Writer: soulinthemists
Subject: Sharing In The Name of The Lord
Link: Tumblr / 28.04.2022
Sharing In The Name of The Lord
“… Following the Dark Lord in the way you share has helped me to come to terms with what is happening with me and my wife … As I type this message, she is waddling up to her boss and, slowly falling to her knees, is giving him yet another blowjob as she rubs her nine months pregnant belly. This is our second child thanks to his semen which she has come to love. She became pregnant again four months after the birth of our daughter. Her boss is the sperm donor and I am the dad. We are happy because both of us realized, as you shared, that the Dark Lord only wants the best for each of us …”
After reading the much longer missive from which this excerpt is taken, I believe an article is warranted because of the: (A) Admission acknowledged in the content; and, (B) The fact that their decision to follow the Dark Lord was prominent in their making the choices they did to achieve the goal they wanted. Another is that we see how the perverse and the practical can come together to accomplish a life goal. Everyone intimately involved in this very private arrangement are profiting beneficially.
I am not going into a long multi-paragraph discussion about how his wife’s boss became involved except to say he is older and established and discreet and she had and has a crush on him. He didn’t harass her at work but let both she and hubby know that if he were younger … you know, the usual play on words that conveys the message, “I want to screw your wife,” but not saying the words. He told her up front, per hubby, that he was hiring her because, while she was certainly competent, she was pretty and he liked the way she responded to him … that she seemed to like him.
What is unique is this is a mutual arrangement and not a situation where the wife, wanting her fertile womb filled, does so behind hubby’s back. That happens more often than one might believe and Satan is not part of such happening though he is certainly okay with it happening. I am personally aware of wives fucking others to get pregnant. I have watched it happening in more than several situations and in two, it is hubby’s family members who are the, “Fatteners,” so there will be no DNA issues, for whatever that is worth.
I am sharing this situation so the seeker after the Dark Lord can see how one can arrive at solutions to this problem without all the usual guilt, anxiety and “Fear.” Another point which stands out is that the couple are Catholics and come from families who are larger than the 2.5 American average family.
The message shares that the wife wants five kids and its obvious that her boss will help her achieve this goal in short order. Note how others (her boss) has been blessed and there is the possibility that more will be as time passes and the wife’s desires change and increase.
The arrangement started with an after work dinner with drinks where all three were present. Fantasize about how things should be between a boss and a slut secretary and you will be describing what is happening less coworkers and others being in the know.
What one needs to realize is that this is a discreet arrangement. She is not acting the, “Slut” (at least not now) and at work, while she works closely with her boss, he is married and has an outstanding (hubby’s words) reputation in the community. No, hubby isn’t screwing around on his wife. They have an active sex life which is enhanced. Can one say this is really a, “Cheating,” situation? It isn’t and that is one of the issues shared by the husband who wanted my assurance in that regard. Some will say it is.
But saying so begs the question, “Who feels there is cheating happening?” She isn’t hiding it from her husband. What is happening is this — Hubby does have his personal porn star — Yes! And her boss is able live out his fantasy that he has a petite and attractive secretary who is at his beck and call sexually without any fear of her having domestic problems where he would be involved.
So we see one of the ways in which the Dark Lord helps us solve a problem in a way which pleases everyone involved and the spouses’ families are all able to enjoy new additions to the family. I will call it, “Perverse practical pleasure.” Others may create their own terms.
Following the Dark Lord, where we set aside religious mental and life limitations, allows the devotee to freely consider behavior which they may otherwise see as wicked and proscribed when it comes to how we live.
Hopefully, this couple’s experience helps others considering seeking and following the Dark to see that there is a freedom to address life issues in ways they would not normally consider. This husband’s sharing of his experience, where his wife is fattened and then flattened until she is fattened again until she her maternal goals are fulfilled can certainly and had already led to their experiencing a broader and deeper sex life both in mind and action. The Dark Lord is pleased.
Lovely piece.