Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: Summoning To Make Me Her Twin
Link: Email LS666 / 25.11.2022
Summoning To Make Me Her Twin
I have been listening to the hypnosis files and training my mind in slave girl mode. But have recently felt am connected to Eisheth in a new way. I called upon the Baphomet back when summoning to make me her twin.
I have felt its presence inside me and in my shadow and then found a weird coincidence,or is it. I have been looking into the four queens of prostitution and felt drawn to Eisheth Zenunim. As I listen to my hypno files feel my shadow start to grow inside me and out of the blue I joined a satanic group under the name, “Serinity Zenunim.”
I have called upon her to accept me and teach me the ways of the prostitute and teach me about what she knows like a mother. I read more deeply to find it saying she is the mother of Baphomet, so if so and I have been accepted as its sister am I in fact now a child of Eisheth.
I was listening to a file call, “Samhain, A Ritual of Lust,” and it has a woman laid out to give herself to Satan. She is oiled up and he comes to her and first fucks her face as she tells it from her point of view. Then her fucks her and breeds her, sounds wild as could this be done with someone like me to be made feminine.
The more my mind goes to the dark the more I refer to myself in the feminine spirit. On the other hand have also been talking to someone who talks to me about the pain of hell and about demons I have yet to know.
I also have been doing feminine things like now wearing panties and the urges, well. My mind is being taken to a deeper darker place as they say, give the mind and the body will follow. I am starting to gain interest in the male parts such as the phallus and semen. I get scared as can picture the pain of anal stretching and gagging. And yet they say no pain no gain.
Now comes what I feel was a set up as started to think about how have been hacked in the past on my phone by of all people, a niece. But it is weird as she has a goth side and I used to picture her coming in my room when wife not home as it is her side of the family and would ride me like a succubus.
Thinking about the sexual pain and seeing all these posts about, “Onlyfans,” and such as everyone has one for all to see them. I have also found a person who considers herself a female though with male parts but refers to it as her clit and if you refer to her or it any different look out. She is also dark and loves to destroy the masculine parts of men. But the fact she is a she makes me feel better about that myself and have pictured her riding me as she drains me before shoving into me and making me like her, but on a bigger stage.
Well, this has gotten longer then originally expected but she has taken control so its on her. We sometimes find things but wonder what may come from it, if anything at all. Lots have to do with how strong we believe.
I was listening to my file on becoming the slave girl through triggers and do not even remember getting to that part so the trance must have been a good one. This time before even doing it I actually was playing with fire.
I sat in my living room and poured a shot of absinthe as an offering to my queen and grabbed a bottle of JD cooler to chase it as I sat on the sofa. I read a few things on Eisheth before asking her to join me in bed. I lost the fact that only feet away was my wife sitting. But something drew me as if to test me to see where my loyalty lies.
So I know when my wife has off the next day she sleeps on the sofa, which leaves the bed for me and whatever entity wants to join .So I ask my queen to help me and as I drink the shot to drink of her essence and spirit to be inside end guide her daughter, yes daughter.
I felt the burn as it goes down and actually for a brief moment almost drunk. I start to pull up my hypno file to listen to and go into the bed. I go to my mirror and ask for the portal to open and her come through and say her Enn.
I am feeling weird but it is time. I lay down and listen to the file chosen and after feel drawn to try something. As you usually chant the Enn to invoke or evoke in the natural or out in the open I figure by using my headphones it may bring her into me through my hearing.
As I look for the hour long version I find one on invoking the shadow self. It has its own sigil and all. I wonder as I find the one I want and close my eyes. I start to see the room darken and maybe a shadow or darkness surround me as there is a slight pain in my chest. But not a bad pain as it is where
I would imagine my soul. I do not panic and my chest feels tight but again not in a bad way. I start to get an erection and think maybe my queen succubus will join me for sex. I tell her to come take what she wants but it does not manifest. Then the start of it all as I am getting a message of if in fact my shadow is her daughter here is what that means.
First it will become where my shadow will take over and my body belongs to it, and as such it belongs to Eisheth who in turn belongs to the darkness. Then facts about her being a queen succubus and prostitute which means my body belongs to those to use as they please. Then thoughts of not being with these white collar guys who are nice and gentle but the scourge of society. And not these nice sexual moments but sill be pounded and used by nasty guys to pleasure them. Sore throat,sore ass and smelling like sex.
Okay, so now have been through this as the file ends and I am in a weird state and looking back for that shadow file. I wonder what happens if and when I bring her out. But I am not fully awake as I am watching some sort of satanic porn and orgies and such.
I see a woman being taken with all these followers around her and then she turns out to be a trans. I get a message on the phone that asks if I truly want to be a woman and that I am perfect for what the needs are. I am asked if I truly believe in the dark and in fact want to join it.
Then a window asks to be opened up to see her and I agree. There she is with face covered with small breasts and her huge clit. She tells me I am but a wannabe transvestite when the darkness can make me a woman. She starts to talk in some sort of language and must know my triggers as I seem to be going deep.
I kind of awake but it seems has been a while as I know have these small HRT induced breasts and look down at my penis which is hard. First thing I here is not to refer to it as a shecock or cock of any sort as I am to become a woman. I am standing there in a dark room with some sort of alter laid out and my mind goes back to the, “Samhain,” file.
She has me look around to see what seems to be an audience and cameras set up. She says I am going to make us famous. She has me kneel and has the people start to chant as she hands me a cup and tells me to drink. I feel woozy as she lights candles and blesses them in a ceremonial way.
She then calls out to those watching on some sort of platform to get involved. She asks if I can feel them as she stands me up and sprays my body with some sort of oil and rubs it all over me and as she rubs between my cheeks she shoves fingers up my ass. She says this is just the start but is talking to what is inside me and telling it that she will soon free it.
She turns me to face her now naked and looks me in the eyes as she calls for her inside to come out and make her ready. I have the bottle and spritz her and rub and even stroke her to get her hard.
“Take your place my love,” she says.
I lay on the alter and she slides my head off the edge. She then stands and looks around as she talks to the cameras and tells them on the social platform it is time for some magick, black magick as they will all be part of the change.
She then tells everyone to send their energy to her as she walks over and leans to look me int the eyes and as if I feel something inside trying to escape. She leans over my now bound body to put symbols on it as her ass covers my face.
I find myself eating it as she slides her clit up and down my face all oily and sloppy. The tip of it against my mouth as I open when she grabs my breasts and squeezes them. I am told this will not be easy until what is inside is allowed to come out and she shoves down my throat.
The oil works as a lube as she goes all the way down til I gag. I am told this was what I was made for as I feel this strange buzz inside me as all those attending and watching are sending their energy. She calls to the master and mistress of the dark to help bring out their child who is cages inside.
It has been a bit and I can not only feel the presence of something but almost as if I am changing. She can sense it is close as she pulls from my mouth and walks around to the other end. She tells me she is being used by the great prostitute to take what is hers.
She leans over and tells me to surrender and as she looks me in the eyes has me say for all who hear that my body belongs to Serinity and I give it to her and for her to rise.
Then she says, “Sister of the Baphomet and Daughter of the Great Whore come to me.”
I am now almost a female. She grabs my erection and grips it hard and strokes it as she tells me this is now my clit and to let go of who I was. I explode up my body and my eyes roll back as I now feel her between my legs.
She then asks who I am and who I belong to and to give myself to her in front of our world to be changed. I feel her press against my hole as it is a struggle and as what is still left tries to wiggle away, Serinity takes over and we wrap our legs around her and she plunges into us.
I start to slightly scream from the pain as she goes deep and then back out and plunges hard a few more times. I am now being fucked and my spirit changed in front of all those who are tuned in from the dark web. I feel my queen enter me through her and it is time to submit to her.