Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity, such as, is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Warning: This story could be conceivably viewed as sexually violent. It also involves young girls, non-consensual punishment, what the killing fans call “snuff” and all that good stuff. If for you the aforementioned is not good stuff (all to their own taste), please do not read on).

Feature Writer: Regis

Feature Title: Schoolgirl Belly Bayonets

Published: 28.06.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror, Young Ones, Torture, Abuse, Snuff

Author’s Notes: The following story is pure fantasy (or as pure as the author could make it) – some of the names, but none of the people or situations, are real. What you will find described herein is not recommended to be tried at home, and anyone doing so does so without the blessing or encouragement of the story’s author. Enough said. Hoping you find something of interest in the following work.

Schoolgirl Belly Bayonets

Lindi beat out her whole class to be the winner of the Grade Six Tummy Pop competition. The private Girls’ Elementary School she attended owned dozens of little bikini bottoms the girls wore for their tummy-smacking act on stage. They had no need for bikini tops, as having just turned eleven, few of them had anything to hide.

The contest was quite simple: the girls had to slap each other on the tummy as hard as they could. They had all eaten to the bursting point, each gulping down two cans of baked beans. The object was to hit the other girls on the tummy until you made them vomit, to belch up their beans.

It wasn’t over until there was only one little girl who hadn’t belched and reproduced her lunch. Most of the girls also peed in the little bikini bottoms. The girls who did this had to take the wet bottom off and continue the contest bottomless, to the delight of all the other girls, their teachers, and people invited from a local bar, who formed the audience.

Back when she had been in grade five, she had won the Belly Bump competition, for which at the age of ten the little girls were judged young enough to perform naked, because they were considered too young to be considered to be sex objects. That was the explanation used.

For this competition, the naked young girls pushed their little tummy out as far as they could as they pretended they were pregnant, and then they bumped them into each other to knock the other kids down. The object of the sport was to be the last girl standing. Lindi was very good at that.

The live audience for these performances were the other students and teachers, and to make extra money, those mentioned, customers from a local bar. When it was expected there might be a competition to be televised, men made a point to be at that bar, to be included in the television audience.

The parents of these children did not live in the vicinity and were out of touch, and the kids all knew their mothers and fathers wanted no part in what their little girls did. That was why they had sent them to a private school, requiring an iron-clad guarantee they would never be returned.

The full nakedness of the children for the competitions was dropped when the participating girls turned eleven, grew longer legs, and their young bodies began to take on the curves and aspects of more mature girls, beginning the delightful road to full-fledged womanhood.

Their vulvas, which had been no more than little slits parted at the top by developing clitoral hoods, were starting to mature as they were approaching the age of fertility, although, for all of them, reproduction would not figure in their future. It was at this stage that they teased the fans by making them wait for their cuntlets to be bared.

The long, broad valley, an ancient riverbed now made of fertile soil, contained dozens of such private elementary schools within fifty miles, all of them private and under the same ownership, and all were affiliated with one of three high schools in the valley, also owned by the same conglomerate.

All of these elementary schools, for female youngsters only, were used as feeder schools for fresh students to attend the junior and senior high schools, from grades seven to twelve, made up of girls aged twelve to seventeen. This was the age range of the true warriors.

These three junior high and two senior high schools were also private, and not of the kind to be found in most cities. The children sent to these schools were the unintended and unwanted offspring of very wealthy parents who used the schools to keep their little girls out of their lives.

Their parents wanted only boys, who could grow up to become their heirs. The girls they bore were of little use or interest and were considered disposable. The organization that ran this system of schools didn’t entirely share the parents’ point of view, as they valued the little cuntlets, but they did make it work for them.

They welcomed the delightful little girls, charged a high fee for their classes as well as for housing and feeding them, and made good use of them, for substantially greater profit than fees could generate. Unlike at most schools, all of the education provided to these girls was to prepare them to become female soldiers.

The entire purpose of taking in and caring for the girls was to use them to participate in special private, well-attended, and highly controlled school wars for profit. The wars were held in a mammoth television studio disguised as a wholesale distribution center and were recorded for broadcast on the darknet, where they were released on their pay sites, for huge profits.

Even the elementary school games were broadcast, with the innocent little girls naked as they jousted with each other, as well as slapped each other’s cunnie mound. These games were designed to build into the kids a growing taste for tough physical competition, and the organization that operated the schools found there was an audience willing to pay well to watch the naked little imps perform.

They also had a pay-TV audience for the grade two deflowering events, where the seven-year-old girls were divested of their virginity when they were gang-raped by young schoolboys, whose job it was to give the young students their first, and likely only, sexual experience. These were violent rapes, providing no enjoyment to the raped young girls.

Well beyond this, the operators had discovered and developed an enormous market for a new reality show Deadly Battles, TV war games, a particularly aggressive combat in which excited naked young girls used knives and bayonets to kill each other, targeting bare bellies.

The newly developed audience they had accessed wanted to witness gross violence. A painful death by piercing and ripping the enemy girl’s belly was the sole objective of the wars, and there were no prisoners taken; in a survey, the audience made it clear they were required to witness young girls kill each other by evisceration.

Nothing less would satisfy their taste to watch pretty naked young females gore and disembowel each other with fixed bayonets. In the first year of junior high, the twelve-year-old girls were given training in the use of a bayonetted rifle to become effective killers.

In the first six months, they practiced on straw-filled sackcloth dummies, progressively more lifelike, and most of the girls took to it with passion. Not all of the girls bought into it as Lindi and most of the others did. The youngsters readily became adept at stabbing and ripping the dummies.

They then moved up to belly-stabbing girls from their class consigned as targets, reluctant girls who exhibited little aggression or enthusiasm for killing. These were the wimps who became known in the school as ‘losers’, who by their reluctance had made themselves target girls for practice.

Girls from the upper grades’ war exercises in high school who became repeat losers were sent down to be used by the Grade Seven classes so that twelve-year-old girls learning the art of blade-to-belly killing had an ample supply of tender-bared female bellies to stab and rip.

The losers were bound to a post naked, their bare tummy fully exposed and stretched invitingly. The girls in training practiced three styles of blade attack on them. In the first, the bayonets were used fixed on unloaded rifles for stabbing, in the second they were used for ripping.

For the third style, the bayonets were used in their bare hands as the girls developed the strength and skill to use them in that manner. The female kids took to it well, and the shows they starred in soon had a significant following of fans, one which grew weekly.

The rifles provided to the young female soldiers were army surplus, no longer capable of being fired. The bayonets were, however, very sharp killing weapons, custom-made, with large serrations on the edges, and a three-inch barb near the tip to severely damage any flesh they were thrust into.

The first style of use was to make a direct hit on the loser’s navel, piercing the belly so deep that a couple of inches of the fourteen-inch blade emerged through the belly-impaled girl’s back. Careful aim was necessary to do this properly and enter the navel, but practice and confidence improved the girls’ thrust and accuracy.

Through experience the girls quickly learned that the best way to render an opponent helpless was to make a sudden strike, driving the blade through her navel or just below it, and out her back. This neutralized her ability to function as a soldier, as the flush of extraordinary pain immobilized her.

The second style they were taught was to drive the big blade firmly into the enemy’s lower belly in the region of her bladder, using a twisting destructive, and extremely painful move to enter the uterus, neutering her, although that was unnecessary, as the following rip upward prevented any retaliatory move or survival.

Destroying her uterus did mean her ability to reproduce was nullified. None of these losing schoolgirls would have any use for any of their reproductive organs, as in these well-watched televised battles, most of them were at this point moments away from death.

The next part of this style, Lindi’s preference, was to slice with a sawing action, tugging the blade steadily upward through the screaming victim’s navel and on upward to reach her upper abdomen, slicing both the raw meat of her bacon and her intestines.

This move almost always opened the victim completely, exposing the gleaming inner pack of the target girl’s entrails, which would immediately tumble out of her in a spectacular fashion. The audiences were ecstatic, as they loved to watch live evisceration of the screaming girl’s bowels.

Once her foe was opened, Lindi liked to stab her bayonet into a fat organ and pull it out of her hysterically screaming victim. She would raise her rifle high, holding the stolen organ high above her head to give the cameras and her live audience a view of her pulsing prize.

The third style was the most personal because it was usually done with the girl soldier gripping the handle of the bayonet no longer mounted on a rifle but held in her hand. For this style, both armies, by agreement, left the unarmed rifles behind and instead fought in close hand-to-hand combat armed with the bayonets alone from the outset.

In this style the blade was thrust into the opponent’s belly, usually directly into her navel several inches deep, and then moved about, the serrated edges and the spikes near the tip of the blade slicing into tender loops of intestine, effectively dicing the girl’s viscera inside her, rendering it useless.

Frequently both girls engaged together and stabbed each other at the same time, and the exciting struggle was to see which of the young nudes died first. With them both opened and partially eviscerated, there was no chance either of them would live to celebrate the kill.

What was particularly hot with this style was when the young female soldiers withdrew the blades and stabbed into the enemy’s proffered tummy repeatedly, creating a series of bleeding holes in their wildly screaming opponent’s belly. Blood would spurt from each stab wound.

Hottest of all was when both girls, their bayonets wildly flashing, did this to each other at the same time, catching bulging breasts as well as the belly. Greater arm strength was required for this style, and it could also be accomplished with a rifle-mounted bayonet, using the gun as a lever for a more rapid and wider range of movement.

Only accomplished and highly experienced girl soldiers use the hand style combat, which is the reason it is most commonly used by schoolgirl armies in the upper grades, where the female soldiers have a history of belly-piercing kills on their record. By that age, they also have grown big stab-worthy breasts.

The exception is when the first style had been used to bring down opponents. Then girls from all grades will often take the bayonet off their rifle and get to their knees to finish the downed losers with the highly effective third style, to open them and deeply mangle the loser’s inner gut pack. At that stage, it got quite messy, but the audience loved it.

Once they get into it, the victorious girls will frequently rip their stabbed opponent as well to release their now severely damaged viscera. Bowel removal of the losers is considered a fitting punishment for them, and for the practice sessions, had they been permitted any clothing, they are stripped naked, to complete their shaming.

Losers are most clearly defeated when they are eviscerated alive, which was a favored method of execution, and always the most visual for the cameras. The audience feels best served when they see the intestines being extracted from the open bayonet-ripped bellies of the hysterically screaming defeated and completely naked losers.

Lindi prefers the second method, a low belly stab and upward rip, because it seems to her to be much more productive, releasing the bound loser’s pack of wiggly intestines right away, and she also enjoys the hand-held method of gutting opponents once they were down.

She has no use for losers, and in her mind, gutting is the sexiest way of killing a loser because it is so highly personal. Like most girls, she wants her enemy to know who it is who kills her, and to experience the closeness that comes with using the bayonet in the hand to finish the losing cunt.

She is always sorry they aren’t given bullets so she can finish the useless girls, once eviscerated, with a bullet in the brain, but the organization lets the students know they don’t want to present an unnecessary risk to any of their potential girl soldiers being injured. They need them healthy.

It doesn’t take long for the girls at the schools to realize that an operation on this scale can only be pulled off by a huge international organization, and they soon figure out it is the Cosa Nostra, better known as the Mafia or Mob. Their female teachers, as all of them are, are graduates of their strings of prostitutes and call girls, and they know how to keep little girls’ cuntlets productively occupied.

It is their teachers who have designed the uniforms the girls wear when at war. Each of the junior and senior high schools was dressed to the same code, but with distinctive differences in their costumes, primarily to tell them apart during the outrageously sexual battles.

All of the girls, even the youngest, wear heels. For some armies, these are boots of tightly fitting rubber that come up to mid-thigh and are often worn over net stockings. Nets are the favorites of prostitutes. Wide open nets. Some armies wear a low-slung garter belt on their hips to hold up stockings. None wear pantyhose, and none wear panties.

The girl soldiers are afforded the modesty skilled fighters deserved with an ingenious device that covers the mouth of their vagina with a form-fitting cover. This hides their slit and is held in place by a stout post that is inserted inside them. The first time they wear them they know they are being fucked by the movement inside them with every step.

A second, more slender post attaches to the narrow back of the cover that goes into their anus to lend stability to their slender pussy cover. These allow the girls a slight modicum of modesty by hiding their lower portals without the need for unsightly straps over their hips.

These internal posts are not smooth but are covered with small edgy bumps, intended to internally stimulate the girls with every step. With the stress of fighting, these young female soldiers will be constantly on the verge of orgasm. Every move of their legs provides the young soldiers with highly erotic sexual stimulation front and back.

Further training is in the use of their bayonet in a special move. Once a girl is down, having sustained a bayonet to the belly, she is deemed to be a loser, and as such is to be subjected to further shame by baring her groin by pulling out her groin plugs.

The girls have been carefully taught modesty, and exposing their little cunt and rectum as they die completes their sense of humiliation, shame, and total defeat. The girls are trained to flick off the pussy and rectum cover with their bayonets, tugging the posts out of the downed girl.

This simple move makes her a laughing stock, deeply humiliating her. Usually, a lump of her shit follows her butt plug out, and some of the girls will also piss when the cunt plug is removed. That is just one more price of being a losing schoolgirl soldier.

Knowing they will be deeply humiliated if they are downed and belly-stabbed is the price of being a loser so it enhances the girls’ efforts to win and avoid at all costs taking a thrusting bayonet into her belly during the violent bayonet battles.

When they reach the age of thirteen and are in grade eight, all of the girls have developed breasts of varying sizes, depending on their genetic background. Those with large breasts, which is most of them, are permitted to have nipple holes in their skimpy cotton tops.

After putting them on, they are given a nipple clamp which will keep the flimsy garment from sliding off their breasts. The mark of one grade ten army is that all of the fifteen-year-old girl soldiers who are members wear large nipple rings, which have the same effect as the nipple clamps.

The holes in their tops have to be larger to permit access to the large rings. Like most of the school armies, this one also wears their hair in the same style, usually with it up in a bun or ponytail to properly display their school unit’s distinct style of large dangling metal earrings.

A trick Lindi learned in her second battle is to flick her rifle upward so that the bayonet catches the opponent’s top between her breasts, and then quickly raise it so that the garment either rips or the blade pulls off the enemy’s top, exposing her breasts.

This is a huge embarrassment, a denigration the girls hate, and Lindi laughs aloud when she is successful with the move. There is no better reward than to humiliate another girl by causing the cunt to lose face, which is exactly what happens when her cunt or breasts are bared.

The battles are highly organized. There is a structured war every week, on the third Wednesday, and they are known as the Wednesday Wars. All other Wednesdays also feature a war, but these are less structured. Each junior or senior high school must put forward a platoon of nine members from one of its classes, and that is considered an army.

Although only nine soldiers fight on each side, the fate of the class is in the hands of the soldiers chosen to participate in the battle. They are released into the studio that is set up as an urban area set or a jungle with no undergrowth, or any number of other set designs.

The small armies enter the studio from opposite sides, and with no formalities, the battle was on. The action is always very bloody, and no prisoners are ever taken. An entire platoon of all nine young girl soldiers of one of the armies has to be killed before it is over.

Sometimes there will be three or even as many as four survivors in the winning army. Once the winners are determined, the remainder of the class that the losing squad has come from is brought into the studio, and tightly bound to the killing posts.

The survivors on the winning side, then moved in among them, flicking off their vagina covers and butt plugs to humiliate them, rendering their full groins and developing cunts naked, and then flicking up their cotton tops to reveal their bare breasts.

Vicious deep belly-stabbing follows, by ripping off their bellies and opening their bacon wide for a full display of internal viscera and organs. This extremely brutal live entertainment disembowelment follows the baring of the losers’ cunnies and tits.

The naked cunts of the losers gaped like the mouths of carp under the excruciating pain of the incredibly brutal attack on their bare bellies. The rampant girl gutting continued until all members of the losing class of soldiers are dead, with no exceptions, all of them opened to full view.

The losers lay, limbs akimbo, their raw split meat, boobies, genitalia, and dispersed viscera on full display. The hand-held television cameras are brought forward to explore the spread of freshly slaughtered bitch-meat in fine detail. Yards of viscera are strewn around the opened-bellied young girls.

The people around the world in the television audience are satisfied they have been properly entertained. They know that war is hell, and hell is what they want to see. Those new to viewing such events often vomit at the beginning but are soon masturbating vigorously with the best of them.

Massive ejaculation soon follows, and the semen splashed onto television screens is seldom wiped off, so that the sets have a reduced life. This means television sales are up on Thursdays, due to the failures from the night before. The moral of this story is that spilled semen is a boost to the economy, even when it goes onto the screen of a television rather than into the womb of a prostitute.

The Schoolgirl Belly Bayonet War Games go on.


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