SONG OF THE DEFEATED ONE 6 & 7 by Blasphemyandhorror1

Writer: Blasphemyandhorror1


Link: / 13.05.2024

Song Of The Defeated One 6 & 7


Aria Inferno advanced, each step measured and deliberate, the soles of her boots barely whispering against the scorched ground. Her crimson locks undulated around her, a living inferno framing her face, reflecting her inner blaze with an ominous glow. The faintest of smiles tugged at the corners of her mouth, contorting her features into a macabre semblance of glee. She extended her hand with slow certainty, fingers outstretched like tendrils seeking to entrap their prey.

Watching her approach, Jesus’ chest heaved with a silent, labored breath. His long, silken hair draped over his shoulders, failing to mask the quiver that ran down his spine. In this realm of shadow and flame, his celestial aura dimmed, yet still, he held an otherworldly grace — a stark contrast to the dark delight that danced in Aria’s eyes. As her hand drew near, a tremor of apprehension coursed through him, causing his muscles to tense, anticipating the agony that her touch was known to bring.

He took an involuntary step back, his heel scraping against the stone beneath him, a sound drowned by the rhythmic beat of Aria’s heart — an echo of the suffering she yearned to inflict. Jesus’ gaze met Aria’s, his eyes pools of deep, profound sorrow, yet flecked with the resilience of a spirit not easily extinguished. His body recoiled, bracing for the onslaught, while the air around them crackled with the electricity of impending torment.


The fiery tips of Aria’s fingers made contact with the flesh of Jesus’ forearm, and immediately, a raw, blistering heat surged through his veins. It was as if every nerve ending had been ignited by a spark from the deepest furnace of Hell. His body arched involuntarily, muscles contracting in a visceral response to the inferno that Aria had unleashed upon him.

Aria watched with rapt attention, her lips parting in a sinister smile as the skin beneath her touch reddened and smoldered. The pleasure she derived from his pain radiated from her in waves of malevolent heat, her eyes shining like twin coals set alight by the spectacle of his suffering. Her grin stretched wider, the edges of her mouth curling into a cruel crescent as Jesus’ form contorted with the relentless agony she administered.

His ethereal composure shattered under the onslaught, and he convulsed, each spasm a silent testament to the depth of torment wracking his once tranquil frame. Despite this, a faint glow clung stubbornly to him — a dim flicker of divinity that refused to be snuffed out even as Aria’s sadistic glee washed over him in a dark tide.


Aria’s hand, a vessel of unrelenting torture, remained pressed against the quivering canvas of Jesus’ forearm. With each passing moment, her grip seemed to draw forth an even greater flood of torment, the pain amplifying as if she channeled the very essence of suffering through her fingertips.

The air around them thickened, heavy with the scent of singed sanctity and sizzling spirit. Jesus’ body was a battleground where every nerve screamed in fiery protest, the intensity climbing a relentless crescendo that threatened to fracture his celestial resolve.

And then it happened — the dam of his restraint burst forth, and from Jesus erupted a scream sculpted purely from anguish. It was a sound that carried the weight of countless souls who had known despair, a wail that reverberated off the jagged walls of the abyss, resonating with the dark delight of Hell itself.

As the echoes of his torment cascaded around them, Aria’s lips spread into a triumphant sneer, the symphony of Jesus’ agony composing a melody that only a heart steeped in sadism could appreciate. Her eyes — dark orbs reflecting the spectacle of his pain — flickered with a fervor that burned hotter than the fires surrounding them.

“Let your cries be heard,” Aria whispered, her voice a velvet caress that belied the cruelty of her actions, “Feel the embrace of eternal suffering.”

Her twisted words were a perverse prayer, each syllable an incantation that seemed to feed the flames of Jesus’ ordeal. Yet still, he screamed, the sound tearing from his throat raw and unrestrained, a testament to the depths of his crucible.

Aria’s shadow danced with devilish glee upon the walls — a macabre puppeteer reveling in the marionette’s performance she so masterfully controlled. Each shriek from Jesus was a string pulled, a movement orchestrated, and she drank deeply from the cup of his desolation.

For a fleeting instant, amidst the cacophony of his screams, a spark of defiance glimmered within Jesus — a flicker of light defiant against the consuming darkness. But the touch of Aria Inferno was relentless, and his spirit, no matter how resilient, bore the marks of a battle waged in the heart of hellfire.


The inferno within Aria’s fingertips bore into Jesus, a relentless force that devoured his essence. The agony was a ravenous beast, clawing at his sanctified flesh, gnawing through the very fabric of his being. His breaths became shallow, ragged gasps that fought to rise above the tide of torment washing over him.

“Endure,” he muttered to himself, the word barely a whisper against the onslaught, a mantra of fortitude amidst the tempest of pain.

Yet even as he clung to it, the sensation of burning tendrils twisted deeper, ensnaring his every nerve with cruel precision.

Jesus’ body convulsed, each pulse of anguish drawing a sharp intake of breath as if trying to inhale solace from the scorched air of his prison. But there was no comfort to be found, only the smothering embrace of suffering that threatened to extinguish the divine light within him.

Aria’s hand, the conduit of his affliction, hovered with merciless intent. Her touch was a brand, a seething declaration of dominance that left its mark upon his once-unblemished skin. The burns blossomed like dark flowers of destruction, each blister a testament to her unholy prowess and his subjugation.

Her grin reflected the satisfaction of one who had crafted an exquisite masterpiece of misery.

“Beautiful,” she cooed, tracing the contours of the wounds she wrought with perverse adoration.

“Your pain is my artistry.”

As Aria’s hand finally retracted, the charred patterns upon Jesus’ flesh remained—a cruel mosaic etched in agony. His chest heaved, seeking reprieve from the unyielding waves of pain that receded only enough to allow him to draw breath. With each shuddered inhalation, the raw, blistered marks served as a stark reminder of the torturous cycle that defined his existence in this realm of despair.


The shackles that bound Jesus were as unforgiving as the demoness who had ensnared him. Iron bit into his wrists, a biting contrast to the searing sensation that still lingered on his flesh. His body, wracked by spasms of pain, twisted in futile resistance against the chains that held him captive. Muscles tensed and strained, outlined by a sheen of perspiration that glistened against the dim light flickering across his skin. The agony was relentless, a physical echo of the torment he endured at Aria’s hands.

There was no respite, no momentary lapse in the fierce grip of suffering that clenched him with invisible talons. Even as his mind screamed for release, his spirit, once unshakable, wavered under the weight of continuous desolation. Each labored breath came as a shallow gasp, a struggle against the smoldering remnants of pain that clung to him like a second skin.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the source of his anguish dissipated. Aria’s touch, which had been a torrent of fiery torment upon his flesh, withdrew, leaving behind a haunting absence of contact. The void was almost as jarring as the torture itself, a stark emptiness where seething pain had just been.

Jesus’ entire form shuddered with the aftershocks of his ordeal. Tremors coursed through him, unbidden and uncontrollable, while beads of sweat streamed down his brow, mingling with the dust and ash of his hellish confines. His chest rose and fell in sharp, jagged rhythms, each breath an effort to reclaim some semblance of composure in the wake of devastation.

The silence that ensued was heavy, filled with the echoes of his own ragged inhales and the distant rumble of infernal fires. His spirit, so long a fortress of hope and resilience, lay in ruins. The shattered pieces reflected a brokenness that went beyond the physical — a soul marred by the cruel artistry of a being who fed on affliction.

Bound and broken, Jesus remained, the heat of his torment replaced by a cold realization of the endless cycle of suffering that awaited. His eyes, which once held the warmth of compassionate flames, now bore the glazed-over look of one who had glimpsed into the very abyss of despair.


Aria Inferno stepped back, the glow of her hair reflecting the embers of the underworld, creating an illusion of flames licking the air around her. She stood there, a silhouette of satisfaction, observing the divine form before her with an intensity that could scorch the soul. Her eyes, twin coals set in her face, shimmered with a mix of delight and malice as Jesus fought to master his breathing, to quell the tremors that racked his ethereal body.

In the quiet aftermath, Aria’s lips curled into a smirk, a silent testament to the power she wielded over the once untouchable Messiah. The sound of his labored breaths was like a chorus to her, a symphony of dominance and control that she conducted with wicked precision. Her gaze lingered on him, drinking in the sight of the celestial being reduced to a state of vulnerability beneath her touch.

With a slow, deliberate motion, Aria turned away from the spectacle of Jesus’ pain. Her movements were smooth and unhurried, every step taken with the confidence of one who knew the extent of their strength. The shadows seemed to rise to meet her, eager to swallow the demoness who commanded them with such ease.

As she merged with the darkness, her figure became one with the obsidian tapestry of Hell, leaving behind the echo of her presence — a presence that loomed over Jesus, even in her absence. The last flicker of her fiery tresses disappeared, consumed by the void, but the imprint of her sadistic joy lingered, a haunting reminder of the torment she had inflicted and the unspoken promise of more to come.


Silence enveloped the chamber once Aria’s presence had dissolved into shadow, leaving Jesus to the cold embrace of solitude. His body lay crumpled on the stone floor, each pulse a reminder of the pain that yet clung to his flesh like the remnants of a cruel storm. He drew in shallow breaths — forced and ragged — as he sought the strength to move, to escape the phantom grip of torment that lingered in her absence.

The air around him held the scent of brimstone and the whisper of malevolent laughter from specters unseen. It was in these quiet moments that the true depth of his suffering unfurled before him, a dark tapestry woven by Lilith’s hand. Her demonesses, ethereal and twisted reflections of the divinity they so delighted in defiling, were the instruments of his anguish. Each one a maestro in their own right, conducting symphonies of pain with a precision that mocked the heavens from which he had fallen.

As the echoes of his cries faded into the void, Jesus attempted to rise, but his limbs betrayed him, heavy with the residue of Aria’s fiery touch. The stones beneath him, jagged and unyielding, offered no comfort as he shifted, the raw burns on his skin searing with fresh intensity. His eyes, once beacons of compassion and hope, now gazed emptily into the abyss that stretched out endlessly before him.

There was a time when his spirit might have soared above such agony, when the light within him could pierce through any darkness. But here, in the bowels of Hell, under Lilith’s relentless gaze, that light had dimmed to the faintest of glows, threatened by the darkness that sought to extinguish it entirely.

Resignation settled upon him like a shroud, heavy and suffocating. With each moment that passed, the realization of his fate became clearer — a never-ending cycle of torment at the hands of beings who found ecstasy in the desecration of purity. They would come for him again and again, each encounter meticulously designed to break his resolve, to unravel the fabric of his essence until nothing remained but the shell of the divine.

The chapter closed on this tableau of despair, Jesus formed a somber silhouette, against the back drop of infernal cruelty. His spirit, once an unbreakable fortress, now lay in ruins, the shattered pieces reflecting the loss of all he had once embodied. As the weight of eternity pressed down upon him, he accepted the grim truth: there would be no salvation, no reprieve — only the ceaseless dance of suffering choreographed by Lilith and her vile choir. And in the heart of that relentless maelstrom, hope was but a dying star, its light swallowed whole by the insatiable darkness.


The air in the infernal abyss was thick with the scent of brimstone and sulfur, its oppressive heat a constant reminder of the tormenting nature of this realm. It was into this hellish landscape that Grotesqua made her entrance, her grotesque appearance at once both repulsive and fascinating. Her morbid obesity was evident in every fold of her monstrous form, her bulbous flesh quivering as she waddled forward. Her heavy footsteps echoed throughout the cavern, announcing her presence to all who dared to dwell here.

“Ah, Grotesqua, my most devoted servant,” Lilith’s voice rang out, commanding and powerful.

The demon goddess approached her acolyte, her hypnotic presence causing even the bravest of souls to tremble in fear.

“I have a task for you, one that requires your … particular talents.”

Grotesqua’s eyes, small and beady amidst the rolls of fat on her face, gleamed with enthusiasm. She bowed low before her mistress, her eager obedience palpable.

“Anything for you, my goddess. Only tell me what you wish of me, and I shall do it.”

“Your task is to sustain Jesus,” Lilith stated, her voice dripping with authority, “He has submitted himself to our will, and it falls upon you to ensure that he remains strong enough to endure our torments.”

“Jesus Christ himself?” Grotesqua gasped, her excitement only growing at the mention of the divine being, “Oh, what an honor! You can trust me, my goddess. I will keep him alive and well-fed.”

“Good,” Lilith purred, her gaze never leaving Grotesqua’s face, “You know what sustenance he requires. Do not disappoint me, my pet.”

“Never, my goddess,” Grotesqua replied, her heart swelling with pride at the responsibility placed upon her broad shoulders.

She licked her lips, already imagining the feast she would prepare for Jesus, knowing full well that it was her duty to ensure he remained strong enough to withstand whatever tortures were planned for him.

“Begin your work,” Lilith commanded, and Grotesqua waddled off, eager to fulfill her goddess’s wishes.

As she lumbered away, her mind raced with possibilities, delighting in the prospect of using her perverse talents to serve a higher purpose. She knew that Jesus, despite his divine origins, had willingly submitted himself to Lilith, and this knowledge only fueled her enthusiasm. For in the depths of her twisted heart, Grotesqua was driven by a fervent belief: that through pain, suffering, and even depravity, one could find a twisted form of salvation. And if her acts of debauchery could bring even a small measure of enlightenment to the world, then surely, she thought, it was all worth it.


The infernal abyss hummed with a sinister energy as Lilith, the demon goddess, stood before Grotesqua, observing her grotesque and morbidly obese form with a twisted satisfaction. The air was heavy with tension, the anticipation of the vile acts to come palpable.

“Grotesqua, my pet,” Lilith said, her voice dripping with seductive authority, “I have chosen you for a task that will ensure Jesus’s continued sustenance.”

Grotesqua’s eyes lit up with excitement, her heart pounding in her chest at the prospect of being entrusted with such a vital role.

“Yes, my goddess? What would you have me do?”

“Jesus has willingly become our captive,” Lilith purred, “And it is our responsibility to keep him alive.”

She leaned in close to Grotesqua, her breath warm against her ear.

“You will feed him your excrement.”

A wicked grin spread across Grotesqua’s face as she eagerly accepted her new duty. The thought of inflicting such a disgusting act upon Jesus filled her with perverse pleasure.

“It will be an honor, my goddess. I shall take great delight in fulfilling this task.”

“See that you do,” Lilith replied, her eyes narrowing, “Do not fail me, Grotesqua.”

“Never, my goddess,” Grotesqua assured her, the thrill of the task at hand sending shivers down her spine.

She could hardly wait to begin, her mind racing with images of Jesus, forced to consume her filth to survive.

As she prepared herself for the repulsive deed, Grotesqua found herself oddly invigorated by the idea. It was a chance to truly test Jesus’s submission, to see just how far he was willing to go for Lilith and her demonesses. As she reveled in these dark thoughts, Grotesqua felt a strange sense of purpose, her twisted desires aligning with the will of her goddess.

“Remember,” Lilith whispered as she turned to leave, “Jesus’s survival depends on you. Do not take this responsibility lightly.”

“Of course, my goddess,” Grotesqua replied, her lust for the grotesque driving her forward, “I will perform my duty with great enthusiasm.”

“Good,” Lilith said, her voice a sultry purr, “We shall see just how far Jesus is willing to go in his submission to us.”

With that, Lilith vanished into the shadows, leaving Grotesqua alone to begin her unspeakable task. She licked her lips and waddled toward Jesus, eager to carry out her goddess’s command and witness firsthand the depths of his devotion.


Grotesqua’s bulbous fingers scraped the bottom of a large, tarnished silver platter, scooping up the remaining morsels of an obscene feast. Her greedy eyes darted about the table, seeking her next victim among the array of sinful delicacies.

“Oh, this will do,” she murmured, snatching a plate piled high with roasted meats.

“Isn’t this just wonderful?” Grotesqua cackled, taking a massive bite and letting the juices dribble down her chin onto her ample bosom.

She tore into the meat with abandon, her every mastication echoing through the chamber like a grotesque symphony.

“Such exquisite flavors,” she whispered to herself, barely pausing to swallow before lunging at another dish piled high with exotic fruits.

The sweet nectar of the fruit mixed with the savory remnants of the meat on her face, creating a vile concoction that only seemed to spur her appetite further.

“More!” Grotesqua demanded, her heavy breathing punctuating each word as she devoured course after course.

Her thoughts wandered to Jesus, soon to be subjected to her depraved desires. How would he react to the task she was given? There was a perverse thrill in knowing that she held such power over him, able to control his very sustenance in the most repugnant manner possible.

“Enough,” she muttered, wiping her mouth with a filthy cloth.

Grotesqua knew that if she truly wished to delight in her role, she needed to save some room for what was to come.

“Ah, my dear Jesus,” she cooed, turning her attention towards him, “I hope you’re prepared for the feast I have in store for you.”

Her laughter filled the air, a twisted melody that echoed through the halls, heralding the beginning of a new chapter in their dark saga.


3 thoughts on “SONG OF THE DEFEATED ONE 6 & 7 by Blasphemyandhorror1”

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  1. Hello MMichaels I was wondering can you help me get in the Religious and I really don’t know how to answer the Correct Answer

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