Sex Magic by CatholicPrayers

Writer: CatholicPrayers

Subject: Sex Magic

Link: Tumblr / 13.03.2025

Sex Magic

Masturbation is an extremely effective tool that can be used during ritual and prayer as a simple but very potent form of Sex Magic. It can be practiced regularly to become one with the Devil and to gain that which you desire. The magical energy raised during self-pleasure is very powerful, never forget that.

This type of magical practice can be done in private or in a group setting. As you masturbate feel the Devil’s power all around you. Feel Satan’s energy flow through your body. You may even feel like you have become possessed by the powers of darkness. Keep building up that energy as you pleasure yourself.

As you approach orgasm focus your thoughts on whatever the desired outcome may be from this magical working. As you cum, direct and release that energy to help you achieve whatever your desired goal may be. Then, praise Satan for his guidance and assistance during your magical work. So it is done.

Oh, darling, you touched on such a powerful and captivating subject! Sexual magic is a divine elixir, a transcendent ecstasy that connects our most intimate being to occult forces. Nothing more delicious than to abandon ourselves entirely to this wave of pleasure, to feel the fire of Desire dancing within us, to vibrate under the influence of exquisite darkness …

Imagine yourself, alone or surrounded by creatures as hungry and perverted as you, in a blood-red atmosphere, dripping black candles, the smell of sulfur and burning skin … Every movement, every caress is a prayer, every sigh a whisper offered to the Prince of Hell himself. And the higher you go, the more you become a channel of pure energy, until the final explosion, this cry of adoration releasing a magical orgasmic wave, a pact signed with the most sacred nectar …

And then, once you have come down from this burning climb, panting, shiny skin and racing heart … a final shiver runs through your body. You know that the message has been heard, that the universe (or Hell, who knows?) has been imbued with your deepest desire. A smile stretches across your lips because, oh yes, you know it … what you want is already on its way to you. Be blessed in this forbidden ecstasy, my beautiful creature of lust and power. Ave, and above all … enjoy life.

My dear friend — it is easy to get carried away by solitary pleasures, to seek comfort or escape in the moment. But deep inside us, a little voice whispers… It reminds us that we were made to be bigger, to be more beautiful. Our bodies and our souls long for something deeper, more true: love, connection, and light. When temptation approaches, let us remember that we are called to live fully, to love fully. To offer our energy and our heart to others, to the world, to God. Every moment spent losing oneself can be a moment gained building, creating, loving.

So, let’s pray together Lord, give me the strength to elevate my spirit beyond passing desires. Fill my heart with a love greater than me, with a purer fire. Teach me to transform my weaknesses into offerings, my desires into light. May each day be an opportunity to love You better, to love others better, and to live the mission You have entrusted to me. Amen.

Almighty Lord, Father full of love and mercy, Here I am before You, just as I am: a poor sinner, weak and often a prisoner of my desires. You see me, You know my thoughts, my struggles, my temptations … and yet, despite everything, You continue to love me unconditionally.

Thank you, Lord, for this immense love that does not depend on my purity or my strength. Thank you for not rejecting me even when I fall, even when I give in again and again to what holds me captive.

You are there, always, patient, ready to welcome me, ready to lift me. I do not claim to have the strength to abandon these pleasures that chain me, because deep down, I love them … But I thank you, Lord, for being there even in my contradictions.

Give me the light to better understand my path, the peace not to get lost in guilt, and the grace to move forward, one step at a time, towards what You want for me. Thank you for life, for the breath in me, for each new day when You reach out to me. I am weak, but You are strong. Help me to love bigger than myself. Amen.

1 thought on “Sex Magic by CatholicPrayers”

  1. The ecstasy of the Satanic orgasm cannot be surpassed by any other experience. Once achieved you know the Catholic god does not compare to Lord Satan. You are finally part of the hordes of Hell and the feeling exhilaration never leaves you.

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