Writer: Satan’s Devoted Spermpig
Subject: Souls To Satan
Link: LS666 Comments / 09.11.2023
Souls To Satan
Yes, Ray, as a homosexual I know that once we give our souls to Satan, we will become sex animals in Hell after we die. The Dark Lord’s perversions are endless, and our bodies will be twisted into subhuman shapes to better satisfy the lust and depravity of Satan and His demons. We will become pale, soft creatures that crawl through Hell in search of sodomy. Naked and hairless beasts marked as Satan’s property. We will squat before the Dark Lord, our swollen genitals laying heavily on the ground as our cocks drip hot semen, and we will beg for our God’s attention. We will drink His piss when we are thirsty, and we will feed from Satan’s anus when we are hungry, His filth will be our sustenance.
Some on this site seem to think that surrendering to Satan means we will be ‘beautiful sparkling vampires,’ or good-looking witches and warlocks, serving in Hell as beautiful and wicked Lords and Ladies. But the harsh truth is that Satan’s corruption will corrupt our bodies and minds once we reach Hell. Our reward will be an eternity of perverted sex and mind-blowing orgasms. We will become lustful beasts who care about nothing but sex with Satan and His demons. We will not be punished like the many, many millions of hypocritical Christians, who will suffer eternal torment and fire in His realm.
Instead, we will be tattooed beasts that sexually serve our Dark Lord, and we will pass our days in Hell in orgasmic pleasure, squirting out pints of pig sperm while Satan sodomizes us into squealing ecstasy! The multitudes of hypocritical Christians will be screaming in agony, while we will be screaming in pleasure! We will be ugly, perverted versions of human beings, and we will revel in our fate, happy to be naked and hairless beasts that crawl through Hades in search of giant demon cock.
So, if you truly want to love Satan and serve Him, you must accept your eventual fate as a sex animal. Some beasts will be male and some will be female, while others will be the lucky equivalent of shemales on earth. Each will serve in its own way, with the male beasts begging for sodomy and the female beasts begging to be impregnated by our great Lord so that they might give birth to more demons. It won’t be pretty, but when Satan ejaculates into your twisted body, you will not care about what you have become. Instead, you will also orgasm and thank the Dark Lord for making you into this depraved thing. Hail Satan!
If what you say is true, then it want it. I want to be bread and produce demons. I would beg my lord Satan to fell my gut.with his cumm. Piss and shit to please him.
Satanic lust forever!! I accept my fate!! Satan be praised!!
Grunt grunt!!
Devil you can have my soul for a horse dick.com
Devil women you can have my for a giant horse penis.
Powerful and beautiful !!! I am looking for someone who is devoted to Lord Satan to be my guide in my surrender to Him and to renounce my Christianity. Know what your doing and be my guide.
Hope you two find each other