Feature Writer: Libertysn


Published: 11.07.2024

Story Codes: Demonic

Synopsis: Alice sees firsthand the threat she now faces

Author’s Notes: Hey thanks for reading this chapter! Sorry for any delay. I will be posting these every fortnight on a Wednesday going forward. I feel like the story to this point was a bit slower setting things up. The next few chapters are pretty much back to back now to the end.

Seeds Of Corruption 5

Chapter 5 – Hellish eviction

The demon standing before her was far more intimidating than in her dream, she towered over Alice, her horns curling just below the roof of the bathroom. The menacing grin that revealed four pointed canines, the athletic figure hidden under tattered robes. She realised she was staring like Mark had once called her out for but Lilith in the flesh was otherworldly. Where flesh was revealed from the off white robes she could see faint orange patterns traced lightly along the crimson skin, the pattern almost resembling active magma.

“As you can see I have been busy. I have spent the time since we last spoke consolidating energy, as it turns out as your body changes further it makes it easier for me to establish and maintain the connection between us. The downside being that I was distracted when this new little addition wriggled its way out.” Lilith finished nodding to the tail curled tightly around Alice’s thigh in fear.

“You’re. You’re actually here? How?” Alice’s voice trembled slightly, her eyes unblinking watching the demon before her. She noticed the smirk on Liliths face falter.

“Yes and no, my presence in this realm is linked to yours, I do not know how far I may travel away from you. It will be something to test.” Lilith turned looking around the room and walked to a towel rack slowly. Alice watched with rapt attention as the towering demoness reached out slowly for a towel and as her hand grasped the towel it seemed to take far more energy than she expected for Lilith to pick it up.

“I also struggle to interact with anything in this realm, it seems. I will say from prior experience, no one else will be able to see or hear me. Maybe some types of fae but even that I doubt.”

“Why are you here?” Alice asked, interrupting Liliths train of thought.

“You have nothing to fear from me. You are the last living descendant of mine, Alice. I wish to ensure that you don’t end up like the rest of our family.” Lilith approached Alice slowly, as if giving her a chance to flinch away should she need to. The entire time she had imagined the demoness, as they spoke, from the original dream, she had created this image of an aloof, cold and aristocratic demon. One more fitting to the original earthly tales of their kind. Their kind, when had it become so easy to see herself as such. Regardless, the Demon before her seemed more concerned than anything else.

“Turn around for me, and please open the wrapping from the gauze.” Alice nodded and slowly reached for the bandages, opening its packaging. Lilith leaned over and with much effort managed to start the tap and held the tower under the water. “If this hurts at all, speak up.”

Alice said nothing in response as she stood facing the mirror and saw the demon inspect the base of the tail.

“I apologise for not being able to delay this until you rested, it looks like it’s already healing but this can’t have been pleasant making its way out.”

Alice huffed a humourless laugh. She was exhausted before Lilith had made a physical appearance and she realised she was now close to dissociating. Lilith proceeded to hold the towel to the base of the tail earning a wince from Alice and a sharp intake of breath. Lilith looking up into the mirror for consent to continue, Alice dumbly nodded her head.

Lilith proceeded to clean and bandage the base of the tail, something that clearly took a great deal of effort on her part. As she rose Alice turned back, more confused than concerned but still wanting nothing more than to go to sleep.

“You will need to clean the rest yourself I’m afraid, it may have been too much to do that as it is. Any future changes I will try to delay until I am sure your healing factor will make shorter work of healing it.”

Alice sighed, rubbing a hand across her face. “What else can I actually expect?”

Lilith gave her a once over and Alice found she felt no malice or intent behind her gaze. “Wings, fangs, claws I guarantee, all of these pushing out their replacements, in what order I would not know though.” Lilith seemed to furrow her brows during her inspection, something that looked too mundane on the ethereal demon. “Beyond that I would struggle to know, with there not having been a full blooded demon in your family tree since Sitri, I can’t guess what traits have been picked up or lost.”

“Who’s Sitri?”

When Lilith’s eyes met her gaze it was almost hypnotic. While there was certainly some sort of supernatural pull involved, her eyes themselves were mesmerising to watch, as if her iris was simply the window into a world of flames. The darkness surrounding them only serving to further draw you in. She could recognise once upon a time, or just two weeks ago, she would have probably been terrified of something so clearly, unholy? Yet now it seemed beautiful to her, had she already grown so numb to the variations of Demons?

“Sitri is. Was your ancestor. She fell on Earth around five hundred years ago leading my legions against a group of rogue Celestials. She was one of my eldest daughters and one I held very dear.” Lilith turned from her slowly walking towards the bedroom, her head spinning, taking in everything. “She had mated while on earth, some human in France who gave birth to her half blooded child. Once I knew of it I made a vow to watch over the bloodline in her name. However I have been unable to keep that promise. The Celestials removed me from Lestia and as the blood grew more diluted I was unable to make a solid connection, having very little knowledge of their existence in this realm. That was until you found corruption. With that awakening I saw a beacon that I could follow back to this realm, and at the end I found you.” Lilith had taken a seat on the edge of the bath and was sitting with the posture of a ruler, a determined glint in her eyes. “That is why I am here Alice, I aim to ensure that what has befallen all of my children, our family. Does not happen to you.”

It was a lot to take in. Lilith had left to her bedroom to allow Alice to wash alone. There was a part of her screaming inside that this was someone she needed to be careful around. That the Demon sitting in front of her, dead or alive was far more dangerous than any of the ones she had met previously. However Alice could not deny how genuine she seemed. As she spoke of her lost family the pain she wore clear as day could not be faked by even the most talented of actors. She considered the Demon’s actions so far, if she could take Lilith at her word, she had tried to ensure painful parts of the transition occurred when Alice rested and would not feel them. She had given her what has proven to be good advice and information, and she wanted to give her further protection and guidance without asking for anything in return.

As Alice finished up she decided she wanted as much information from Lilith as she could get. Afterwards she would judge Lilith on her goals. If she truly only wants to protect Alice then she will take her at her word. Should her goals seem loftier, Alice would do all she could to smother whatever connection existed between them.

Alice entered her bedroom to find the Demon looking at her phone in confusion.

“Is this some kind of witch’s trinket? It’s constantly making noise while you’ve been away.” Lilith said without acknowledging Alice’s entrance.

Alice walked over to her phone picking it up, as the light of the screen flashed onto her home screen Lilith stood from the bed in shock.

“Why is your image trapped in the, the thing?”

Alice saw the three missed calls from the unknown number but choosing to ignore them she turned back to Lilith, seeing the Demon growing impatient without a response. “It’s a picture of me on my phone. How long have you been away from this world?”

Lilith’s narrowed eyes did not shift from the screen. “I was last on earth around fifteen thirty-two, what year is it now?”

“Two thousand and twenty one, and theirs weirder things than this I promise you.”

The answer finally pulled Lilith away from the phone, her eyes wide. “Five hundred years I’ve been–” Lilith collapsed back down on the bed, her body barely disturbing the sheets at all. In a moment Alice saw many emotions on the demoness but it ended on pure rage, Lilith quickly turned on Alice.

“We need to find out what the Demons that have come here plan to do. How we plan to stop the Celestials.”

Alice instantly held her hands up. “They plan to stop– I’m sorry but I am not getting involved in any wars.”

Lilith’s scowl deepend. “So what? You would choose to live stuck between a government that hates you and a regime intent on your destruction? The Celestials have killed everyone that has come before you, Alice, yours and your family’s existence to this point. can only be accredited to the destruction of the portals linking our realms and your human appearance. If they had known of Sitris’s bloodline, you would have never existed. You can not hide from this.”

Alice continued to take what good advice she had received from Lilith breathing deeply before responding. “I know, you probably haven’t had many people to talk to recently–”

Lilith scowled. “Be careful choosing to patronise me.”

Alice continued, determined, “Regardless telling me I have to go fight some unknown army of fucking Angels, is insane. Like I’m sorry but I didn’t know that any of this even existed just two weeks ago, hell I still don’t really know what’s really going on. How do I even know that we’re the good guys? I mean you’re telling me to go and fight fucking Angels?”

Lilith’s scowl dropped into more of a grimace. The first sign of her disappointment evident. “Do you truly believe in such an infantile view on morality that you think any one group could be the ‘good guys’? I will give you this one allowance because of your age but it will be the last. Celestials have enslaved our race, slaughtered our family and will work to eradicate you should they find out about you. Simply put you do not get a choice in sitting this one out. Speak with Levash and ask him to train you in self defence, and teach you more about the conflicts facing our species.”

“I’m not going to–”

“This is not a request, Alice. You plan to learn of your abilities tomorrow, ask to be trained how to fight and how to unlock your offensive capabilities as well. They will be far more useful for your survival than learning to hide what you are.” Lilith rose, stepping towards the foot of the bed away from Alice. “I do not wish for us to have an adversarial relationship but I won’t allow you to stop me from fulfilling my vow. Goodnight.” Lilith dematerialised in front of Alice, winking out of existence, and all that was left was the vague hint of sulphur in the air. Alice wanted to break something, or to go out and feed, her blood was boiling. After a quick check to see if any physical evidence of her visitor was met with failure Alice resigned herself to sleep. The thought of sleeping with the anger coursing through her veins felt like a distant dream, yet like every other night she had fed, slumber claimed her almost immediately.


Alice awoke to the world slowly, everything from the day before coming back to her. She felt her newest addition flick under the quilt and a groan slipped from her mouth. Pulling her pillow over her head with the intent to smother herself she felt a spot of tension before the pillow yanked forward, feathers spilling over her. Sitting up bolt right she realised the problems as the back half of her pillow fell over her face hooked onto the tip of her horns. The anger that had welled within her last night present once more she ripped the cover from her resolving to deal with the mess later. Her usual shower took slightly longer that morning, plucking the feathers from her hair and trying to control an otherwise unruly new appendage.

Alice skipped any checks and just hoped she could take Lilith’s word for stopping any other changes. Getting changed though quickly raised a new problem, after trying two different pairs of jeans that either sat too low, being stopped by the base of the tail or crushing it against her back. For now Alice settled on an entirely out of season sundress and managed to curl the tail around her upper thigh the tip tucked slightly into the length or it holding it all in place. The action caused a resigned sigh to spill from her lips, once more she had to tuck.

Heading out into the living room she found Chris in the living room in one of her cuter outfits. “Morning you’re looking, practically innocent this morning.”

Chris turned to her from the kitchen with a wry smile. “Well I just figured I needed to start acting as a counterbalance for the Demon in the house. Plus I have another date with Mark, we’re going horse riding, can you believe it? ”

“I can’t, he looks like he’d scare the horses away before you could even get on. How are things between you anyway? Does Julia know you two are sneaking around?”

Chris winked. “What Jules doesn’t know wont hurt her. Besides he’s almost thirty he can do what he wants, right?” Alice just laughed, preparing herself a coffee from the pot. “Besides I’m not being shown up, I heard you two moaning late into the night.”

Alice was confused for a moment remembering a distinct lack of passion herself before realising. “Oh those weren’t sexy moans, I promise.” Alice received a slow disbelieving nod as Christina continued to smirk.

The smirk however quickly dropped as Alice’s tail uncoiled from her leg hanging out from under the dress. “Will you kill me if I burst out laughing?’

“Slowly.” Alice responded as she went about preparing a brew for herself.

The threat did nothing to stop her Chris quickly breaking down into riotous giggles. “It’s so cute though I mean look at it, it has a bloody heart on the end. This is adorable. Are we sure you’re a demon?”

Alice’s eyes narrowed. “You want to find out, mortal?” Alice couldn’t hold the look long as the pair both started laughing.

Chris eventually snapping out of it. “You get anywhere learning to hide them?”

“No, this grew and I freaked out. He’s coming at lunch-ish to help though so fingers crossed.” Chris had been sliding on her shoes and took one last look at the tail laughing as she waved her goodbye. Alice popped a message to Levash to text when he was there and with the message sent Alice switched off her phone. After the hectic day prior she needed to blow off some steam, stat.


Shaking the quilt once to send the settled feathers floating slowly to the floor Alice removed her dress and underwear and led herself down. She hadn’t tried to masturbate since the last week had been essentially one long tease and denial sessions, so she was hoping that now she was a demon, there would be no further blocks.

Delicately, Alice drew her hands down the length of her body, letting her fingertips gently brush along the skin, just a whisper of sensation and she felt her body prickle instinctively under the sensation. As her hands glided along her thighs, up her stomach and tentatively over her breasts she remembered her first time at the club. The overwhelming sensation as bodies bumped into her own. As hands and fingers trailed across exposed skin, and how her body had remembered those touches, even now ghostly fingers danced across her lower back leaving her breathing heavy much quicker than anticipated.

Deciding not to draw this out to much longer, Alice let loose a breathy moan as she pinched one of her nipples, the sensation sending sparks through her upper body, far more intense than any she had once felt. As she continued to switch to the other breast her spare hand languidly stretched out to her already parted thighs. Her fingers danced over her lips, feeling them already slick with moisture. As she slowly rubbed back upwards she caught her clit and even as gentle as she was the sensation almost overwhelmed her brain for a moment, her actions stuttering before she redoubled her efforts.

As her fingers worked on rubbing small circles, she felt her moans growing loader as her entire body felt restless. Absently she could hear a slight thumping sound coming from within the room but as she continued to work herself up her brain just couldn’t latch on longing enough to care. Slowly her hand left breasts and pushing herself up into a sitting position she used her now free hand to once again brush along her opening and pulling her hand away she could see she was easily wetter than she had ever been before, a benefit she could not focus on as she let her hand go back down parting herself and slowly working them inside of her. The feeling was automatic, a jolt shuddered from her already sensitive clit to the pit of her stomach leaving her almost breathless as she clamped down on the fingers. Even to her own new adjustment to hotter temperatures her fingers felt like they had been placed in a furnace minus any of the pain. The heat was overwhelming and for the life of her Alice couldn’t help but skip them in deeper.

The rhythm soon grew quicker, her own breaths growing shorter and shorter as continued to work closer and closer to a crescendo. As her body began to slump against the backboard ready to sink into the bliss of climax her release was interrupted by a slow knock on the bedroom door. Turning her head in immediate shock, she saw Levash leaning against the frame of the door, a smirk evident as his eyes trailed along her body. While the interruption had halted her motions allowing the creeping orgasm to slip away from her she couldn’t bring herself to cover or hide anything. What’s a little masturbation amongst friends?

“I did text a few times but after getting no response I wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m glad to see I was kept waiting for a worthy cause.” Levash said his eyes flicked once more to where her hands cupped her sex before finally making eye contact. When Alice failed to respond his smirk grew, a glow flickering across his eyes. “I’d ask if the cat caught your tongue, but it looks like it caught something else,” his eyes pointedly trailing down her body. “Do you need a hand? Alice could only nod, words seeming to have left her mind. With confirmation received Levash was quick to shed his shirt revealing the tight forded muscles beneath as he slinked towards the bed like a predator who had caught its prey.

Without wasting anytime, Levash was suddenly kneeling on the edge of the bed and gripped one of Alice’s ankles and pulled. With a quick jolt Alice was once again lead back down onto the bed her horns biting into the back of the bed and hopefully not tearing through. With Levash now knelt between her open legs, Alice pulled both of her hands away from herself but one wrist was just as swiftly caught. With a heated look shared between the pair, Levash leaned forward taking the two fingers that had previously been inside her within his mouth, collecting the taste of her. Neither was able to blink as Levash removed the fingers from his mouth, his eyes now lit with a permanent hellish glow.

Levash pushed himself backwards down the bed and as he did, his body lowered and without warning Alice felt the hot seal of his mouth close over her clit and in an instant came undone. He did not start slow as she felt his tongue begin to swirl around her clit, teasing the already tormented nub. Alice was once again lost to the sensations as he followed this up by beginning to probe at her entrance, his tongue parting her and entering far further than she would have expected as she began to grind her hips into his mouth. The slight thumping came back, but this time someone else noticed it, and in an action just as quick and rough as the previous, Levash with a slight laugh that vibrated through her core caught the lashing tail and coiled a few times around his spare fist, pinning it to the bed.

They stayed locked like this for what could have been an eternity, Levash switching between fucking her and teasing her with his tongue before so let focusing on her clit and he brought his free hand up and after collecting some of the moisture that now coated most of her thighs dipped one his fingers inside her. It didn’t take long for Alice to beg for a second and then a third, as she remained completely pinned to the bed over whelmed with his attention. In an instant it was upon her, with a white hot intensity pleasure shot through her core causing her entire body to lock up, any noises leaving her body went unnoticed as everything seemed to shut down with the intensity of the orgasm.

After a moment she finally started to come down seeing Levash placing small kiss around her thighs, the sensation of it barely registering as his fingers still continued to work slowly in and out of her. She realised she must have groaned because he quickly met her eye raising his head from between her legs and she saw for her own nerd slick across his face and the evil grin that sat on it.

“That enough or do you want another?” Levash said slowly working his fingers all the way out of her.

Alice nodded before realising that wouldn’t confirm anything. “I’m good, I think. Thanks.”

“My pleasure.” Levash whispered as he snaked his way up her body leaving a trail of kisses of her damp skin. As he reached her lips they locked in a heated kiss, Alice not realising the taste of herself on his lips having noticeably changed from her pre demon days. As the kiss went on Alice felt Levash’s hard length through his jeans brushing against her leg. As one hand left the grip it had on him to head for his belt she found herself stopped as Levash pulled away.

“You have training you need to, you can have your treat later.” He said with a wink. Alice pouted at the response which just caused a laugh to leave him as he pulled her up from the bed and onto unsteady legs. “Shower while I wash my face, we can revisit this tonight.”

Alice took one last for forlorn look at his crotch before sighing and flipping her now wild hair over one shoulder. “Your loss.”


Levash sat across from Alice, both cross-legged on her bed. Levash had spent most of the early afternoon trying to instil in Alice the need to focus solely on what she wanted to do, that once she gets the hang of using them it will become second nature, like feeding. For now she needed to focus solely on using her will to force the power, manifest it. She had already questioned him why he thought it was wise, on the day he knew she’d need to focus, that he decided to wear what was little more than a vest under his leather jacket. A vest that couldn’t have been the right size for how much she saw under it, and with her thoughts straying back to their initial greeting her focus strayed once again.

Pulling all her focus inwards and clearing whatever remnants of lust lingered in her mind Alice once again tried to focus on her additional appendages and making them disappear. She’d made it happen once as human, surely she could do it again, a giggle slipping out at the thought. She had lost count of how many attempts she had made and the most she could achieve was a vague vibrating sensation through her horns and tail that felt like they were hollowed out and filled with bees. Angry, angry bees. Getting to this stage again she tried, she kept her mind clear, and as it started to build almost to a crescendo, it faded away into nothing. Opening one eye she stared at Levash looking for confirmation who just shook his head.

“That’s it, I’m never going to be able to do this, it’s impossible.’

“Never took you for a quitter Alive. Like I’ve already said you’re young, you’ve not even finished your change and you’re trying to force powers most don’t master until long after that. You’ll get there.”

Alice fell backwards onto the bed, careful of her horns hitting the bed too hard. “I need a break. Since it’s looking increasingly more likely that I’m not going to get to perform and I probably will need a new job, what do you do?”

Levash moved up the bed so he was laying beside her. “I work for The Council, but mostly as a representative for our kind with two others. The group that came through in Leeds made our departure possible with the help of a coalition of supes and humans. My role as a diplomat is to achieve the same goal on a larger scale.”

“I shouldn’t be shocked that you’re a diplomat, you do have some charm I suppose.”

“Enough charm to get you in bed multiple times so I wouldn’t downplay it too much.” Alice stuck out her tongue but otherwise let him continue. “Honestly I consider myself a soldier first and foremost.” Her attention peake, Alice rolled onto her side giving him her full attention. “Before Lestia was taken I was a soldier in Lusts hordes. The 9th legion. I wasn’t in them long before our general fell. We fought Celestials looking to gain a foothold on his realm at the time. We were betrayed by a Pluti who had been accepted amongst the forces, something that would become all too common in the run up to the fall. Since then, I have been focused on our liberation at any costs. Collecting alliances on Earth is only one step, the second will be to lead them against the Celestials main stronghold. Join forces with the already established army and wipe them and their allies from Lestia and ensure they never come back.” Looking at the Incubus, she couldn’t imagine him ever holding a weapon, everything about him seemed crafted for, well obviously lust not war. Yet the haunted look she couldn’t begin to comprehend, painted the picture.

“Do you need help? I probably have some free time coming up, and I have a mean slap.”

Levash laughed but cut off shortly after his face turning to concentration as he took in her features. “Maybe actually, your friends with Weres correct?”

Alice shrugged. “One Were and I have spoken to like two others, knowingly. Why?”

“Those two ginger wolves I saw you with back in Sloth, what’s their last name?”

“Farkas, why?”

“I think they’re the current alphas’ children. The pack he controls is large, stretching from Cornwall to just about Hull. In the original alliance, our people partnered with Were bears.”

Alice couldn’t hold in her laugh. “I’m sorry, Were bears. They couldn’t come up with something slightly more intimidating?”

“Trust me they’re plenty intimidating regardless, but their numbers don’t make up ten percent of Farkas’ pack. If I convince him of the dangers to Earth, the boost it would give us would be enormous. Do you think you’d have any sway over the children?'”

Alice shrugged. “I’m friends with Julia but I doubt I could convince anyone to go to war.”

Levash lay there considering her words.”Still it gives us options, perhaps you as someone born human of this realm will be able to better convey the danger Earth is in. Perhaps if you could convince either of his children who may take up his mantle of our cause we could see about Jethro taking an early retirement, some of his pack have said he’s growing a little grey.”

Alice sat up at that. “Please tell me you’re not talking about killing one of my best friends’ fathers.”

Levash matched her. “I’m talking about saving our people, this realm, and every realm the Celestials have touched with their rot.” His look was determined, he had been focused on this one goal for four hundred years. While she would absolutely nip actual assassination in the bud, she could probably allow the thought.

“We should probably put a pin in that one. Don’t think I’m up for plotting assassinations yet, still have pesky human sensibilities.”

Levash didn’t argue but stood from the bed with a sad smile. “You may help by just talking to them and if you’re willing to do that it would mean the world to me. Regardless, I’ve realised I’ve done you a disservice.” Alices’ eyebrow quirked. “I never registered you with The Council, they have an office about an hour’s walk from here we can go do it now if you’re free.”

“I’m sorting living indefinitely free at the moment, what would we need? I thought we were avoiding ID?”

“The council don’t track or bag us, they just like to know who’s in their territory and get ahead of any trouble. They have provided us with considerable financing on Earth and have established talks with, some governments to help fight the Celestials. We shouldn’t anger them by not doing the one thing they ask of us in return.” Alice waited for any rejection from Lilith who had been surprisingly quiet all morning, when she didn’t receive one she nodded and the pair set off.


The office itself was surprisingly modern. Alice had assumed some head office for a supernatural council would be a dark hall with gothic gargoyles. Or multiple staircases like Escher’s painting. So many images came to mind. What never came to mind was just another open plan office block in London.

Approaching the main desk Alice removed the beanie she had picked up and the bearded man on the counter looked up to the pair and smiled. “Afternoon, can I help you with anything?” Alice left the speaking for Levash. “Just looking to register a Demon if possible.”

The man looked between the pair, his smile turning to confusion. “New arrival or.. I thought you couldn’t turn people into Demons on earth? We had been reassured of this actually.”

Levash held up his hand to stop the man. “We can’t, she’s been on Earth her entire life. Her parents were Demons and so on and so forth. She’s only just come forward.”

The man turned his suspicion on Alice. “And why did you decide to wait so long?”

Alice repeated what they had rehearsed on the way here. “My family passed down tales of what the Celestials had done to our ancestors. You can call me a coward but I wasn’t going to reveal myself and put myself in harm’s way until I thought for certain we could win.”

“And you think you can, win now?.”

Turning to Levash as practised but with a genuine smile. “I think we honestly can.”

The bearded man shrugged, it almost saddened her because they had prepared an entirely unnecessarily big speech about Levashs convincing speech. Instead the man just hopped off his chair and disappeared behind the desk, coming from round the side she saw the man must have been some kind of dwarf? Is that politically correct? In his hands were just two sheets of paper and a clipboard.

“Right well sign these, fill out all the information as honestly as possible and drop it off before you leave. Someone will contact you should we need anything else.”

Alice was almost stunned the grand council had two double sided pages to fill in and that was it. “Is this all?”

He nodded and got back to typing away on his computer.

It only took about five minutes to complete, Levash giving her quiet guidance for some of the fields. The powers, life expectancy had both been left blank. For her powers she could always update them as and when she knew and for her life expectancy while all demons were effectively immortal, which she chose to ignore for now, going up against a threat that spanned multiple planets, realms and had yet to be truly defeated in any of them, it seemed ridiculous to put a date further than next week on it. She only really lied about her parents being dead which Levash assumed would not be checked. Leaving the document with the attendant, the pair left to return to Alice’s.

Getting back to the flat, both demons could tell instantly what was occurring in the room to their left. If the noises didn’t give it away, the purple haze seeping around the flat surely did.

“Let’s definitely head to my room.” Levash gave her a lascivious smile.

“You sure you don’t want a free meal?”

“A wise Demon once told me to not eat where you shit or to feed on my housemate. Come on.” As Alice shut the door behind her she quickly opened the windows to air out her room.

Levash made his way to his previous position on her bed rolling his eyes once she had turned back to him. “You’re no fun.”

She couldn’t help but laugh at his playful tone. “I need to focus on hiding these, remember?” She whipped her tail through the air to accentuate the point, something she had found was becoming increasingly more natural the longer it was around.

“I’m sorry, those two are practically breaking their bed, we are not focusing on anything let’s not kid ourselves.” Levash said magnaminously, waving his hand as he got comfortable.

“Speak for yourself.” Alice sat on the bed shucking off her jacket and assuming the same cross legged position she had spent most of the day in.

Levash sat beside her and for the next five minutes she could think of nothing but lust and him, something she did not want to admit too.

“You know I can see your aura right?”

Her eyes shot open at the comment.”I’m sorry?”

He laughed. “As you get older you can see more. I think I started being able to see Demons lust, what maybe around one hundred years in? That is to say I know you’re not getting anywhere fast.”

“That’s cheating.”

“If it makes you feel any better this might be the first time it’s ever been even slightly useful. Being able to see another kind of sin would be a lot better, say wrath for example.”

Alice unfolded her legs and nudged slightly closer to Levash giving up on her task for now. “Do you have any idea why I can? Does it have anything to do with me keep getting, well, really really pissed off?”

He only shrugged. “No idea, don’t think I’m weird for this, but I have been looking through your family tree. I’ve got back about two hundred years and it’s all humans. A lot of accidental deaths, missing persons, health issues. But I couldn’t find anything causing it. Have you learned anything new from your voice?” She felt the chill before she even needed to ask.

“You have not, tell him the voice is intermittent but fading.” A pit developed In Alice’s stomach. She realised Lilith was telling her to lie to Levash and something about that just seemed so wrong to her. “It’s temporary, I need to learn more about our state of affairs before I would have you reveal anything. Please, should there be an issue you will be able to say it was I who advised you such.” The likelihood of that helping seemed slim. Oh sorry I lied to you the voices in my head told me to do it. Not the best excuse Alice thought.

“Honestly I’m getting better at ignoring it, it’s comments have boiled down too fuck everything with two legs or teaching me new ways to be an arse to whoever I’m taking to.”

“Anything creative for me?”

Alice gave a smirk. “Yeah it said you were shit in bed, I wanted to deny it but twice is hardly the best sample size.”

Levash smiled leaning towards her. “We will have to give you more experience to judge from then.” The pair met in a heated kiss and did not separate until almost dawn.


Alice awoke the next afternoon warm, unnaturally so. She snuggled into the heat further only to feel the firm body beneath. Opening her eyes with a start she found her legs and arms entwined with the still sleeping Levash’s, the late night prior returning to her memory. Resting her head on his chest she heard the faint double beat within his chest, the rhythm steady yet odd.His arm tightened around her as she heard his breathing change.

“You’re really hot.”

The husky laugh he gave in response almost kick started her sated lust. “I could get used to waking up to compliments.”

“I mean temperature wise, I’ve been pretty much just warm no matter how cold it gets, but holding you it feels like I’m cuddling a somehow pleasant boiling kettle.”

“I take that back, you’re awful at compliments.”

Alice just laughs, pulling herself up so that she could look down on the demon, still in his human guise.

“What’s the plan for today anyway, do you have anything on today or wanna ‘Practice’ more?” Alice said, lust gleaming in her eyes.

Levash held up a finger pausing her while picking his phone and scrolling on it for a minute or so before dropping it onto the mattress.

“I’m free until about eight, we can focus on hiding your limbs.” Alice leans down to kiss the Incubus but is stopped mid way, looking to him she just received a laugh in response. “Practice. You’ll be grateful when you can perform on Wednesday.” Alice blinked. Would she? When had she last truly worried about the performance? When Julia mentioned the contract? In her mind she was angry at not being able to perform because someone else decided they had an issue with her and the hassle surrounding her contract and ID as a result, but that wasn’t anger at not being able to perform itself.

She had been annoyed when Lilith made it clear how much of her life she had been expected to lose fighting this war. But not once this weekend has she truly thought about performing, it already seems like a forgone conclusion that she wouldn’t. Why hasn’t she been upset about that?

“Alice you okay?” Levash reached up cupping Alice’s cheek, bringing her back to reality, it’s been a day, two maybe. She is upset she can’t perform, obviously, she’s always loved performing, she’s just been distracted.

“Yeah sorry just thinking. Shower then practice?”

Levash nodded in response and the pair rose, Levash stretching and Alice’s eyes once again locked onto the tightened muscles.

“Let’s go to a park and do it. I can’t imagine keeping a clear head in here now I’m afraid.”

Alice went to ask what he meant when she realised all she could smell was sex, citrus and something else as well that she just couldn’t decipher.

“Good call, you’re not going to refuse me sharing a shower at least are you?” With a serpentine grin Levash quickly turned around and hauled Alice up over his shoulder in response who just dissolved into giggles.


Chris and Mark had already evacuated the flat for work. Alice and Levash milled around in the kitchen. She tried to eat in peace but kept looking up to see Levash watching her intently. He refused any himself the multiple times she offered but continued to watch her eat saying nothing. She realised about halfway through the bowl that the cereal in front of her tasted of, well, very little. It quickly began to feel more like a chore to eat and she left the bowl half finished.

They ended up sitting at a bench in Finsbury Park, the pair getting odd looks from passers-by. Was it the fact Alice sat in a small dress in the middle of winter, or was it the tail shuddering next to her as she tried to Will it to disappear, she would never know. She kept building to a point where it felt like one more push and it would happen she’d be able to change, and yet every time the will disappeared before she could finish, leaving her feeling very frustrated. As she got confirmation it had not succeeded yet again, she rose from the bench intent to vent.

“Alice, you’re doing fine. Sit back down.”

“No, this is bull, there’s something blocking me, like a wall, or, or a mental wall. I don’t know.” Alice was currently pacing behind the bench,

Levash lent across the back trying to stop her. “As I keep saying, basically no Demon would be able to manage it yet, none of what you’re experiencing should be a shock or sign of a bigger issue.”

Placing her arms on the bench in front of her to ground herself, Alice replied. “What if we try other powers?”

“Do you know what other powers you’ll have?”

“No I figured you would?”

“Not even close, it’s not a set list, your powers grow based on, well I don’t know, multiple factors but I couldn’t say for sure any one thing would be guaranteed, plus with your already unprecedented change, who knows what effect that could have.”

Alice stood nodding along as he spoke. “So maybe I can’t transform?”

“All Succubi can change their shape, it’s evolutionary, to be better able to seduce.”

They stayed locked like this for what could have been an eternity, Levash switching between fucking her and teasing her with his tongue before so let focusing on her clit and he brought his free hand up and after collecting some of the moisture that now coated most of her thighs dipped one his fingers inside her. It didn’t take long for Alice to beg for a second and then a third, as she remained completely pinned to the bed over whelmed with his attention. In an instant it was upon her, with a white hot intensity pleasure shot through her core causing her entire body to lock up, any noises leaving her body went unnoticed as everything seemed to shut down with the intensity of the orgasm.

After a moment she finally started to come down seeing Levash placing small kiss around her thighs, the sensation of it barely registering as his fingers still continued to work slowly in and out of her. She realised she must have groaned because he quickly met her eye raising his head from between her legs and she saw for her own nerd slick across his face and the evil grin that sat on it.

“That enough or do you want another?” Levash said slowly working his fingers all the way out of her.

Alice nodded before realising that wouldn’t confirm anything. “I’m good, I think. Thanks.”

“My pleasure.” Levash whispered as he snaked his way up her body leaving a trail of kisses of her damp skin. As he reached her lips they locked in a heated kiss, Alice not realising the taste of herself on his lips having noticeably changed from her pre demon days. As the kiss went on Alice felt Levash’s hard length through his jeans brushing against her leg. As one hand left the grip it had on him to head for his belt she found herself stopped as Levash pulled away.

“You have training you need to, you can have your treat later.” He said with a wink. Alice pouted at the response which just caused a laugh to leave him as he pulled her up from the bed and onto unsteady legs. “Shower while I wash my face, we can revisit this tonight.”

Alice took one last for forlorn look at his crotch before sighing and flipping her now wild hair over one shoulder. “Your loss.”


Levash sat across from Alice, both cross-legged on her bed. Levash had spent most of the early afternoon trying to instil in Alice the need to focus solely on what she wanted to do, that once she gets the hang of using them it will become second nature, like feeding. For now she needed to focus solely on using her will to force the power, manifest it. She had already questioned him why he thought it was wise, on the day he knew she’d need to focus, that he decided to wear what was little more than a vest under his leather jacket. A vest that couldn’t have been the right size for how much she saw under it, and with her thoughts straying back to their initial greeting her focus strayed once again.

Pulling all her focus inwards and clearing whatever remnants of lust lingered in her mind Alice once again tried to focus on her additional appendages and making them disappear. She’d made it happen once as human, surely she could do it again, a giggle slipping out at the thought. She had lost count of how many attempts she had made and the most she could achieve was a vague vibrating sensation through her horns and tail that felt like they were hollowed out and filled with bees. Angry, angry bees. Getting to this stage again she tried, she kept her mind clear, and as it started to build almost to a crescendo, it faded away into nothing. Opening one eye she stared at Levash looking for confirmation who just shook his head.

“That’s it, I’m never going to be able to do this, it’s impossible.’

“Never took you for a quitter Alive. Like I’ve already said you’re young, you’ve not even finished your change and you’re trying to force powers most don’t master until long after that. You’ll get there.”

Alice fell backwards onto the bed, careful of her horns hitting the bed too hard. “I need a break. Since it’s looking increasingly more likely that I’m not going to get to perform and I probably will need a new job, what do you do?”

Levash moved up the bed so he was laying beside her. “I work for The Council, but mostly as a representative for our kind with two others. The group that came through in Leeds made our departure possible with the help of a coalition of supes and humans. My role as a diplomat is to achieve the same goal on a larger scale.”

“I shouldn’t be shocked that you’re a diplomat, you do have some charm I suppose.”

“Enough charm to get you in bed multiple times so I wouldn’t downplay it too much.” Alice stuck out her tongue but otherwise let him continue. “Honestly I consider myself a soldier first and foremost.” Her attention peake, Alice rolled onto her side giving him her full attention. “Before Lestia was taken I was a soldier in Lusts hordes. The 9th legion. I wasn’t in them long before our general fell. We fought Celestials looking to gain a foothold on his realm at the time. We were betrayed by a Pluti who had been accepted amongst the forces, something that would become all too common in the run up to the fall. Since then, I have been focused on our liberation at any costs. Collecting alliances on Earth is only one step, the second will be to lead them against the Celestials main stronghold. Join forces with the already established army and wipe them and their allies from Lestia and ensure they never come back.” Looking at the Incubus, she couldn’t imagine him ever holding a weapon, everything about him seemed crafted for, well obviously lust not war. Yet the haunted look she couldn’t begin to comprehend, painted the picture.

“Do you need help? I probably have some free time coming up, and I have a mean slap.”

Levash laughed but cut off shortly after his face turning to concentration as he took in her features. “Maybe actually, your friends with Weres correct?”

Alice shrugged. “One Were and I have spoken to like two others, knowingly. Why?”

“Those two ginger wolves I saw you with back in Sloth, what’s their last name?”

“Farkas, why?”

“I think they’re the current alphas’ children. The pack he controls is large, stretching from Cornwall to just about Hull. In the original alliance, our people partnered with Were bears.”

Alice couldn’t hold in her laugh. “I’m sorry, Were bears. They couldn’t come up with something slightly more intimidating?”

“Trust me they’re plenty intimidating regardless, but their numbers don’t make up ten percent of Farkas’ pack. If I convince him of the dangers to Earth, the boost it would give us would be enormous. Do you think you’d have any sway over the children?'”

Alice shrugged. “I’m friends with Julia but I doubt I could convince anyone to go to war.”

Levash lay there considering her words.”Still it gives us options, perhaps you as someone born human of this realm will be able to better convey the danger Earth is in. Perhaps if you could convince either of his children who may take up his mantle of our cause we could see about Jethro taking an early retirement, some of his pack have said he’s growing a little grey.”

Alice sat up at that. “Please tell me you’re not talking about killing one of my best friends’ fathers.”

Levash matched her. “I’m talking about saving our people, this realm, and every realm the Celestials have touched with their rot.” His look was determined, he had been focused on this one goal for four hundred years. While she would absolutely nip actual assassination in the bud, she could probably allow the thought.

“We should probably put a pin in that one. Don’t think I’m up for plotting assassinations yet, still have pesky human sensibilities.”

Levash didn’t argue but stood from the bed with a sad smile. “You may help by just talking to them and if you’re willing to do that it would mean the world to me. Regardless, I’ve realised I’ve done you a disservice.” Alices’ eyebrow quirked. “I never registered you with The Council, they have an office about an hour’s walk from here we can go do it now if you’re free.”

“I’m sorting living indefinitely free at the moment, what would we need? I thought we were avoiding ID?”

“The council don’t track or bag us, they just like to know who’s in their territory and get ahead of any trouble. They have provided us with considerable financing on Earth and have established talks with, some governments to help fight the Celestials. We shouldn’t anger them by not doing the one thing they ask of us in return.” Alice waited for any rejection from Lilith who had been surprisingly quiet all morning, when she didn’t receive one she nodded and the pair set off.


The office itself was surprisingly modern. Alice had assumed some head office for a supernatural council would be a dark hall with gothic gargoyles. Or multiple staircases like Escher’s painting. So many images came to mind. What never came to mind was just another open plan office block in London.

Approaching the main desk Alice removed the beanie she had picked up and the bearded man on the counter looked up to the pair and smiled. “Afternoon, can I help you with anything?” Alice left the speaking for Levash. “Just looking to register a Demon if possible.”

The man looked between the pair, his smile turning to confusion. “New arrival or.. I thought you couldn’t turn people into Demons on earth? We had been reassured of this actually.”

Levash held up his hand to stop the man. “We can’t, she’s been on Earth her entire life. Her parents were Demons and so on and so forth. She’s only just come forward.”

The man turned his suspicion on Alice. “And why did you decide to wait so long?”

Alice repeated what they had rehearsed on the way here. “My family passed down tales of what the Celestials had done to our ancestors. You can call me a coward but I wasn’t going to reveal myself and put myself in harm’s way until I thought for certain we could win.”

“And you think you can, win now?.”

Turning to Levash as practised but with a genuine smile. “I think we honestly can.”

The bearded man shrugged, it almost saddened her because they had prepared an entirely unnecessarily big speech about Levashs convincing speech. Instead the man just hopped off his chair and disappeared behind the desk, coming from round the side she saw the man must have been some kind of dwarf? Is that politically correct? In his hands were just two sheets of paper and a clipboard.

“Right well sign these, fill out all the information as honestly as possible and drop it off before you leave. Someone will contact you should we need anything else.”

Alice was almost stunned the grand council had two double sided pages to fill in and that was it. “Is this all?”

He nodded and got back to typing away on his computer.

It only took about five minutes to complete, Levash giving her quiet guidance for some of the fields. The powers, life expectancy had both been left blank. For her powers she could always update them as and when she knew and for her life expectancy while all demons were effectively immortal, which she chose to ignore for now, going up against a threat that spanned multiple planets, realms and had yet to be truly defeated in any of them, it seemed ridiculous to put a date further than next week on it. She only really lied about her parents being dead which Levash assumed would not be checked. Leaving the document with the attendant, the pair left to return to Alice’s.

Getting back to the flat, both demons could tell instantly what was occurring in the room to their left. If the noises didn’t give it away, the purple haze seeping around the flat surely did.

“Let’s definitely head to my room.” Levash gave her a lascivious smile.

“You sure you don’t want a free meal?”

“A wise Demon once told me to not eat where you shit or to feed on my housemate. Come on.” As Alice shut the door behind her she quickly opened the windows to air out her room.

Levash made his way to his previous position on her bed rolling his eyes once she had turned back to him. “You’re no fun.”

She couldn’t help but laugh at his playful tone. “I need to focus on hiding these, remember?” She whipped her tail through the air to accentuate the point, something she had found was becoming increasingly more natural the longer it was around.

“I’m sorry, those two are practically breaking their bed, we are not focusing on anything let’s not kid ourselves.” Levash said magnaminously, waving his hand as he got comfortable.

“Speak for yourself.” Alice sat on the bed shucking off her jacket and assuming the same cross legged position she had spent most of the day in.

Levash sat beside her and for the next five minutes she could think of nothing but lust and him, something she did not want to admit too.

“You know I can see your aura right?”

Her eyes shot open at the comment.”I’m sorry?”

He laughed. “As you get older you can see more. I think I started being able to see Demons lust, what maybe around one hundred years in? That is to say I know you’re not getting anywhere fast.”

“That’s cheating.”

“If it makes you feel any better this might be the first time it’s ever been even slightly useful. Being able to see another kind of sin would be a lot better, say wrath for example.”

Alice unfolded her legs and nudged slightly closer to Levash giving up on her task for now. “Do you have any idea why I can? Does it have anything to do with me keep getting, well, really really pissed off?”

He only shrugged. “No idea, don’t think I’m weird for this, but I have been looking through your family tree. I’ve got back about two hundred years and it’s all humans. A lot of accidental deaths, missing persons, health issues. But I couldn’t find anything causing it. Have you learned anything new from your voice?” She felt the chill before she even needed to ask.

“You have not, tell him the voice is intermittent but fading.” A pit developed In Alice’s stomach. She realised Lilith was telling her to lie to Levash and something about that just seemed so wrong to her. “It’s temporary, I need to learn more about our state of affairs before I would have you reveal anything. Please, should there be an issue you will be able to say it was I who advised you such.” The likelihood of that helping seemed slim. Oh sorry I lied to you the voices in my head told me to do it. Not the best excuse Alice thought.

“Honestly I’m getting better at ignoring it, it’s comments have boiled down too fuck everything with two legs or teaching me new ways to be an arse to whoever I’m taking to.”

“Anything creative for me?”

Alice gave a smirk. “Yeah it said you were shit in bed, I wanted to deny it but twice is hardly the best sample size.”

Levash smiled leaning towards her. “We will have to give you more experience to judge from then.” The pair met in a heated kiss and did not separate until almost dawn.


Alice awoke the next afternoon warm, unnaturally so. She snuggled into the heat further only to feel the firm body beneath. Opening her eyes with a start she found her legs and arms entwined with the still sleeping Levash’s, the late night prior returning to her memory. Resting her head on his chest she heard the faint double beat within his chest, the rhythm steady yet odd.His arm tightened around her as she heard his breathing change.

“You’re really hot.”

The husky laugh he gave in response almost kick started her sated lust. “I could get used to waking up to compliments.”

“I mean temperature wise, I’ve been pretty much just warm no matter how cold it gets, but holding you it feels like I’m cuddling a somehow pleasant boiling kettle.”

“I take that back, you’re awful at compliments.”

Alice just laughs, pulling herself up so that she could look down on the demon, still in his human guise.

“What’s the plan for today anyway, do you have anything on today or wanna ‘Practice’ more?” Alice said, lust gleaming in her eyes.

Levash held up a finger pausing her while picking his phone and scrolling on it for a minute or so before dropping it onto the mattress.

“I’m free until about eight, we can focus on hiding your limbs.” Alice leans down to kiss the Incubus but is stopped mid way, looking to him she just received a laugh in response. “Practice. You’ll be grateful when you can perform on Wednesday.” Alice blinked. Would she? When had she last truly worried about the performance? When Julia mentioned the contract? In her mind she was angry at not being able to perform because someone else decided they had an issue with her and the hassle surrounding her contract and ID as a result, but that wasn’t anger at not being able to perform itself.

She had been annoyed when Lilith made it clear how much of her life she had been expected to lose fighting this war. But not once this weekend has she truly thought about performing, it already seems like a forgone conclusion that she wouldn’t. Why hasn’t she been upset about that?

“Alice you okay?” Levash reached up cupping Alice’s cheek, bringing her back to reality, it’s been a day, two maybe. She is upset she can’t perform, obviously, she’s always loved performing, she’s just been distracted.

“Yeah sorry just thinking. Shower then practice?”

Levash nodded in response and the pair rose, Levash stretching and Alice’s eyes once again locked onto the tightened muscles.

“Let’s go to a park and do it. I can’t imagine keeping a clear head in here now I’m afraid.”

Alice went to ask what he meant when she realised all she could smell was sex, citrus and something else as well that she just couldn’t decipher.

“Good call, you’re not going to refuse me sharing a shower at least are you?” With a serpentine grin Levash quickly turned around and hauled Alice up over his shoulder in response who just dissolved into giggles.


Chris and Mark had already evacuated the flat for work. Alice and Levash milled around in the kitchen. She tried to eat in peace but kept looking up to see Levash watching her intently. He refused any himself the multiple times she offered but continued to watch her eat saying nothing. She realised about halfway through the bowl that the cereal in front of her tasted of, well, very little. It quickly began to feel more like a chore to eat and she left the bowl half finished.

They ended up sitting at a bench in Finsbury Park, the pair getting odd looks from passers-by. Was it the fact Alice sat in a small dress in the middle of winter, or was it the tail shuddering next to her as she tried to Will it to disappear, she would never know. She kept building to a point where it felt like one more push and it would happen she’d be able to change, and yet every time the will disappeared before she could finish, leaving her feeling very frustrated. As she got confirmation it had not succeeded yet again, she rose from the bench intent to vent.

“Alice, you’re doing fine. Sit back down.”

“No, this is bull, there’s something blocking me, like a wall, or, or a mental wall. I don’t know.” Alice was currently pacing behind the bench,

Levash lent across the back trying to stop her. “As I keep saying, basically no Demon would be able to manage it yet, none of what you’re experiencing should be a shock or sign of a bigger issue.”

Placing her arms on the bench in front of her to ground herself, Alice replied. “What if we try other powers?”

“Do you know what other powers you’ll have?”

“No I figured you would?”

“Not even close, it’s not a set list, your powers grow based on, well I don’t know, multiple factors but I couldn’t say for sure any one thing would be guaranteed, plus with your already unprecedented change, who knows what effect that could have.”

Alice stood nodding along as he spoke. “So maybe I can’t transform?”

“All Succubi can change their shape, it’s evolutionary, to be better able to seduce.”

“Few options for you going forward, you can’t go back to your flat.” Levash sais as he leaned in close to be heard.


“So do you want me to find you a council owned room or do you want to stay at mine?” Alice just shrugged.

“Probably rather yours honestly. Unless you live somewhere really grim.”

He smirked. “Only a little grim, come on.”


The walk was short, his flat being above a restaurant two streets over. Going up the metal staircase outside to his room Alice was expecting something truly dreadful. She was pleasantly surprised when heat and the smell of spice wafted out of his door as he opened it. Entering, the room was dimly lit and surprisingly roomy. Looking around it was actually quite luxurious.

“Why can’t I hear or smell the restaurant below us?” Alice asked shutting the door behind her.

Levash kicked off his shoes signalling for her to do the same. “It’s warded, The council had witches set it up so we can basically do as we wish without disturbing anyone.”

Alice’s eyebrows raised at that.”Anything you say?”

Levash laughed. “Yes, anything. But first you’re going to shower, I’m not smelling a human on you while we’re going at it I’m afraid.” Her face dropped for a second remembering her feed. Before she could rush to explain, Levash held up his hand to stop her panic.

“It’s not an issue so don’t get worked up about it, you’re a Succubus. Sorry to drop another bombshell on you, but strict monogamy probably isn’t in your future.”

That pulled a playful scowl from Alice. “Who said we were any kind of monogamous?”

He just motioned to one of the rooms off to the side. “Shower, we can talk about everything after.” Poking her tongue out at him she obliged and was surprised to find more grooming products in Levashs bathroom than her own. The shower was brief, she didn’t want to be here alone for long at all, her thoughts were like a spiral without the distraction, the flat, moving, losing everything, her job, her money, everything. She couldn’t barely think as she rushed out of the shower drying herself.

As she was dressing she felt a chill shoot up her spine. Ignoring it proved a mistake. As she slid her dress over her head and as it fell into place, it revealed her tall demonic ancestor standing before her.

“Lilith. Jesus Christ, warn me next time.” Alice received an eye roll in response.

“I did. You need to pay more attention to your instincts in the future.” Alice went to respond but Lilith cut her off. “I will keep it brief as I know you’ve had a trying day. I wished to not reveal myself to anyone to protect you.” Alice blinked in confusion but didn’t speak up. “I feared that those who had eradicated our family would do the same to you should they know of your existence. I am not happy to be proven right.”

Alice shrugged. “Seems like it was bound to happen eventually. These Celestials don’t seem like they’d let me pass because I was born human.

“Alice, you were never human. I don’t say that as a way to try and trick you or reinforce your current state. You are a descendant of mine, your blood would never have been free of sin.” Alice went to complain but again Lilith spoke over her. “Regardless it is being a descendant of mine that has put you in harm’s way, I also believe now that after listening to your Incubus there could be succour provided should our relation be known. When you leave here I need you to tell Levash your last name.”

“Everhart?” Lilith rolled her eyes

“Not the name you made for yourself, your true last name, my last name. Noctavem.” Alice just stared at her blankly. “You may not know what that means yet but Levash will and he will explain the rest, then we can speak when you have had time to digest everything we can plan on how best to ensure your safety. You are permitted to tell him everything I have revealed to you.” With that Lilith dematerialised yet again slipping from the room.

Confused Alice exited the room, Levash was at a desk in the corner typing something on his laptop, as she entered he shut the lid turning towards her.

“Who were you speaking to in there then?” The easy smile on his face giving away nothing.

“Alice approached and delicately sat on the bed across from him. She felt nervous for the first time in days, she had to admit that she had misled him a lot, hopefully lilith was correct that he would understand. “Lilith.”

He blinked, his smile faltering for a moment. Alice continued, “Lilith, the voice that I’ve been hearing. As it happens as I’ve grown more, demonic. Her ability to connect with me has grown, her newest trick allowing her to manifest in reality. She can’t move far or stay that long, and it’s pretty limited what she can do but Lilith, I was speaking to her.”

He paused for a moment. “And who is this Lilith?”

“My ancestor apparently. Well, it was her daughter who slept with a human and then so on and so forth until you get to me.”

“A Demon has been appearing to you and can speak to you in your mind and you never thought to tell me?” There it was, hurt.

“In my defence, she repeatedly told me not to tell anyone.”

He rested his head in hands taking a deep breath. “Alice I know, you’re not.. A Demon appeared to you and told you not to tell anyone and you just, didn’t? It’s a little reckless don’t you think?” His voice was growing more exasperated.

“In my defence I genuinely believe she cares for me and well, Demons as a whole. She wanted me to talk to you because she thinks she’s put me in danger.”

Levash stood up at that. “Of fucking course she has. Some Demon still in Lestia found some random connection to a human outside and decided to make a play at a small amount of power or prestige. And you’ve not felt the..”

Alice interrupted rushing out the word. “Noctavem?”

The wind left Levashs sail and he looked down at her with a mix of shock and confusion. “What did you say?”

“Noctavem, according to Lilith my last name, her last name is Noctavem. She told me to tell you that. That you’d be able to explain what it means and that you’d understand why I kept it from you.” Silence reigned in the flat. Alice sat barely able to make eye contact with Levash who stood stunned. She couldn’t help but think maybe Lilith could have given her a bit of heads up on what that meant. She was shaken from her thoughts by a laugh, Levash’s seemingly endless, bordering on manic laugh as he fell back into his chair.

“Of course you are.”

“I’m sorry?”

He kept laughing, if a little quieter. “Of course you’re a child of fucking Lilith. That explains your little temper.”

Alice sat still confused. “I’m sorry but I’m really out of the loop. I’m not joking when I say she’s mostly just been making petty comments. Is Lilith a wrath Demon? Am I?”

Levash paused, taking another deep breath before speaking almost reverently. “Lilith is the mother of all Succubi and Incubi, and the Levicas, yes. She’s more importantly though the Progenitor of Lust and Wrath.” The room remained silent a little longer before Alice asked.

“Sooooo, what does that mean?”


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