Writer: Mick Michaels
Subject: Serpent of Sodomy
Link: MEWE / 16.02.2021 / Modern Christianity
Serpent of Sodomy
Just a quick little update of how I spent my Thursday night … it had been a while since I had done something particularly blasphemous even though daily I am praising Satan thru the beauty of porn and my satanic interactions with others online.
But every once in a while I like to go beyond that to reaffirm my commitment to our Lord and Master and to always push myself deeper into darkness. So Thursday night I felt compelled to begin by taking one of my longest and deepest toys, a almost twenty inch, thin, snake like dildo, and inserted it completely and in my ass while reminding myself that this represented the serpent filling my soul through sodomy.
I next took another phallic dildo along with my Baphomet statue and knelt on the floor in my my darkened bedroom, in humble reverence bowing before Lord Satan. I proceeded to pray and thank him for the many blessings he has bestowed upon me and to renew my commitment to him and his Unholy work in this world and the next.
I spoke of many of the contacts I have made with fellow servants of Satan and several of the experiences he has blessed me with, being sure to thank him for each. I humbly ask that his serpent, which sodomized my ass and soul, wood push out any remnants of the light that might struggle to remain inside of me. And I renounced my baptism and my former xtian life, just as I have done many times now.
I then sucked on the phallic dildo I held in my hands, letting it represent Satan’s cock and wishing that his seed shoot down my throat and fill me with his darkness. And then I took the Baphomet statue as I symbolically kissed the tits, sucked the cock, tongued the ass, held the hand, and bowed before the hoofs of my Lord and Master, repeatedly thanking him for his blessings and asking for his continued guidance in my life.
And then I arose and move to the other room to complete my worship with an act of blasphemy and defiance against the worthless bastard and his fucker of a father, further ensuring the damming of my soul to Satan’s hell. I ripped a page from the childhood Bible that I received in my fifth grade confirmation class over forty years ago and that I now keep around for just such special occasions.
First I tore it into several pieces and scattered them into the sink of my bathroom. Then I spit on and cursed it and all that it represented. Then I set the pieces on Fire and smiled as I watched each burn away into nothing but blackened Ash. Thinking of how the black represented Satan’s darkness consuming and destroying the so-called word, and how powerless and weak that word was to stop Satan’s burning onslaught.
Finally I pissed on the remaining ashes and watched them disappear down the drain never to be seen or heard from again, asking at the same be said of any remnants of my former xtian self. A sense of peace and contentment settled upon me has I could feel Satan’s spirit growing even stronger inside of me as I completed my Blasphemous desecration.
I then slowly removed the snake within my ass and savored every thrill as each tiny rib caused my cock to twitch in lustful pleasure. And finally I licked and cleaned the snake like dildo with my mouth, savoring the juices and slime that coated it … wishing that I could be doing this to Satan’s own cock after he had pulled it from Lilith ass.
This concluded my personal worship time and I must say that in the days since then I have felt a much stronger bond with our Lord and master, and I’m more aware of his many actions and influence in my life and the world around me. I probably don’t take enough time to worship this directly and intentionally as I should. But every time I have paused to do so, I can tell you that the days following have always brought me closer to Satan and mother Lilith and always strengthened and renewed the darkness in my soul and I am always so happy and thankful to have done such Blasphemous worship.
We all get busy in life but I strongly encourage everyone to periodically pause and worship meaningfully and intentionally however you see fit. I know that my actions may not fit with the rituals and guidelines of another but this path is one of self-discovery and each is called to walk it in their own way. There is no one-size-fits-all that we each must follow, Satan is much more concerned about our true intention and our true love and devotion to him more so than any particular ritualistic steps.
So worship however and wherever works for you but always do so with purpose and the intention of strengthening your bond through blasphemy and depravity and all the darkness and lust that you can invoke. Ave Satanas my brothers and sisters in sin. They are incestuous family grow stronger with every act of blasphemy. We Are Legion and we are His servants to spread His darkness throughout the world … so mote it be.
One of the best testimonies I heard in ages. It is truly amazing how Mother and Father use us when we open our hearts to them.
Hi Hoku — Mick’s ritual was rather hot! I loved it so much, I wanted to publish it …
This was Mick’s response … “Thank you very much… I feel special now, like I’ve made it to the big leagues having something I’ve written show up on your website. I’m humbled and thankful that you’ve chosen to include me with your great works.”
This was my reply … “Hail Mick — it caught my attention and with dick in hand — I wished that I could have done a similar ritual — only problem is my live-in-girlfriend would freak out! — haha — but I can live it vicariously through you …”
Thanks for your wonderful guidance. I would like to be included as one of your Santanic friends. To share and grow. You give much power to masturbateing and love of Satan.
This s an intense and Unholy ritual. I would love to take your cock in me as we prayed.
It is funny how I read this after an experience this morning. I do not live alone as my darkness is hidden and I try every morning to use some sort of calling out and satanic hypnosis to feel closer. This morning had extra time so figured would take my toy in the shower with me. Before doing so I asked Satan to be one with the toy as I would devote to him what I am about to do to get closer.
The toy is maybe 7 to 8″ as am very tight. I called also upon Lucifer and Lilith as well. It takes a bit due to it not being very stiff, but me being stiff due to age ,but had to. I got under the water and shaved my ass and with conditioner as a lube fingered myself. I chanted the Satan enn and then Ave Satanis over and over but had a problem due to the rubberyness of it. But then felt was to get on my knees and lower onto it. It usually takes a bit for it to pop into me and then work it in, but as I lowered onto it, my hole seemed to open up as if to offer itself. I slowly slid down onto it as I asked for him to be part of it. I felt a tingle in my sissy breasts as if was a female and before I knew it I had it in me.
I slid up and down on it slowly as it felt like he was pleased by this show of affection.I paused as I sat and my mind went as it went from it being in me to being a part of me as if he let me know we were one. But it was as if he was saying he opened me up so I can finally take the real thing and be seeded.
You are a true Daughter of Lilith.
Hail DarkDestiny … your offering of anal lust to Satan is beautiful
That wonderful wonderful feeling when you ass cunt yields so easily as if begging to be used and stretched
This is a reminder that it is so important to remember and honour the originator of our lustful pleasure, not to get completely caught up in our own desires for pleasure to acknowledge and include the Lord Satan in our lustful meditation