Feature Writer: Hoku Lani
Feature Title: Sin is my shepherd
Link: MEWE / 09.09.2020 / Posted on mewe.com/i/hokulani
About the Author: I believe in morale values, but my own. I have a love for women, tattoos, animals and enjoy making friends. Don’t really like getting male body part pictures, so please refrain. If your profile is a digit, I will block. If you send me images of what appear to be illegal content, I have an obligation to report and block. As the disclaimer above states, the images I post are those I discovered while browsing. They mean something to me as I journey through life. As I value and appreciate my privacy, and as it may negatively impact my life, occupation, and well being, I do not openly post images of myself.
Sin is my shepherd
Sin is my shepherd; I shall want. She maketh me to lie down in dark shadows: she leadeth me beside the waters. She Stealeth my soul: she leadeth me in the paths of the damned for her name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the filth, I will fear no evil: for thou art Evil; thy mouth and thy eyes they comfort me. Thou preparest a bed before me in the presence of mine desires: thou anointest my lips with semen; my lust runneth over. Surely greed and temptation shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of Sin forever and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the whore goddess, praise be to Lilith.
Wise words spoken by Hoku Mani.
Her writing has great hypnotic and seductive power
Hail Lilith
Hail Sotar – she is hypnotic and seductive
I fully agree with all that Hoku Lani has written. I am proud to call her my friend and also my Sister In Sin.
Hail Micky — she certainly is a “Sister In Sin”
My Thanks
This is a beautiful rendering of the 23rd Psalm: I love it. Fuck jesus!
Hail George – thanks for the praise – Hokulani is a wonderful writer and a beautiful sinner