Writer: Guardianwolf-666
Subject: Secrets Of The Satanist
Link: Tumblr / 06.11.2021
Secrets Of The Satanist
Be your true self. Be skeptical to the lies of religion. Look to science for truth. It is based on fact. Out of science comes enlightenment. Out of enlightenment comes knowledge. Out of knowledge comes truth. If you want to look to the Bible, then you dont have to look any further than Genisis that said man was tempted by the tree of life. From the tree of life came the fruit of knowledge that told man that he was naked. Man was designed to have that knowledge that seperated him from the animal kingdom. He was to guard and protect the animals, guard and protect the Earth. The fruit of knowledge inspired the the Library of Alexandria. Inspired the great thinkers like Ptolomy, Galileo, Leonardo DaVinci, and Francis Bacon.
The Hermetic principles of the Egyptian god Thoth, Son of Satan, brought that knowledge to man. The Church became threatened by this knowledge because in this knowledge came great power to bring man to the higher levels to live as Gods, to commune with Deities and Demons, To walk with them, to think for himself and understand Darkness and light. You cant have one without the other. Its not evil but embracing the misunderstood. In darkness, all things are brought into the light. All things hidden are revealed. Man is naked unto the world and in his nakedness is beauty and love, healing, and ascension to higher planes and true communion with the double mind, our double self, our conscience, the perfection of man, 666.
These are reasons to love, give and receive for our thoughts of love and patience determine our destiny. Not materialistic things. Through these we tap into the powers that Satan bestows on all of us. He is our guide, our reason to exist to receive the Earth’s vibrations and to be filled with positive energy and have gratitude for one another. If you dont have positivity, then negavitity will have control. You will have depression, anxieties, doubts selfworthlessnes, physical ailments, disease, cancers, high risk conditions, and other factors that science is learning that the things we think and say do affect us and the world around us. Just by changing the way we think can start bringing order into our lives and reverse the conditions that subconsciously control us. Start by getting rid of those in our lives that drain us of our energies.
I discovered along time ago, Christian religious people drained me of my energy like the vampires they are. They are natural vampires because to make themselves feel good, they must make you feel like you are not good enough. When they start feeling like they are alone, then they latch on and must drive their point harder and make you feel like you are the sinner. You are not. The sin is their invasion into your private life. True there are caring people that give the shirt off their back. The result should be is acceptance of your true self and non judgement of one another. That is the true test of a real caring person. They are out there … not many. But they are there.
Satan is our guide. He is our friend. He is not evil. He is patient and kind. He is ever looking out for you and making you the best you can be.
Hair Satan to this.
As someone who was brought up in Catholic Ireland a number of points here resonate with me. First of all there is the tiring/boring holier than thou attitude churchgoers have. Making sure you know how devoted they are and therefore how superior they are to you. At the same time I experienced the nurturing love of a priest who had rejected the religious rubbish and had given himself to Satanism. We spent many satisfying afternoons together. Is the Catholic Church Satan’s Trojan horse?