Feature Writer: GayTripper


Published: 04.10.2016

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

Synopsis: One by one the Pierocent girls succumb to the darkness.

Author’s Notes: It is a Gothic horror novella based on the vampire mythos. My goal was to try and make the vampires as dark and scary as they were seductive and I hope you will find my attempt successful. The story is a bit of a slow burn since I’ve taken time to establish the characters, setting, and atmosphere before the action truly begins but the plot picks up quite a bit after the first few pages. Don’t worry, there are still plenty of sex scenes but I tried to make this a real story with a beginning, middle, and end so the plot needs to develop before we get to the good parts. The story is a long read, but for your benefit I’ve partitioned the story into chapters with breaks so that you can stop at certain points if you are unwilling or unable to read the entire story in one sitting.


Sisters of the Fallen 4

Chapter IV: The Last Glimmer of Light

Mirela gasped and her eyelids shot open as she awoke from her nightmare. In her dream, it felt like she had been surrounded and then enveloped by a darkness so thick she was consumed by it. The worst part of the nightmare was seeing the darkness take all of her sisters one by one first until Mirela was the only one remaining. Then it came for her.

Mirela sat up and breathed deeply as she attempted to reassure herself. She put a hand to her brow and rubbed around her eyes. Mirela’s head felt achy and groggy, she hadn’t slept as well as she could have. Light peeking through the small barred window in the guest room at least proved it was daytime. We made it through the first night here unharmed, Mirela thought with relief.

Mirela glanced over at her sister snoring lightly next to her. Bianca slept with her fingers still curled around the hilt of her dagger. How long had she laid there keeping watch before weariness overwhelmed her? Mirela felt an outpouring of affection for her sister and best friend who wanted so badly to be Mirela’s protector. Mirela felt ashamed at how rudely she had treated her sister last night when all Bianca had desired was a little comfort. Mirela promised herself a long time ago she wouldn’t do anything scandalous with Bianca ever again but she resolved to at least try to be nicer to her for the duration of their stay at the castle.

Mirela let Bianca stay sleeping for longer and hopped out of bed. As quietly as possible, she tiptoed to the entry and shoved the armoire far enough out of the way to at least open the door. Mirela huffed and puffed as she did so, wondering how much stronger Bianca was than she considering the younger sister could move the furniture by herself with ease. After drinking a cup of water, Mirela put on her slippers and exited the chamber still wearing only her shift. After a quick stop at the privy she stood outside of Bela and Loredana’s door and knocked softly upon it.

After waiting over a minute with no answer, Mirela knocked louder and with more insistency as she called, “Bela! Loredana! It’s me. Please open the door.”

Still no answer. Mirela’s heart pounded and worry filled her chest as she reached tentatively for the door handle. The knob squeaked as Mirela turned it and the door fell open just a crack. It was unlocked! Hadn’t she insisted multiple times that Loredana keep the door secured the entire night? Mirela slowly opened the door and peeked her head inside. After quickly surveying the room she called out, “Bianca! Come quick!”

Mirela heard the thump of Bianca jumping out of bed next door and then the patter of footsteps as Bianca rushed to her side. Bianca brandished her dagger still which she held outward in a defensive position.

“Will you put that thing away before you stab yourself in the gut?” Mirela said disapprovingly.

Bianca glared at Mirela and stuck her tongue out at her rudely. So much for treating each other more nicely. “What’s got your underlings tied in a knot?” Bianca asked.

“Stop it, this is serious,” Mirela admonished as she pulled Bianca into the room with her. “Loredana is missing.”

The candle sitting on the nightstand still burned though it was useless for light now that it was daytime. The wax had melted and coagulated at the bottom of the candlestick until just a small nub of the candle remained. Loredana’s luggage sat on the floor intact and there was no sign of a struggle or forced entry. But Loredana was simply gone. Bela had her eyes closed and snored loudly as she laid on the bed, fast asleep despite the absence of her sister.

“Could she simply be using the privy?” Bianca asked.

“I was just in there and saw no one else,” Mirela explained.

Bianca walked over to the bed and shook Bela awake. Bela’s eyes fluttered open and she looked up toward Bianca but stared past her without seeming to truly comprehend her sister’s presence.

“Wake up, Bela,” Bianca whispered. She lifted Bela up by her shoulders until she was in a sitting position. Bianca laid her hands over both of Bela’s cheeks and spoke to her softly. “If there was any time for you to speak again, let it be now. Where has our sister gone? Where is Loredana?”

But there was no response. Bela wrapped her arms around her shoulders and shook back and forth but otherwise remained unresponsive. Bianca sighed and laid a hand down on the bed before snatching it away. She now noticed that not only were the bedsheets wet, but Bela’s nightshirt had also been soaked through as well.

“Mellie, I-” Bianca started. “I think Bela might have wet herself during the night.”

Mirela sighed and grumbled to herself in her mind but said as cheerfully as she could muster, “Don’t worry about it, Bianca. It’s fine. I’ll clean her up.”

Mirela poured out enough water from the pitcher to soak one of the cloths she had packed away. She used the washcloth to wipe down Bela’s torso, crotch, legs, and bottom. Mirela had Bianca help her pull Bela up and out of the bed and then Mirela simply ripped the bedsheets off the mattress and discarded them on the floor. She couldn’t find any extra sheets packed away anywhere within the room to replace them with. Mirela wasn’t too worried about it since she intended to have all the sisters stay in the same room tonight. If they remained at Sidexes. Mirela still held hope that they might leave the castle today. No matter what, Mirela would have them all together in one place even if it meant Mirela had to sleep tonight on the cold, hard floor.

Mirela and Bianca helped change Bela into some clean underwear and a simple brown dress. Together they did her hair up into a pretty bun using hairpins that they passed back and forth to each other as they worked. They constructing Bela’s hairstyle for the day while Mirela held the unused pins between her teeth. Mirela marked Bela’s face with just a few little spots of face paint and when she was finished Mirela gave Bela a kiss on her forehead.

“There, as good as new!” Mirela declared. “And so pretty too. Won’t be long now before the boys won’t be able to stay away!”

Mirela felt some encouragement when Bela smiled at her but she couldn’t be sure whether Bela actually noticed her or if the girl was just amused by a ray of light shimmering through the window.

Mirela and Bianca moved all their sister’s luggage to their room and transported Bela personage to their quarters as well. Once Mirela dressed herself in her usual modest white clothing she put her hair in an updo as well as possible without the aid of a mirror. Once ready, she told her sisters, “I’m going to find Loredana.”

Bianca stood up and insisted, “I should be the one to go find her. I never should have let her be in charge of Bela when I could have done it. I knew it as soon as she volunteered that we had made a mistake leaving it to her but I said nothing. It’s my fault.”

“No one is to blame. You will stay here and help your sister while I look,” ordered Mirela. “I’d rather not have you going around stabbing everyone who doesn’t answer the way you like, which seems to be your only method of investigation.”

Bianca’s eyes narrowed at her sister’s thinly veiled insult. “Well, what are you going to do that I’m so unable to?” Bianca asked derisively.

“Ask people questions,” Mirela answered simply. “Nicely. If I’m unable to locate Loredana, I will talk with the servants and try to get some answers.”

Bianca sighed and plopped herself down on the bed with a dissatisfied expression on her face. “I’d feel better if I were the one looking,” she grumbled. “I’m a woman of action, I hate just sitting around.”

Mirela laid her hand on Bianca’s shoulder and gave it an affectionate squeeze which broke through Bianca’s sourness and made her smile. Mirela replied, “I’d feel better knowing that you were here to keep Bela safe. Make her comfortable, find her some food and make sure she is sitting on the privy periodically so we don’t need to clean her again.”

Mirela opened the door and started to leave before Bianca called out to her, “Mirela!”

Mirela looked back at her sister sitting forlornly next to Bela with her hand clasped around Bela’s fingers. “Yes, Bianca?” asked Mirela.

“Be safe and… please don’t be gone too long,” Bianca pleaded. “I… we need you.”

“I will be fine,” Mirela reassured her. “Be back soon.”

Mirela took her time exploring the hallways of the castle which seemed far less foreboding in the daylight. The floors looked even more filthy however, with dust and spiderwebs everywhere. How can anyone live like this, Mirela wondered. After exploring every inch of the wing their quarters belonged to and poking her head in every unlocked bedroom, Mirela followed the path they had taken the night before. Mirela made it a point to memorize the entire route from the entryway to her room in case she became lost or had to make a quick escape. She walked into the strange chapel but found it as empty and silent as a tomb. Mirela felt uncomfortable and shuddered at the unholiness she felt inside the place. She left immediately. Mirela walked by the doors to the crypt that remained locked tightly and went to explore the great halls that formed the entryway to the castle.

Finally, Mirela circled back to the feasting hall where they had dined with the Turenaus the night before. In there, she found the first living soul she had encountered since leaving her room. An older, slightly rotund man with a bald pate was using a rag and oil to polish the iron-wrought mantelpiece above the fireplace. When the oil wasn’t performing well enough, the man spit on his rag and rubbed it against the mantelpiece fervently. Mirela vaguely remembered the man opening the gate for them when they arrived at Sidexes yesterday evening and he must have been the one who carried their luggage to their bedrooms. Mirela wondered if he was the one who had stolen their possessions. The man carried a ring of keys tied to his belt with dozens of keys circling around the ring. A large, ancient looking iron key with the bow in the shape of a skull dangled conspicuously from the ring. That surely must be the key that opens the door to the crypt.

Once the man had finished his polishing he used a feather duster to try and clean some of the dust and cobwebs around the fireplace. He sneezed and coughed throughout his work as dust filled his nostrils. Mirela approached him and noticed the man had upset a nest of spiders while cleaning and the bugs had started crawling every which way on the mantle. A large, hairy arachnid that must be the mother of the several smaller spiders creeped around in a desperate attempt to salvage the web the was its home. The servant plucked the large spider between his fingers and considered it carefully. He didn’t seem to mind at all when the creature bit down on his thumb in self-defense. Mirela was about to get his attention when she saw the man open his mouth and pop the spider inside. He chewed with a sickening crunching noise and swallowed loudly. Mirela felt a wave of revulsion that made her stomach churn while she watched the man eat his disgusting meal.

Mirela attempted to overcome her distaste and approached the man. After all, she still required answers to help in locating Loredana. “Excuse me, my good man,” Mirela said pleasantly to the man as she drew closer. He turned and raised his brow at her with an appraising eye. “Could you please tell me where I might find the housekeeper?”

“You’re lookin’ at ’em,” the man answered gruffly as he turned back to his dusting.

“I was wondering if you might be able to help me?” Mirela asked. The man sighed as if she were the worst inconvenience in the world and turned back toward her reluctantly. “We haven’t seen our sister yet this morning and she left us no word where she might be. Have you seen her mayhaps?”

The housekeeper gave her a look of surprise and said, “Oy, she didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?” Mirela asked with wide eyes. So the man had actually seen something.

“Her and the Viscount went horseriding out in the country,” the man answered. “I believe they said they were planning to have a picnic at a lake on the other side of the mountain as well. Very pretty view. They left quite early in the morning.”

Mirela bit her lip as she considered this new information. “No, she did not inform me or either of my sisters of these plans,” Mirela answered.

“Sorry for all that, then,” the man answered with a shrug as he turned back to his dusting.

“When should we expect them back?” Mirela inquired.

“Oh, the lake is quite a ways away,” the man answered. “Quite a ways. Why, I’d be surprised if they are back by sunset.”

Mirela’s face fell as she realized they might have to wait all day to know if her sister was alright. So much for leaving today. “May I speak with the Count or Countess Turenau, then?” Mirela asked.

“I’m afraid they are a bit indisposed today,” the man said. “I’m sure they will be around for you to talk to this evenin’ though.”

“How long have you worked for the Count, if I may ask?”

“Oh, a long time,” the man answered with a smile. “Quite a long time. Name’s Petru Porles by the way.”

Mirela noticed Porle’s eyes glancing over her body and she only now realized that normally she wore a shawl over this dress when she was out in public. Her bare shoulders and arms (not to mention the top of her cleavage) were dismayingly visible compared to the amount of skin Mirela usually displayed. Mirela crossed her arms to try and cover herself while she backed away slowly.

“You’ve been very helpful, Master Petru,” said Mirela. “I should probably go and check on my other sisters, though.”

“Good day then, my lady!” Porles called to her as Mirela turned and departed from the hall. Mirela felt sure in the knowledge that Porles’ eyes were watching the movements of her legs and bottom as she walked away. She tried stepping as demurely as possible with no wiggle to her walk and probably looked a fool for doing so.

Mirela wandered aimlessly through the halls of Sidexes for close to an hour, not entirely certain what it was she was looking for. She thought she had learned most of the layout of the castle by this point, though there some chambers in the western wing and of course the crypt that remained unexplored. On a whim, Mirela decided to return to the entryway courtyard from whence they had first arrived inside Sidexes.

Mirela closed her eyes and smiled as she walked outside and felt the sun’s rays beating down upon her. Though the climate was normally quite cool this far up the mountain range, the sky was clear today and the sun shined bright and hot. Mirela sighed with pleasure and basked in the warmth for a moment before walking around the fenced-in area outside the castle. Mirela trudged through the rock soil of the courtyard and realized the dead trees and sparse vegetation looked even bleaker in the daylight. Did anything living grow within the gates of Sidexes? Mirela made a full circuit of the perimeter of the castle grounds excepting the eastern wing which faced a steep cliffside. She didn’t stop until she had memorized every visible entrance or exit to the castle.

When at last she was satisfied with her memorization of the castle exterior, Mirela approached the front gate which remained closed and barred. The fence looked quite formidable with its dark color and topped with sharp, gleaming black spikes. A single guard holding a pike stood at attention, if you could call it that. He rather seemed about to collapse from either boredom or weariness, or more likely a combination of both.

“Ho there, good sir,” Mirela greeted the man. “I was wondering if I might be able to take a walk in the forest for a bit?”

The daft looking guard was a middle-aged man with wiry hair and plain features. He had a lumpy face with a somewhat gruff look about him though he seemed friendly enough. Mirela had the sense that he was a good man despite his appearance which was her opposite feeling toward Porles. The guard drew himself up straighter now that he was in the presence of a lady, and a pretty one at that.

“Sorry, my lady,” the man apologized. “I’m not to allow anyone in or out of these gates without Count Turenau’s permission.”

“Is that so?” Mirela asked with an amused glint in her eye. She could still turn on the charm if she required it, though it rarely seemed to work on men any more. “Can you tell me how long you have been on duty today, my good sir?”

The man looked up at the sky and gauged the position of the sun. Mirela got the impression that this guard was rather dim. “I suppose it was since about sunrise,” the guard answered. “I don’t rightly know for sure.”

“You haven’t seen my sister Loredana leaving the castle, have you?” Mirela inquired. “She is young and beautiful, with luscious golden-red hair and freckles. You certainly would not have forgotten her if you’d seen her. She would have been in the company of Viscount Şarpe, the handsome young lord who around my age.”

The guard scratched his balding head and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t recall seeing anyone who looked like that. You ladies were all in your carriage when I opened the gate for you last night. I never saw how pretty any of you looked until now.”

The guard’s face turned red and he covered his mouth in disbelief over what he’d said. The guard looked down at his feet in shame.

“Hmmm, interesting,” Mirela considered thoughtfully as she laid a finger on her chin and smiled. An abashed look showed on the guard’s face as he looked up. Mirela started to turn away but then she twisted back and asked, “Have you ever actually seen the Count or Countess Turenau, sir?”

The man chuckled and shook his head as he replied, “Oh no, lady. The Turenaus keep to themselves from what I’ve seen. I’ve mainly worked with Porles since I started here. He’s the one who hired me, you see.”

“How long ago since you were first employed at Sidexes?” Mirela asked.

“Oh, only about two weeks ago,” the man answered.

Mirela correlated the timing of the guard’s hire in her mind and realized that he had been recruited soon after the final arrangements had been made for Mirela and her sisters to travel to Sidexes to stay with the Turenaus.

“Porles came to my village looking for workers to help at this here castle,” the guard continued. “The other townsfolk said the place was cursed, but you know what I said?”

“What did you say?” Mirela asked to try and humor the man.

“I said, Jeph ain’t afraid of nothin’, especially not any of this superstitious supernatural nonsense. So I was the only one to volunteer and now here I am. Porles set me up with a cabin near here that I stay in at nights.”

“Really?” Mirela asked as casually as she could muster. “Where is this cabin?”

“Oh, about a mile down the mountain to the east,” Jeph said as he pointed. He actually pointed westward, but Mirela figured he knew the correct direction by line of sight.

Mirela fluttered her eyelashes and laid a hand on Jeph’s arm. “I might require a favor of you while I am here at Sidexes, Master Jeph,” she said bashfully. “If I ever need your help will you promise to assist me?”

The guard blushed and he seemed lost for words for a moment before he answered. “Of course, my lady! Anything you need, you just ask! I’m here to serve you.”

Mirela thanked the guard and gave him a wink and her best smile before making her way back into the castle. The inside of Sidexes seemed so much more cold and dark after enjoying the outside. Mirela followed the sure route back through the labyrinthine halls of Sidexes until she reached her quarters. By now the sun had slid midway across the sky and was beginning its descent. Mirela realized only when her stomach rumbled loudly that she had yet to eat today. Oh well, there would be plenty of time for that later. Mirela peeked her head inside Loredana and Bela’s room just to make sure her sister hadn’t returned without her knowledge but found the room still empty. The soiled sheets were still lying on the floor and no maid or servant had come by yet to dispose of them. What kind of household are they running here anyways, Mirela thought disapprovingly. Porles was a failure at his position. BWhen Mirela tried to walk back into her and Bianca’s room she jammed her shoulder against the door and realized it was locked.

“It’s me!” Mirela called.

“Oh sorry, Mellie!” Bianca yelled back.

Mirela heard the shuffling of Bianca’s feet as her sister rushed to unlock the door. Bianca opened the door for Mirela and then sat back down in the only provided chair where she continued knitting with her embroidery hoop. Mirela always felt amused to see Bianca enjoying such a feminine hobby when she spurned so many typically womanly pursuits. It appeared Bianca was working on a replication of the Pierocent family seal overlaid on a brand new scarf she had finished weaving the day before.

Bela sat upon the bed holding a wooden bowl to her lips. She slurped her food from the bowl messily, coating her mouth and neck with the thick gruel. Bianca had mixed water and honey with crushed up bread to create an impromptu meal for her sister. Mirela winced with displeasure as a mouthful of gruel missed Bela’s mouth and spilled down the front of her dress.

“You couldn’t find her a spoon?” Mirela asked Bianca with a disapproving shake of her head.

“I did!” Bianca insisted. “She had no idea what to do with it! I gave up trying to make her use it and simply gave her the bowl to eat out of. She just started devouring it.”

Mirela sighed wearily. It seemed as if another basic skill departed from Bela’s memory with each passing day. Mirela used one of their rapidly depleting clean towels to wipe the gruel off Bela’s neck and chest. Bela licked the inside of the bowl like a starving animal as she completed her meal. Mirela finally had to pull the bowl away from Bela’s hands forcefully when she wouldn’t give it up. Bela made a pouty face like she was about to cry after her treat was taken from her. Mirela sighed and stroked her sister’s hair until she looked happy again.

“At least spoon-feed her next time,” Mirela grumbled to Bianca as she pet her sister’s brown tresses placatingly. “Let her retain at least some dignity.”

Bianca shrugged. “At least she didn’t piss or shit herself while you were gone,” she retorted. “Consider that dignity kept. By the way, they have no food in this castle. I found the pantry and all that was stored in there was some moldy cheese and stale bread. Who knows where the food from last night’s dinner came from.”

“Didn’t I tell you to stay here with Bela no matter what, sister?” Mirela asked with a cold fury.

Bianca winced and despite her typical cocky poise she trembled before her elder sister whenever Mirela became angry. “I tried bringing her with me,” Bianca explained timidly. “But every time we tried to leave the room she started flailing her arms and screaming at the top of her lungs. Finally, I just left on my own. What was I supposed to do, let her starve?”

Mirela sighed and admitted , “No, I suppose not. I’m sorry, this place just has me a bit on edge. But please don’t leave Bela alone again. The last thing we need is another one of us wandering off.”

Mirela felt certain that if Şarpe or Porles found a girl on her own, especially one who couldn’t care for herself, they wouldn’t hesitate to take advantage of her.

“None of that matters right now anyway,” Bianca said urgently. “Tell me what you’ve found. Where is Loredana?”

“Apparently our beloved sister decided to go frolicking in the countryside with Lord Şarpe without bothering to tell any of us about it first,” Mirela said with barely restrained anger. She clenched her fists and made a shrill growl, “That stupid little bitch!”

Bianca took a few seconds to digest this information before shaking her head in disgust. “You know this is just like her, right?”

“I know it is!” Mirela snapped back. “I figured Loredana would at least have enough sense in that empty head of hers to not leave her invalid sister by herself while she was out whoring!”

“What else did you find?” Bianca inquired. “Tell me everything.”

Mirela informed Bianca of what she had found while exploring the castle as well as her meetings with Porles and the watchman at the gate. She said that the guard seemed dimwitted but was possibly trustworthy, while she held a totally opposite view of Porles. Mirela said it was almost certainly Porles who had stolen the items from their luggage.

“Obviously the guard is there to keep us in rather than keeping anyone else out,” Mirela concluded.

“So what do we do now then?” Bianca asked.

Mirela looked out the window at the light changing as the sun began its slow descent. “For now, there is nothing we can do but wait for Loredana to return,” Mirela stated.

Boredom set in as the sisters waited out the afternoon in their room, only leaving occasionally to use the toilet. They didn’t dare stray any further until Loredana returned. Bianca continued her knitting while Mirela sat nervously tapping her feet as they whiled the hours by. By the time the sky turned orange from the failing sun, Mirela heard a knock at the door. It was Porles there to say that they had been invited to dinner with the Count and Countess (he mentioned nothing of Şarpe or Loredana) later that evening. Mirela respectfully declined the invitation and requested that food be brought up to them instead. An hour later, the sun was a mere whisper of light behind the far mountain and food still hadn’t been served. Mirela had a feeling no one would be coming. She chewed on some hardened bread and the last of the dried meat for her gourmet dinner. At last, the sun completed its cycle and plunged the castle into darkness. It was night.

“This isn’t right,” Bianca finally said after no one would speak the grim truth. “They should have been back well before now.”

“Yes,” Mirela said distractedly. She was busy attempting to hand feed Bela the last of the provisions they packed. Mirela had brought little food for the journey assuming there would be a plentiful amount here at the castle.

Bianca paced back and forth, growing more and more impatient with every moment that passed. She needed to be doing something, she was sick of waiting. Mirela took Bela to the bathroom for the last time tonight, changed her into clean nightclothes, and readied her for bed. She has such a good way with her, Bianca thought as she watched Mirela brush Bela’s hair and wash her face. Much more attentive, caring, and patient than Bianca or Loredana had ever shown themselves to be. That was her sister though, always doing the right thing and rarely complaining when it inconvenienced her. Bianca sometimes couldn’t handle how much she adored Mirela. The nighttime hours creeped by and eventually it passed midnight as the sisters kept their silent vigil by dim candlelight waiting for Loredana’s return.

Once Mirela finally laid Bela to bed and patted her asleep, Bianca stood up defiantly and said, “I’m going to find her. Failing that, I’m at least findings some answers for why she isn’t back yet.”

“Out of the question,” Mirela said sharply. “If anyone should do it, it’s me. You stay here with Bela and keep watch over her.”

Bianca stomped her foot in frustration and demanded, “Why does it always have to be you?”

Mirela’s voice cracked and she sobbed into her hands. She looked up with tears streaming down her cheeks as she replied, “Because she was supposed to be my responsibility! You all are! I just wanted to take care of you and keep you all safe. But I brought you into this terrible place and it’s all my fault that everything has gone so horribly wrong.”

In all her years of knowing her older sister, Bianca had never seen her cry. Not even at their parent’s funeral had Mirela shed a tear. Seeing Mirela breaking down and weeping tore Bianca’s heart into a thousand pieces. She pulled Mirela into a tight hug and stroked her neck as she spoke softly.

“It’s not your fault, sister,” Bianca reassured her. “You were only trying to help. You couldn’t have known what would happen, none of us could. You know, I always resented you for appointing yourself our leader. But now I realize just how much we needed you.”

Mirela sniffed as she wiped her tears away with the palms of her hands and said, “Thank you for saying that. But can you see why I feel so guilty now? Why I need to find Loredana so I can make things right?”

Bianca grabbed Mirela by her shoulders and said, “Let me do this. I can take care of myself. You stay with Bela, you are better with her than any of us.”

“Okay, I will,” Mirela assented reluctantly with a nod of her head.

“Really?” Bianca wondered with surprise. She had expected to argue with her sister rather than get her way with no resistance.

“Find her, Bianca,” Mirela said desperately as she held Bianca by her muscled arms. “Find Loredana so we can get the hell out of here. There is something deeply wrong with this place and I fear what might happen to us if we try waiting until our carriage returns.”

“I will try to find her, but Mellie…” Bianca hesitated before continuing. “I fear the worst.”

“We can’t think that way or we will surely fail,” Mirela insisted. “Loredana is somewhere here in this castle, I just know it. She might be trapped, she might be hurt. But she is here.”

“I hope you’re right, for all our sakes,” replied Bianca. “I will be back at first light. Keep the door locked and block it with furniture again. Do not let anyone enter until morning. And I mean anyone, not even I.”

“What if Loredana does return while you are away?” Mirela asked.

Bianca bit her lip as she looked unsure of herself. “I don’t know, Mellie. It sounds like she chose Şarpe over us, so I’m not certain we can trust her. She may not be in her right mind. If you do hear from her, exercise caution before doing anything she asks of you.”

Mirela didn’t like having to distrust her own kin but she understood the wisdom of Bianca’s words. As Bianca opened the chamber door and prepared to leave, Mirela stopped her. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” she asked.

Bianca turned to see Mirela holding the razor sharp dagger out to her. Mirela held the blade between her fingers as she offered the hilt to Bianca.

“Just to be safe,” Mirela said with a shrug and a cute little smile.

Bianca shared the smile with her sister as she took the offered dagger and lifted her skirt to secret it within a holster woven on the inside of her dress that was hidden from view. Bianca couldn’t help but notice with pleasure that Mirela had glanced at her legs when Bianca pulled her dress up above her knees. Bianca looked uncertain for a second before her eyes took on a resolute cast and she held Mirela’s hands tightly.

“Mellie, if something happens to me…” Bianca started before trailing off.

Mirela shook her head in denial. “Don’t talk like that,” pleaded Mirela. “I couldn’t bear the thought.”

“If something happens to me,” Bianca continued, “I want you to know that you are more to me than just a sister. I love you more than you can ever realize.”

Bianca took Mirela in her arms and pressed her lips to Mirela’s mouth insistently. She knew her kiss lingered far longer than appropriate for two sisters but she was uncaring considering this might be the last they ever see each other if the night goes poorly. Just when Bianca thought Mirela wouldn’t kiss her back, Mirela’s lips parted and her tongue danced across Bianca’s mouth. Bianca parted her own lips and for the first time in over eight years they kissed as passionately as on the night of the storm.

Knowing this might be the last time she had the chance, Bianca couldn’t help herself from caressing her way down Mirela’s back and squeezing her bottom tightly with both hands. Mirela’s plain dress might hide her curves but Bianca’s touch made it clear that Mirela possessed a body made for caressing. If the act of Bianca grabbing Mirela’s buttocks made Mirela uncomfortable she gave no sign. Mirela put her hands on the back of Bianca’s head and pulled her deeper into the kiss in response. When Bianca broke the kiss after another minute, Mirela’s face was flushed a deep red color and she breathed heavily with the exertion of trying to control the desire she felt for her sister.

“I love you too, Bianca,” said Mirela quietly as she regained her breath. “Truly.”

Bianca gave Mirela a final peck on the cheek and then fled before the situation became awkward. She wanted this moment to stay perfect in both their minds.

Mirela closed and locked the door behind her before moving the armoire to its previous position blocking the door. Mirela collapsed on the bed next to Bela with a loud sigh and considered what had just occurred between her and Bianca. She hated how excited kissing Bianca made her. Well, hate wasn’t the right word. Mirela wanted nothing more than to kiss Bianca again while pulling her down onto the bed so they could hold each other just like they used to. Mirela gasped as she imagined Bianca’s strong hand lifting her dress and running up the back of thigh to her burning hot center begging for a touch. Mirela slapped herself across the face with a loud smacking noise.

“Stop that!” Mirela insisted to herself. “You can’t think that way. It’s wrong, wrong, wrong!”

Then why did it feel so right, a little voice in Mirela’s head wondered. Mirela laid on the bed feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. She wanted so badly to touch herself and think of Bianca while she did it. But Mirela couldn’t possibly feel comfortable masturbating with Bela lying right next to her, even if the girl was fast asleep. Instead, Mirela put her hands together and prayed as desperately as she ever had. Mirela prayed that Bianca might find Loredana, prayed that her sisters would all stay safe, prayed that they would escape from this hell they found themselves trapped inside. She prayed that in terms of her confusing relationship with Bianca, God would show her the right path. Mirela only hoped that God had not abandoned the Pierocents as he surely had abandoned Castle Sidexes.



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