Feature Writer: Libertysn


Published: 18.05.2024

Story Codes: Demonic

Synopsis: Alice takes a trip to Goetia.

Seeds Of Corruption 1

Chapter 1 – One night of Passion

The third time Alice’s phone rang she realised she would have to answer.

“Please just block his number, he calls you lol everyday at this point, it’s tragic.” Alice bit her lip, seeing it notify her of the missed call.

“It could be something serious though. What if something happened to his mum? She’s constantly in and out of hospital at this point.” Christina just rolled her eyes as she put away the last of her lunch.

“The biggest trouble he’s had since you split was twisting his ankle at his little EDL larp group. He’s toxic and obsessed, do yourself a favor.”

“It’s not EDL, it’s..”

“It’s just hating supes, right, because that’s so much better.” Alice goes to respond but is quickly interrupted again. “Look you broke up with him for a reason, he’s a psycho yeah? Seriously, he was always such a freak with me and Sebastian. I put up with him because he was your first love but now… Drop him.” Suitably scolded, Alice dropped the phone back to the table, huffing out an overly dramatic sigh as she folded her arms on the table.

“Why can’t I just find a nice, normal man, who worships the ground I walk on. Is that so much to ask Chris?” Her question was responded to with a blank stare.

“You know you’d need to leave the house to meet someone, and no, coming to the theater to perform or practice is not enough.” Alice’s head just collapsed into her arms as she let out another dramatic grunt.

“I’m going to die alone, there’s no saving me.”

“There’s no saving who?” The new voice interrupted them as heavy footsteps could be heard walking into the room. Alice poked her head up looking through the blonde hair falling on her face and noticed Julia, one of the new light techs who was very tall, very butch and very supernatural, the werewolf’s strength and agility helped a lot in her role, apparently. Christina answered for the pair.

“Alice, she’s stuck on her bigoted ex and never goes anywhere. So she’s destined to die alone.”

“I’m not hung up on him, we’re over and I’m happy with that.” Christina made eye contact with Julia and just rolled her eyes. “I saw that, I’m not, he just won’t leave me alone.” Julia sat down in Christina’s old seat who was waiting to leave.

“How bigoted are we talking? What’s his poison?” Christina again decided to be the one to answer for her.

“Supes, he’s in the Supernatural defense league. We’re talking full on biblical cretin.” Julia just whistled pulling out her dinner, which seemed to consist of meat, meat and more meat. Opening the tray her eyes fell on Alice with a suspicious glint.

“SDF’s serious shit, you knew about that when you were with him?” Alice’s eyes went wide, realising what Christina had dropped her in.

“No, he was normal when we were together, never mentioned supernaturals, just ignored them. He joined like a year ago. We split two years back.”

“And you still talk to him?” Christina was leaning against the counter with a sickly sweet smile on her face.

“He calls me, he was really depressed when we split, and, well sorta threatened some stuff. So I answer so he doesn’t, ya know…” Alice’s words trail off realising Julia didn’t seem as mollified as Alice hoped.

“You realise that’s not your problem though right? Like if you’ve been split that long and he’s hurting people, he’s not your responsibility anymore? At least not to look after anyway.” Christina just nodded behind Julia.

“Exactly what I’ve been saying, he’s beyond toxic, and does not deserve your help.” Approaching the table, Christina took the seat between the two, seemingly forgetting about her prior urgency to leave. “I get that it’s been hard finding someone since, and I can’t imagine what dating is like for you, but he is not someone you should keep around. Please don’t call him back, I’ll check on his mum’s facebook to make sure she’s fine, okay?” Alice leaned back in her chair, and picked up her phone, cycling through it she quickly swiped to his contact blocking the number and dropped the phone to the table showing the proof to her friend.

“Fine he’s gone, can we please drop it now?” Christina smiled, switching the phone off, sliding it back to the blonde.

“Of course, no calling him later though, I will be checking. Now onto brighter topics, Julia, where are you going for your birthday drinks?”

The ginger woman looked up from her meal, her mouth full, leaving the pair to wait as she quickly swallowed it down.

“You know it’s my birthday?”

“Course I do, HR has to have its perks.”

“Isn’t that against data protection or something?” Christina scrunched her face up looking at Julia like she had grown a second head.

“No? I’m using it for good so obviously it’s fine. Besides, not changing the subject, where are we going?” Chrstina paused for a second before continuing when she didn’t get an immediate answer. “Look, you’re part of the team now, and I already have to drag this one kicking and screaming anywhere, don’t make me treat you the same.” The werewolf just held her hands up in mock surrender.

“Point taken, me and a few of my friends from the pack are going out to that new club in Hackney, Goetia.” Alice was not surprised to see she hadn’t heard of it but Christina’s eyes lit up.

“Oh my god, is that the new demon bar? I was reading an article on it the other week and it sounds insane, apparently it’s really exclusive though, how are you getting in?” It was Julias turn to roll her eyes now.

“It’s exclusive for humans, supes are fine, don’t have to worry about us committing any hate crimes.” As she finished her comment her eyes darted to Alice and back to Christina, almost too quick to notice, almost. The sting of accusation however lingered. Christina deflated at the comment, unaware of Julia’s insinuation.

“Oh, do you think we’d get in if we waited in line? Like how long would we need to stay, do you think?” Julia, having finished her meal, packing the box away.

“If you wait in line, you’re not getting in unless you’re camped at the door now.” Christina seemed even sadder, Alice was about to jump in with her usual suggestion for the pair when Julia continued. “However if you’re coming in with me, you’ll both be fine. It is just you two though? This isn’t like ‘company’ drinks?” For the first time Alice saw what might be dread on Julia’s face, a fellow introvert. Chrstina was quick to shake her head though.

“No, no just us. You can get us both in?” Julia just nodded causing Christina to let out an uncontrolled giggle. “This is the best day of my life, thank you so much Jules, I owe you. We can meet you there, what time?” Alice’s stomach lurched at question, she knew there would be no peace unless she went now, Christina would not let it go, but to go to a demon bar? She wasn’t prejudiced like her ex but demons? Surely it’s fine to at least draw the line at them. Maybe the undead, Sebastian, had been a very good example of why you should avoid them. Julia responded, confirming her fate however.

“Happy birthday to you Chris, glad you like your gift.” Rolling her eyes Julia continued. “As for time, meet us outside at ten? It’s open late so we can go for a few drinks, if it’s rubbish head to one of the pack pubs or something, get hammered, that sounds good for you?” Christina just leant down, placing a kiss on Julias freckled cheek.

“God if I was gay I’d marry you, that sounds perfect. I’ll try to remember it’s your birthday when we’re there.” Looking down at her watch Christina’s eyes bulged and uttering her goodbyes she jogged out of the room, leaving the pair in silence. Alice was mulling over what to say when Julia abruptly said.

“Are you going to be okay going out?” The question shocked her, Alice responding quickly.

“Oh yeah I’ll be fine, I’m used to her dragging me out and just having to pretend I’m not a massive introvert.” Julias face kept the same wary look she had earlier.

“I mean at a supe bar, are you chill?” Blinking Alice finally realised exactly how the previous conversation had made her sound.

“Oh. Oh yeah, no I’ll be fine. I mean, I don’t have an issue with supernaturals at all. Live and let live right?” The weak smile on Alice’s face faded when she realised she had done nothing to ease the girls worries. “Anywaaay, happy birthday, how old are you anyway?” Before Julia could answer, Alice’s phone began to ring once more, this time coming from an unknown number. Letting out an annoyed grunt, she declined the call and dropped it in her bag.

“He really is persistent isn’t he?” Turning off her phone Alice responded.

“That’s the fourth time he’s called since I’ve gone on lunch, he’s never normally this bad.” Mulling over what it could mean, Julia responded.

“Well whatever the reason, you’re better than that, yeah? You don’t need people like that in your life, if you’re not, you know…” The implication hanging clear in the air, Alice grabbed her bag.

“You’re right, he got weird about the trans thing anyway towards the end of the relationship, he started getting dragged to church more about the time of those portals opening and it was just a downhill spiral from there.” Julia just nodded.

“I’m not surprised the church moved onto supes the second they realised we were real, but my god, I wish they’d do it a little quieter you know? Like how are you getting mad that I can turn into a wolf? I run around the countryside once a month, how frightening.” Alice just laughed.

“Least it’s not with hunting dogs and horses, give them a sporting chance then right?” Julia smiled for the first time too, and Alice was always blown away at how cute the larger woman looked when she did.

“No I promise you, it is not fair for those poor rabbits, but I wouldn’t think that’s worth crying about in church.” Smiling Alice looked to her phone for the time realising she shut it off, before she could ask Julia answered.

“1:40, you’re ten minutes late for rehearsal.” Standing from her chair, Alice made her own quick check that she had all her things.

“Sorry I have to run, see you tonight though?” Julia started to pack her own things.

“Course, it will be fun to see you let loose a little, I saw you play once and it was like two different people.” Alice, smiling, shouted over her shoulder as she left.

“I will aim to please!”


The rehearsal came and went quickly with Alice’s distracted state. Saying goodbye to the last of the band still hanging around Alice left the theater for the cold rainy streets of London. It was only a short journey home but Alice’s distraction had an given her one major issue, the sun had set. Vampires couldn’t legally attack humans on the street but humans couldn’t really do much to stop them if they did. Deciding not to tempt fate too much tonight Alice called up a taxi and while waiting at the entrance to the theater she saw an unkempt man approaching, his plaid shirt covered in dark splotches, her ex. Leaning further into the lobby hoping to avoid him did little as John was quickly pressing through the glass doors into the dimly lit hallway. Taking him in, even in the low light, Alice realised he looked shell shocked, confused almost. His eyes searched hers before speaking.

“You never picked up my calls, are you alright?” She should have just walked.

“Hi John, I’m good,thanks for asking. How are you?” His face was blank but tense. “Hey, are you okay?” Reaching out to touch his arm, John flinched backwards his eyes darting to Alice’s invading hand and her face before settling down but looking no less calm.

“I’m fine, why did you never answer the phone? I needed you.” A Quick Look down to her phone revealed the taxi was ten minutes away. She could always just run back into the sound studio and lock herself in, or make a break for the street. Death by exsanguination might be preferable to this conversation.

“I’ve just been busy in rehearsals all day, the new show runner is running us ragged trying to learn all these new performances, they came in two weeks back and expect a full show to be turned around two weeks from now. It’s been insane.” His face stayed blank, she really couldn’t win anyone over today.

“You blocked my number, I had to call you off.. my friend’s phone. Why?”

“John, you know what kinds of groups you’re in, it’s. We have a lot of different people working here now, it’s, it’s not okay.” He looked like he was processing the words before he replied, a bit of venom in his voice.

“Say what you mean it’s not people who are the issue here.”

“John this really isn’t the place for this kind of conversation.” His anger was only rising and the taxi was still five minutes away. “I know you, disagree with a…” being interrupted yet again, could this day just end already.

“Disagree? Are you fucking serious? They’re killing us on the streets Alice, people are being turned at mass into these fucking creatures and our governments are doing nothing about it…” looking at her phone the taxi was still 3 minutes away. Why couldn’t the floor just swallow her up now. ” These groups are the only thing standing between humanity and its destruction, in Brazil they managed to take out their supernatural population. We can do it too and groups like the..” Alice was just staring out the door when she saw her taxi pull up, quickly pocketing her phone and seeing John still mid rant she interrupted.

“John I don’t know what to say to any of that, but I can’t associate with people in those kinds of groups. I’m sorry. I have to go.” Walking past him he made no move to stop her but Alice did notice an awful smell coming from him but she couldn’t place what it was, he did follow her out the door though as she approached the taxi.

“So that’s it, I’m just shit on your shoe now you have some supe friends? Or are you spreading your legs for them like that slag you live with?” Picking up her speed she grabbed the handle yanking it open and fell into the taxi but John’s hand grabbed the taxi before she could close it. “Don’t run away from me, I needed your help today and you just left me, after everything I did for you. Supported you through, and you just left me. How fucking could you?” A deep voice came from the front seat of the car.

“Sir, let go of the door and move away from the woman, you’re clearly scaring her.” Alice hadn’t realised how right he was, her heart was hammering in her chest as John towered over her, the stench coming off him smelled rotten and his breath of alcohol and vomit. She was terrified of him and as his eyes left hers and met the drivers he reflected a small amount of that fear she felt but it quickly bled back to rage.

“Fuck off you horned freak.” Stepping back John slammed the door and stalked off back down the street he’d come from. The slam of the door startled her and it took Alice a minute to get control of her breathing. The driver just waited in silence. Finally getting a hold of herself she looked up to the rear view mirror to apologise to the driver when she locked gazes with the most beautiful lilac coloured eyes. The man was beautiful in a way men shouldn’t be, it took her a second to even notice the two stubby horns breaking through the skin of his forehead. Blinking away the shock Alice spoke finally.

“I’m so sorry for that, he’s a freak.” Alice left it at that not knowing what else she could say. The demon just smiled and started the car.

“Don’t worry about it, I’d stay away from him though, that man is, dangerous.” Alice watched the city pass as they pulled away from the curb

“That’s what the conversation was about, he didn’t take it too well. We’ve been split a while but.”

“But he stuck around?” She looked back to the mirror seeing the demon focused on the road, his skin was white when hit with light but once it passed, his skin had an almost pink tinge to it, other than that and the tiny wings wrapped over his shoulders he looked mostly human. Like a very beautiful human.

“That’s one way to put it.” A smile broke out on his face at the comment and Alice saw rows of jagged teeth behind his lip.

“I guess I can’t blame him, pretty girl like you. Seriously though, I’d avoid him. I don’t mean to intrude but he’s not good for you.” Alice blushed at the comment and chose not to question the man probing too deeply into her personal issues, he was being nice enough, and after John’s outburst he probably had the right. She just smiled back at him and he seemed content with the silence.

Driving through the city at night was always so odd, it somehow seemed just as busy as it was during the day but hardly any of those on the streets were humans. It had all happened before Alice could even remember but before the revelation humans wouldn’t think twice about walking round the city at all hours, sure there were dangers but not to the degree people were scared about now. Humans adapted though, there were those who embraced the supernatural and had no issue walking the streets amongst them, usually they either didn’t keep that opinion long or they didn’t stick around for long. Those that didn’t take that risk, well they got overly expensive taxis home, as if the doubled fare was penance for her fear.

At first it was all manner of fairy tale creatures, Were animals, elves, goblins, vampires. All came out together at once and presented themselves as some sort of shadow government operating in the background. Conspiracy theorists went mad with ideas of lizard people controlling the government and the queen secretly being a vampire. It didn’t help that they announced their existence at the turn of the millennium making some think it was the end of the world. It was a chaotic time, once she thankfully can’t remember beyond her fathers constant worries and fear as she grew up.

All too quickly though the government came to agreement with “the council” and thus most countries in the EU and North America gained a new legislative body. Now they didn’t have any say over laws governing humans, but they could consult and offer amendments to any laws concerning supernaturals. They also acted as a de facto state for all supes and gained embassies in most capitals and began to send envoys to the government’s officials. Growing up there was always this blonde lady with long pointed ears on tv. She was some kind of elf and the main diplomat to the uk from the council. She hates to admit that seeing that woman made something snap in Alice and helped her realise she didn’t want to grow up a boy, and with all these strange new creatures and magics being discovered maybe she wouldn’t have too. Growing up she realised HRT was no magic but it was pretty damn close.

The newest revelation though was demons. They say they’re nothing to do with the afterlife but it’s not stopped churches going absolutely insane about them. It sounded bizarre to her and she wasn’t religious, but she could understand why some, her ex included, seemed to have gone feral over it. The few demons she’s met seemed nice though, most quiet timid actually, and earth hasn’t seen an angel yet, only told of them by demons.

Snapping from her thoughts Alice realised she was almost home. It was a pleasant enough journey and quickly she found herself pulling up outside of her apartment block. Brutalist in design but cheap considering the area and the size. Turning back to the driver who’s eyes lingered on hers slightly longer than was polite as she thanked him and got out of the vehicle heading for the entrance. Now just to survive Christina and her excitement and then a night out. How badly could it go wrong?


Very badly, it could go very badly. Alice was currently standing before the full length mirror in her room and she couldn’t find anything suitable to wear. What does one even wear to a demon nightclub? Christina had decided very little which Alice wasn’t comfortable with on the best of days. Looking in the mirror her makeup had turned out well at least, going for a bright clean look as opposed to Christina’s dark and sultry. Her cheekbones popped with a bit of blush on them and her amber eyes practically glowed in the light. Regardless of her outfit her hair was going to be well and truly down, the shoulder length cut had been curled slightly at the ends but she wanted her neck covered as much as possible, it was a demon bar and she was going with werewolves but still no use risking anything.

Getting down to two options she had a little black dress Christina had offered or just going with a tight pair of black jeans and a white crop top and jacket. She had the jacket on and looking in the mirror she wanted to wear this. Her legs looked great in the dress and with the right heels they would look amazing. The issue was the dress placed too much emphasis on her chest or lack thereof. The hormone gods had seen fit to grant her a B cup which was nice and she loved them but going out with them on show to a bar full of literally lust demons? It’s like bringing fast food to a restaurant. Peeling off the dress with Alice reluctantly pulled the jeans up covering her legs and soon her chest with the white Tee.

Returning to the living room Christina sat at the dining room table, two glasses of wine poured and more of the cheap bottle missing and awful dance music so loud they would absolutely be getting a noise complaint. Christina was sitting in a silvery dress that was more risqué than the black one Alice had just tried, aside from the full length sleeves. the dress complemented Chris’ darker complexion better especially when paired with her dark makeup and brown hair which was currently in a tight bun. The only thing off about the outfit was the scowl sitting on her face as Alice approached.

“We’re not going to a funeral, go change.” Sitting next to her and taking the free glass Alice quickly lowered the volume on Christina’s phone before responding.

“Hardly think this fitting for a funeral Chris.”

“You know where we’re going right? These aren’t exactly modest people.” Their in lay the issue for Alice. Pausing to sip at her wine before responding, Christina must have noticed the look on her face as her scowl and voice dropped. ” you’re feeling self conscious. Alice, babe, I would literally kill for your physique and don’t get me started on your cheekbones. You’d look killer in the dress.” Nursing her drink Alice refused to look at what she knew would be puppy dog eyes.

“I just didn’t feel comfortable in it, it’ll be a fun night though I don’t want to feel self conscious at all.” Christina leaned further onto the table so she was in Alice’s field of vision and sure enough, puppy dog eyes.

“We could try and find you a new man though, it would help get you further away from that prick.” She had yet to tell Christina about the encounter outside the theater and no doubt if she did it would only further her point. “Please?” Alice’s resolve breaking she saw her friend sat with a full pout on and stood from her chair downing the rest of her wine.

“Fine. Give me five minutes.” Christina let out an excited little giggle and finished her drink as well.

“Perfect, I’ll book us a taxi now!” As Alice left back to her room she heard the music get turned back up and off key singing began to flood the flat again.


The club was in Hackney so thankfully it wasn’t too far by bus but waiting outside now Alice wished the travel had been longer. Arriving five minutes ago the club seemed to be heaving with a queue of what she assumes is just humans wrapping around the building. Standing off under a shop front to get out of the rain the pair huddled while Christina texted Julia to find out how long she would be. So far Alice greatly regretted being talked into the dress.

“Has she said how far off she is?”

“They’re just walking, she said it would be five minutes.” Putting her phone back into her clutch, Christina tucked herself closer to her friend who was wise enough to bring a jacket.

Alice didn’t usually watch people choosing to just keep to herself but right now it was hard not to, the front of the building’s wrap around queue seemed to be at a standstill but what was more interesting was the picketers across the street. Church types who’d clearly taken offense to a demon club being built nearby. They had been cordoned off and a police officer was present watching that side of the street but he didn’t seem like he’d be able to stop any of them let alone all of them if they tried anything. It was also hard not to notice those skipping the queues, lots of people who looked mostly human passed the queue and were let right in, some paler than others but otherwise all mostly human which shocked her, she expected more horns or claws or something. It all seemed so normal.

Alice felt Christina prod her ribs as she then pointed to Julia who was just crossing the street with two other figures following close behind. Christina pulled away and hugged Julia as she arrived, careful not to step under the rainfall. Julia was the first to speak.

“Evening, you both look amazing, Alice I didn’t realise you were capable of dressing up.” The tease was accompanied by a teasing smile, Alice responded by giving the werewolf the finger before stepping in for her own hug.

“It wasn’t her idea she was gonna come dressed like, well like you.” Julia was in dark jeans and a leather jacket and a plain gray tee under. Her friends dressed similarly with little color between the trio.

“She’s a bad influence, be careful Julia.” Alice responded, the other two finally reaching them and creating a small huddle. Christina nodded to Julia who realised the issue.

“Oh right, Mark, Lana this is Christina and Alice who I work with. Alice and Christina, this is Mark and Lana.” The pair exchanged awkward waves which Christina refused to allow grabbing the woman, Lana by the elbow leading her to the club, already excitedly chatting. Alice lost track of the conversation but joined them when Julia and Mark made to follow. Turning to Mark she commented

“Don’t expect the same welcome from me.” A grin appeared on his face before responding.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He was, well messy but not unattractive. He had quite a scruffy ginger beard and his long hair was tied up into a messy bun. His features were quite pale and honestly very similar to Julia’s.

“Sorry, are you two related?” Julia turned to her looking shocked.

“What because we’re werewolves we have to be related?” Alice’s eyes went wide and began to stutter

“No, no of course not, it’s just..” Before she could finish they both burst out laughing, Alice realised what had happened, Julia trying to talk between her laughing fit.

“Sorry, we had to. Yes he’s, he’s my brother. Lana’s his… friend.” The blush on Alice’s cheeks was red hot, scowling at the pair as they approached the bouncer, Lana and Christina waiting and already fast friends. the bouncer, a behemoth of a man or demon with a ridge of five spiked horns on either side of his head called out as they approached.

“The two humans with you a lot?” Julia nodded and he pulled back the barrier letting all five in. No one in the queue seemed best pleased that they’d skipped but no one said anything either.


The club was so much more than she could have ever imagined. Coming in from the lobby they opened onto a floor in the middle of the building, this floor was covered in chairs draped with lots of cushions and silks. There appeared to be some large squared sitting areas fenced in almost like large canopied beds that had tables in the middle. The floor itself was all built wrapping round the room and in the middle was a hole. Walking in and towards the glass barrier at the hole Julia looked to find the closest bar, Alice could see straight up and down and it seemed like this club was seven floors in total, a bit on the nose. This was the seven layers of hell. Looking back around her floor and the one above now she realised, sloth and greed. Well as long as lust wasn’t an orgy and wrath a mosh pit it should be enjoyable enough.

The group followed Julia through the crowd as she beelined for the first bar she saw. Walking around on this floor was easy, everyone was mostly sitting down at the tables and booths around the room but Alice still couldn’t help but notice, the people inside were far different to what she saw entering. Skin colors that covered all of the obvious human ones and then dipping into reds, purples and pinks. So many different shades, so many dresses cut to accommodate wings or a tail. An obvious vampire was sitting in a booth in the corner with what she assumed was a human laying with his head in the vampire’s lap who was languidly feeding from his wrist. Alice was so engrossed looking around she almost tripped bumping into someone before Mark grabbed her arm steadying her and a voice below called out.

“Oi watch it you little strumpet.” Looking down she saw a man, standing at around two feet tall. He had on regular clothes for his size with a tiny leather jacket but focusing on that was purposefully avoiding the obvious. The man had chili red skin dotted with black freckles, two red horns cut from his head and leathery wings whipped behind him. She was shocked he didn’t have a little pitchfork. The imp pushed past her and on his way, turning to thank Mark she noticed he had a grin on his face as he said.

“This isn’t your scene at all is it?”

“What gave it away?” Mark quickly motioned to a booth that had just come free that they were passing.

“They’ll get drinks for us. I want a seat.” Shimmying into the booth Alice sat across from him dropping her bag on the floor, seeing Mark take off his jacket she noticed a thin layer of sweat forming on his brow and realised the room was hot, hotter than most clubs anyway. “You stare.” Alice just blinked.


“You stare, most humans do, like a child at some theme park.” Alice had the decency to blush.

“Yeah this is way more Christina’s thing than mine, I’ve only ever really met her exes and Julia.”

“That’s pretty limited though?” Alice just shrugged.

“I mean I’m sure I’ve met more, just not, you know, out about it.” Mark nodded slowly.

“Julia said there were issues with an ex as well?” Alice quickly spoke up.

“Not anymore, cut him off today and he did not take it well, he showed up at the theater we work at and I very much made it clear we wouldn’t be speaking again.” Mark nodded and smiled now, the rest of the group approaching and cutting the tension. Sitting down, Christina handed her a pink cocktail in a martini glass, the liquid almost shimmery.

“What is it?.” Christina rolled her eyes sitting next to her as Lana sat to Christina’s right.

“Alcohol, drink up, I want a second round, stat.” Holding the glass and taking an experimental sip, the drink slid across her tongue and lit up her senses. It was like ambrosia, fruity with a kick and none of the harsh taste of alcohol underneath. Putting the glass down she noticed half the glass missing already matching Christina’s own.

“Seriously, what is that? It’s great.” Julia cut in.

“Hellish delight, I think it had Vodka, Vermouth and some juices. I’m not sure about the colour though it seemed pre-made.” Julia handed a pint of something to Mark matching her own and both took deep drinks. Lana who had been quiet so far put her own drink down, Alice catching note of her well manicured nails and spoke to Julia.

“So Julia, how are you settling into the new role anyway? Are you making plenty of friends?” Mark snorted and Julia just glared at Lanas sickly sweet voice.

“Don’t worry we forced her too, she spent the first week sitting alone, like a lost puppy.” Mark and Lana broke out into heavy laughs at Christina’s remark, disturbing some of the nearby tables. Alice missed Julia’s comeback as she finished her drink. It was otherworldly. There was something about the taste she couldn’t place but it made her feel like she had a live wire running through her, abundant energy that usually was at the bare minimum.

“…should have seen the look on her face, mud drowning her, she looked like a deer in headlights, I swore dad was going to cry with laughter.”

“I’m sorry it’s my birthday and you’re all bullying me? How on earth is this fair?” They all just laughed again, deepening Julia’s mock scowl. Lana leaned on the table looking over to Alice and she got her first good look at the girl, she was dressed down similar to the other two, she was pretty though, shirt and brunette similar to Christinas but far more curly.

“How did you meet Julia anyway?” Alice had been so focused on whatever she was drinking she realised she missed part of the conversation.

“Oh just at a pre-drinks we had at work most of the staff had been dragged along by Chris, and me and Julia were no exceptions. Hung out a few times since.” Alice paused as Julia continued.

“You should see her in the theater though she’s like a prodigy.” Alice blushed.

“I’m really not, I self taught when I was a kid for a hobby and ended up sticking with it.”

“Self taught on how many instruments?” Christina asked.

“Five. Six if you count bass guitar as different from electric. But mostly just play the Violin.” Before anyone could compliment her further she added. “Anyone want another drink? I need another. Mark shook his head but everyone else agreed.

“I’ll pass till we move to a different floor, swear they water everything down on here.” Squeezing past the girls, Alice got out of the booth questioning.

“They have different menus on different floors?” Julia nodded.

“Yeah each floor tailored to its respective sin, wraths have the best larger, bar none.”

“I’ll keep that in consideration, same drinks again?” Lana and Julia agreed but Christina asked for a different cocktail, complaining that this one had made her sleepy. It had the opposite effect on Alice though, walking to the bar she felt jittery almost, jittery and happy.

The bar seemed to pulse with music from the other floors, but something about sloth felt tranquil, everyone far more relaxed than what she could see on the other floors. The bar only had a few people standing at it, all seemingly to be some supernatural or another. Sliding in between two figures, a large cerulean blue skinned man with a shock of white hair on his head and intricate weaving tattoos scattered along his shirtless arms, and a dark skinned woman with black feathered wings and a spaded tail. Waiting to be served, Alice quickly checked her phone seeing four texts from an unknown number, three missed calls and a facebook friend request from a blank profile. Classy John. Putting her phone down on the counter she realised the large blue man had left and in his place a human was standing? From the angle he was easily taller than her looking to be just under six foot, his skin was deeply tanned and his features looked middle eastern almost, with a proud greek nose.The black curls on his head strengthening the image, she didn’t realise she was staring like Mark had pointed out till she saw the grin form on the mans face. He spoke as he turned to look at her.

“Are you enjoying the view?” Alice felt the hint of a blush coming on, but something warm inside her spurred her on.

“I am, if you want to turn back to the bar I think I’ll carry on.” The smile on her face felt decidedly not like her usual more timid one when talking to guys. Thankfully though he only laughed.

“Something tells me you’ll prefer this view.” Looking down to the menu in front of him for a second his eyes locked back to hers, his iris the shade of light brown with flecks of black littered throughout. “They serve better drinks upstairs though if you wanna go see the menu? I promise nothing down here can hold a candle to them.” Looking back to her table, the group had grown even more raucous, clearly drawing attention from the surrounding tables.

“I’ve gotta get drinks for my friends sadly. You’re welcome to stay here looking pretty though if you want.” His gaze followed hers to her table before trailing back to hers and clearly taking in all of her as he did. His gaze felt like pure heat traveling along her skin, suddenly the dress seemed like a perfect idea, if not just for the temperature of the club.

“I’ll help you carry them back down, and I’ll pay for this round, I simply can’t have a beautiful woman like yourself drinking the swill they serve down here.” Rolling her eyes, Alice pretended to think about it, like the decision hadn’t been made the second he started talking to her.

“Go on then, I’m Alice.” Holding her hand out, the man took it and while maintaining eye contact he leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on the back of her wrist, which didn’t seem like the proper way to do that but, considering the flutter in her stomach, she would not be complaining.

“Levash, it’s lovely to meet you. Follow me, we can take the back staircase straight to the top.” His hand wrapped around hers and pulled her towards a pair of doors to the back of the floor, following him she took a bit more time to admire him, trailing her eyes up his body, she couldn’t see herself getting bored of the sight anytime soon. As he pushed the doors open he led her into a bright stairwell heading both up and down. As she followed him up Alice took the quiet to quiz the man.

“So where’s Levash from anyway, it sounds Persian almost?” Turning back to her he flashed that same award winning grin once again.

“Much further away I’m afraid, what about yourself, where’s Alice from.” Stopping at one set of doors she felt a tug as he pulled her further up the staircase.

“Alice in wonderland, I was obsessed with the story growing up and the name just stuck in my mind so, I went with that.”

“You went with that? You named yourself?” Seeing the confusion on his face Alice realised her slip. Pulling her hand from his he stopped turning to her, looking slightly hurt almost.

“Yeah, well I’m trans. Sorta got to pick my own name when I came out.” The awkward laugh that slipped out as almost a reflex did nothing to ease the tension Alice felt, looking back down the staircase it didn’t seem far to the doors if he reacted poorly.

“Trans?” The questioning in his tone confused her and looking back she saw a genuine befuddled look on his face.

“You know, I was born a.. and now I’m a girl, I transitioned.” He just blinked, his face not changing much, Alice couldn’t tell if this was worse than a negative reaction.

“You have a name for that here?”

“Yeah doesn’t everywhere?” He just shrugged.

“It’s just something that happens where I’m from. It’s not a big deal?”

“Where are you from that being trans isn’t a deal? I get since Supes came out we all got put on the back burner as far as culture war stuff but, no where’s that accepting.” A frown formed on his face, it almost seemed like sacrilege compared to the glowing smile he had before.

“I wouldn’t call it accepting but that’s not something that concerns anyone, bigger issues I guess.” Realising he wasn’t kidding Alice made to continue going back upstairs.

“Well I wish I was from wherever you are, life would have been much easier.” Before she could pass him his arm shot out grabbing her wrist stopping her, turning in shock she saw the grave look as he spoke.

“You wouldn’t, I fought tooth and nail to get out of there, I promise you any struggles here on Earth are trivial in comparison.”

“Earth? You mean..” it dawned on her, this beautiful man she had met in a demon bar, who had the odd name and accent, with bizarre tales of his homeland. “You’re a demon?” He released her hand himself looking strangely uncomfortable now.

“Yes, an incubus, I wasn’t doing anything untoward, I just thought you’d pre..” taking his hand he stopped speaking and his eyes must have caught sight of her soft smile.

“Look if you don’t care that I’m trans it would hardly be fair for me to care that you’re a demon. I will say though these drinks best be divine because you’re gonna have stiff competition from the cocktail I had down there.” Squeezing her hand his smile came back with a vengeance and Alice honestly thought she could get lost in it, which, duh Incubus, from what she’d read that’s kinda the point. Walking up they finally arrived at the final layer, and on the door in pink lettering, Alice could make out the word Lust then just under it some very jagged symbols below. As he went to push open the door to the new layer he turned.

“Wait, you already drank a cocktail from sloth?” Alice nodded.

“Yeah it was kinda shimmery, my friend said it was called a hellish delight? Worried you have competition?” His gaze raked over her once more, seeming more, observant than before but he just shrugged and pushed the doors open as heat sucked out into the hall like a vacuum


Walking into the room, Alice couldn’t believe how different it was to the lower floor. The hole in the Center seemed so much smaller leaving a lot more walking space around the floor, most of which seemed dedicated to a packed dance floor. The room itself was bathed in purple lights that shone through silks hanging from the ceiling creating a muted and dim atmosphere. The music seemed almost electronic, loud and very pop-like but the language the singer was speaking in, was harsh, and definitely one she didn’t recognise. Alice giggled thinking it looked similar to a metal version of a boudoir.

“You best not be laughing, this is the absolute pinnacle of the club, and I’m not just talking physically.” Turning back to him he had a cocky grin on his face and Alice couldn’t help but laugh at the dumb joke.

Continuing forward he led the way through the club.

“The bars just behind the dance floor, come on.” As he entered the throng of people, Alice finally saw the contrast of all the different people, well demons in the crowd. Passing by a golden skinned demon that had ivory white horns and wings, with little more than scraps of fabric covering his decency Alice realised the dress really was the best idea, she would not have blended in at all covering so much. The air was thick as they pushed through the crowd, the heat had returned and enveloped her body but surprisingly didn’t leave her covered in sweat like Mark had been, it felt pleasant.

The energy that had settled within her though seemed to churn now, in this sea of demons each body she slid past, each stray touch seemed to shake it, sending little quakes down to her stomach, it was an odd but pleasant feeling, her hold on Levash only tightened as they finally cut through the last people coming to a long bar taking up the entire wall in this section.

Levash pulled her forward so she was resting on the counter and tucked into his side, something that made her think about pulling away for a second but decided to go with it. When in Rome, er Hell. He leaned over grabbing for a menu of the wet counter and as he did she caught a hint of his aftershave and the warm citrus scent rolling over her. Pulling back to offer her the menu he saw the dumb grin on Alice’s face.

“Are you ready to order a drink, or are you going to just sit here staring, again.” Pausing before she responded.

“I said I was happy to keep staring downstairs, you’re the one who decided to change the scenery. Besides.” Alice slid the damp menu over. “I can’t read any of this, what is it?”

“Infernal, it’s the language of the real seven layers, well before..”

“Before what?” His expression dropped for a second looking to the bar and signalling the bartender over, a woman who looked human by all metrics except for the golden rocky crest on her forehead that two pearly horns curled from. He turned back to Alice as the woman approached.

“Forget about it, it’s not a pleasant story.” Turning back to the bartender Levash began to speak in Infernal, the bartender replying in kind and parting to pour the drinks. Alice couldn’t help but think through on what she had read about Demons before, there was some sort of conflict with Angels obviously but beyond that, she’d never thought to look into it much, she resolved to save the question for Christina because Levash clearly did not want to discuss it. Returning to the pair the bartender brought a platter with ten small different coloured shots on. Alice quickly turned to Levash.

“I only wanted drinks for my friends. I definitely do not want shots. They never sit well with me.” Levash just laughed as he waved off the bartender.

“They’re not shots, well they are but not just alcohol. They’re just sips of the cocktails themselves, so you get the right one.” Alice gave him a sceptical look picking up the first glass without much hesitation, it was a pink liquid but beyond that just seemed like a normal drink.

“You best not be lying, so what’s this?” Levash had his grin back forgetting about whatever had upset him and picked up the second pink shot.

“This we call succu-draft. It’s pink gin and lemonade.” Alice laughed, loud.

“Succu-draft? You know what if they’re all named that poorly please just point and save yourself the embarrassment.” He smiled as both turned up their drink. The liquid settled in her stomach and strangely just like before it tasted so much sweeter than she expected, especially considering it’s just pink gin. The energy within her began to grow. As the pair continued to drink each drink Levash began to give over the top explanations of each drink and how they were created, even though most just ended up being Earth cocktails. The last one made her laugh the most though.

“Sex on the beach? You’re trying to claim that, sex on the beach is your cocktail? You made it huh?” She couldn’t help the mirth slipping into her voice.

“Definitely, I visited earth in the eighties and decided to work at a bar in Florida, it was a hit so it became a staple. I ended up letting some humans take credit for it when I left.”

“I don’t believe you at all, that’s ridiculous. Besides I’m sorry you don’t look, what fifty, sixty?” Finishing the last drink only added to the new chaotic feeling energy that pulsed within Alice with the music. Levash followed suit before responding.

“I’ll have to prove it to you then, I think my picture should still be up in the bar. And as for age we just age differently from humans.”

“How old are you?”

“Roughly I think around six hundred. We don’t have the same sorts of cycles to track time like on earth and with us being well and truly cut off from earth I couldn’t tell you exactly.” For all the information provided one dumb thought got stuck in her head.

“So you don’t have a birthday?” The look on his face gave away his shock that that was the only detail she questioned.

“I guess not, it’s not something we really focus on in Lestia, our homeworld.” Alice nodded before pointing to the sex on the beach.

“I’ll get three of those and two pints of anything a werewolf will drink. Also you need a birthday, it’s my friends today so you can’t have that, what about next Friday, we can celebrate?” She was proposing a birthday to a demon, the drinks had definitely gone to her head, amongst other things. It was getting hard to concentrate on anything but Levash and the mass of Demons behind her. The deep laugh that shook his chest did enough to pull her back in the moment.

“If you’re offering to see me again next week I’ll take any excuse I can get.” He shouted to the bartender again who was serving other customers who just flipped him off in response. Before turning back to Alice.

“Do you want to dance?” Did she? She never danced but she also never spoke to supernaturals, or really got drunk anymore.

“Sure, let’s!”

Taking her hand, Levash led her back a few feet and within moments they were engulfed in the sea of people, and Alice couldn’t help but be consumed by the moment. The music continued to beat faster as she moved with the crowd and Levash. Every move he made seemed to exude an unnatural grace, like he’d practised this a million times. It felt suffocating, but right, like this was where she was meant to be surrounded by..

They continued to dance for what felt like hours. Alice at some point ended up in Levash’s arms and uncharacteristically grinding against him as his hands trailed along her body. The path they left behind from the grip he had over her sternum down to her hips had embers of passion and lust trailing along her skin in his wake. Songs changed and people began to leave. The timeless void they had existed in started to burst allowing the outside world back in and with it Alice’s conscious. What had once been chaotic and restless energy had now turned into something more, arousing. As if the Lust she felt, the lust around her had shaped into its own. Every inch of her skin felt sensitive, as she felt Levash’s breath tease her neck it almost caused a moan to slip from her lips. Turning in his arms he looked down at her looking almost concerned before she stood on her tiptoes taking his lips with her own. The kiss was brief but sensual before Levash pulled away.

“Do you want this Alice? I won’t promise wonderland, but maybe something.. More.” Her mind cleared quite a lot just at his question and she realised she did want this. She had been single for two years now and putting up with an ex who would not leave her alone. She had put her sex life and any potential relationships on the back burner to deal with him and work, and only one brought her any sense of happiness. Looking back to Levash’s eyes, the brown had changed at some point into deep pools of burnt orange.

“Yeah, let’s go back to mine, come on.” Levash just followed as she tugged him back towards the stairwell in search of an exit. Drinks long since forgotten on the bar.


They didn’t see Christina or Julia anywhere on the way out, checking her phone Alice saw no new messages so popped one to Christina letting her know she had gone home and they both left. They ended up getting a taxi from the bar back to Alice’s and it was the same pink skinned demon from before. The journey was spent mostly in silence with the couples hands sneaking across each other’s laps. Getting out of the taxi the driver gave her a knowing grin and was gone.

Leading Levash into the lobby they waited for the elevator and tried to avoid the glare from the rotund human bodyguard at the entrance. As the elevator doors opened the couple fell in, Alice hit the button for the fifth floor and before the doors could close, Levash span her around and his lips were on hers. The kiss was passionate as his hands gripped her hips and hers trailed upwards burying them both into the silken black curls on his head, holding him closer. As their tongues entwined she got the faint taste of something sweet, whatever it was sent a shock straight to her core only furthering her lust driven state. At some point he hoisted her up pinning her against the wall as her legs wrapped around him pulling him closer. It almost felt like they were back in the throng of people again until the elevator jolted to a stop, the doors opened and two more humans joined the lift awkwardly looking away as Levash dropped Alice to the floor and she straightened out the dress. The blush that has threatened her since meeting the demon finally taking hold and lighting up her cheeks.

As they reached Alice’s floor and the pair stumbled out of the lift both burst out laughing at how awkward the last two floors had been. Quickly skipping to her door and unlocking it Levash followed her inside and as soon as the door had shut she slid the denim jacket he had collected on his way out to the floor and was quickly held back in his arms again. Her hands slipped beneath the loosely buttoned white shirt he had on laying flat against the hard expanse of his chest, warm under his skin. She was moved quickly and deposited onto the dining table and as she landed the empty wine bottle fell over and slid to the floor with a shatter that neither couple seemed to care about. Feeling him pull away and start to trail kisses down her neck and towards her collar bone with a slight moan as he worked his magic she managed to kick off the small heels from her feet and quickly set to unbuttoning the shit. As she finished the last button and tugged it loose of his dark jeans and the chiselled form underneath, she expected no less from a literal incubus but still he was literal perfection.

Pulling back from her with a grin he let the shirt slide from his shoulders and she couldn’t help but continue to stare. Moving back to her he tugged the straps of her dress down her arms exposing the black bra underneath, he looked to her for consent and she nodded. Leaning behind her he trailed kisses over her shoulder Sending a shiver down her spine as he unclasped her bra letting her breasts fall free. Leaning her backwards his kisses trailed lower and wetter, eventually taking in one of her nipples into his mouth. As he continued to suck and lick at the sensitive bud his other hand painted loose patterns over her thighs. Within moments Alice was squirming under him her thighs trying to clench and hold his hand still, giving her a moment’s reprieve Alice took in a deep breath which left in a shiver as he pulled her forward and flush to his body, feeling a hardness in his jeans that sent the energy pooled in her stomach haywire.

Lifting her slightly off the table with one arm trapped behind her back Levash slid his hand under her dress and quickly pulled her panties down her legs and threw them across the room leaving her bare under the dress that now pooled at her midsection. Placing her back on the table he leant her backward and with his hand on her stomach guided her to lie down to which she complied. His kisses left a trail of heat up her legs as he began to nibble at the soft flesh of her inner thighs, his ministrations leaving her moaning and gasping for breath. With a final kiss he pulled away slightly leaving her disappointed.

“How comfortable are you with me touching you down here?” Alice blinked at the question sitting up slightly to look down at him, his skin seemed to have a slightly redder tint but still mostly human. Realising what he meant she responded as best as she could.

“It’s fine if anything happens that I don’t feel comfortable with, I’ll say.” She finished with a smile as his hands trailed further up her thighs and she quickly fell to the table with a moan. It was a flurry of touches and caresses. Licks and kisses that almost sent her spiralling over into pleasurable ecstasy as her heart raced, the energy now a maelstrom waiting to implode at her release. As she began to crest the point of no return Levash pulled away again which she playfully groaned at pulling a deep rich laugh from his chest.

“Do you want to move to the bedroom? I think I hear someone coming.” Trying to snap out of the lustful haze she had been engulfed in she briefly nodded and was picked up again and carried to her room.

As Levash kicked the door closed behind them and dropped her onto her bed she heard the front door open and close with a bang, the sound of two sets of footsteps, one clacking and one stomping across the flat. Pulled back into the moment, Levash pulled his belt from his jeans throwing to the side and stepped out of his own shoes. Alice responded by taking her dress and letting it slide down the full length of her body leaving her completely bare before the Demon who’s eyes seemed to glow in the darkness as he took in her form. As his jeans slid from his body and his underwear with it he was quickly on top of her pinning her back down to the bed. Kissing him was like a battle at this point both partners tongues fighting for dominance but Levash proving far more skilled than hers as the pairs hands trailed across each other’s bodies. Feeling a hard throb against her thigh when Levash pulled away she saw the throbbing member between his legs.

“That’s not going to fit.” He just laughed the same rich laugh as his kisses again began to trail down her chest and stomach.

“You would be surprised, Alice.” As he spoke his breath swept across her lower stomach and down towards her crotch and even just that much friction almost sent her over the edge. Responding to him, her voice was too breathy to make out clearly.

“Levash I’m not joking, that’s monstrous.” All he did was laugh again as his hands gripped the back of her thighs spreading her legs and lifting them up off the bed. In a moment he was on her, his lips consuming her as his tongue danced around her lower region skillfully he kept her on edge the entire time. Her hands gripping sheets and feeling like she was going to pull chunks out of them he finally pulled away and he returned to her face with a smile and a chaste kiss. With a slight scowl but anticipation bubbling in her stomach she pointed to her bedside draw, he reached over and pulled a bottle of lube from the draw. Sitting up he poured the liquid copiously over himself massaging it and leaving enough on his fingers as he began to slowly rub against her entrance. After a few circles one finger began to tease the entrance before pushing inside with a gasp he kept working slowly before adding a second finger. And then a third, as he worked the lube inside her he began to rub ever so slowly against the bud of nerves inside only heightening her pleasure and after a few moments leaving her almost growling as he still refused to let her crest that orgasm.

Withdrawing his fingers he slowly lined himself up with her and as he leaned over whispering reassurances and asking her to relax, she gave way and he began to slide in. It was tight at first and he moved slowly and purposefully, the pleasure overwhelmed any pain felt at the stretching instantly and within a few endless minutes he had reached the hilt of his shaft inside her.

As she continued to pull in deep breaths adjusting to the feeling of being so full his arms slid under her back and hoisted her off the bed holding her flush to his body. Wrapping her legs around him he began to lift her up and down slowly at first but picking up speed quickly. As they began to build a rhythm, Alice felt like her mind was slipping. Between the stretching she felt, the prodding at the nerves within her and the friction on herself trapped between their bodies, arousal flooded her entire being, it felt like a physical force spurring her on as she began to push forward matching his thrusts.

As the sounds of the joining began to echo in the room and both their moans built to a crescendo she could hear someone shouting elsewhere in the flat and couldn’t bring herself to care. Levash’s thrusts began to grow reckless as he hammered away inside her and soon she felt him begin to pulse inside her. This caused her to crash into an orgasm of her own. One moment she was in his arms and the next she was on the bed crying out. As the orgasm washed through her more intense than she had ever felt, she felt something change, the energy that had been boiling within her expelled itself outward and as it did it left something behind inside her, altered, she could feel a second beat through her body, moving in tandem to her heart.

Her senses came back online slowly as she took in the world around her. Everything was hazy and she couldn’t help but giggle at the concerned look on Levash’s face as he sat over her. She felt him slowly pull himself out from inside her leaving her feeling empty.

“Alice, Alice please say something, are you okay?” Seeing the concern on her face she couldn’t help but break out into a giggle.

“I’m so much better than okay. God I’ve needed that for years.” Stretching her limbs out underneath him he seemed to be looking over her body with concern like he was trying to find something. “Now who’s staring?” Her playful grin was met with confusion and as he leaned down he pressed his head to her chest. She just looked down at him with concern.

“Are you okay?”

“Shush, give me a second.” Before she could grow startled his head shot up and he looked at her with shock and panic on his face. Rubbing his hand up his face into his hair as he began to let loose a string of harsh noises, Alice struggled to focus as she took in the full length of his body.

“I need to go, I’m so, so sorry. I’ll, I’ll be in touch.” Looking at him with confusion Levash began to quickly reclothe as Alice just looked on in confusion.

“I’m sorry did I do something wrong?” He just continued to curse, quickly flicking between English and what she assumed was infernal. Looking up at her as he grabbed his belt.

“No, no you were perfect. I just, I should have known, or realised at least.” He left the room and while Alice wasn’t steady on her feet she quickly grabbed a robe and followed him out as he collected his shirt and then his jacket.

“Are you being serious?” He just looked at her and he seemed almost pained to be leaving.

“I’ll, I’ll be at the club next Friday, if you want to see me again. I’m sorry.” With that he quickly turned, opening the door and leaving a shocked Alice in his wake. She didn’t know what to feel, shock and anger were most evident but mostly sadness. Sure he was a Demon she should have realised he was probably only looking for a one night stand but still. Standing in the living room in a bit of shock Alice slowly began to make her way back to her room, opening a window once she got in hoping to get rid of the citrus scent that clung to the air.


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