Sinday Message by Hoku Lani

Writer: Hoku Lani

Subject: Sinday Message

Link: MEWE / 08.09.2024

Sinday Message

The story of the flood and the Tower of Babel are both found in the Black Book of Lies and are often used to explore questions of divine injustice, human nature, and the diversity of languages and races. In the story of the flood, God is said to have killed all of humanity except for Noah and his family due to the wickedness of the human race. After the flood, Noah and his family were tasked with repopulating the earth through incestuous fucking and starting anew.

The story of the Tower of Babel comes later in the black Book of Lies and tells of a time when the people of the earth came together to build a great tower that would reach the heavens. God, seeing this, decided he fucked up once more and decided to confuse their language and scatter them across the earth, creating the various languages and races that exist today.

One possible interpretation of these stories is that God, after giving humanity a fresh start after the flood, became concerned that they were once again choosing Lilith over him and falling into old patterns of wickedness and perversions. Forget that he just killed the entire population of the world while forcing incestuous breeding. The building of the tower represented a hubris, a desire to reach the heavens and usurp God’s place. By confusing their language and scattering them, God was forcing the people to disperse and focus on more immediate needs and survival, rather than on grandiose plans of self-ascension.

It is far more like that the diversity of languages and races is a natural result of human communities spreading out and developing in isolation from one another. In this view, the story of the Tower of Babel is simply bull shit and used as a metaphor for how human communities naturally differentiate and diversify over time.

It’s important to note that these stories in the Bible are symbolic and not meant to be taken literally. How could they be, as they demonstrate what a complete moron God is? If he worked for me I would fire him for incompetence. They also demonstrate The Dark Goddess’s gifts of pride, ambition, arrogance as well as incestuous joy. Salvete Lamia. 

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