouth. As the two skewered little girls were laid over a bed of glowing coals to roast, the losing team was rounded up.

The screaming young naked gymnasts were abruptly thrust into the large cage full of vicious dogs. It was not a delicate sight, but the audience of kiddie sexual violence fans were delighted with the spirit of the naked little girls as they valiantly fought their fate.

The experienced hounds put down, positioned, and mounted the screaming little gymnasts. They also bit the girls’ arms, legs, and buttocks as they got them into the kneeling position for a violent fuck doggy style. The dogs fought over girls they wished to fuck, adding to the turmoil in the big cage.

Suzanne’s breast rings were unhooked from the uneven bars and she was taken from the gymnasium. As she was taken through the big door she could see a struggling girl, her neck locked in the jaws of a large hound, being flipped in the air to make her more submissive.

It also put her in a position for a bestial fucking. It was the third time the big dog had grasped this girl’s neck and then thrown her up in the air. The hound had done this knowing that once the girl would land on her hands and knees, properly positioned.

When she finally landed the way he wanted her, the big hound quickly mounted her, thrusting repeatedly until its long, pointed prick ruptured her hymen, and drove deep impossibly deep into her, the slender rigid point of its penis easily spreading and driving through her immature cervix.

The big door stayed open long enough for Suzanne to see the rapid powerful thrusting of the Doberman, driving its penis so deep into the little human cuntlet that it severely tested the girl’s capacity to take him, threatening to detach her uterus it was so powerfully fucking, from the ferocity of the pounding it endured.

Even as Suzanne was moved down the hallway and the heavy door closed behind her, she could hear the harsh squealing screams of the young Romanians being so brutally bestially raped. Suzanne’s concentration was quickly diverted to the time ahead of her.

The ceaseless whip lashed up between her legs and connected a stinging blow to her vagina as she hobbled along the long hallway. This brought her mind flashing back to her desperate plight. She had been used as a foil to further the pleasures of her captors’ paying guests with the delectable naked youngsters.

She was also used to make an example with one to recruit the others, but now she was being taken back to that terrible big dining room, where she faced further sexual abuse, which was more tolerable than what could not be far away, her starring role in one of the heinous bordello’s horrendous snuff shows.


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