Feature Writer: Libertysn


Published: 10.08.2024

Story Codes: Demonic

Synopsis: Alice tried to convince Werewolves to her side

Author’s Notes: Thank you all so much for all the comments its always honestly so motivating each time I read one. sorry foe the slight delay on posting, my birthday and a friends stag do got in the way. have the next chapter ready done to post so wont be any issue there. Regardless hope you all enjoyed and sorry for the lack of smut, the next chapter will probably be a little dry as well unless I can tinker it.

Seeds Of Corruption 7

Chapter 7 — Pack business

They were being made to wait. Of course they were. Alice, Levash and the Council representative, a Witch named Celine, had been waiting at Broadwoods since four, it was now approaching six.

“So what kind of Witch are you anyway?” Alice turned to the witch as she spoke. Celine was much shorter than Alice and the dark hair on her head was almost completely taken over by grey.

“Witch of the cauldron.” The witch responded impassively.

Alice waited a few seconds before asking. “So what’s that? Like bubble bubble toil and trouble stuff, or broomsticks?”

“I make and discover potions.” The witch replied briskly. “Actually, come to think of it, could I get a vial of your saliva?”

Alice furrowed her brows, a small smirk slipping on her face.

The witch continued, “I’ve heard that Succubi spittal has aphrodisiac-like properties, I’d love to work with it and see what could be made.”

“Sure, but there’s only one way you can collect it.” Alice’s smile turned lascivious as Levash just rolled his eyes. Before the witch could reply, two men appeared next to them from nowhere.

“The pack master is ready to see you now.”

It turns out they had been standing on the cusp of a Witches ward. The energy barrier masking the presence of anything unusual or supernatural. Passing through the barrier Alice felt a flicker of magic, even Liliths interest peaked and quickly receded. Once through the barrier tents appeared surrounding the forest path. Most just plain regular tents, sporadic camp fires, chairs, ice coolers and cars mixing in around them. Not a single person to be found though.

As the group all ventured deeper into the footpaths the tents became grander. Growing in size then shape, some turning into small huts others becoming boxes almost like a house. She started to hear noise though, music, chanting, howls. The frost hung on the air only seeming to affect the witch to Alice’s left, the Weres bundled up in leathers and her and Levash in very little in comparison warmed by the infernal fire in their blood. Through the noise she managed to focus briefly and could smell smoke, thick and acrid.

Cutting through the last row of tents revealed a circle of trucks and cars that spanned almost the entire breadth of Juniper top. Weres were sat and stood on the cars, chairs lined up creating rings inside of the circle. Alice had been told that it was estimated there were eight hundred and seventy two wolves in Jethro Farkas’ pack, and seeing them all together really hammered that point home.

The escort led the group into the circle, wolves and humans alike cheering and howling as they passed. Murmurs broke out throughout the crowd and Alice could see flecks of red and purple everywhere. No one stopped them as they broke across the grass toward the stage at the back, and everyone ignored the splattering of blood soaking the grass underfoot.

The two wolves stopped, before them sat an erected wooden stage with a large leather canopy atop. Inside the space sat the wolf of the hour, Jethro Farkas and his children. Jethro was an old man by now, sixty two, served in the army throughout the troubles, and now leads his pack in the south of England. Alice made sure to push his age out of mind because the man was built like a big grey brick wall. There were a few of what Alice assumed to be advisors to the sides of the stage but none that held quite the presence that Jethro did.

“Alpha, we have collected the two Demons who wish to present to the Pack. Do you accept their presence?” One of the two wolves spoke. Silence reigned across the circle, all the murmurs and talking turning to silence leaving Juniper eerily quiet. As the silence ticked on Alice grew unsure on what to do, on one hand she had Levash stood to the side of, cool, collected and maintaining a warrior’s posture, then alternatively she had the older witch who was looking around the circle almost in fear. Thankfully Alice was put out of her misery as Jethro shouted his acceptance and the entire circle broke into howls, only slightly piercing to her ears.

“Witch, what is it they wish to present to us?” Jethro voice bellowed over the howls of the crowd.

Levash turned to the older woman at that. Alice watched as the witch stepped forward confused, the plan had always been they would start the presentation, was this simply more hokey wolf traditions? Or more likely he was playing games with them.

“These two demons, Levash and Alice..” only slight laughter at her name from the crowd before quieting again. “Wish to ask your pack to join the demons of London in war against the ‘celestials’.” Howls broke out again throughout the circle which was beginning to grow very old. This time however it was not laughter that passed between them but anger, the sparks of red around the circle growing and filling in more gaps, any hint of purple being smothered by the rage. Surely they already knew why the demons were here?

“They may present their case, but I would advise caution. People can grow agitated when being asked to see their family die for another.”

Lilith’s inevitable chill shot through Alice.

“What a wonderful way to phrase stopping an inevitable invasion.”

Levash stepped forward; the escorts joined the advisors to the left of the stage, the witch leaving the pair to join the advisors to the right, fat lot of help she was.

“Alpha. As you’ve been told we are requesting your pack join our legions in reclaiming our homeworld, Lestia, and hopefully finishing the celestial threat once and for all.” Pausing a second but as no one jumped in or spoke Levash continued. “I myself have been fighting against them since I first became of age roughly around five hundred years ago in earth years.”

“Clearly not very well!” Someone jeered from the crowd followed by a spattering of laughs but as Jethro held his hand up all fell into silence once more. Levash did not let his annoyance show as he continued.

“As I was saying I have been fighting them for five hundred years, I watched all of our leaders fall until only one remained. It was a painful time for all of our kin and a humiliating end to our freedom. Yet the next four hundred years would be far worse, demons as you may know have been and still are being made to work in Lestia to fuel the desires of the celestials in charge. They are trapped and offered no escape, and the Celestials pluck beings from new realms everyday, stealing more and more to chuck into our pits to be corrupted and in turn join those already enslaved.” No one spoke up as Levash finished his voice growing in volume. he awaited any questions but again just nodded for Levash to continue.

“When the last of our rulers fell and the celestials started plucking beings from the realms to create new demons they took a human man from earth. Once in our realm he refused to be turned and fought his captors, not well mind, but the demons that were in his path aided the human and tried to help his escape. Instead of leaving he destroyed the portal leading to Earth sealing Lestia from your realm for the next four hundred years. This remained sealed until two years ago when the celestials managed to create a network of temporary portals that allowed them to travel back here. While they seek a more permanent and stable way to ferry potential demons from this realm to ours, they have begun to take more and more beings to fill the gaps we have been leaving behind in our escape. I know humans have suffered large amounts of unexplained disappearances, this is because humans are easier to corrupt. Once they have established permanent portals to Earth once again, the Celestials will come for all supernatural groups as they have done in other realms. Should our rebellion fail, you and your pack will one day join us in the pits.”

Levash’s closing statement did not sit well with the crowd, their rage growing larger and more focused, several members standing a few skins started to shift and ripple, clothes growing taught then slack. Some were threatening to turn.

“Their control over their emotions always left much to be desired.”

“SILENCE!” Jethro stood from his throne walking to the edge of the stage motioning for Mark to join at his side. The wolves quietened but those who stood did not return to their seats. “Demon. As you can imagine I’ve got just about a hundred questions for you. Now if you want to make sure you and your little friend make it out of here fine you’re gonna answer all of them, understood?”

Levash nodded, which was more than Alice could achieve, who did he think he was?

“Good, firstly, who is she?”

Before Levash could answer, Mark spoke up. “I can answer that, Alpha. The female demon is one Alice Everhart. She was a human just over four weeks ago that I met while out for drinks for my sister’s birthday.”

“She was human? I though demons couldn’t turn anyone on earth, in fact I’m pretty fucking sure we where assured of that. Got an answer for us Levash?” Jethro said, turning back to the two with a sneer.

“Yes. she was never human, she had demonic ancestry which was simply reawakened, she was not corrupted. This obviously can not occur unless you have demonic blood in your family tree. Is that the case for any in this pack, Alpha? Because if so our presence may be a risk for yourselves.”

Rage and howls again, it was growing very predictable, thankfully the wolves couldn’t say the same for them. They did not ask for further questions on the turning or how that ancestry came to be.

“We are not tainted by any demonic filth, we are Weres descended from the first Wereking.” Jethro spat in response before continuing, “Do you know anything else about the little demon, son?”

“Yes, before she was a demon or at least before she looked like this she had an ex that is a high ranking member of the SDF.”

Alice had to work to tune out the rage from everyone but those on stage, Mark and Julia sat fine but Jethro started to shimmer, red aura flaking away from his form.

“You need to answer this question carefully, demon, is that true?” Levash went to answer but was quickly cut off by Jethro. “I’m talking to her.”

Alice stepped forward. “I was with a human called John Roe, once demons came to this realm two years ago he grew increasingly religious, something he hadn’t been prior. With this a distaste for supes grew. At the time he also began to mock and preach to me for being trans, so we separated. A year after we seperated he joined the SDF. Our contact after this point was limited to phone calls and was cut off prior to realising that I was a demon. Since then, he has assaulted me and led a break-in on my flat with the help of a celestial. The first to enter our realm. He is no friend of mine, Alpha, your children know this.”

He turned to Mark who made no comment Julia spoke up though. “She’s telling the truth, Alpha, all of it. Her old roommate lives with me now and she too had her things destroyed for her association with our kind and Alice.”

Jethro considered these words the wolves on the perimeter clearly awaiting orders if he believed her to be hostile, instead he shrugged.

“If Julia says you’re telling the truth I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.” He paused for a moment. “But being trans and a demon, you don’t pick your battles well do you?” Some around the circle laughed at his joke and settled back down. Alice just added another notch to the mental post she kept in her mind.

“Mark, continue what else do you know? And please don’t spare any details now.” Mark nodded.

“Since her change she has grown volatile, angry. She has almost attacked her human roommate once and been mostly dismissive of her worries. She has grown manipulative, causing a fight between me and the mortal to distract from herself, and she has also been trying to get information from my sister, Julia in the lead up to the meeting. She’s thankfully only gotten some opinions from advisors, Alpha. I have the chat logs here.”

As he went to hand the papers to Jethro, Julia stood up from where she was sat, rage infesting her now. “You’ve been fucking spying on me?”

Mark’s eyes rolled.”For the good of the pack, the Demon has been pushing you for information and you have been willingly sharing it. It could have been much worse.” Jethro read through the chat logs as Julia quietly seethed behind the pair of wolves. Some advisors began to speak near the stage for the first time, the witch even joining in.

“Son, you’re gonna have to learn should you become Alpha one day, this is to be expected and honestly on the light end of it. Vampires have been bugging my office for years now witches, spelling my letter box. Hell I had a goblin trying to hack my phone once. We all spy.” Jethro waved it off, handing the papers back to him. “How much of what you gave her was fact Julia?”

“I gave her true opinions but only those that would be shared by advisors willingly, nobody wants to have their children marched to war. Whenever she asked for anything more personal I redirected the conversation.”

Jethro nodded. “As you should. Use this as a lesson Mark.” He turned back to the demons. “You too actually Alice, those messages were very weak.”

“I find my charm works better in person, Alpha.” Alice said demurely.

Jethro grinned, responding, “We’ll see about that. What about the other claims, that you’re angry, dismissive and manipulative?”

Alice shrugged. “I am still in the early days of a transition between human into demon. While I was born demon my body did not reflect this. This change can act as a puberty in a sense, volatile emotions are part of that. I disagree that I came close to attacking my roommate, but I did scare her. On the day I found out what I was, she was pushing me for answers and harassing Levash which I didn’t appreciate. I have been dismissive of her concerns in the same way a wolf would be if a human told them that after joining a pack they seemed different. I am different, there is no question about that, but I do not wish to go back to the human I was before. As for being manipulative.” Alice shrugged. “I have been, but only ever in the search of information and to help my new found people, never as a way of outright deceiving people.”

“You tried to turn Chris against me by telling her I was the Alphas son, what is that if not deceiving?”

“Are you not the Alphas son, Mark?” Alice asked, tilting her head.

Mark started to stutter a response but was silenced by a motion from his father.

“Thanks for your input Mark, please go join Julia.” The dismissal stung Mark clearly as his eyes darted between Alice and his father, the whispering of the circle no longer aimed at the demons, but at the failure of the son. Mark slunk off back to his seat as Jethro addressed the demon.

“Let’s get down to brass tacks then. You want us to join you in a war against some threat that has never been to earth.”

“One has been found on earth Alpha, I found traces of one in Alice’s flat.” Levash produced the feather from his pocket. No one but the witch seemed to react as she stepped forward.

“Alpha, may I test the veracity of this claim?” He nodded as she approached. Plucking the feather from Levash’s hand she began to make a slow chant. At first nothing happened but as the witch redoubled her efforts and the feather began to glow, the light almost blindingly white. Moments later the witch dropped the feather with a hiss. As the light died down the singed flesh of her hand could be seen almost bubbling under the intense heat. A Were rushed forward to help her but was pushed away as the witch began to mumble again, all watching as the flesh knitted itself back together slowly. Within a few minutes her hand was fine and she had recovered enough to speak.

“It’s not something of this realm, it doesn’t react like anything fae and no demonic species has golden feathers. It could be celestial.” The Witch returned to her seat with the councillors, many speaking around the camp now openly discussing the event before once again being silenced.

Jethro remained silent on the stage and no one spoke. The feather lay on the grass, forgotten. The faint light it emitted was ignored. He finally spoke, “Do you have any proof that they will take us?”

“They take all but the undead, it has to be living matter to corrupt it.” Levash said in response.

“I said do you have any proof they will take us, no Weres have been reported missing since this spate of human disappearances started.”

Levash remained silent for a moment. “There are demons at the club that were turned from other races, some elves, a changeling.”

Jethro looked visibly annoyed but no wrath aura yet fully enveloped him. “I asked for evidence they would take wolves not elves. Do you have this yes or no?”

Levash, biting his tongue, reluctantly shook his head.

“Right so if you have no evidence that once they’re done fighting you lot that they’re going to come for us, you’re asking for our help freeing your people, not creating a united front against some ‘common evil’.”

Alice and Levash remained silent, both knowing this plan was never going to work.

“Well if that’s the case I’ll simply say you have nothing you can offer us worth the cost of the blood you ask for. And you are not charming enough, Alice, to get it out of us at a discount.” Jethro returned to his seat and waved the witch to join him who was passed a scroll from Mark. “The decision to join the war with the demons is..”

Alice got confirmation from Levash and spoke up, interrupting the Alpha. “Alpha, you have simply not considered all of the facts. May I ask about your creator? What would her intentions be?” That caused the red aura to appear again, flickering in stronger this time, his rage was almost palpable, seeming to spread to every wolf in the circle like a chain reaction.

“You dare interrupt me with inane questions, demon?”

Alice spoke as she began to talk towards the stage. “I do dare because you are not abiding by the strict tenets of the religion you follow, that your people follow. I’d go as far as accusing you of leading them astray Jethro.”

That did it, Jethro almost lunged from his throne, even Julia looked angered at the words. Pushing past the witch he returned to the edge of the stage before hopping down and coming toe to toe with Alice, he towered over her but his presence was no comparison to the demon materialised behind her.

Silent rage brewed around the circle, Levash had grown tense at her side and Lilith stood looking over her towards the enraged Were with little more emotion than apathy apparent.

“What would you know of our religion? You’ve been a supe for less than two minutes.”

“I know of Lilith.” Alice responded evenly in the face of his anger. “I imagine I know a great deal more about Lilith than anyone in this circle, be that Were, Witch or Demon.”

Jethro huffed a snort. “And how do you work that out?”

“Simple, I am her descendant.” Alice responded with a shrug.

“A demon? A demon descended from Lilith?”

Some Were began to look more curious than agitated, the rage plateauing.

“It’s not that much of a shock, I have read how you describe her in your texts, and the odd murals you have painted of her bare a striking resemblance. She is very clearly demonic.”

That comment peaked the internet of a few more of the Weres but not Jethro.

“This is bullshit, Mark mentioned you were manipulative. Do you have any proof you are descended from Lilith? And don’t be as wishy washy as your friend here, I’m growing bored of all this.”

“I know who my direct ancestor is, a child of Lilith, I can give you their story.” When no one spoke she began. “Well I estimate that I am twenty two generations removed from Lilith.”

“Eight.” Lilith interrupted.

Alice turned to the demon behind her who didn’t elaborate further, her captive audience looking on in confusion.

“You are eight generations removed, half and quarter demons have a much longer life expectancy than regular humans. Your grandmother was born around the thirties and your mother in the sixties. Then obviously you in the nineties. Continue with your story.” Lilith turned from Alice looking over the audience.

“Sorry, eight generations removed from Lilith.”

Jethro looked to her and behind but saw nothing. “What was that?”

Alice waved him off. “I’ll get to it, Lilith’s child Sitri entered this realm in the fifteen hundreds to fight a group of celestials that had attacked Liliths realm.”

“Sitri?” Levash looked shocked at her revelations, a hard glare from Alice and he quieted but his eyes remained wide.

“Yes, Sitri came to earth to kill celestials and brought one of the legions with her to do so. That legion fell, and she was killed. While on earth though she partnered with a human and gave birth to a child, a half demonic spawn. Demonic pregnancies are much quicker than most earthen species, correct Levash?”

The demon nodded but didn’t provide any support.

“What’s more I know this information, not from Levash or any other being on earth. Lilith speaks to me. She is here today.” Alice gestures towards the empty space. “She is only able to reveal herself to me as I share her blood, if you have any queries for her directly to prove my legitimacy you may ask them now.”

The forum was silent, wolves had quit debating under instruction of the advisors, Julia and Mark sat but shock was evident from them. Jethro spoke slowly. “This is not only a grave grave insult, but disrespecting Lilith like this, with these lies. It’s something she will personally make you suffer for on her return.”

Alice remained stoic in the face of the wolf talking to her. She was honestly impressed with herself because inside she was close to crying, she had always been far more introverted but since becoming a demon that seemed to matter less and less.

Lilith spoke to her in the silence. “Tell him about the temple in northern Rome, it’s where the wolf king Romulus was buried, the first werewolf I created.” She laughed at the thought as absurd as it was. “The inscription on his tomb is ‘Monstra resurgent lupi summum’, I prescribed that they should let no other monster into his resting room and the last time I was on earth that was observed.”

Alice considered how to phrase what she had heard as the forum still sat silent awaiting their alphas command. “Since you haven’t asked any questions of your own I’ll prove it myself. The great wolf king Romulus the first of your kind created by Lilith, the forebearer of all Weres was buried in northern Rome. Upon his burial Lilith gave the words ‘Monstra resurgent lupi summum’ to be inscribed upon his tomb. She also stated that no other creature should set foot into his resting place and that the contents inside should be sacrosanct to Weres. When she was last on earth around the fourteen hundreds you still observed this rule. As she hasn’t been to earth since she’s not aware of if you have broken this vow, do other creatures know about the words on Romulus’ coffin?”

There was a pause, what wrath Alice could sense from around the circle was being smothered, a small part of her wanted to inflame it again, but perhaps another time.

“You, she’s here? With us?” Jethro said thoroughly disarmed

Alice nodded. “She can only materialise in close proximity to me, she has been able to move objects and make physical contact with myself, she has not been able to establish this contact with Levash when tried so we assume it is exclusive to her descendants.”

Jethro still stood shock still he seemed torn between backing down from the demon, to show any weakness in front of the pack would not be taken well politically, but he clearly didn’t want to risk the chance that what Alice said was only the truth. “When did you first hear her?”

“Levash kick started my change on a Friday evening, the Friday of your daughter’s birthday. After this I started to hear her call to me in my dreams as my human genetics where reversed to match the demonic ones. On the following Friday as I slept Lilith finished this process making me a true demon. Once I awoke I was able to hear her voice during the day. Your daughter can attest to this, she saw me at our work and experienced this naturally in front of her for the first time. This was before I had any contact with demons besides Levash so I had no time to conspire with them to trick you.”

Jethro turned and Julia nodded, with that he backed up a bit giving some room between himself and the demons. “How do we know Levash didn’t supply you with all this information on Friday?”

“Because we spent our entire time together on Friday dancing and then, well, I’m sure your imagination can tell you how two demons of lust spent their evening.” She heard at least two sniggers, people were definitely easing up. The only issue is some now looked upon her with almost reverence, and while that was basically the plan, she couldn’t help but feel on edge at the sight.

“Why has she had you come to us first? If she is truly there.”

Alice shrugged. “I can ask directly but I believe I already know the words on Romulus’ tomb that she did not wish for you to share with any other supernatural creature. I can assume they have not been?” He shook his head. “Excellent well the words themselves say that once monsters rise and reclaim the earth in her name, werewolves will rule supreme. Now obviously since Romulus the genetics split into many many different Weres, but the point still stands. She expects Weres to be her ultimate servants, the true inheritors of her Earth.”

Murmurs broke out amongst the circle, even the advisors chattering away looked pleased at this news. Jethro looked on in awe, his eyes occasionally scanning the area behind Alice, sadly for him Lilith had already gone off on a wander round the circle taking in all of the faces.

“And, I assume you are telling us this because Lilith expects us to help demons in some way?”

Alice nodded. “Demonic leadership was eradicated by the celestials and with it Lilith. While Lestia, and Lust specifically where her homes, and while the Succubi, Incubi and the Levicas, share the same mother of their kind with yourselfs–”

Lilith’s laugh interrupted Alice again, throughout the past two weeks she had spent her time teaching as much to Alice as she could on her cult, how she controlled them and kept them in line, and how she motivated them. Alice knew she was manipulating their faith, abusing something Lilith had done merely as a game, but needs must, Lilith would come up with some rhyme or reason why once the battle was done, why she couldn’t return.

Alice continued, “She wants revenge on those who have slain her, she wants to return us, myself to her seat of power to see if we may be able to resurrect her. She wants to ensure no more of her children are enslaved at the hands of the Celestials.”

Jethro said nothing further to Alice and with a cursory look behind her he turned and walked back to his advisors in silence, all of them leaving the circle into a tent behind the stage. It must have been the biggest and stood more like a grand cloth house. Nothing could be heard from within as chatter worked back up between the circle. Fragments could be heard over the rest and it seemed mostly positive, Lilith walked back towards them with a wide maybe almost cruel smile.

“How are you holding up?” Levash bumped her shoulder, the touch making her jump but thankfully going unnoticed by the chatting pack. Eight hundred wolves surrounded them, and she just mouthed off at their leader. She was smart enough to recognise that the change had definitely done something to alter her slightly, probably to make her better at seducing her prey, god her prey. But regardless, no change had made her this confident, she never realised it would be so tense. Wishful thinking on her behalf.

“I’m fine, sorry, bit in my own head as you can imagine.”

He nodded. “Hey what you said back there about Sitri, did Lilith give you that or?”

“She told me about her weeks ago, said she was one of her favourite children and that she had promised Sitri in the aftermath of her death to watch over her children but wasn’t given the chance, why?”

Levash shook his head. “We can talk about it later. How’s Lilith feeling?”

Looking over to her, Alice saw a Cheshire grin on her face, her posture that of an empress overlooking her subjects.

“I’m getting the vibe she thinks this is a foregone conclusion, you?”

Levash shrugged. “You’ve shocked them regardless, enough wolves clearly believe you that openly denying you may cause them to leave the pack anyway to follow their God. Jethro himself seemed almost touched.”

“He wishes he was so lucky.”

They both shared a small laugh.

“One issue that I can see through.” Nodding to the stage, Alice followed his prompting, she saw the Witch who not only was sitting, rapidly typing away on her phone but also had an awful scowl on her face. Something to prod at later. On the stage she saw the siblings, Julia looked shocked and confused, as if taking everything in. Mark seemed set on his conclusion and it probably involved him hunting Alice. His glare he had focused on her was enough to kill a lesser man. Thankfully it was hard to be that scared of a man she had heard moan like a dying Labrador.

“They didn’t take him in with them, and he’s never referred to him as his direct heir, perhaps he’s considering Julia instead?” Alice questioned, turning her head into Levash’s shoulder to hide her mouth.

Levash shrugged. “It’s a possibility but Mark hates us right now, he will try to cause issues for us regardless.”

“How much can he really do?”

Levash shrugged once more. “Guess we will find that out.”

After about half an hour the debating from the tent stopped. The door flaps swung open revealing Jethro followed by all his advisers. Two had deep looks of concern on their faces but the majority seemed in good spirits, better than good actually, jubilant. Jethro walked onto stage and signalled for his two children to join him. His face was straight and in that moment he looked like a man his age, the weight of the world on his shoulders. As he signalled, the camp went deathly silent.

“This has been one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make as the premier of this pack. It’s something that we have worked towards for thousands of years, and to be the one at the precipice of it, who has to be the one to make that final push and give fruit to the conviction of hundreds of generations of wolves, is nothing less than terrifying. This pack itself as most know has been watched over by my family directly since the twelfth century, before that it was the Amecio, and before them, was Romulus himself. Now while I’m sure there’s many varied opinions in this pack on how we should proceed, I find myself bound to the words of our ancestors. As a pack we have celebrated Liliths holidays, we have worked with Liliths other children to try and push this world in the right direction for her return, and we have been handed a new honour. To be the ones responsible for bringing Lilith back to Earth.” At his pause cheers erupted around the circle, Lilith’s elation made it seem like she could almost feed off it. “I find it no coincidence that Liliths seeming prophet was given her powers to see our Mother on the day of my daughter’s birth. I feel as though our family’s, mine and Liliths are tied and my daughter as her guide, Alice is sure to find the means to bring our Goddess back to us.” Cheering again, she could barely see anyone in the pack who disagreed, or at least no one in the circle.

Lilith’s laughter almost overshadowed it all though speaking as Jethro continued with his speech. “My prophet, I’ve never had one of those. Do promise them something nice from me.” Lilith could barely get all her words out for laughter, Alice struggled to maintain a straight face at the proceedings, shock wanting to break through. This had gone too far, seeing people’s religious fervour based on her words…

“– it is for those reasons that I am proud to offer our pack to the service of Lilith, in freeing all her children, in reclaiming her throne, and in bringing about her resurrection so that she may cleanse our world as well.”

Uproariously cheering broke out amongst the wolves, howl’s galore. Lilith was over the moon with her new subjects, even Levash seemed hopeful. There was one person who clearly was not on board.

“This is a complete fucking farce! This demon was a fucking human three weeks ago, she gets turned then starts running round pretending she can speak with gods and we all believe her?” Mark exclaimed from his position at his fathers side.

Jethro turned on his son who was screaming yet still almost unheard under the cheer of eight hundred wolves.”This decision has been made by your Alpha, be silent.”

“Be silent? You’re being fucking had and you can’t see it, she can’t speak to Lilith anymore than I can speak to Ghandi. She’s been a demon for two minutes and is trying to make a name for herself.”

“She confirmed details that no other species knows. Do you purport that she’s learned Romulus’ burial location and the script on his tomb in three weeks? Or did she know this while she was human?”

Wolves seemed to be paying more attention to the stage again, their cheering quieting slightly. Julia for her part looked shocked at her fathers insistence that she would lead his armies.

“She picked one cardinal direction and named Rome as Romulus’ tomb. Any human could do that, it proves nothing.”

“And the script?” Queried Jethro.

That stumped Mark, his distrust could only stretch so far. As his eyes flicked between his father and Alice he seemed almost nervous.

“Well boy? Since you’re so sure you would risk disregarding our creator, how do you explain that she knew the script?”

As silence continued, Levash and Alice stood amongst the circle at the pinnacle of all the tension. Eventually the silence was broken for the worse.

“I don’t believe your leadership is fit to continue nor do I believe you are competent enough to make the decision to lead our kind to their deaths. I challenge you as Alpha of the pack.”

At the statement Alice had no idea how to proceed, Levash clearly equally puzzled, it seemed victory had been too easy for them. Lilith seemed intrigued but not worried. She expected many reactions from the pack surrounding them but not laughter, not jeers aimed at Mark.

“I expected any number of people May challenge my leadership as part of this decision, but not you son. Out of respect for your late mother, I ask, and I ask this once, that you withdraw that challenge.” Jethro said levelly as he aimed a glare at his son.

Mark stood taller. “I refuse.”

“Mark think about what you’re doing for fuck sake. You do not want to do this.” Julia said, trying to be hushed but still very audible on the stage. Mark said nothing more and Jethro nodded before turning back to the demons.

“You have your answers and outsiders are not permitted to view leadership challenges, even a descendant of Lilith. Should my son win his challenge confirmation will be sent before dawn with his new decision as Alpha. Councillor Chalmers I’m assuming you’ll be able to find your way back to the car pack with them?”

The witch nodded, unable to hide her annoyance at the turn of events.

“Good, guide the demons back with you. Alice, Lilith willing I will have Julia make contact soon to organise the pack and your legion.. I look forward to our cooperation together.”

Alice had no idea what to do and getting no confirmation from Levash or Lilith she gave a small curtsy before turning to follow the witch who was already halfway to clearing the circle. Levash followed close behind.

The walk back to the car was uneventful and surprisingly drawn out, the Witch was constantly having to correct her path back onto the right way, her focus seemingly lost tapping away on her phone.

“You’re like a teen, glued to that thing.” Alice said, watching as the witch almost tripped over a branch in the way.

The witch looked towards Alice making a non committal noise. Levash just rolled his eyes as they continued through the woods. Passing Broadwoods the witch finally pocketed her phone looking up, almost surprised at their surroundings.

“So is she with us now?” The witch was looking at Alice as they walked, Alice realised what she meant.

“No, she dematerialised as we left.”

“Dematerialised?” Celeste questioned.

Alice tried to conceptualise the process with her hands but couldn’t quite get it “I don’t know if she just disappears, but it’s instant. You can be looking at her, and then it’s just, absence.”

The Witch nodded almost to herself. “So that wasn’t a trick, you actually speak to Lilith? The Goddess Lilith?”

Alice shrugged. “It’s more that she speaks to me and sometimes listens in return, but I don’t get my hopes up.”

Nothing more was said, Alice almost enjoyed the walk though, at this time of night, deep in the woods, ignoring the witch, it was almost cute. She found herself staring at Levash as they walked and when he finally noticed she smiled, he briefly returned it before looking forward again, almost as distracted as the witch. It was a hectic night for the pair of them, and the decision hadn’t been finalised yet. She’d just have to make sure he celebrated properly later.

Once in the car, Levash took the wheel and the drive back to London was one spent in relative silence. Levash in his own world, and the Witch mostly distracted. Alice had flicked the music on at one point and as they passed by more country roads she was close to falling asleep, the weight of everything finally came to a head. She closed her eyes one moment and in the next she was being shaken awake by Levash, the witch missing from the car.

“Come on, Evangeline called on the way here, she wants us down in Pride to report.”

Alice nodded bleary eyed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she got out of the car stretching. Levash shut the door but continued straight through the back door into the club without waiting for Alice. Following slowly behind once she passed the doors she realised Levash had completely taken off, the storeroom she entered was empty. Confused at his mood she made her way into the stairwell.

On her way down she found a pink figure heading up.

“Alice, you look like you’ve had a fucking dreadful evening, how did it go?” Urdon stopped before her in leather shorts that would be indecent even at a strip club.

“Don’t, it went well but I’m shattered, how’s your eve been?” Alice said leaning against the wall, exhausting, starting to bare down upon her.

“Well I’ve poached about twenty people from wrath to head upstairs before I got kicked out, going to go feed from the fruits of my labour, fancy joining me?” Urdon said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Alice just shook her head. “Should probably go see what those three are saying about the meeting, we’re still waiting on confirmation whether the Weres are going to join our fight.”

Urdon slowly nodded, his tail falling limp at his side. “Look I know I don’t like to get involved in all the politics stuff but, how did it go, do you think they’re gonna join us?”

“The alpha agreed unreservedly to support us but his son challenged his leadership. Pretty much every wolf seemed in favour of the decision though so, we live in hope.”

The answer perked the pink demon back up slightly. “Wonderful, well when you hear the good news head up to Lust and let us all know, don’t keep us waiting.” Alice smiled as the lithe demon squeezed her arm and slipped past her.

Pride was empty this evening, no humans, no Lucifans, no bartenders to harass. The usually clear glass of the conference room was frosted over as well for a change. Walking over she didn’t bother to knock, opening the door to find Batra, Evangeline and Levash sat scattered around the table. Batra had been in the middle of saying something but the conversation cut off as soon as Alice entered.

“Ahh the Prophet returns, Levash was just regaling us with how you utterly failed to get a concrete confirmation while at the forum, even with a Prime Demon in your head.”

Alice rolled her eyes sitting next to Levash. “Batra, how lovely it is to see you. I got the confirmation regardless of how you frame it.”

Evangeline scoffed.

“He was challenged by his son, we now have to sit and wait to find out if a twenty nine year old can beat his sixty two year old father, I’m just thrilled with those odds.”

Alice said nothing, quaking a brow as Evangeline continued.

“That is not a success, from what Levash has told us you have only served to piss him off more at the meeting, if he is to be the future pack leader we are fucked.”

The room fell into silence again, Alice looking between the free demons and the only one who refused to meet her eyes was Levash.

“Firstly, I convinced about ninety fucking percent of that pack that their fucking Goddess is leading them to some glory in a distant realm, to resurrect her, I stood their and deceived almost all of them-”

Evangeline interrupted Alice saying, “Almost all are worthless when the one person that matters wasn’t convinced.”

Shaking her head, Alice continued. “The person who mattered the most treated me like the second coming of Christ and did a complete one eighty on his position. Of course there was going to be someone who challenged going to war, that was always going to happen, even, he knew that and was ready for it.” Batra opened his mouth but Alice kept talking, her voice warping at the accusations. “And besides, should his son win the contest, there is nothing stopping any of the eight hundred wolves I did convince from challenging him again.” Stopping to clear her throat and take a deep breath. “We got better than we could have expected otherwise, Levash tried your way and all it got us was humiliation, even if we have to wait for a decision, my way granted us success.”

Alice waited for anyone to speak but seeing no one had anything else to add, and she couldn’t be arsed sitting with a bunch of pessimists, especially after what she’s done for them, she got up and left.

She was moving with the same speed Levash had used as he entered, her head was pounding from the events of the evening and she either needed to feed or fight. She wasn’t sure which way it was going to go when Levash made a beeline from the boardroom and grabbed her arm.

“Alice, please let’s sit down and talk.”

Alice pulled her arm from his grasp as she spoke. “What do you want to talk about, how I failed you all?”

“No, I just–”

Alice quickly cut him off. “Just what? Just refused to give me any support during the meeting as I outright lied to almost nine hundred people that their goddess wants them to die for us? Or how you just never noticed on the entire walk back where the Witch who was clearly against us getting an alliance spending more time warning people about the event than looking where she was going? Or how you just got here and instead of highlighting either of those facts, you ran off to tell them how I failed and we have no guarantee?”

Levash held his hands up in defeat, a small amount of shame showing on his usually cocky face. “Please, let’s just talk. I need to tell you something.”

Alice looked around seeing the closest booth took two steps over before falling hard onto the cushions. “You have thirty seconds.”

Levash placed himself across from her more delicately, his eyes were distant as he took a second to look at his hands before speaking.

“I was there when Sitri died.”

He did not need thirty seconds it would seem.

Levash took a moment before continuing.

“When I first matured I was placed in one of her legions. At the time I was young, dumb, joining the legions was just a way to try and impress more Liliteans.” Levash stopped again, Alice let him recollect himself. After taking a shuddering breath he continued. “I was placed in one of Sitris legions and I stayed for around four years. On the fourth we got a mission to track four Celestials that had fled from the front line, Sitri decided to lead the legion personally in search of them. We must have hunted on Earth for about twelve days before finding them. They were injured, one barely alive by that point but they put up a good fight, I was useless, scared. I almost died, but Sitri saved me.” Levash’ eyes met hers and Alice could see the pain welling within them, a tear threatening to slip. Alice stood wanting to comfort him but was stopped by Levash. “Please just let me finish the story.” Alice considered ignoring but decided to give him five minutes to wrap this up.

After another shuddering breath Levash spoke, quieter this time.

“After she saved me I watched her fight and she was a berserker. In all the years I’ve watched people fight celestials, no one has, well dominated them like she did. She moved with a grace even they couldn’t match, weaving between two at a time, her claws and thunder being the only things she used to tear them to golden ribbons. I suppose I shouldn’t expect anything less of one of Lilith’s children but still at the time. I’m sorry if this bothers you but for a young and impressionable Demon watching her slaughter those celestials, weaving between them to make sure none of her legion fell. Well it would be safe to say I grew a small crush.”

“Please tell me you didn’t?” Alice cringed at the thought.

Levash huffed a small laugh barely able to meet Alice’s shocked eyes. “No worries on that front, I never got the chance. We finished off the celestials destroying the remains and returned to camp. I may have tried to make a move if I wasn’t worried she would rip me in twane for the insult. Regardless I never got the chance, late into the night once we were all well and truly drunk, celestials fell upon us.” She noticed Levash close his eyes as the tear finally slipped and fell from his face. She wanted nothing more to go over and comfort him, hold him but yet again when she made a move to get up he held a hand out stopping her. “Sorry, I just need to finish this. They fell on us, we later found out some infantry had already been waiting on earth. Those that we followed to earth were bait, and we fell for it. The camp was chaotic, the legion quickly being decimated before my eyes. Even Sitri was faltering, she was surrounded and being attacked from all angles. Looking back I know I could have done nothing to save her or anyone in the camp, but I could have fought. I could have done my duty and died alongside my commander. Instead I ran.” No comment came from Alice so Levash continued. “I ran from the camp, leaving them all to be slaughtered like a fucking coward. It didn’t even matter in the end, they caught me anyway. They tortured me, I don’t remember the details exactly, thankfully but, it dragged on for maybe a week? A week and half? Regardless in the end they decided to release me and shove me back through the portal to Lestia. They believed that instead of killing me it would be more painful to return me to Lilith with the knowledge that I had abandoned her daughter to die at their hands. They were right in a sense, I was brought before Lilith and I confessed to exactly what happened. She banished me from lust.”

The pair had sat in silence for only a few minutes, Alice finally unable to take it stood up ignoring his protests wrapped her arms around the demon pulling him closer into her embrace. He seemed like he was going to fight it but whatever energy was left in him after the forum quickly drained as he collapsed into her.

“I spent fifty years on Earth after, I only returned to Lestia once layers started to fall, I believed I was hiding and helping from the shadows but I have no doubt now that Lilith knew of my presence, why she chose not to have me killed I’ll never know.”

“Maybe she saw it as your chance at redemption? You returned willingly to the fight instead of running from it.”

Levash was still in her arms, she gave him the time to work through his clear guilt.

“Perhaps. Regardless, I’ve always seen continuing Liliths fight as my penance, that to run to earth and hide from the Celestials would be continuing the behaviour that allowed Sitri to die, that if I want to atone for my cowardice, I have to fight and so I have. But hearing that you are not only descended from Lilith but Sitri as well. Maybe you’re my chance at–.”

Alice blanched at that pushing Levash upright, his expression a mix of confusion and the smallest bit of awe like the wolves. “No, do not say that. We are equals completely and I am a person. You do not get to use me as a prop for your own personal redemption.”

Levash blinked, shocked at her outburst. “I mean that you may be the one who can save the hells, save Demons, staying to fight for you would be my redemption.”

“And I’m saying don’t look at me like that. I have just had nearly nine hundred wolves look at me like I’m the messiah. We’re partners. We don’t sacrifice ourselves for each other, and if I’m in a fight that is absolutely unwinnable, and you joining would just get you killed as well, I do not expect you to fight with me. Categorically I would rather you ran and lived to fight another day.”

“I couldn’t leave you, Lilith would–”

“Lilith can take it up with me when I meet her wherever dead demons go, you do not get to sacrifice yourself for me, you do not get to leave me to deal with this alone, understood?”

Levash blinked but after a second nodded. They both sat in quiet silence for a few minutes before Levash prematurely broke it. “Partners again then?”

Before she could respond with a Barb, Levash’ phone started ringing, answering and rising from his chair he quickly made his way back into the boardroom, as Alice made to follow her phone went off as well, looking for the screen she saw Julia’s name in bold.

“Was any of what you said in the meeting true?” Julia said as the phone answered.

“Hi, Julia. Lovely to speak to you! I just got home actually, the journey was safe.”

A faint growl came over the phone. “Alice don’t fuck with me, do you speak to Lilith?”

Well she could answer that honestly. “Yes.”

“Are you related to her?”

“Yes again.”

“Does she want us to fight in Lestia?

“Going for a hat trick here Jules.”

She heard Julia sigh. “This is fucking insane, Alice. Why has Lilith returned now of all times.”

Well it seems she got off lightly with the direct questions. “She can appear to me since I was corrupted and started becoming more demonic than human.”

“How does that even work, you were never human?”

Alice shrugged but realised no one could see her. “I was part human, but Lilith insists I was always basically a demon. The way I understand it is that the corruption basically kick started the demonic genes to start colonising the human ones.”

“That’s kinda horrific, Alice.”

“Yeah kinda. Also not to change the topic but, leadership contest, can you not leave me in suspense?”

Alice could hear the deep breath that was taken. “Dad won. Mark was a fucking idiot to challenge him.”

“Is he?” Alice let the question trail off not wanting to finish her thought.

“No, if it was anyone else they would be, but he’s in a bad way.”

“Fuck, I’m sorry Julia, I didn’t mean to–”

“Don’t apologise. He brought this upon himself for challenging dad, and he’s been doing it more lately. Regardless we need to meet, dad means it when he wants me leading the wolves into war, which is fucking horrifying, but if Lilith wills it right?”


“How did you get over it?”

“Over what?”

“Having to go to war. You never knew of any of this like a month ago, and you never knew who Lilith was and now you’re basically leading her armies.”

Alice paused at the question. “I wouldn’t go that far. But I mean I don’t really have a choice? I have Lilith in my head telling me I have to do it, I’m surrounded by Demons telling me I have to do it. I can see the consequences of not doing anything, and regardless of if I do or don’t, the Celestials will come for me anyway, at least this way I’ll be prepared.”

“Are they really going to come for us, after humans you think?”

“No question, they’ve been farming other realms for centuries, Earth was just cut off from them until now.”


“Fuck has been my response for about a month now. How you grew up around all this insanity beats me.”

Julia sighed, but when she spoke again, she sounded slightly more like her usual self. “Well at least we’re in this together, fancy meeting Monday? We can have a bit of a catch up then get planning?”

“Yeah that sounds perfect, talk then?”

“Sounds great, Speak then.”

Once the phone went silent two emotions battled within Alice. Joy, she had gotten the wolves on the side, despite Batra and Eveangelines complaining she had managed it, the demons had allies to take into Lestia to try and retake their home, her apparent home. On the other hand though she felt disgusted in herself, she was manipulating one of her closest friends. Any other faction and she could maybe have justified it, but Julia was so resigned, ready to die for a God that didn’t truly care about her. She couldn’t break down and stop the wolves from fighting, she’d be killed, no doubt. The Weres wouldn’t stand for that humiliation, Demons would be stuck in their continued enslavement. But she needed to come up with something.

Alice left those thoughts for later, she may need to have a discussion with Lilith. Opening the door to the boardroom, Levash still seemed exhausted but Evangeline and Batra’s mood had changed, the large glutton turning to her as she entered.

“There’s the Demon of the hour! Secured the wolves for us in under a month of being a Demon, that’s impressive.”

Alice rolled her eyes. “I’m glad to see your moods have changed.”

Evangeline gave her a saccharine smile as she spoke. “I have no idea what you mean Alice? We always knew a descendant of Lilith, her Prophet no less would be able to get a few stray dogs on side.”

Alice shook her head trying to suppress the smile threatening to break through. “Arseholes. Levash, you want to go home and celebrate with a demon who’s not such a two faced bitch?”

That felt a little rich saying now in retrospect.

“We need to discuss the witches and the Vampires.” He said as he nodded to the chair next to him.

“Are we going after them next?” Levash nodded, but Batra spoke for the group.

“The Witches are torn between two religions in London, or well actually all of the country. About sixty percent of British Witches worship Gaia”


Batra snorted. “A nebulous concept based around nature and magic. They have no God, just the idea that magic is circular. We can’t do anything with that but try and convince them the old fashioned way. The other forty percent follow Lilith, we have as good a chance as we did with the wolves there.”

Alice nodded. “So what’s the plan then, same as today?”

Evangeline scoffed. “You can’t use Lilith as a bartering ram to solve all your problems.

“I can certainly try.”

The Lucifan rolled her eye before continuing.. “We’re contacting a Vampire from the Danelaw Court, she helped negotiate some of the treaties that helped the Demons in Leeds stop the Celestial incursion on Earth, she has history with the witches we hope will speak to the majority of them. ”

“When will she be in London then?” Alice questioned.

Evangeline shrugged. “Hopefully towards the beginning of February so a month and half from now? Then we set a meeting set with the witches within the week? Chalmers, the Witch who escorted you will have sounded the alarm, she’s a Witch of Gaia so she’ll be poisoning the well against any mention of Lilith. In the meantime, I’d just continue with Levash as you have, its been working so far.”

Was that almost honest praise from the Lucifan?

“What about the SDF?” Alice queried.

Batra cleared his throat. “We’re unconcerned for now, there’s been fewer attacks in London for the past two weeks, we think they might have moved on.”

“But what about the Celestial? Surely can’t just ignore it!” Alice exclaimed, sure the humans could be forgotten but a Celestial.

“We’re keeping our ears to the ground, but no Demons have been attacked or gone missing. There’s no update from Leeds of any attacks. We think that maybe the SDF planted it as a way to scare us? Golden and white feathers are usually used in human portrayals of Angels, and if they’re religious it would make sense that they see Angels that way since, well you two are so similar to the human concept of a demon, just need some pitch forks.”

It wasn’t impossible but when she first saw the feather it was such a visceral reaction of fear seeing it, and the magic the witch had found on it. She was young though, and she’s never met a Celestial so maybe?

“How do you explain the witch making it glow like the sun at the forum? Her skin was ready to slip from her hand in the heat.”

“A Witch’s magic? If they’re that desperate it’s not unheard of for witches to use the brotherhood of Ulsia against other supe groups. Using the SDF would be a sad downgrade but from the same rule book.”


Evangeline waved her off. “Not important, regardless we don’t think it’s anything to worry about for now.”

Alice nodded uneasily, “Understood, now is that all, I’ll read up on the Witches and vamps when I get home, I promise.”

She got another eye roll in return.

“Levash take the child home, contact us tomorrow we will give you the update from this Vampire once it arrives.”

Levash nodded, rising with the overeager Succubus. Once out onto the floor of Pride Levash deflated, noticeably.

“I’m not going to be in the mood for much today, there’s a lot on my mind.”

Alice nodded, taking his arm in hers. “That’s fine, I feel kinda rotten as well. So I was thinking we should stop by the corner shop on the way home, get something like ice cream and watch an awful movie maybe?”

Levash closed his eyes a moment as they walked but a small smile cracked on his face. “I’ve never had ice cream”

Alice pretended to be shocked. “Then you haven’t lived! It’s better than sex.”

He gave her a disbelieving look as they both cracked into laughter.


The flat door banged open between the two laughing like teenagers.

“Right you get the laptop, I’m going to grab spoons.” Alice made a beeline for the kitchen.

“Don’t we need a bowl?”

Alice laughed at the amateur. “Not at all, we’re going to finish it.”

“You’ve spent too much time around the Weres, you animal.” Levash said as he picked his laptop off his desk.

“This is human behaviour, Levash. You have much to learn.”

“It gets worse then?”

Walking back into the living room Alice spotted a letter lying by the door, a wet shoe print engraved into it. Leaning over she saw her name written in almost incomprehensible script, her fathers. A note was next to the letter.

Hey Alice,

Found this at the flat while I was clearing some stuff out, I got your address from Julia so dropped this off. Give me a call when you can.


It was painful to read Chris was moving out, she had sort of hoped something would come up and she would change her mind, but no. She’s gone. Trying to put it out of her mind she opened the letter from her father. It was brief just asking that she give him a call as soon as she can as he’s worried he’s not heard from her and he can’t get through to her number.

“You okay?” Levash asked, having come to a stop in the doorway.

Alice looked up to Levash and just nodded, looking back to the letter. “My dad sent a letter asking to call him, this must have been dropped at the flat last week he’s probably worried sick.”

Looking at the clock on the wall and it was almost six in the morning, her dad was an early riser so maybe she could catch him now. “You mind if I pop him a call, might be ten minutes? He’s usually very brief.”

“Course, I’ll find a movie. What are you thinking?”

Alice shrugged. “Pick something actiony, otherwise I’ll end up passing out.”

Levash nodded, returning to the laptop as she quickly dialled her father. She got lucky with the phone answering after the third ring.

“Hello, who is this?” His voice sounded suspicious, Alice thought he must be having issues with prank callers again, ever since his number got posted to Facebook he has known no peace.


“Alice? God, where have you been?”

“Sorry, it’s complicated, I’ve moved out temporarily with a, well a boyfriend.”

“And you never thought to call me? Give me a message? Anything? I thought you’d run off like your mother and. God Alice, I’m sorry it’s been such a long week. You need to come home for a few days, we. God, we have a lot to sort out.”

Her dad never sounded like this, he was always so upbeat and today, he sounded defeated. “Hey I can come down anytime, but well. I kind of have something I need to tell you as well. I, God, I have no idea how to phrase this. I kinda turned into a demon?”

“You what?”

Alice started rushing to get the words out. “It’s a long story and I don’t really know exactly how, but basically I started changing and like I have horns and my skin is red and it’s all been so hectic I never even got a chance to –”

“Alice, your mothers died.”

That stopped her dead in her tracks. “Sorry?”

“The police found her body outside of York, the cult had dissapeared the fucking bastards. She looks like she’s been burned it’s, God it’s fucking horrific Alice.”

Both of them were silent, she could hear her dad choking down sobs, she had never even seen her dad show an emotion and now, he seemed to be in so much pain.

“I don’t care if you’re bloody purple, Alice. We can sort all that out later, just you get home soon so we can bury her properly.”

Her mother was actually dead. As the thought settled into her mind she remembered something niggling at the back of her mind. All of the crazy tied to being a demon was on her mothers side, and since she first heard Lilith three weeks ago, she’s been told constantly she’s the last living descendant.

“How long has she been dead, dad?”

“Bit morbid don’t you think love?”

“How long?” Alice insisted.

“I think the police put it at around three weeks. They couldn’t make much out from the corpse but they did find flakes of gold under her nails, they think it might have been off something her attacker was wearing, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a supe.”

Gold, flakes. Oh God.


1 thought on “SEEDS OF CORRUPTION 7 by Libertysn”

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