Seven Virtues Not Sins by Hokulani – Non-Fiction


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Feature Title:  Seven Virtues Not Sins by Hokulani

Link: MEWE /  14.09.2020 / Posted to me by

About the Author:  I believe in morale values, but my own. I have a love for women, tattoos, animals and enjoy making friends. Don’t really like getting male body part pictures, so please refrain. If your profile is a digit, I will block. If you send me images of what appear to be illegal content, I have an obligation to report and block. As the disclaimer above states, the images I post are those I discovered while browsing. They mean something to me as I journey through life. As I value and appreciate my privacy, and as it may negatively impact my life, occupation, and well being, I do not openly post images of myself.

Seven Virtues Not Sins

In the sixth century Pope Gregory I, created (made up) the seven deadly sins. This enabled additional control over numerous weak minded individuals. These are why they are my recognized virtues:

(1) Vainglory or pride

I preform all that I undertake to the best of my ability. When I share my body or engage in sexual activity, I take pride when I feel my partner’s legs around my head, or when she uncontrollably convulses as we lick each other’s crotch.

(2) Greed or covetousness

I want to enjoy orgasms, both my own and others. When I see others engaged in sexual worship, I am covetous. When I have the opportunity to consume any byproduct of any orgasm, I am greedy.

(3) Lust or inordinate or illicit sexual desire

I do not think I need to elaborate on this one, other than my belief that it is truly an awakening powerful emotion which is liberating.

(4) Envy

When I see two women with their faces between each other’s legs, I do become envious.

(5) Gluttony which is usually understood to include drunkenness

I have a deep desire to consume and feed off female ejaculation or to feed from a female to consume male ejaculation. As I want to consume it all, I consider that gluttonous. However I do believe when sharing a meal with another, I must become generous and watch as my partners also get to enjoy. This has its own rewards.

(6) Wrath or anger

When organized structured movements, political or religious, prey on the unawakened I do anger. When religion victimize the weak or elderly, brainwashing them into giving away millions of dollars, to continue their spread of corruption, I anger. This is not uncontrolled, however calculated in defense of these souls of prey.

(7) Sloth

Sloth is a true virtue. Think of edging and how the slow methodology increases pleasure. When I spread my legs or find my face between leg, it must be slothful. This ensures that I deliver or receive the most intense orgasm possible. As each are an offering, the must always be the best.

By brainwashing others into believing these virtues are sins, religion controls the masses into remaining dimwitted and ignorant. Please decide for your self virtues or sins.


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