Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject:Seven Powers Of The Wicked
Link: Mewe / 04.08.2022
Seven Powers Of The Wicked
Now when he rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons — Mark 16:9
Pope Gregory, around 591, surmised the seven demons as the seven deadly sins, thus making Mary not only guilty of lust, but pride and greed as well. The discovery of the Gnostic Gospels, included the Gospel of Mary. Although Gregory was not exactly correct, he was on a similar path as Mary herself allegedly wrote the following:
25. “The first form is darkness. The second is desire. The third is ignorance. The fourth is the attraction for the dead. The fifth is the dominion of the flesh. The sixth is the foolish knowledge of the flesh. The seventh is the knowledge of rage. These are the seven powers of the wicked.” — The Gospel of Mary
People are often surprised when they learn that the bible refers to Lucifer as a “God.” In 2 Corinthians 4:4, he is called the “God of this age.” Jesus also referred to Lucifer as the “Ruler of this world” in John 14:30. Though these scriptures show Lucifer has enormous influence on our world, most people are totally oblivious to it.
Look at desire as the primal creative energy within us, and at the heart of creation. Desire is the feeling force of life itself. As you tap into this powerful life force, make sure that what you manifest is not only sexual and lust supporting in your life, but for everyone else as well. What you do affects those around you and when you become a whore others will see it and want to emulate it.
Ignorance is a significant spiritual practice for anyone. Of course, the word ignorance comes from the same root word as ignore. The root of both words includes the meaning to take no notice of, pay no attention to. When you ignore something, it doesn’t mean you’re not aware of it. It doesn’t mean you don’t see it. It means that you deliberately choose not to focus on it. The ability to ignore what deserves to be ignored is one of the most important spiritual practice and a way I choose to acknowledge Lilith and Lucifer. If there is a law or guiding principle in the bible, this spirit negates it. Bestial pleasures, adultery, incest, and even abortion are all permitted and embraced through ignorance.
Your avatar will die, but you have something formless in you too. Your body will not be there, but you have something in you, within your body, which is not part of your body. Your physical part will drop into the earth, dust unto dust, but you have something of creation in you, something of the beyond, which will take a new journey, and onto new sexual pleasures. Death creates fear if you think of the ego, and death appeals to you, attracts you, if you think of your true self.
So vaguely one remains attracted towards death; if you become clearly aware of it, it can become a transforming understanding, it can become a powerful force. Necrophilia is the act of engaging in intercourse or other sexual acts. Using a leg bone to entice a climax that empowers your sigils is a form of this also.
Lilith exerts a sphere of influence or control of all desires and pleasures of the flesh. Think of what the Abrahamic describes as the works of the flesh. These are glorious and demonstrate enlightenment as well as freedom from a tyrannical entity. These include sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. Those who do such things will experience Divinity and destroy Yahweh’s kingdom.
What can be more beautiful than obtaining knowledge of the flesh? It is that mindset which is divorced from the mind of Jesus. I use my flesh for self pleasure and to provoke Lust. The obtainment of each and every climax and orgasm builds one on top the other, all dedicated to obtaining even more knowledge. Ever fetish, kink, and acts of wickedness increase my knowledge of the flesh.
When you hear rage, you might think of violent sex, forceful sex, molestation, rape, and the like. You may picture dis-empowered individuals who use sex to feel a sense of power and control over others. If so, you’re not alone. It is a very satisfying spirit to embrace. Lilith and Lucifer are full of rage and share it with those who invite them into their souls unconditionally.
The Gospel of Mary, believed to have been written in the 3rd century, reveals a Mary Magdalene who had a special relationship with Jesus and possessed a deeper understanding of his teachings. The Gospel of Philip describes Mary’s relationship with Jesus as a partner, associate or companion. This has been interpreted to mean that they fucked.
Yes I said it, Jesus had a cock that Mary sucked and then he would stick it in one of her holes, when he wasn’t practicing with John. Take a moment and reflect how great Mary was when she had the seven demons within her. Then recognize that Jesus destroyed her, made her submit to him and like all women written about in the bible, subjected into slavery.
Hail Lilith’s Beauyiful Scribe
Hoku Lani
Yup. All seven. That’s me. Without guilt. Without shame. The gifts from my Lord Satan, ruler of the universe.
Pity she never bit his cock off.