Sex, Restraint or Release – Non-Fiction

WriterHigh Priestess Lucy Az

Subject: Sex, Restraint or Release

Link: MEWE / 19.04.2021 / Lucy Az

Sex, Restraint or Release

Family of Lilith, I teach you a secret. As all freely indulge in sexual pleasure here in the group, it is not the final destination. Rather it’s means for one to ascend into your own godhood. You see, many cultures that have not awakened to higher dimensions, use the fundamental and innate aspects of sex for procreative reasons. This aspect is built in as a measure to populate the earthen realm for soul training.

It is not the procreative aspect by itself of sex that provides one with higher learning, but it is the kundalini awakening during sex that ascends one’s soul. This kundalini awakens and stirs the soul, this is what the true allure, and what souls aspire for deep down. Sex you see, is a tool for one’s deeper aspirations. Culturally trained aspects of sex that confine one to monogamy and heterosexuality become inadequate for those who seek the deeper aspects of soul ascension — Apotheosis.

Therefore, I reveal to you family, to not settle for just the pleasurable aspects of sex, use it also as a tool to ascend your soul to its higher levels. Use each orgasm to feed your deeper goal of godhood, and lovingly invest in others to accompany them in their journey. Share orgasms, feed on sexual energy of others, and let them feed on yours. For this is how the enlightened ascend. Not by Restraint, but by Release. These are the words to ponder for each of you.


3 thoughts on “Sex, Restraint or Release – Non-Fiction”

  1. Hail My Dark Queen
    Lucy Az
    Supreme High Priestess of Lilith

    Thank You for sharing your knowledge

    Hail Xpanther
    For Spreading the Words of The Az

    It is Lilith’s Will

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